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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a beta
It will be fixed
That's all there is to it

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Tim WINS again LMAO

ヽヽ༼༼ຈຈل͜ل͜ຈຈ༽༽ノノ HAFU TURN OFF THE VIBRATOR ヽヽ༼༼ຈຈل͜ل͜ຈຈ༽༽ノノ

>auto chess
fuck you valve

Attached: morganfeelsman.png (704x956, 86K)

Poison sting still cracks me up

>available for free
>ranked on day 1
>crossplay across all devices
>given to all Battle Pass owners

Phew, they learned the hard way from Artifact, didn't they?

All these twitter replies

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i sure hope so the amount of greed on Artifact was beyond absurd

God I hope this flops harder than artifact, seriously praying that valve doesn't get away with this shit.

Most of the job was already done by the Drodo team.

If I wanted to play mobile game clones I'd play them on my god damn cellphone.
Innovative company my ass.

Drodo will btfo gaben soon with epic money, the valve and riot version is just a autochess copy

Wait the league version is free but you have to pay 9 bucks for this? Fucking gaben never stops being a jew.

How valve works is that they just pick up projects if enough people get on board with it, there is no oversight saying "make this" its a matter of if they get enough people to make a team to work on it then more support will be given to it.

Its bizarre, this could lead to alot of creative shit, the only thing that stops them is just deciding not to do it, its a very interesting system of how to decide what gets made, BUT, Valve has not got the same people working for it as was back when it was good. It is now full of people looking at other games and saying "lets make that" instead of setting the fucking trend themselves and having people with concepts of their own. They need to get off their fucking asses and stop letting groups of interns make projects and actually get some fucking fire going, you cant even see the clicking of the pilot light to get a flame going now, its all just people punching in and out.

hilarious, all those IPs valve is sitting on which could have sequels everyone would love, yet they go for this

absolute shit tier company

it probably took almost zero effort to create this, and there's a huge payoff in keeping the auto chess crowd attached to valve instead of epic store/china.

Nice try epic but you just paid to have exclusive right to dota autochess lol

the dota 2 alpha was kino

Attached: dota 2 early build.gif (1280x1024, 569K)

Waiting for the inevitable weeabo auto chess from Japan.

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Its free when it goes into open beta, having the battlepass just gives you early access to it

It's more like epic got the original creator of auto chess, gaben the jew and tencent is copying drodos game.

So they took the dota 2 models and animations, lowered the poly count and added a cellshading shader and now they are selling it as a new game?

They're not even licensing them out to some good devs.

why is this a gif

You put the nonono at the front Chang. I hope you get some reeducation before Xi lets you out of your cage the next time.

It's free

it's free
in 2 weeks

It's gonna be free, again, they learned their lessons from Artifact the hard way.

What a fucking jew trying to get the hyped people into spilling some money. It looks like the matchmaking doesn't even work tho so no point in getting it.

This shit is all the proof you need that Valve never gave a fuck about Epic.

Months of shade and exclusives yet they say nothing but the moment when Riot might steal their thunder they scramble.

HL is dead. The stuff from the former writer is the best we'll ever have unless projectborealis finishes it at some point in the future.

that's actually called "you'll suck my dick anyway" tactic
it's used by any big company, because they'll know that sooner or later you'll come to suck on their big bulging dicks
Trying to go on a healthy diet and letting go of that sugary cola? Here's a diet one, no sugar, and we'll add a fit, yet steal considered junk food subway sandwich.
Trying to save money by not buying expensive food/stuff? Here are a bunch of "different" brands that offer the same shit for 90% lower price. It's different, believe us.
Hating on a company? You do know it's a big conglomerate that is owned by pretty much the same people? It's not a conspiracy, they have their names signed on it plain and simple. You're just a moron that cares about brands.
In short - you're a fucking retard.

Isn't this one completely made by Vavle themselves since the chink team didn't want to work under them?

Attached: ep3ending.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

League definitely forced their hand didn't it? No doubt the graphics will improve but damn does it look like ass now.

This is a very clear response to that TFT announcement.

Nope, they make a deal about Drodo being allowed to move away and valve being able to use the base of the game to make their own.

Drodo's mobile auto chess is fun but the character designs are fucking awful to the point where I don't think I'd ever actually pay for cosmetics, and the Chinese vo lines are fucking grating.

it's a dota mod, valve just copy pasted the code
>working under valve
you mean selling your idea/ip for peanuts to gaben

Watched a bit of the Kripp stream and it looks rushed as fuck, multy doesn't even werks.

This should tell you lads how important autochess is as a genre right now. Valve is willing to shit out this absolute eye cancer just to get a headstart.
The war is just beginning Yea Forums. Beyond riot, valve, and epic, there are rumors of three to five more AAA devs coming out wih their own autochess.

