Now that it’s been confirmed BOTW sequel will take place in the same map

What are your hopes, fears, etc?

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My fear is playable Zelda as a mea culpa to the socjus naggers begging for Link to be female

Reminder that studios like Volition and Ubisoft have gotten nothing but shit for reusing old maps in their games but everyone will love it because Nintendo can obviously do no wrong even though BOTW Hyrule is one of the most bland open worlds ever created.

>BOTW Hyrule is one of the most bland open worlds ever created.
it was this way because of the lack of shit in it
so it's easily fixed by just adding more shit

So they can actually improve the fucking map in that case. Wow, doesn't sound like reach, right?

Yeah adding actual temples, castles, bustling cities and an underground/dark world might freshen things up.

Nintendo has always done better with asset and engine reuse. Remember MarioGalaxy2?

I hope they will continue to innovate
I fear they will regress and have conventional dungeons, unlocks, etc.

Since they already made the map, they can focus on actually putting stuff in it.

My hopes are:
>actual caves with stuff in them
>more dungeons
>more enemy types
>Shrines have better aesthetics. Storywise, them all looking the same made sense, but having them have different aesthetics would reduce tedium. The Trial of the Sword had shrine-like areas with all kinds of different aesthetics, like forests and volcanos, so they could base new shrines off of that.

Mario Galaxy 2 was a pathetic cash grab that should have been $30 tops.

That it will be another shitty empty tech demo with no content.
>inb4 muh secrets and shit
Fuck off, a bunch of shitty minigames and shoving in 1000 Korok shits to collect is not coherent content.
I expect nothing.

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That we are stuck with this shit BoTW formula now

All that's been confirmed is that it takes place in the same "world" as BotW.

Not gonna lie, my hype plummeted when I heard that the whole overworld is being reused. I know people will deflect and say that ALBW did the same thing, but it isn't as lazy as this since they had to rebuild it on a new engine. The sense of discovery won't be great either since this Hyrule is still fresh in my mind. I hope Aonuma makes me eat my words and adds a lot more things to the map, like more villages, enemies, caves, and proper dungeons.

Mario Galaxy was already great though. BotW not so much.

I see people constantly talking about playable Zelda, but when i saw the trailer all i could think was
>co-op botw+ looks fun

Reusing the same fucking map is just a fucking insult. I was shocked when I saw the BOTW map with the castle and I was like
I hope they won't use the same map but we all know they will. You can't talk about anywhere about it but here or you will only get shit and hate for it. Zelda fan boys are too strong.

>Majora mask asset flip
Honestly, not enthused about it one bit. The core gameplay of botw1 isn't strong enough for me to come back and do all of the mindless puzzle/korok shit again in the same map with the same mechanics. Depends on what's the big draw gameplay wise. Shrines were ok but not good.

Why would it be a tech demo when they've already demo'd the tech?
That's the whole point they're reusing the map and assets and everything, to do MORE instead of less and minimal.

I guess i was alone in that i assumed it was a co-op expansion with new story content

playable zelda
no playable zelda

youve obviously never played it it was better than the original in every way, retard

seeing as the game itself was fucking phenomenal ignoring it's issues with not enough unique content throughout the game, this is a good thing.

and Majora was an asset engine reuse of Ocarina. BotW has a lot they can improve on with a sequel.

Aonuma said the same world/setting as BotW, not map. Learn to read, you nuanceless twat.

>mfw the whole game takes place in a massive dungeon under the castle

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more unique armour sets and abilities and bring back stealth armour
that the above isnt implemented basically


theres no coop though

We Ultima now.

>Now that it’s been confirmed
It's not.

Why not? It would be a good thing. Did we get gameplay somewhere, or an interview that asked about it?

No, it ruined Zelda

Botw is the greatest open world game of all time

someone post the zelda waifu thing
that's what I want

Source for it being the same map, cunt. They showed the same map. Doesn't mean it'll be the same map. Could be a new map after the castle fucks off somewhere else. Could be the same map within a larger map. Could be part of the same map with the explorable area shifted off to the side for new places. You don't know. I don't know. Don't make unjustified claims solely to talk shit. You're part of why discussion on Yea Forums just gets progressively worse. Unless you do have a source.

youre reading pretty far into a trailer cutscene if you think its going to have any coop. zelda has always been a single player game.

Cheers user, I needed a laugh.

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It wouldn't be far fetched to think there's some world altering event that happens.

Hopes: That they employ Monolith to great use. That a major cataclysmic/whatever event happens and the map gets completely changed with crazy geography/or they get into some new land. I want Monolith to be able to go all out with crazy geography we will get to explore.

Fears : Basically the reverse of my hopes, ie, they will reuse too much of the old map instead of crafting a new interesting one

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It's not been confirmed you snoynigger.
Stop baiting.

what i wanted was to play the events of Pre-BOTW in a fully populate hyrule, first as link until his death, then as zelda as she fought into hyrule castle and imprisoned calamity ganon.
but i can live with whatever story they've got cooked up for us. reusing the map bothers me not at all.

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Majora's Mask took place in a unique world, it just reused a lot of the same models and mechanics. That's different from BotW2 which is revisiting the same world.

I don't know how they can give the map much in the way of new villages and dungeons etc. since the game presumably takes place within months or years of BoTW. Maybe magical portal gates which take you to faraway lands would be one solution to that problem. They really should just create a whole new land that's different from Hyrule and has more in the way of towns and structure to contrast with BoTW's vast wildlands.

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Actual fucking dungeons.

When i saw both zelda and link exploring a dungeon together that's where my head went. I'm not saying its an actual thing, just what i thought of when i watched the trailer.
It also makes more sense than just having playable zelda as an alternate link skin.



He doesn't. Last interview was on the Treehouse event where Aonuma said BotW2 will be "darker".

>playable zelda
that's been literally every game so far, though?

Director came out and confirmed it’s the same world

Was it really confirmed to be the exact same map?
There's no way it's true, right?

