Are witcher 1 and 2 worth playing or should i just skip to 3?

are witcher 1 and 2 worth playing or should i just skip to 3?

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2 yes, 1 depends on your patience

2 is the worst game in the trilogy.
1 is better for all of its faults.

As much as I love 3, I spent fucking fucking weeks trying to get into 1 and 2 and just could not do it.

I just watched a vid of the story for 1+2 and started 3. No regrets.

Skip 3 too and just YouTube the cutscenes, the gameplay is mediocre. If you want to play a good WRPG play Dragons Dogma.

they're $4 combined on gog if you wanna try them. i played and enjoyed like 20-30 hours of witcher 1 b4 i quit (think i used some game overhaul mod too) and just watched the rest of the story on youtube instead. played about 10 hours of witcher 2 and assumed it was just an inferior version of 3 so watched it on youtube instead too.

They are all shit and incredibly boring

1 is a better PC game
2 has a more kino story

>skipping 1
Fucking pleb

1 is good because shit loads of lore. 2 is shitty.

You can skip, 2 is alright but you may need to push yourself to keep going at times

skip the game entirely and play a good rpg

They’re better than 3.

skip 1, skip 2 and skip 3

Yeah, they definitely are. The first one is a bit rough for some people apparently, but I absolutely loved it and I think you should play it.

3 > 1 > 2

all of the games are good, though 2 is the weakest of the trilogy

They are very worth playing. I suggest you try them.

Absolutely not. You will not be able to get invested into three without experiencing and caring about the other two.
You will discover the gameplay it's self will not interest you enough to last the bloated length of the full game and it's dlc. It is all about the story.
Play 1, see if you're a fan. Play two, see if you still care enough about the characters and world to see their conclusion in three.
Don't believe me? Then boot up Witcher 3 and inevitably put the game down shortly after you finish the Bloody Baron quest, which is it's peak in the vanilla game.
Without the context and caring about the overall characters and shit from the other two games, you won't make it 1/3 of the way into 3 without fucking drop it.
I'll bet my left nut on this, and my left one is the larger one.
Heed my fucking words, lest your ignorance lead to your own ruination.

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The proper question is
>is witcher 3 worth playing or should I just stop at 2?

Witcher 1 is the best witcher game. Only 3's dlc beats it.

i loved witcher1 more than 2

how do i git gud at witcher 1? its hard as fuck even on the easiest difficulty

The books are shit, 1 and 3 are great games, 2 is also shit

2 has great story and writing but the gameplay is a bit jank and the game in general somehow ran poorly on my machine. same machine that runs witcher 3 like butter

I would not recommend ever playing witcher 1. watch some recap videos or something

Everybody hates 2 but i thought it was great

>Dragons Dogma

This is a troll isn't it?

1 is "we want Gothic audience"
2 is "we want Dark Souls audience"
3 is "we want Skyrim audience"


two is great for plot and politics.

someone post the copypasta, both of them. Been a long time since I've read them
Both meaning the "ALALALA Witcher Detective vision" and "some guy using a monologue from witcher 3 in his school philosophy class" one

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yes but also skip 3

Witcher 3 sold 22 million copies, most of those people surely didn't play the first 2.

Try 2, if you don't like it skip to 3

You at least need to know the nuances of the story of 1, so watch recaps and read up on whatever you skip. At least try it. If you don't get in to it, go to 2.

witcher 1 is the ultimate zoomer filter. basically if you ever meet anyone who says 1 is the worst in the series, just disregard their opinion there and then.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

>In philosophy
>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Witcher 3
>"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degreee is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

>not reading the books
what a scrub 1st the best btw


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2 has best story than 3 and it is more focused and streamlined. 1 I couldnt really say because I left it at the fucking swamps, the gameplay never ticked for me

At least try to play them because you will be more invested in the characters by the time you get to 3.

I honestly really enjoyed 1 after the first 2 hours or so.

I tried Witcher 1 and the first level was dogshit.

Witcher 1 is the best in general. Witcher 2 is fine and short enough that there's no reason not to give it a play on your way to 3.

Is he supposed to be so handsome?

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anyone saying witcher 1 is the best can be quickly dismissed as a fucking moron

no, he's supposed to be ugly

>hates 2
What the fuck since when? 2 has by far the best writing out of the 3 games

t. moron

The combat in 1 is funny a kick in the ribs.
2 has clunky combat but the story is very well written and the graphics still holds up today.