>The stuff from the former writer is the best we'll ever have
Epistle 3 is a retarded story even by Half Life standards

>skeleton king

Attached: a.jpg (406x301, 19K)

It's kind of surreal seeing a mod get super popular and become a genre onto itself first hand. Like, I know that's what happened with mobas but I was too young to appreciate it.

I wonder when Blizzard is going to throw their hat into the ring. They already have the models from HotS and people still actually care about their franchises.

It's weird how Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about this genre.

what the fuck is autochess really going to be that big?

i'm wondering if epic got btfo by buying such a shit game or if epic won by buying a fucking valve game

Attached: empire of dust.png (916x1418, 1.11M)

you go out there and you find jeffrey and you find jeffrey

Never, valve sucks chinks cocks despite what Yea Forums wants you to believe.

can someone tell me the fuck is autochess?

Don't worry, it'll be big enough to garner perpetual shitposting by the end of the year.

This. I have no goddamn idea what it even is.

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Seriously what happened to Valve? They used to take risks and make genre defining games. There are dozens of Left 4 Dead clones on the market, and all puzzle indie games try to be like Portal.
Why has Valve resigned itself to copying big trends and pumping out skins?

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All of this is so exciting. We're witnessing first hand the industry's laziest motherfucker releasing their most unpolished product of all time because of this meme fad.

How fun. I don't even fucking know what Auto Chess is about but apparenrly if it could get Gaben to whip his employees to rush this out then it MUST be something.

Gaben sucks chink cock, but the menace will end soon :) (pic related)

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They removed the courier? Why? The game is now souless.

>this scares the chinks

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The courier was never needed in the first place

>Valve caters to Dotautists
>the result is shitty games like this, Shartifact, and Dota 2

Dotautists are the SMelee players of the PC world, they are best ignored

short answer is there's a very high chance it's the new battle royale

It was funnier when you had a character to control and could see what the enemies were doing.

The courier was just a brute force method of input to make the game work with the custom game tools, it's worse in every way than just true click input

It might look like shit but this is unironically the smartest move Valve has ever done in years. And I hate that that's the case.

Literally looks like League of Legends.

Who the fuck is Gaben hiring over there? Are they up to neck in diversity hires who couldn't develop shit? This is fucking trash.

>It was funnier when you had a character to control
you might want to check your testosterone levels, because that's a really female gamer opinion to say

Why would you still wish for Half Life 3 when you know perfectly it would get monkeypawned?

8 players, no teams, you get a list of 5 units every round that you can buy and put on your board, these 5 units are drawn from a shared pool of units with all other players
Then, the units you placed will automatically fight one of the opponents' units with you having no direct control over them.
The complexity comes from unit synergies and the economy of the game.

How long until they shoved the game full of microtransactions?
I remember playing the Dota 2 beta and then the cosmetics shop finally hit, the game was never the same.

You guys know that it was Blizzard who made them change him because they claimed Skeleton King was their copyright.

Good god no.
Please don't tell me something as shitty and mindless as Auto Chess is becoming the new trend.

The BR genre isn't that old, I played it on Arma 3 before it blew up on H1Z1, played that and then PUBG was in alpha and played that and that blew up.

i want to fuck this satyr

Attached: 2019-06-13 17_48_57-Dota Underlords.jpg (438x766, 194K)

The playstore is already full of clones, I wonder who is gonna win.

why? Because it doesnt have a happy ending?

Day 1. Its just going to be what your avatar in game looks like unless they have custom boards too.

console fags coping they cant experience this

her nudes are here btw

It's a two pronged attack.
One is to beat Riot to the punch. And yes, without a doubt League is going to LOOK better but the problem with that one is that it's just tied to the client. This however is already aiming to be both mobile and PC even if the PC version looks like a shitty mobile port currently.

Two is to essnetially try to steal Drodo's thunder and this works because they have an exclusively deal so not only will they kill off the OG devs they'll damage a little bit of the EGS too.

Regardless of what the gane looks and feels. This was a decisive attack by Valve that will only reap them benefits IF they rapidly improve the game in the coming weeks or months.

oh no not cosmetics :(

Jesus fuck have we been living under a rock Yea Forums? I never knew there was this big genre war happening for the past few months.

>before shop
>Valve putting out 2-3 heroes a week
>after shop
>heroes slow to a crawl, takes Valve literal years to put out just the original DotA's roster

It does matter faggot.

Yes it was never the same once those cosmetics that don't affect gameplay were implemented

This version of Auto Chess is all american, right? I wanted to try out Tencents auto chess but


It's been a mod for doto before. So unless you played it and saw how it increased the player numbers to old highs you wouldn't really know about it. This shit now is devs just trying to get a headstart in case it'll take off outside of doto as well.

The closest you'll get to all american is probably the Riot league version

see When the easy and lucrative money stream came in, the work slowed down significantly. Not to mention the cosmetics became more and more absurd to the point that character icons became unrecognizable. Just look at the Earthshaker arcana.