Considering the main antagonist is Ganondorf I don't see them going anywhere but Hyrule, would be neat an alternate dimension or something but I fear it'll be BotW's map again

Music is a pretty important motif in the Zelda games. It might seem like a small detail, but I’d really like to be able to use an instrument, or something.

Yes he does he says they will be revisiting the same world and Hyrule

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I guess there could be new races that were secretly hiding underground or something. Alternatively there's new areas that are outside of BotW's old map.

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IS the map thing confirmed? That would be pretty disappointing, and very lazy. Doesn't seem appropriate for a mainline zelda game.


Same world doesn't mean the same map. Hyrule has obviously had lots of different maps over the years.
I'm not saying I have any faith in Aonuma, the game could easily be a shameless rehash, we just don't know for sure yet.

“That Hyrule” is not same map

oh yeah that's it, thanks, this is what I want, and nothing else, will buy 10 copies

>playable zelda alternate skin
i dont think theyd bother with that, you're more likely to get some duo mechanics kind of like how Twilight Princess worked where one chunk is Zelda and the other is Link but they play differently and you have to switch between

So basically pokemon, but with a cute girl.

That doesn't say it's the same map. We KNOW it's the same Hyrule, because its a direct sequel with Link and Zelda.

no hopes, don't trust nintendo. fear is that it's too similar to 1

>A literal rehash

Then what does it mean? "that" Hyrule is extremely specific, he didn't say "that setting", "that universe", "that time period" he literally said "that Hyrule to tell another story"

I want a return to form in terms of sidequests. Sure they were not 'different every time', but the sidequests from OOT were handled flawlessly. The upgrades you got usually mattered and meant something and the quests fleshed the world out and introduced you to interesting characters. The only really annoying one was the golden skulltulas, but that was a sidequest that was basically always active and it was cool to figure out how to grab them sometimes.

It's better than what amounts to a gender select, but i still think co-op is the best case scenario.

>but what if we resell the same game but call it a sequel lmao
Come on, how low can you go

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Well, due, of course we'll see Hyrule again since it's a sequel. Doesn't mean it'll be exactly the same. Expect massive transformation. They didn't end the trailer with the castle lifting up for nothing, you can bet your ass that won't be the only crazy thing reshaping up the map.

I already wasted too much time theorizing and dreaming about the first game so the wait was painful. I will just try to forget about this one until more news arrive.

High chance Zelda is playable, specifically because of her short hair

>She gets her own expansive line of armor sets and cute outfits
>Tight shorts to draw attention to her ass

But I mostly want cool dungeons

Is "BOTW2 is going to have the same map as BOTW" the new "Smash Ultimate is a port of Smash for Wii U" in that we'll hear about it on end despite there being no evidence proving that point

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>he literally said
You sure about that?
The Japanese man who barely speaks English?
Did he really say that?

"that Hyrule" as opposed to a new iteration, or any of the past iterations. Most Zelda games feature Hyrule, very few of them are the "same" Hyrule in any meaningful way. This one is directly connected to BotW.

You absolute cretin. You Neanderthal. You impossibly, irreparably dense mongoloid.

see you tomorrow

"journalists" will call it reinventing (and that's a good thing)

Zelda games have always been about discovering new places for me, so I don't know what to feel enthused about. We've seen the Goron, Zora, Rito, Gerudo, and Kokiri cities. We've seen Kakariko. The only thing we havent got yet is a castle town/market. So what's there to see? Do we have to rediscover the map we already got in BOTW? That just sounds dull.

Well, we don't have video nor transcripts so we can only trust the journos that made the interview [laughs]

Even though Ultimate isn't a literal port, it's still very clearly derivative of 4 in a lot of ways. They're the two most similar Smash games by far.

>content moved outside of shrines
>shrines removed
>towers removed
>more enemy variety
>camp settling as save point mechanic
>8+ open world or subterranean dungeons like eventide or OoT
>degradation as motivation for equip swapping replaced with equipment specialization
>magic meter brought back
>cooking nerfed and can cook from known recipe list
>item management and fairy's require bottles that take up lots of space again
>entire game can be played without using minimap or fast travel
>difficulty setting that isn't just damage sponges

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Nobody is complaining because countless Zelda games took place in Hyrule but every time there were differences.
So hearing "ahah it will take in Hyrule again :)" doesn't feel like anything in particular. I'll be worried once the game shows actual footage, because right now I'm expecting some trickery like the usual parallel dark world Hyrule or some shit.

>>entire game can be played without using minimap or fast travel
Fast travel has been a staple of 3D Zelda since its inception. Did you forgot warp songs?

BotW can be played without fast travel nor minimap.
>but it takes longerrrrr?
No fucking shit.

New map
Deeper combat that tones down the "breakable weapons to encourage you to wack ém with a steel crate" nonsense
Proper dungeons, obviously, along with a slightly more linear progression akin to the old games
Better sidequests
The Majora's Mask treatment where they actually manage to make something that feels wildly different while still being the same shit at its core
Playable Zelda
Same map
Same formula
No Zelda

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>zelda has always been a single player game*

*except for the zelda games designed with multi player in mind

Please for the love of god fix the combat and enemy design/variety. Dodging at random counting as a 'perfect dodge' and mashing attack on the same 5 enemies until your weapon breaks then pausing the game to switch over to your next fodder weapon with a boring moveset is the most brainless shit ever. I'm not looking for dmc or bayonetta but please for the love of god overhaul everything about the combat.

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>*except for the zelda games designed with multi player in mind
Not even just them, does every forget the Tingle Tuner? Obvious multiplayer functionality.

"that hyrule" is the lore and worldbuilding they setup for that specific zelda era. just like if they did a sequel to skyward sword it would be "that hyrule" I dont think it means 1:1 reuse


i just want link to have more combat abilities again like in twilight princess. there is still a lot of untapped potential for fighting

I literally never used the perfect dodge truck. I preferred going in the battle while bruteforcing.