This but with 3. 2fags at least usually have good reasons for preferring it.

None of them are worth playing. The gameplay in all of them is mediocre as fuck.

2 is terribly written if you choose the Roche path, sorry but the final act is a complete joke

It's the best. If the sequels had improved on the formula then they could have been better, but instead they went full-retard with Game of Thrones in the second game and open world in the third.

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what was the point of the non-sword weapons in the witcher 1?

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He's never described as straight up ugly in the books. And clearly he isn't since so many women are drawn to him. The books just describe him as unusual looking, pale, veiny, stuff like that.

3> 2> bubsy 3d> knack 2> 1


2 is the best. 1 is kinda shitty

And the writers of 2 are the writers of Cyberpunk

depends on translation then or i could be wrong

>2 is the worst game in the trilogy.
Jesus christ imagine having taste THIS shit

The final act is apparently when they started running over budget, but the writing is still strong.

Witcher 2 has the best visuals, atmosphere and plot of the trilogy.

Witcher 3 has better characters.

Kind of on the same vein. If I've played 1 and 2, but I've only done Roche's route in 2. Should I go back and play Iorveth's route as well in 2 or have I got enough to just into 3 now

are you joking? the final act is dominated by characters from the iorveth path. if you pick the Roche path you aren't even aware that saskia is the dragon. the ending is a wet fart. there is very little build up for what is going on. it was rushed because they had to push for the console release and it shows, game needed an extra chapter.

meanwhile witcher 1 is the only game in the series that didn't have a rushed story and it is the best story in the series

Play 2 if you like shitty watered down action games. Then play 3 and complain it isn't as deep as Dark Souls. Play 1 if you like an RPG that rewards immersion and branching choices. Then play 3 and realize that's why it's good.

Maybe, but if "best writing" means soulless politics with no emotional connection to the story, then I'm still going to hate it. I really couldn't give a fuck by the end and I'm not sure why Geralt would either.

>witcher 1 has the best story in the series
2 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
In all aspects

witcher 2 visuals are a shitty warhammer fantasy ripoff and completely at odds with the grounded tone established in 1 and resurrected in 3. game was ass with a bunch of post processing effects to make a late generation release look good on decrepit hardware. plot was a trainwreck and ultimately disappointing.

Which one has the better TNA____

witcher 3 definitely did a good job with adding a personal touch to a lot of the quests

nice arguments

>Maybe, but if "best writing" means soulless politics with no emotional connection to the story, then I'm still going to hate it. I really couldn't give a fuck by the end and I'm not sure why Geralt would either.
Did you even play the game?

>warhammer fantasy ripoff
You cant be serious
The designs in W2 are the most realistic out of the 3 games

1 is fucking doo doo dogshit and I wish you ironic witcher fans would stop pretending its anything other than cheap eurojank written like an edgy dragon age game

Why does Yea Forums hate the witcher 3? I've never played it.

>The designs in W2 are the most realistic out of the 3 games
What fucking planet are you living on
Many of geralt's outfits have shitty pieces of paper dangling off them, there are characters with inkwells strapped to their chests... the scale of the beginning siege is completely absurd and unrealistic.

Because it's now on Switch so it's a "lesser" game

2 Had Henselt and his dumb castle belt though

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They hated it before that though


dzień dobry

play them.

>doo doo dogshit
still not an argument you brainlet


"Yea Forums" hates every fucking game because its anonymous and you'll find groups of people who'll always hate something

what sort of retard would play witcher 3 on switch lmao




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That isn't an explanation of why they hate it though.

skip to 3

So going to Swtich way is the best.
I see there's nudity in this game, do you get to see the white hair girl wit the scar's tits?
Women with scars are attractive.

Is that a tricky question?

I pushed through both, neither are as good as 3 but found them both compelling enough to finish.

Mostly just hated that boring murder mystery section in the first game and the way potions worked in the second.

skip to 3. When the 3rd game had just come out I told my normie friend who was interested to read the books then play the 1st and 2nd game before playing the 3rd game. He ignored me played the game anyway and still to this day calls me a retarded try hard.

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>you now remember the wild hunt taking yenn in tw2 and it leading absolutely fucking nowhere before being completely ignored in tw3

Based, fuck 2

He sounds like a bully


And some choices are objectively shit.