Stop spouting bullshit about things you know nothing about.

this ugly chink again lmao
>guys im asian and play video games make me rich!
paypiggies suck shitties

>Still summons skeletons, as does the dark troll

I'll give it a shot. Its just a curiosity, ill probably play it for an hour at best

the game is complete shit

Fucking retard, I guess you are also hating on epic

You forgot that this also increases sales for their Battlepass.

Absolutely insane.

>cosmetics having anything to do with that
you're fucking retarded.

Wait did they seriously just blatantly rip off Dota 2 chess and called it a day?

So autochess will become the next battle royale.
Valve is getting a head start and in 2 weeks it will be free for everyone.
As long as it is updated valve will win.
So far there is 3 and there is going to be 5 more before 2020.

I dont hace a hard time recognizing anyone nor their skills specially when its so obvios whose skill it belongs to

Read the article where they announced the game
Do your research before posting

If that was the case then Valve would have just changed the name to something else.
They changed SK to WK because they wanted China shit.

Head start doesn't necessarily give them a win. If that was the case, then Drodo would win, their game has been out on mobile for weeks now.

>Stop spouting bullshit about things you know nothing about.
you should take your own advice my dude

Brainlet here, why is this a bad thing? This is exactly what they did with CS and TF, they took a mod and made it official, except this time the original mod creators split off and is trying to make their own. What's the issue here?

>valve making good games without the help of the main dev

I think by the end of this year only Riot and Valve will be left standing yet again.

Doesn't matter if Valve's explods. Riot still has their League playerbade to fall back on. The big question though is who wins the mobile battle on the western front? Valve or Drodo?

>actually fucking stealing a game which saved their dying game and fucking the OG creators in the ass
Holy fuck how can anyone defend Valve?

what happened to Artifact anyway?

>fucking the OG creators in the ass
are you retarded?

>drodo's standalone autochess is epic games store exclusive on pc
>riot autochess won't live to see the day because they're under investigation
yea... i'm think valve won

They literally offered to work with the Autochess devs, and THEY turned VALVE down in favor of Epic.

This looks like complete garbage. Why should I play this over the Custom Game Version?
The upgraded units don't even have different skins and it's cluttered as fuck.

Okay. Someone explain to me why a fucking mahjong-lite td pvp game is the next big thing?

you just cope like a typical valve drone and pretend that nothing happened

So they just blatantly steal the game from the OG creator and people defending this?

Autochess is already stolen from WC3 custom games though.

Not really gaben the fat fuck tried to buy out drodo and make him their slave

it's braindead, casual, low skillfloor/high skill ceiling fun

so many fucking epic shills in this thread

I'm pretty sure they made a shit offer and instead went with Epic store because they actually gave him a good offer.

Epic literally can't stop winning.

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Yea It's a typical jewben move not suprise at all

Yeah, people are definitely going to play bootleg not-Dota chinkchess instead of Valve's official free autochess with actual Dota characters on Steam

>available for free
>given to all Battle Pass owners

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desu I'm surprised that they managed to be faster than both riot and the original creators.
Might actually win the auto chess market because of it.

but it's a beta
but they'll fix it

battle pass owners have closed beta access
next week it goes into open beta. and the final game will be free.

ironically the valve one is the bootleg one though

bp owners get the server stress test a bi early. open beta opens up for everyone else in about a week (valve time)

I actually don't know about Drodo anymore.

Sure they're the OG devs but Valve and Riot literally have their entire roster's history. And Drodo has what? Literal who units?

I'm pretty sure people will play the OG game from the OG creator instead of a corporate company shameless rip off game.

But it has the Dota characters so it doesn't feel like a bootleg.

>this UI
i take it this is an android beta?

Based Tim making another f2p game big like fortnite, drodo is lucky otherwise the poor guy would just end up with nothing...

Wow, it was made in like 3 months and its already better than artifact!

I'm pretty sure they won't

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but the chinks invented the game

probably not given how absolutely turdshittingly boring the genre is

autochess is just a worse pokemon defense


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actually they stole it from wc3 customs, like they steal everything

chinese complaining about ripping things off is too funny





How is it weird that Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about this crap?

lmao you say this now

But will you still be saying that when Nintendo reveals pokemon autochess?

Calm down, Tim. You'll still have enough money to pay for the Shenmue 3 lawsuit.

The chinese company everyone says owns Epic - Tencent - has a 40% stake in Epic.

They have a 100% stake in Riot games
You stupid fucking nigger

They really did the Dota Chess thing? I thought it would be like on the sale games

that's like saying every dota map is a ripoff

>they-y stole it I swear
So Dota 2 was stolen too ??

So valve learned it's lesson from waiting 4 years to cash in on a fad and then be surprised when no one gives a shit anymore?