Sure I hope you're right, but it can also mean they're reusing the map, the main appeal of BotW was exploring Hyrule, I just want to sink a lot of hours again just running around an unknwown kingdom

I know I just hope that playing without remains an viable option like in BotW

Hell, the original zelda had fast travel

The one thing that annoyed me more than anything about BotW was that fully completing the master sword trials didn't provide an unbreakable master sword.
It's the hardest thing in the entire game anyway, and yet the reward is fucking nothing. All it does is make it so that the weapon is as powerful on trash mobs as it is against ancient/boss enemies already.

completely new gameplay loop
this fucking "Zelda was helping Link all along" cuntsuckery again

It hasn't been confirmed, you fucking titanic moron.

you mean four swords which was a gimmick to use the GBA connection? in this case since switch has 2 mini controllers I could see how it MIGHT have developed coop from the start, but still unlikely

Give me the spooks, Aonuma.

I didn't hate korok seeds as a concept so much as I hated the fact they count towards 100%, and all things that also count towards it are equivalent.
You cannot make me accept the fact that going throughone of what this game presents as their proper dungeons gives you the same progress as just lifting a random rock and getting a stupid laugh and a literal piece of crap out of it.

lol it's literally going to be Nintendos most feminist game ever

I hope there's big rebuilt towns too

That would be great, but I wouldn't have too much hope, feels like it's taking place rather soon (a few months) after BotW. We can't expect an alive-hyrule-castle-town. Kek, besides it would get BTFO again right at the beginning, if the end of the trailer is any indication

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how would a playable BOTW zelda even work? She's fucking useless.

>Castle rises up
>people go down, but never come back
>link+zelda go to figure out whats going on, hints of ganondorf/triforce shenanigans
>fight monsters, find people, do dungeon
>return to surface, its the future
>world is vastly changed
>time moves differently underground

>implying Bokobros would be immune to Zelda flashing THAT ASS right at them
She would be most effective actually.

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I'm hoping that the game will be spooky. I like Nintendo horror

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They’ve come out and said it will be darker than the first but not really inspired by or a remake of majoras mask

what is "Nintendo horror?"

Excellent idea. Just using the same map can make be cool as you can put all the development everywhere else.

But disappointingly, I fear that it will just justify going half-budget and be shit.


I hope for some time shifting/reality bending like Makora Mask, where everyone looks the same but they can't remember Link and Zelda, and the world geography has changed
>zora pirates
>gerudo now are ruled by ganon, desert has become a lush forest
>kakariko village is in ruins, Sheik returns as a new character, now Zelda doppelganger
>Twili and Ooccaa are back
>Goron live underground
>Deku tree is dead

I want my MM spiritual successor
also, please give us proper dungeons

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They're adding in a sequel what should've been there in the original, dungeons and stuff.

I hope we'll be taken somewhere else. Like how Link falls down the pit and ends up in Termina in MM. Otherwise, how will they make the overworld feel different from BotW? How will they explain dungeons all of a sudden showing up? (assuming there are dungeons, of course) One small thing I took notice of is the animal Zelda is riding. It's not anything we've seen in BotW. I wonder where it came from.

For my hopes, I want it to be BotW's MM. I want to feel the dread I felt in that game. I want it to be melancholy and creepy and feel hopeless. The trailer gives has me hopeful that it will be. I also hope whatever makes Link hand glow gives him some type of interesting power.

I'm hoping that they'll use the concept arts

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I hope it's actually a Zelda game in more than title this time.

Dude even Skyrim is better

which Bloodborne boss is this?

I've wanted that bottom right one since I first saw it. Hopefully it makes it in. Imagine being chased around by that thing on a dark night.

Those are betas from muv-luv

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Nigger no it has not
We're going to the sacred realm

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fuck off todd

>literal fake news

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But what happens when you visit Paya or Riju?

it wasn't confirmed

Remove shrines, korok seeds.
Add full-scale dungeons, underground caverns etc.
Bring back Heart Pieces because I say so.
Add a Dark World.

Maybe the dungeons will only be accessible in a dark/twilight version of Hyrule or possibly a vast underground map.

I want a huge Tarrey Town

It's gonna be the same map, there's zero question about that. The actual question is whether or not they'll remix it to the point that it feels like a new map and/or if they'll add so many new, large dungeons that you don't even care about the reused map.

have sex

Top right looks straight out of bloodborne

Skyrim is overrated and the open world is almost pointless

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The stick creature is even scarier I can imagine it sticking to the side of cliff edges etc

Link fights mobs and uses his new magic arm to conjure spells. Zelda has the sheikah slate and can use links old and busted runes.

It's OK for Nintendo to re-use the BoTW map because it was a good, nice map.

There was just FUCKING NOTHING IN IT! So, if they reuse the map, change a few things, and add shit to it, hey that's fine.

I hope they fuck the world up good. I want to see places i know like the back of my hand by now be fucked up the ass. Motivate me to kick Ganondorf's ass by letting his ressurection sink Tarrey Town into the water. Shit like that. Collapse Death mountain. That would be a good one, since you can see that almost everywhere. Just a giant pile of rubble where Death Mountain used to be.

Tons of people say Majora's Mask is their favorite Zelda game.

Will the boys be back?

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A bold, well-informed statement.

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botw 1 is light world botw 2 is dark world.

What if the castle is a rocket that takes you to an entirely new continent or planet?

Super Mario Galaxy 2 was a full, new game that was worthy of the full price.

Not every way.

Nisio no.

Holy shit would that be based.

>No dungeons
>No dungeons items

It was fun for one game, but I hope they can balance the open world with more traditional Zelda stuff. The Divine beasts were pretty disappointing, and I like being able to access new areas via aquiring new items. The open, fully explorable world was fun but also contributed to a lack of wonder after the first few hours.

> You get to your house
> It's in ruin
> They're nowhere to be found
> Just a pink headband.