Before every fight you need to meticulously prepare to give yourself an advantage, remember in this game you are ROLEPLAYING Geralt from the books, so do what he does in the books. Sit on your ass and make potions

Because it was popular, not american made and was obviously a far from perfect game so its easy to pick flaws if you want to be an ass about it
I think the journos overrating its writing triggered a lot of people too

>Did you even play the game?
Yes, and the entire time I was wondering why the series had suddenly turned into a political thriller with 2D characters. Even Geralt and Triss felt like they'd been lobotomized. Literally no emotion from anyone in 30 hours

newfag detected

1 is the best but it's a pleb filter so a lot of ADHD kiddies who want an action game will skip it. It also has a slow start.

The Witcher 1 is my favourite game. I didn't like it when I first played it and dropped it midway through Chapter I, but went back a couple years later right when the Witcher 2 was coming out and absolutely loved it.

The combat is a bit finicky and takes getting used to and the story starts off slow. There's no real fast travel until later and the zones can get quite big so backtracking a lot is a problem too. But the first game is absolutely worth playing.
The Witcher 2 is like a less polished and less refined version of 3. It's pretty, and worth 2 playthroughs but other than that it's eh.

There's fuck all choices in the first two games that carry over to the third anyway, though. The third game lets you simulate a save by having a dude ask you questions about your past, they ultimately don't matter all that much.
There's exactly one thing that you can get from importing a save all the way from the first to the third game and it's easily missed and inconsequential. You can also get a tattoo in the second game that carries over to the third game if you import that you can't otherwise get.

tl;dr it will make the third game better playing the other 2, but it's not necessary.

1 is the best game of the three. 2 is mediocre.

Based polacks seething over king gustaf and his stupid castle belt.

>was obviously a far from perfect game
What are you referring to?

This will never not make me smile.

1 is great but it has lots of flaws, especially the combat but if you can stomatch it, you will get an amazing story and lots of fun. If you can manage it resist until Chapter 1/2 where the game really picks it up, the tutorial and the prologue makes them way boring than it is.

2 is also great but the story didn't pushed me in as much as first and the combat, while being completely different and teorically better, i just didn't liked it.
That and the hidden perk system where you get extra passive stuff like more health/damage/exp gain/more weight if you only do certain stuff.

3 combat seems to be improved but it's still kind of meh for me, I have no idea how to explain this. I still have to play it but the small thing i played it's a damn good game so it's not a big deal in the long run for me.

Witcher 1 is basically the peak on writing and alchemy if you like that about the witcher.
2 is the peak adventure feeling you get from playing the games.
3 is kinda just an all rounder, doesn't excel but it's also not awful in any field.

>TW3 but without open world
Would it have been the best game in the series?

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Fuck off and kys

Skip them, play 3, then play 1 and 2.

The game had a ton of bugs, clunky horse movements and at first terrible performance on consoles (also the infamous downgrade, but thats another issue)
The combat is heavily critized and compared to pure action games, but for an RPG it was serviceable and flexible enough to create your own flow in the fights.

>TW3 but with good combat
It would have been

Course not, you retarded zoomers are beyond hope.

The italian books says him girls mostly ignore him because he's a mutant and his white hair/pale combination is not the best combiation but never as a ugly man.

only with mods


1 and 2 are literally unplayable after playing 3
t. guy who tried

Imagine being a switch owner. Pathetic.

what's wrong with the combat

Or maybe you just have shit taste and a short attention span?

It's extremely bland and gets really easy once you figure it out, which isn't hard.
It basically becomes attack, hop back, attack on repeat even on the highest difficulty.

I figured out that attacking two times and hopping back will force the enemy to attack
You can abuse this and kill any enemy with no effort

well combat is kinda junky, especially rolling because until you unlock a certain skill you will always take a minimum damage rolling from enemy attacks
the worst is that the game is literally retarded
you can no longer drink potions during battle which is okay since that's how it was the books but for fuck's sake there is a boss battle and even if you drink potions before it the game literally zeroes all of your potions' effects

Witcher 1 is excellent boomercore

Why do people like TW3?

Is pretending to like it a meme? Is it all just a big strange joke that everyone is in on?

Or is gaming just "this looks pretty, therefore it's good"?

I don't get your silly new-age memes. Is boomercore just whatever dumb kids think is too old and shitty to bother trying?