>lemme just ignore player numbers and literally every fucking game developer on earth rushing to put out their autochess clone, because I PERSONALLY think the genre is boring
News flash dipshit, I didn't like battle royale games either, but I wasn't delusional enough to believe it wasn't gonna be massive





It's the nigger who spams muh chink bad epic bad memes and plays lol on his main monitor


What the fuck is this timeline Yea Forums? The one time where every Valve employee is probably working and they're all working on a fucking mobile game.


Valve's version is a near straight 1:1 copy of drodo's version, which is made by chinese people
Riot's version is made by their team in the US.
I guess it matters if you care about where your money is going to, but the most american DEVELOPED autochess clone will be the Riot version. If you do only care about where your money is going, guess what, neither version is american.

So lol is actually real dota successor of dota

>it's the same project continued onto a new engine by the same developer but no trust me guys they stole it
brain damage

>it's american because the devs are american
holy shit

Yeah good goy work for Valve for 10 pennies a day what an honor!

No, that's Heroes of Newerth.

it's probably like that because Valve doesn't want to deal with fixing compatibility issues with the bajillion possible computer configurations to just be able to run the game, when they're still hammering out the gameplay so it looks like something even integrated graphics can run

>DAC is currently the only Auto Chess game on PC
>Underlords is beating Riot and Drodo to the PC market
>Underlords will beat Riot to mobile by a hundred years
>Underlords will have crossplay and ranked day 1
Not comparable at all. This isn't 20 dollars and every unit requires 2 dollars to continue playing

>Dota characters
Sure like everyone is playing artifact right? Lmao no one gives a give about those shitty characters.

Is that why HoN is dead?
What a fucking shame, game was far superior to LoL/Dota

Or possibly just got turned off by Artifact failure. There is no reason to use dota ip as it seems. I bet they will make more money without valve and that's basically it.

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I would have played it if its health bars were cleaner and the entire game didn't look like neon vomit.

hontrash out

What would you rather have, an escalator built by an american corporation, with american employees, owned by the chinese or an escalator built by people who are copying exactly off of chinese models, which I'm sure you know are built like complete shit?

Gaben stop the shilling you fuckface

Because it's been an huge thing for a while. But i guess if you see it from the "Yea Forums only cares about heavily advertised AAA shit" point of view, you are right.

This is hilarious.

We went from RTS to ASSFAGGOTS to fucking 0 APM Autochess
What went wrong rtsbros?

american owned, retard

an escalator also has an applicable use, unlike this trash of a genre

Yea Forums doesn't play multiplayer games except FFXIV

>muh spastic APM is all that matters, muh spamming build orders to look busy and "stay warmed up"

>riot farts
>gaben instantly loses his shit and throws out his shitty version

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nobody can beat Starcraft so they stopped trying

keep seething apmlet

It's three totally independent genres, stop being a retard
People still played RTS when DotA took off, and people still played DotA when Autochess took off
Literally the only relation between them is engine history

Literally this, I'm sure drodo will dry out the rng a bit so they can go the esports path with epic money

I really fucking hate videogames, go fucking damn it
Should've hanged myself that night 5 years ago


^ my APM was like 500 when writing that, are you impressed

Post YFW this will end up as another failure for Valve

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RTS is all about reflexes, Auto Chess is the thinking man game.

Attached: 1532027789422.jpg (249x249, 8K)

>prefering the fucking chinese model of the genre so you can give the most amount of your money to jewish overlords
You do you, I guess.

it literally died because of it's business model.
it went f2p way too late and lost to lol because of it.
dota 2 then gave it the killing blow.

>Valve releasing a free game
you wish, chang

>they'll also relesse a mobile version
What the fuck that's actually big.

Riot's autochess is tied to LoL's client so basically PC only.

Yes, actually.

It's probably gonna be the best version but they kinda fucked up that art style tb h.

unironically based and truthpilled

the middle finger reincarnation ult....why did they have to get rid of based king

>thinking i'll pay money to any company that produces this sort of trash game made for fags with no taste at all

I'm going to play LoLs version because it has the cutest girl characters and that is all that matters.

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Episode 3 looks great. Based Gaben.

>Gacha autochess

You're retarded. Without the Dota characters nobody will touch it

Based weeabro.

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so you're saying Auto Chess is the cuckold fetish of PC games?

dota girls are cuter

Just like Artifact...oh wait OH NONONONONONONONONO

Then why would you give a shit about who owns Riot? Why even bother opening this thread and starting an argument about something you don't know shit about or give a shit about.

>Autochess map is probably bigger than Summoner Rift

>league's version is an original take on auto chess
>valve is a straight up copy-paste.

Attached: 1545411247586.jpg (1440x810, 153K)

Pugna is not a loli you fucking autist.

Once it releases I'm going to buy the game for the sole purpose of refunding it.