>will take place in the same map
So it's a dlc then?

Akin to more of an expansion pack but they have said it will be a fully fledged sequel with its own dlc down the road

I agree.

more enemy types, interiors, caves, and dungeons that are not copy+pasted shrines
it will be boring since i've already explored so much of the world and messed around with the game mechanics

>that time stamp

>taking place on the same empty map
fucking lmao, can't wait to see how this pile of shit runs

not in the archives, fake

link no that's not how you do haircuts

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that's what you're getting and you're gonna like it

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Why are you being ignorant to what words mean just to set yourself up for a massive disappointment? He literally means that he wants to use the same exact map and tell his next story there. You are just setting yourself up to hate the game because it will not be what you are hoping in any way.

Dungeons, a way to repair weapons, ability to register different animals as a mount instead of just horses, different types of weapons, maybe return of some more traditional items like the hook shot. More traditional zelda enemies.

not much change, more shitty shrines, more korok collecting shit.

I hope for more spooky music, sexy girls, a refine Ketoh Wawai location, no korok seeds, something exciting in the snowy mountains, a town in the god damn snowy mountains, two handed weapons, boss battles that are hard, no stupid shines hidden in unique locations, and add some cats in the god damn game! FUCK DOGS!

“One of the reasons we wanted to create a continuation was because I wanted to revisit that Hyrule again and use that world again, while incorporating new gameplay and new story.”

I hope she has a larger role.

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angry people want to be angry user.

Where was this confirmed? Also if that's the case, I hope they add some new explorable areas, perhaps in the lands beyond hyrule or Islands we could actually sail to.

I want to take Zelda to Kakariko village and cuck Paya.

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Sheikah Slate functions moved to a actual items like bombs or magic rods for magnesis/time stop
Actual dungeons
Motorcycle with content built around it like races or a special boss
Zombiedorf to be a actual character ala pre palace Zant, could you imagine that nigga popping up behind you like the lanayru cutscene in TP
A banging soundtrack like the castle theme turned up to 11
Fujibayashi pulling shit like Oracles
Sheikah Slate remains as is and content is still catered to that
They'll barely show progression of the world after calamity ganon is kill
Calamity Ganon styled dorf, where's hes just a nigga in the distance
Same lack of story the first game had as a compromise to how open the completion of the map was
Aonuma being a boring cunt

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If they actually fix the map by adding more shit to do in it I'll be happy. This time around they have to worry less about asset creation in terms of terrain so I'm hoping they just fill in the map.

Is her hymen still intact.

A past/future mechanic could actually work well here. Even if there are closed-off sections instead of the entire map being accessible in different eras.

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You may actually have brain problems.

Fuck that.

What's it like being a complete moron who just assumes the worst even when there is no evidence or history to support it?

I'm glad it is the same map. They showed you Hyrule Castle raising to show that the map/terrain will change, you ignorant fucking retards. I want the map to be same at the start of the game, and it to change during the course of it. I want to revist places I did in the first game and see changes, or even see no changes like that weapon stash in the desert near the tower.

>Alternate dimension shenanigans
>Silent Realm style shit versus ganondorf
My pp would reach andromeda

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Link should have a RDR2 style journal where he writes his thoughts based on things you do/see.

The motorcycle was sick, having it cap off the game as dlc was garbage

I want to fill paya's paya

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It hasn't even been 3 years and you're talking like it's 30 years of nostalgia
This defending is unbelievable. Other games get butchered for reusing assets even before they are out

It's a quote from Aonuma on game informer.

I don't care what Yea Forums "butchers", I like SMT which reuses assets all the time. You fags are tasteless losers.

here's your (You).

no hopes, only fears
fuck botw, it killed zelda

its literally just going to be the same game with another giant open world with literally nothing to do with probably only 4 "dungeons".
not buying this unless they change it from how horrible BotW1 was

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yeah make her a dead weight that emotes that will SURELY not get old after 20 hours

thank god these idiots are not in charge of game development

They have the opportunity to make the ultimate zelda game here, iron out the issues of botw, fix the stupid shit and we have some real kino going

hopefully they won't just blindly listen to "Muh durability" imbeciles

Caves, dungeons, return of cut enemies (Deku Scrubs, Redeads, Stalfos, Skulltulas, Like-Likes, Peahats), along with new ones or reviving old ones (Hinox, Lynels), magic brought back, better inventory management, a cookbook, overhauled cooking system, more equipment, more equipment customization
All shrines look the same again, flurry rush isn't significantly nerfed or removed, enemy AI isn't improved, no fishing added, no new races added, swimming is still garbage, Koroks thrown in for slot expansion again, no new runes, the world doesn't change significantly, stable horse limit isn't increased, "dungeons" are something similar to the divine beasts again, the English voice director isn't replaced

because you've never seen a shoggoth, stupid zoomer

>Wanting some sick translator in the translation team to have the opportunity to turn Link into something is wrong or mess up.

Fuck you

Zelda gets the Sheikah Slate
Link gets the light arm thing.

Zelda will help solve puzzles and shit, I can't see her being a direct combatant, this Zelda was a nerd.

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please gib zelda gf mister nintendo

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Okay but bear with me a second.

It'd be ten times more kino to do this my way. You take Zelda to Kakariko Village, and you make as if you're going to cuck Paya. She's sitting there in a corner of the room watching while you get ready to penetrate Zelda, who has a triumphant look on your face.

And then you stand up, go rip off Paya's clothes, make passionate love to her, and look up at Zelda halfway through and go "what, you're sitll here?"


>Other games get butchered for reusing assets even before they are out
I've never done that. I've been asking for hardcore asset reuse for YEARS now. Remember when we used to get a sequel to a game like a fucking year later? Majora's Mask, the Crash games? Asset reuse is fucking key to video games. You don't have to spend a year coding a new engine and making sure all your physics work. You don't have to spend two years making the world, figuring out the geometry and all that shit. You can just get right to the fucking development.