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I played them after as well.
1 was just bad
2 was ok but too generic and shallow

Played 1 way back then and I find it interesting as a teenager. Even now I still have vague memories of the tavern, the city and its sewer, the open fields under a moon lit night even if I've no idea what I am doing back then.

I really need to play 1 again and I hope you give it a try user.

On easiest, all you really have to do is make sure you have the right sword equipped, and occaisonally use the time slow potion.

I like all three very much. I first played 1 when I was 12, and my father pirated it for me because I liked RPGs. He saw all the tits and tried it, but he was a battlefieldfag.
Then I didn't get to play 2 for years because my PC was shitty, but then I upgraded and someone gifted it to me and it was also fun.
Played 3 on release while talking about shit I found with a friend who was also playing, we were both disappointed in all the filler but the game was still fun despite its flaws.

I really don't know why people have to get so hostile over arguing which one is the best.

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People enjoy Geralt and his wacky adventures through Temeria, the game has incredibly high production quality, consistently decent content and servicable gameplay
There's nothing this game does poorly to the point of it being a negative (maybe the combat or the pre-monster clue searching)

It's a good game, that's why people like it

Witcher 3 combat only kinda works when you're fighting an enemy that's way more powerful than you as then you actually have to use all of the tools at your disposal to win. Eventually, though, you just get so strong that you bulldoze through enemies even if they vastly outlevel you.


Wine and Blood is godly, how can a mere DLC be so much better than entire fucking games out there?

no switch is mobile garbage, play on pc. you can literally pirate the GOG GOTY edition you stupid faggot

>Wine and Blood
Blood & Wine, user. Do you have a drinking problem you're not telling us?

both hearts of stone and blood and wine are better than the main story. the only thing that comes close is the bloody baron act. in replaying the game I always hit a wall when I reach novigrad and/or skellige

>Wine and Blood
I believe you meant Hearts of Stone. Easily the best side-story in the Witcher games
Although Wine and Blood was great for the amount and quality of content it provides, HoS has 10/10 content the whole way through.

Yea Forums used to love 2 the most when it came out, all the redditors that came here hate it though

I prefer blood and wine for the change of atmosphere of the environment, being it all cheery as fuck but atrocities still happening all over the place

One has honestly aged like complete shit, it's a single player MMO for all intents. I'd still give it a try, I almost dropped the game within the first hour before of the combat system but I stuck through it and got pretty invested in the characters and story.

Neutral route is best route by the way and canon.

It gets bonus points for actually feeling like an expansion, in an age where expansion is corp speak for "bite-sized add-on content we didn't finish before release"

Fuck that, flaming rose all the way.

yeah, the map is huge and you get lots of shit to do and explore, I love it

Yeah I get that. I felt like stepping into a fairytale land when I first played it, with it being all colorful and warm. It was such a drastic change of setting and atmosphere from the war torn and despressing Velen.

Anyone recall this Elf anywhere in the game?

Attached: witcher elf.gif (400x400, 2.37M)

>single player mmo
People keep throwing this word around as though it means anything, most actual MMOs nowadays are designed to be played solo yet almost none can compete with the dialogue and great world building of Witcher 1
Judging games by their combat only is not a good way to go, especially in the modern age where story based games prevail

how the every loving fuck is the witcher 1 a single player MMO? literally what the fuck are you on about. it isnt even open world for fucks sake

She's the slut that the elf mage who helps Ciri keeps in his cave

Then it's not official then.

Any of you guys beat 2 on dark mode? Bit of a nightmare at a few points, armor was pretty cool though despite the grind earning it entailed

You sound like a whiny faggot, in fact you are one. So I'm ignoring you.

Skip 1 and read a recap, it's by far the most buggy game I've ever played.

2 is a quick play, just make sure to go squirrel for the full experience in one run

>im ignoring you
>heres a (You) btw

yeah, only remember the battlefield when you take over the soldiers and letho's first fight as being horrible, otherwise it wasn't bad

I recall a brunette Elf, but nothing like this. I must have skipped something accidentally.

The Switch is a perfectly serviceable system and people who obsesses over resolution and framerate are just entitled faggots.

So don't have a (you) this time.

Looks like I was right

>perfectly serviceable system
Maybe in 2012

Too many deliver X to Y, farm 10 drowner asses and kill X wanted monster filler

>Sexualising Ciri
The universe literally - LITERALLY - strikes men down for trying. Only one man has gotten away with it, and he didn't even want to fuck her.