>>league's version is an original take on auto chess

Attached: 1444226381199.gif (240x291, 568K)

+its faster to put game together using UE4 for only 12% cut instead of fucking forever with outdated source

Valve literally has no shame at all, even the OG creator refused to work with them.

It's free

>what the fuck is auto chess?
>hits up google
So people are getting excited for PC games that play like a mobile game?

Attached: O.gif (334x251, 520K)

It's a free game.

>everyone jumps the shark into the "autochess" marketspace
>they did it for BR as well
>they did it with MOBAs too

What comes AFTER autochess?

Reminder Valve's Dota chess is going to 100% cater to streamer and e-celebs while the other games will be for the actual players.


But it was originally a pc game.

Valve is dead. Gaben anarcho communism can‘t compete with capitalist development. All their projects failed. Infinite money and they make mobile games but for PC.

>What comes AFTER autochess?
Striking Vipers

mass suicide hopefully

We will find out soon enough

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Some shitty mod that will come out from the creator mode of fortnite.

So I've been watching it to try to figure out what the appeal was.
It's almost like a card game in that you have to set everything up and then just let er rip like a beyblade turn-by-turn rather than the 50 minute grind-up slugfest of a regular moba.
I can appreciate it for cutting out all the pretense and just getting to the long-term investments and strategy vs tactics element of mobas.

Of course, just the whole idea of RTSs going the way of the dodo and disco because of MOBAs slays me, and then we're going even further with this shit where we just throw out everything and it's all just a punch-up on a checkerboard.

There are many other skeletons in the game though.

So I checked it out because I'm a sad fuck that still plays dota.

Basically it's going to be better on a phone because they clearly focused on the mobile shit first. There are actually small tweaks that differentiate it from the IG one like alleviating item rng or rebalancing the classes.

I don't know. I got tired of autochess months ago so seeing this mega war happen is interesting.

Do whatever you want my man, I even appreciate it with you helping me shill these games. I personally don't go into threads about games that I don't give a shit about, let alone start arguments in them, but whatever fuels your autism man.

>someone else on Yea Forums actually remembers that fighting game

a peripheral that's just a steel tube with a ball bearing and a coil and you point it towards your ballsack and press the trigger

Ok, then I will install the game and ask the support to remove it from my library.

>muh man muh man

But that's an automated process.

So what will be the endgame for this? 3 different big companies shit out their own version of basically the same game during the same time. Which version will be the alive one and how long will the "hype" last?

>Which version will be the alive one
The Valve one.


remember when Yea Forums hated obvious mobile shit?

Why would people play a copy of the OG game instead of the real one? And the nr.1 audience for this game are the chinks and they have a sense of loyalty and will most likely play the OG version.

Then how can I shit on Valve

What's the story this time?

Because it's free and on Steam.

I think it just goes back to the usual. Riot will have theirs supplemented by the League playerbase. Valve will have the dota playerbase.

And well the mobile front is a bit weird. Currently it's going to be Valve and Drodo trading punches. Who ever wins gains a stranglehold on mobile. Until Riot or the other supposed AAA companies show up to challenge the winner.

Free for 9 bucks.

>Then how can I shit on Valve
Just write an email to Gabe.

i think riot can't lose it. they have a bigger/more dedicated userbase (this appeals mostly to dota/lol fags i think). valve already failed with artifact and have half assed literally every project since 2012 or so. i've never played lol but i don't see how this goes differently

i expect the epic one to be dead in 1 year tops

They were putting that many heroes a week because they were porting them from Dota 1

Attached: 1560436403165.png (500x320, 81K)

Calling it right now, it won't be Riot, Valve or Drodo's, some mobile company is gonna make a Marvel themed version of this game, with the heroes/villains as units, time the release with a movie release and that's what's gonna win.

>this time
If I recall its her nudes and twitch chat memed her vibrator. Meme is like 4 years old atleast.

It will literally be a free game.

>Things get better as more ideas are explored and the genre develops
Remember when Yea Forums hated things that were shit?

Riot will probably not have a mobile version with crossplay though. Not sure how much it matters in this game since 40 minute games aren't that mobile friendly.

they slowed down loong before they were finished

That's not what the blogpost says. So you are full of shit user

i've never seen this screenshot before, where is this from?

Buy and refund a different Valve game, duh

The valve one will fail because no one wants to associate with dota characters after shartifact bomb.

I also agree with this, not only does LoL have a bigger fanbase but their design is also more appealing and has more "waifu" potential.
Meanwhile all Dota 2 characters are basically just cheap ripoffs from the wc3 models, and in most cases a lot worse designed and bad looking. The Dota 2 universe and overall design is not just appealing and I have no idea why they keep trying to make games with it.

Explain why Clinkz is still a skeleton along with his new skeleton archer lines.
All skeletons already had a pretty rad actually censored versions of them, mostly just covering his bones with masks or piece of armor.