Games taking five fucking years to make is unacceptable.

The original kind of had that with the quest entries. NoA completely changed them.
>(I) Finally retrieved the legendary Master Sword. (I) Don't know if it's just an illusion, but the sword itself seems to be delighted about this.
To this moment, Princess Zelda is still inside Hyrule Castle, fighting to suppress the Calamity.
She is still holding on to the faith in me, believing that I will definitely come for her!
But with the power (that I have) now, can she really be saved (by myself)?

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>horse/motorcycle transformer

It was a nice reward for finishing the game but I don't want that returning as a big thing in the sequel, might as well give Link a fucking combat jet.

BOTW was trash. So uninspired. Worst Zelda game ever made.

Hold up did they actually say they’re using the same map? Thought they said it was just the same setting.

t. someone who preordered LA remake

“Revisit that world” just means they are using the same setting, doesn’t mean same map.


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Good thing it says "revisit that Hyrule", not world.

BotW already had that but the translation team changed it for some reason.

I hope for actual colors.

it's funny because the first zelda was this


The fact we haven’t had a GTA since 2013 and had to wait 9 years for RDR2 is unacceptable.

Take me back to the early 00’s when we had sequels every year or two.

>I want to see her smile again...
That was such a deep line and gave Link so much fucking character I will never not be mad at the translators removing it, and not only the burger translation had that, spanish and italian version were also written in 2nd person, probably because they used the english one as a base, which is beyond retarded because your mistranslating mistranslations.

I hope they expand on your house. I really enjoyed that sidequest. It'd be nice to add more furniture and increase the size with more rooms, a basement, and adding more utility to it.

>A different part of Hyrule


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They would just replace Link's model with her's. That's it.

Item descriptions should have been from Link's point of view
well shit, fuck the localization team.


Good to see Treehouse is still garbage as ever.

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He didn't said that tho.

Funny thing is that Hese is greek slang for " go take a shit " .

Therefore in greek Hestu means Take a shit on him ( masculine )

I want cute Link and Zelda interactions.

Attached: 32.png (800x766, 191K)

You're gonna be disappointed.

>That was such a deep line
lamo stop watching anime and read some books faggot



link's arm becomes it's own new variant of a sheikah slate with new gimmicks like turning into a hookshot and zelda get's to use the sheikah slate and have the same abilities from last game but in new creative ways.

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I just want a god damn "Link and Zelda" game. It was teased to hell and back in BotW1's narrative but it's never EVER going to be something you get to experience in BotW2 because that would be amazing. It's the only reason I wouldn't be excited for the sequel.

Only after you have sex.

>I just want a god damn "Link and Zelda" game.
Spirit Tracks, faggot.

MY hopes is that it turns out that Ganondorf isn't the villain of the game but more of the midboss challenge, and the "actual" villain is another one who manages to upstage him halfway through like he's fond of doing to other villains.

Pipe dream incoming
What if Northern Hyrule

Attached: Zelda2map.jpg (960x680, 124K)

this is what peak zelda performance looks like

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I know but a small part of me is hoping for something. Although it was in the background for BOTW, they really pushed the romance aspect of this incarnation of Link and Zelda pretty hard. I'm just hoping they don't just drop that plot line for the sequel.

But she's dead in that one. She only really participates in the dungeons with armors in it.

That doesn't mean that though.

She'll have the Sheikah Slate.

I can see the appeal of a coop game where one plays Link and the other Zelda, but I will be playing by myself and that sounds like it would be tedious in single player mode.

>She only really participates in the dungeons with armors in it.
In other words, a Link and Zelda game

Imagine that ass but it could talk. What would it say?

>take place on the same map
This is my biggest concern. While it means Nintendo can focus on creating new dungeons, enemies, weapons and new areas within BotW Hyrule, I wonder how the area changes are going to be explained by the story and plot, or if there's going to be any area changes at all.

Since Link defeated Calamity Ganon, all of the Shrines are now defunct and pointless, and can go back underground again, right?

BotW Hyrule is going to need to substantial changes to it's geography and/or add a shitload of new dungeons, caves, towns, etc. to be interesting and worth exploring for those of us who have played Breath of the Wild.

Such a garbage artist.

Attached: 1498176840833.gif (200x170, 2.9M)

It regenerated, I checked.

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>check this guys gallery
>he nukes his art all the fucking time

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I'm more referring to two individuals who share the same inventory and more directly and thoroughly benefit each other's company in a gameplay manner. Imagine if you saw a gorge with an enemy encampment at the bottom. You ask Zelda to stop, give her your glider and bow as you crawl down there to sneak the bombs next to the sleeping monsters and then command zelda to open fire on the outside monsters while you storm the interior.

I wanna fuck that fat ass pussy doggystyle

The question is, how much time has passed in game? The plausibility of major changes to the map depends on that.

its pretty obvious that BOTW1&2 are two parts to one story, the joke boss fight at the end of BOTW1 was a red herring or decoy by ganon. would you have been as annoyed if the two had been combined and released as one 400hr game using the same map with the new dungeons and underworld?
>thats the remastered 4k GOTD edition

Link going alone is better. Zelda was terrible character and works better as a support character on the side.

I want to be excited, but I still haven't finished BOTW because it's so boring.

>It's afraid!

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What happened to all the BotW2 threads? There was a shit ton and then it died it out by the second day.

>We thought about it, and decided that if we're going to have a female protagonist it's simpler to have Princess Zelda as the main character.

It wouldn't be a "mea culpa" to the SJWs you retards, it would be EXACTLY what they told the SJWs three years ago when they explained why there was not a female Link.

Or in other words... if Zelda is the protag and you guys are upset, you have literally just traded places with the SJWs.

It wouldn't be a mea culpa it would be Aonuma being 100% consistent with his statements regarding BotW

Attached: botws.jpg (791x1024, 71K)

I want any sort of indication that link and zelda have, and are currently, and will be yet again, fucking.

it was a teaser trailer with not much to talk about. all that's left is lurkers looking for art (like me), people that enjoy reading way too hard into things, and faggots trying to push their fanfictions as leaks.

Eh, not really. Not for me at least. They could easily explain shit with “Ganon magic!”, and even then, if they just flat out changed bits of the map here and there I wouldn’t really mind. It’s a video game.


Nintendo is free to do things others get blasted over, and they'll be praised for it. Fuck, BOTW has UBI towers and UBI encampments, but those are amazing, apparently.

We have nothing to talk about. Ooh, tombs. Oh, ganondorf found a way to come back again. Ooh, spooky backwards voices that I'll read too much into. Will Link be the protag? Will Zelda? Open world sucks!

Rinse and repeat. There's nothing concrete about BotW 2 besides it is being made, it will reuse assets, and be a bit darker than BotW. That's it.

>Nobody is complaining because countless Zelda games took place in Hyrule but every time there were differences.

Not the point. Imagine if EVERY SINGLE Zelda game literally reused the same map over and over.

Maybe a few years after the first game.

Enough time for a bustling castle town to be established among other things.

I just want it to be a full game this time.

>Now in development
This game doesn't come out for 2 years. When it comes out it'll be badly outdated.

>bustling town
with what people? they're nearly all dead except for a few around the edges of the map.

Lock exploration items in dungeons
>climbing gloves that let you climb in the rain
>hookshot that allows you to zip to wooden objects
>pegasus boots that allow you to sprint faster
shuts up both the people who complain about items never used outside of there dungeons without stopping the explore anywhere gameplay

She's dead but she's still a sidekick. Being "Dead" doesn't mean you can't be a part of the game, look at ganon, he's "Dead" all the time but still plays a massive role due to being a zombie monster.

Paya will act normally skittish around you but when you go read her diary she'll be dying on the inside

Attached: paya_heart_hurt.png (732x414, 206K)

It helps that you have to actually find them on your own, and once you climb it, nothing gets revealed but the actual terrain on the map. You have to use your binoculars to find shrines from the high vantage point and mark the locations on your map. It’s not revolutionary by any means, but it’s pretty intuitive. I think it says a lot that Ubisoft puts that shit in almost every game now, but Nintendo made it better in one go.

Maybe people from the various encampments and stables make their way there.

Still haven’t beaten the first game so I don’t really know much.

If Zelda is somehow the sole protagonist and you guys complain about it, you're either stirring shit up for the fun of it, or you haven't paid any attention at all to what the developers of BoTW have said since 2016.

I'll go one step further: Zelda fits better as a BotW protagonist BECAUSE she's been in a cocoon for the last 100 years. Link in a sequel to BotW should have three stamina wheels and full hearts.

Zelda is a scrub, and that makes her a better pick for protag of BotW. Now she should run around pushing boulders onto moblins.

Of course, the main problem with Zelda as a protag is that she actually talks. So what are we gonna do, pull a Tatsuya and Maya and make Zelda the mute and suddenly have Link be Mr. Chatty? Maybe.

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"outdated" is a relative term user.

If the core gameplay and design is solid, graphics and computing power are secondary-- its why 2d mario games are still seen as classics despite being archaic, or why people want paper mario like on the N64.

>Shrines replaced with less but more detailed/environmentally varied mini dungeons
>Main classic dungeons
>Underwater exploration, maybe let the player sail as well on the coast
>Zelda companion or interchangeable companions between the friends from the first game. Maybe the ability to play as and customize Zelda.
>New tools and abilities to find throughout the game (actual fishing rod, hookshot, etc.). Only necessary for their specific dungeon, serve as optional tools everywhere else which can provide alternate gameplay methods (if they still go the direction where you pick what do do first)
>New Weapon types
>Some sort of playable instrument/music tools
>New twilight/dark/mask like ability related to the green arm
>Tame/interact with more animals. Not just normal horses.
>Wolf link companion for any dog/wolf you find
>Wild Loftwings you can tame, but much harder and more dangerous. Differ based on region (Fire, Ice, Normal, etc.)
>More enemy variety (Skullatas, Dekus sprouts, etc.)
>New Minibosses, take inspiration from old bosses (Helmaroc King, Big Octo, King Dodongo, etc)
>Weapon durability stays, but now with the ability to discover unique indestructible weapons and the ability to reinforce weapons
>Smaller weapon inventory, make the player think about which weapons to bring now that durability is less of a problem (Horse can carry more weapons for you)
>Healing inventory smaller (Horse can carry more)
>More combat techniques for each weapon, each with their own specific weaknesses and strengths.
>Hardcore mode which limits hearts, prevents healing in battle, no fast travel
>Optional Dark link invader mode

Attached: Botw wolf.jpg (708x398, 51K)

They'll pull a nu-Tomb Raider where her time with Link will have had an effect on her and she knows a few things about survival and will talk to herself about objects of interest.

I hope they fill out the world. One time around with those Korok fucks I can forgive. TWO ROUNDS and you’re just lazy

Unlike sony exclusives, games with solid artstyles last forever.

How do you guys feel about the combat? Frankly I’m hoping they completely overhaul it, if not just scrap it and return to OoT-style combat.

>a Hyrule that is almost done rebuilding itself if you're gonna use the same fucking map
>Either one massive dungeon with different enviroments that you explore as the game goes by (which checkpoints on the way so you don't redo it every time you revisit) or a bunch of big, differently themed dungeons
>Exploration not always leading to extrinsic rewards, I want some lore shit at the end of a dungeon or a place like the Forgotten
>More enemy types since the ones you already have are already pretty good so why not add some variety to it
>A reworked combat system, I don't mind durability but Flurry Rush is braindead and easy to pull off, also being able to pause and eat at literally any time makes shit even easier, have Link consume the item in real time.
>New runes to experiment with the chemistry system and other runes that can rid the inventory of fluff such as the Torch and the Deku Leaf, by assuming the player has those runes you can give more complexity to the puzzles
>If shrines are making a return, have more shrines that utilize more than just two runes + a bow and arrow

There's more shit I forget but honestly reusing the map just sounds nonsensical to me. The player most likely has already seen it all and done all the Shrines, so going through Hyrule at that point would just be going through the motions and the game would lose a lot of its novelty factor.
I'm fine with doing it like MM did by reusing assets and NPC models to build the world faster if it means a new map to explore.