You mean things get worse as bad ideas are proliferated by scummy companies that hire psychologists specifically to hook people into destroying their souls unconsciously and that brainwashing only develops further as they continually see what works and doesn't?

I would agree with this but the lack of mobile version is gonna hurt them big time, this game literally scream to be played on a tablet.

You heard it here first retards.

Either Cygames or FGO will win.
Cap this post.

This is not a gatcha game retard.

LoL characters are extremely unappealing

I could see Tencent pushing Riot into making a mobile port of their version if their version is successful on PC though.

Have you seen underlords? there's basically nothing added from dota other than a UI better than what modders are technically allowed to implement and turned down graphics

I bet they needed like 3 dudes to make it, that's why they're using dota



Wait Wait are you telling me this chess software in the year 2019 is now the new big thing on Videogames???
The industry is really dead

No way fag.

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True but the porting is already finished with 2 new heroes coming out every year that are well balanced and


The low res and poly models are such a insult. Some heroes have entirely different faces too.

And then there is the UI.

Gee i wonder if its a mobile game

yes way fag, cringeworthy fake anime shit

>tfw going to play Leagues revision and only pick cute girl characters!

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>They changed SK to WK because they wanted China shit.

It was because of Heroes of the Storm coming out and Blizzard having Skeleton King in that and Valve changed as part of their agreement to finally stop fighting over the Dota name. If they changed Skeleton King because of China why is Clinkz in the game, Wraith King summons 16 skeletons, Troll Summoner still summons 2 skeletons, there are still skeletons on the map as decoration. Use your fucking brain please.


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>Which version will be the alive one and how long will the "hype" last?
riot's or blizzard's
>Marvel themed
maybe the Ben Brode team will pivot their project into this

You can't do that your team needs synergy and shit.

Can't copyright gameplay :)

The upgraded units don't even have different skins

They will when it launches, just buy some :)

desu the dota one has potential especially since they can change spells around like having Enigma cast a BLACKHOLE instead of his usual shit.

They have enough bombastic nonsense in the game to mske it work.

People failt to realize that Dota doesn't need to shit out heroes like lel

>>everyone jumps the shark into the "autochess" marketspace
>>they did it for BR as well
>>they did it with MOBAs too

I don't think you know what jump the shark means.

Honestly I don't see anyone really winning this autochess bullshit

People are still gonna be playing Dota 2 autochess because it's already there, they might move over to valve's standalone, depending on how it goes and what valve does.

Epic's Autochess probably isn't even going to be that popular at all outside of China.

League's Autochess will be played by League players but I doubt it'll attract many people outside of it.

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There's a reason Dota is losing more and more players

>Generic looking indie android shitgame gets approved
>HL 2 Episode 3/4 and HL3 get canned
Big think

you know that it would be trivial to make enigma use blackhole in a custom map, right?

The UI is so fucking ugly, I swear that's the worst part about mobile games next to the horribly exploitative monetization. If your game is gonna debut on PC then make a proper desktop UI you fucking retards, god I hate modern Valve.

League and Dota will 100% kill Drodo's autochess especially in China.

Also based Mireskaposter.

This game looks like total vomit what the fuck

Even a simplistic hero like Mars is still league above any lel champ release between him and grimstroke

Oh shit you are right they only have those retarded stars on their head lmao. Gaben really can't help but being the greediest jew around.

I wish they make TF3 and a NeoTokyo remake on the Source 2, that'd be crazy

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>It was because of Heroes of the Storm coming out and Blizzard having Skeleton King in that and Valve changed as part of their agreement to finally stop fighting over the Dota name. If they changed Skeleton King because of China why is Clinkz in the game, Wraith King summons 16 skeletons, Troll Summoner still summons 2 skeletons, there are still skeletons on the map as decoration. Use your fucking brain please.

This is the most illegible post I've ever seen.

lol they havent learn anything

lol is beating you to the puch subhuman chink

While I can only speak personally but Drodo's autochess has some really unappealing character designs. By no means I'm expecting waifus or anything like that but every character just looks really silly and sorta generic? With League and Dota they've got the benefit of having their characters, one's that people know and love. Unless Drodo really improves on the gameplay from the mod then I don't see any reason to play it at all.

Fuck I wanted the new hot game genre to be something I actually liked. I hated mobas and BRs.

Actually I don't know about China.

TI9 is happening in Shanghai and you bet your ass Valve is going to flex there in hopes of getting the chinks to jump away from Drodo.

It's pathetic that you actually believe this. LoL is putting out original champs like Zoe, Neeko and Pyke nowadays which don't have a DotA coupterpart and take very few mechanics from existing champions. LoL is dying too but not as fast as DotA 2 as long as Icefraud and modern Valve have anything to do with it.

>hates mobile games
>loves auto chess
do you retards not realize that auto chess plays like exactly every other fucking auto battler on mobile?