It will take place 100 years ago, before BotW1.

zelda will never be the protagonist, if anything we'll be able to play as her at some point in the game. Or we can switch between Link and Zelda as we wish.
Nintendo would never just completely replace Link as the protag.

Good story, some villages+npcs

Map will be the same and the divine beasts will be reused or a new version but the same shitty, short, easy dungeons
A full complement of proper dungeons. Thats it. Anything more is a bonus, anything less is a failure of a game

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Link is shown to get a new phantom/magitech arm, she's not replacing him any time soon.

I'm sure it could be incorporated completely option as a mode of transportation, just like how horses were. I personally wandered around and glided everywhere. Having the option of a goron race on a motorcycle sounds fun

>Good story, some villages+npcs
BotW and SS have the same directors, you're not getting them.

>Have all the dungeons be underground or in the sky so they feel like their own worlds and are much bigger. Diverse bosses, themes, etc.
>That rumbling in the end causes an eruption, radically altering the landscape but still being familiar. Destroys the divine beasts.

Give me these and I'm dandy.

How kino would it be to just go spelunking as Link in a random cave you find in the overworld. Thats all I want

not really no

I do hope the expand the overworld by simply adding an entirely new map underground. Imagine all the fallen cities of old and long forgotten races that might dwell there

Why is she poking around in ruins instead of working to rebuild the kingdom? Is she STILL shirking her duties?

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But they said itll be the majorasmask of botw

Nigga just learned to greentext lol

>Nintendo makes Elizabeth again and everyone acts like they're the first to do it

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Probably realizing Ganon, (the guy that fucked her kingdom in the first place) could still be alive became part of her duty to rebuild the kingdom.

She can't exactly rule Hyrule if Ganon will just come back and start this shit all over again. Gotta finish what you started.

If anything I feel like the exact opposite is true since this is a direct sequel. As a sequel, the game will retain BotW’s open-world formula, but later Zelda installments will not.

imagine how old it would immediately get

Majora's Mask had nice characters and a ton of good side quests and collectibles to make up for the heavy asset reuse. SS and BotW had none of that.

Where is the source you absolute niggers?

lol no. we've seen enough from the memories that the events in the trailer could not have happened before BOTW.

I dunno man, having a massive dungeon map would be pretty cool, so long as you have methods to get to the overworld and use the overworld to fast travel to other parts of the underground.

Traded my ps4 for a switch a few days ago. Wanted to buy botw but it was fucking sold out on amazon. What fucking recently made game that was released two years ago is sold out?
It made my expectations sky rocket for it though

Probably a fuckton of people wanting to get BOTW after seeing the sequel trailer

The problem with the bike is that it makes everything else unviable, a bike is faster than a horse so no more horse taming, customizing nor bonding. Hard pass.

BOTW2 probably hurried the decision of some Switchfags who didn't have the game yet

she isnt dead lmao

I wonder if it will be more linear.

nigga just buy an SD card

I'd prefer that, honestly

The game turns out to be Minecraft: Zelda mode, and You spend the entire game hollowing out the caverns of the earth looking for minerals and ore to forge your weapons and armor with.

But she a ghost?

I like physical copies of my games. I do have a SD card but I'm still buying everything physically unless there's some 80% sale on the e-shop.

Nintendo makes the most of the development time gained by reusing assets to fix the problems BOTW had, namely piss-poor/few dungeons, poor enemy variety, and a broken combat system. More items and Sheikah Slate abilities would also be pretty cool.
Nintendo does none of these, simply creating a new story in the exact same game with the same mechanics and same type of dungeon design.

>inb4 BOTW 2 ends up being Skyward Sword 2

divine beats gatai

>would you have been as annoyed if the two had been combined and released as one 400hr game using the same map with the new dungeons and underworld?
I can see this happening in a decade or so. Not for a Switch revision but for next gen. This is what Shigeru Miyamoto always wanted to do for OoT with Ura Zelda.

Attached: Triforce_(beta).png (310x235, 95K)

alright, that's fair; don't hold your breath for a sale on anything first-party though.

>add cities
>add caves
>add underground shrines/temples
>maybe add shit underwater

What BOTW did right :
- Breathing, living world. PNJs having cycles, interacting with each other in engaging and interesting ways. Likeable secondary characters.
- Shrine puzzles, powers.
- Non-intrusive lore and story.

BOTW's actual issues :
-Lack of graphical variety (enemies, bosses environments)
-Barebone combat with weapons.
-Not enough lore.

>-Not enough lore.

>hey magitech absolutely fucked us last time we dug it up

God damn it Zelda

It was so good I wanted more. More about what happened 10ky ago and calamity Ganon (though we will probably have that in BOTW2), more about the other champions, more about the different civilizations.

magitech dindu nuffin he a good boy

Add what's left of skyloft if that's where Hyrule castle is going.

Attached: Skyloft.png (1200x675, 1.09M)

Well it was more exploring tombs to glean more about the history of the lands. The whole "oops this one cave of all caves bears the body of the most powerful evil man to ever exist" was just supreme bad luck.

Do you not remember that the forgotten temple houses the ruins of Skyloft? Or is that only the Hylia statue.

To be fair here, magitech also Saved them-- the divine beasts were integral to beating calamity ganon.

Its like getting a computer virus and screaming that computers are evil, when you use an anti-virus program to get rid of the virus.