>all the fuccking boomers shitting on autochess ITT
Play it first you shitters, its one of the best multiplayer game released in years with fresh gameplay and concepts. Its like a non-stale TCG with tasteful RNG built in.

Take this Zoom zoom

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The azur lane or girls front line devs could do a good job too.

game has over 100 characters with the same mechanics. so what if 5 of them are different?



Isn’t this already a mod on their game? They stole it from the community then published their own official version?

Facts don't care about your smug anime girls user

Yepp, and they are not even trying to hide it. I have no idea how people are ok with this and not calling them out for it.

They're unappealing to people with brains because they're generic chink/gook bait designs now.

so is autochess the next big genre?

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>AL vs KC
>The ultimate boatslutting

Vee doesnt play FF14, they just ERP in it

You've got to look at it another way, and that's return on investment. It takes X dollars and manpower to make a video game and so many players spending money to make it a success. This balance hasn't changed really. Costs have gone up due to graphical development and return the players have had to shell out more, or for microtransactions.

Except now, the audience pool has grown like tenfold with development costs not proportionally changing. Now, there's China, who has injected at least TEN TIMES the number of players into the player pool that was occupied primarily by Japan, North America and Europe. The pie has fucking substantially grown, which means that "winning" by the old definition of return on investment is fucking easy now and "winning forever" is the actual difficult part. Everyone is going to fucking win off this off the back of the Chinese audience alone. Even fucking Artifact is continuing to win off the Valve-Tax even right now.

DotA can fucking die tomorrow and cease to generate income and to Valve, that probably amounts to losing a fingertip. Maybe it would be closer to cutting their finger nails. It's no longer about making the most money anymore by making the best product. All you fucking have to do is convince the retards in China and the retards here at home to buy your stupid shit and you're good because there's a new batch of retards due to the fact there's no fucking voice for any community demanding a quality product.

Valve has made a whole business off of hiring mod developers and releasing upgraded standalone versions of the mods. Team Fortress? CounterStrike? Dota? How is this new and surprising?

literally what the fuck is autochess

I keep hearing about but I don't know what it is and up until now I didn't give a shit

Supposedly letting the workers self-organize is supposed to allow real creativity to bloom and allow them to ship amazing creative products, but looking at Valve’s history, I don’t think it has ever really worked.

Sure, it can lead to fun creative demos, but seeing as people tend to be risk averse, none of these fun creative demos are ever going to attract enough attention from other Valve employees to move from creative demo to full product. The main guys behind CSGO’s danger zone actually built the danger zone demo years ago, but it never got enough attention until battle arena games blew up and convinced everybody else to work on it, where it still ended up only being a CSGO add-on instead of its own product.

And when you look at Valve’s history, it’s always been like this with the products they actually ship. Team Fortress, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and Dota were already successful mods on their own, so when the mods were bought out and the teams hired, Valve employees were willing to work on them and turn them into real products. Left 4 Dead was almost done and playable before Turtle Rock was bought out, so there was no risk for the Valve employees who jumped onto it. The Portal kids had been bought out directly by Gabe, so again there was no real risk for the Valve employees who jumped onto it. The game designers behind Artifcat had already fleshed out the basic mechanics before Valve bought into it, so again, Valve employees thought there’d be no risk jumping onto it and making it a full product.

a chinese civil war can't come soon enough

It's the game you are gonna be playing for the next 2/3 years.

Artifact probably shook the company a bit.

Valve only speaks one language and that's money. Gaben probably brought out the whip and got all the fucbois to work together finally for this shit. Not to mention all the manpower dedicated to the Index is free too

no, it does not have guns

When is autochess coming to the epic store anyway? My phone is too shit to run it.

Not soon enough from the looks of things. If valve and riot continue this shit then I don't know what's left for epic to scrounge up.

Why are you surprised it looks shitty? It's literally a mobile game. It will have crossplay when it's out of beta.
It's also already far better than Auto Chess, both mobile and Dota 2 arcade versions.

>middle finger as a second life

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why the ugly fucking outlines on everything

>chinks rather get short term money from other chinks instead of making actually good product

They met with Drodo (the publishers of the mod on the arcade) and basically Epic/Tencent outbid them.

That's why they have their own mobile game now and are coming out with a PC client on the Epic Game Store.

i want to believe

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If it wasn't so ugly I would try it.
If it was little knights in full armor or something actually interesting then I would definitely play it, but jesus dota characters are ugly.

>Artifact probably shook the company a bit.
And probably not in a good way. It will probably make Valve even more risk-averse.

Overlords was a very risk averse move. Auto chess was already a proven success move, and yeah, Gabe or some other influential figure within the company probably expressed support of it, so all hands jumped onto it.