>hey uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh so we used to collect taxes from you guys 100 years ago before we all died so gibs
yeah sure

Much obliged.

she was so cancerous and cringe and annoying, I hope you can punt her head off a cliff.

>To be fair here, magitech also Saved them-- the divine beasts were integral to beating calamity ganon.

They actually literally aren't.

Imagine the inbreeding.

I hope you can crush her head with a steel-capped boot is what I hope


sky islands in general. Fill the empty spaces of the map with as much shit as possible. If we’re going to reuse the original map might as well add everything possible to it.

Since Link defeated Calamity Ganon:

>Shrines and towers will all go back underground.
>Divine Beasts will return from where they came from or simply remain where they're at.
>Castle Town, The Temple of Time and various ruined villages across Hyrule will all be fixed or rebuilt.
>New towns and villages pop up
>The Yiga clan is gone since their leader and Calamity Canon were both killed.
>Excavation efforts by Hylians, Goron, Zora, etc. reveal old temples and dungeons.
>New temples are built to celebrate Link and Zelda's triumph, along with honoring Mipha, Daruk, Revali and Urbosa.
>New weapons
>You can befriend various special animals across Hyrule, akin to Ricky, Moosh and Dimitri in Oracle of Ages & Seasons
>Horse system expanded, which now includes breeding
>Loftwings are now in the game, can be tamed and basically fly anywhere.

To be fair she did kind of save them all from dying, in addition to stopping the thing that was resurrecting the monsters and controlling the guardians. Plus Link supports her and they like him

>the divine beasts were integral to beating calamity ganon.
lol. pleb detected.

once link chops a few of their heads off they'll gibs quite happily.

>To be fair here, magitech also Saved them-- the divine beasts were integral to beating calamity ganon.


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>Turning Zelda into Alyx from Half-Life
Yes please.

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>Horse system expanded, which now includes breeding
why tho

>>Horse system expanded, which now includes breeding
I don't want more chocobo autism like in FF7

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>Or is that only the Hylia statue.
Just the Hylia statue. I think the Temple of Time we see in BoTW is to throw us off. The place where Link and Zelda go to find Ganondorf is the real Temple of Time ruins. Just my opinion though.

Attached: SealedTemple5.png (850x413, 816K)

Was that English you just typed?

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Hopes that are pretty much confirmed:

>Ganondorf returning
>New items (arm concept art)

Hopes that will probably come true

>More collectibles and sidequests (Maybe heart pieces again)
>Real music
>Proper story
>More enemy variety

Hopes that probably won't come true

>Gold skulltulas
>Master sword only and no breakable weapon bullshit

They fix the game by addressing most of the shit that Matt brought up on his video.
He made some great points on how the game has moments of incredible enviromental storytelling without a single piece of dialogue but rarely capitalizes on it.
Also game balance as a whole.

caverns under castle as metroidvania layout requiring development of twists on classic Link upgrades made with help from Zelda’s inventive mind and materials found in the caverns - this is main game with dungeons
original overworld made more crowded with stuff to do but mainly as a way of upgrading yourself to better attack the caverns - basically optional sidequests and stuff
actual boss variety

“omg hyrule is invaded so we have to remap and retake the world”
4 dungeons, 1 DLC
Zelda as playable character with a gimmick mechanic you must use that isn’t fun
green tunic as final unlock
reuse of enemy assets
all bosses the same again

My biggest fear was that they’d reuse the map. Exploring a whole new open world with limitless possibilities was the best part of the first game. I don’t mind them reusing the engine though.

I'm going to be so mad if she isn't at least your companion. BotW proved how much fun a game can be when you give the player as much freedom and independence as possible since it lets them organically create their own way to play. BotW 2 should do the same thing but with the story: nobody cared about BotW's story because it was all static cutscenes

If the player can interact with Zelda whenever they want throughout the game they're going to naturally start forming a relationship. Talking to her, doing quests for her, maybe even controlling her, are all ways to get the player to actually care about this character. Really its about time Zelda stopped being just a sidelines character in her own series

who fuck is matt you e celeb dick sucking faggot

Sorry you’re getting people who don’t like good side systems shit talking your horse idea. I wouldn’t play that part much but it would be cool. Your other ideas are awesome and kino

I just want real time healing and less casual combat. No, making the enemies bullet sponges is not "hardcore".

Is it too much to ask for the game to be good?

Everyone loves Yakuza despite them using the same city multiple times. It can be done well.

Can they calm down with the breakable weapons? I mean it's a neat concept to have in early game when you're just a shitter with no real good equipment and have to improvise to get by, but by late game it just gets annoying. There should be weapons by midgame that don't immediately break but just lose their sharpness until they become more useless than a tree branch until you sharpen them with the right ingredients.

Aonuma was literally asked by Jason Schreier from Kotaku today if Zelda would be playable, and Aonuma constantly sidestepped the question, saying “I cannot tell you if she will be playable or not”. It’s basically guaranteed that we are getting playable Zelda at this point

this nigga

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Return to Twilight Princess' combat and rebalance the difficulty so that Link doesn't instarape everything once he starts to get abilities.

Hopes: Nintendo fails so hard everything that it becomes no more.
Fears: Retards continue to buy Nintendo rehashes keeping the cancer alive for years.

The potato guy whose video got acknowledge by Santa Monica Studio

Why are your expectations so low user?

Wait? Rosa has been a shortstack all along?

Look, I want playable Zelda too but Aonuma dodged questions about the person in BotW's reveal trailer even being Link back in the day

Him dodging the question doesnt necessarily mean anything

I thought this meme died ten years ago?

No he didn’t, he flat out said Link was a guy


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this would be actually a great idea. Add the ability to tame loftwings too

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Just in case

Aren't people begging for the next GTA to just use old cities? Why are you seething?

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>Aren't people begging for the next GTA to just use old cities?
Yeah, I'm waiting for a return to Vice City.

Attached: VC Emotion 98.3.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Nigga, please.

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