This is just an idea that might not work, but maybe Valve should sell “boxes,” as in polish up some of the demos and ship them together as a single product. Then if any of them really blow up, the can develop the concept further into its own thing. Like how Portal was mostly experimental but shipped in the Orange Box, and led to Portal 2 after the original blew up.

Artifact might have been much better received and less of a spectacular failure if a smaller version had shipped as part of some larger “box” of Dota 2 themed experiments, and then could have been updated and expanded into a fuller form, instead of just dropping a fully built Atrifact and trying to sell it for 20 dollars.

Call me whenever they make a cute anime girl autochess

honestly surprised the chinks havent pumped one out into the west yet
theres a market for it

They're chinks but anyone else feel bad for the OG devs? I feel like this coming wave of high profile companies doing autochess is going to fuck them up.

Valves always been risk averse. Artifact was the one risky thing they've done in years, besides Steam itself.

They have Tencent/Epic backing them. If nothing else, they'll have a portion of the Chinese market, maybe all of it.

That's League

just kill yourself

Even the risk involved in Steam was blunted by forceably pushing it with Counter-Strike Source and Half-Life 2.

I don't know how you can say valve is risk averse when they're the autists that're banking hard on the VR meme. That's the riskiest fucking shit you can do desu.

Yes, but for mobile devices. Expect a thousand bootleg copies in googlestore by tomorrow

>no single player games for over eight years
>they release artifact and then a literal fucking chess game

how did it come to this

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I'm going to give you some real facts about the Chinese. The presumption in the West in giving them access to the global marketplace was that the Chinese people would eventually demand that the government open up, i.e. become less communist and authoritarian.

Turns out, this did not happen. In defiance of the global rules and also justifiably refusing to be the West's bitch anymore, China did not become a freer place. In fact, the government basically struck a deal with the people: we bring you prosperity, but you don't fucking refute our rule. And the people for the most part are happy with this agreement; there is some dissent but the population is happy and has hope for the future.

And don't point at Hong Kong, that's an exception.

So dreaming about a civil war just isn't going to happen. In fact, it's so fucking far from reality you look like the dumbest fucking retard for even implying it. Now, you might say I'm some Chinese propagandist downplaying the possibility of civil war but you don't understand that the vast majority of people in Chinese are fucking actually happy and willing to ignore the government's gross human rights violations. Happy people don't rebel. Contrast that to the United States where Congress has a 7% approval rating.

What exactly is auto chess? I've never paid much attention to ASSFAGGOTS and CCGs so I feel like I'm out of the loop. Just seems like a new soulless cash grab scheme to me.

imagine being some chinese basement dweller and getting hit with a 50 million dollar offer from epic. don't need to feel so bad.

League only has 2 lolis and like 6 cute girls though, most of the girls are """dark""" like DotA bitches or sluts like Ahri.

I love Mireska!

strategic auto battler. kind of like most mobile games where focus is on team building more so than actually playing.

Yeah, actually I forgot about that. That actually is very risky. They normally would have gotten Carmack/Luckey but maybe Facebook got to them first? What Facebook did, Valve usually does, but with a semi-proven product/game.

except they half assed that as well. they spent 0.1% of what steam makes into r&d. that's all the risk they took. they don't even have a significant vr game

This. Are you lads insane?
Valve is a lot of things these days. Lazy. Ignorant. Numb. Complacent. Etc. But they're not risk-averse.
I'd call a fucking company mad for investing so much into VR.

what is the appeal of "auto-chess"
it looks like a custom map you'll play with your friends one night and never touch again

>Video Games are art
>Flagship companies keep making only virtual board games and Battle Royale

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meant to reply to

Internal experimentation is actually relatively low risk compared to the amount of resources it takes to convert experimental demo to full product, and the potential damage to reputation if full product is received poorly. The R part of R&D is not very risky at all, especially if you half-ass it.

facebook actually went all out for vr, spent billions into it, advertised for it, tried to get the best minds and so on. valve spent 0.1% steam money into it and continues to pretend they care. i hate facebook and will never buy their vr, mind you, and i also own a htc vive. but valve doesn't give a fuck about vr, it's all lip service and FOMO in case it takes off (it won't this time, i believe, thanks to valve half assing it and facebook buying the one company that could've gotten it off the ground and tainting the waters)

Don't forget that they've been trying to push hard for proper linux support over the last few years too. If there's anything you count on it's Gabe's hatred for Microsoft.

Artifact wasn't risky at all.

It failed because Valve failed to inform the customer-base that it was a good fucking game and failed to address the myths and falsehoods surrounding the game. Garfield has gone to explain away all the bullshit complaints about Artifact except it should have been Valve who did it and six fucking months ago. There was and still is an audience that would play Artifact, because it's legitimately a good product. Except there was so much bullshit surrounding it those people stayed the fuck away.

Auto-Chess being F2P is basically the wrong fucking lesson they learned from Artifact. DotA being F2P right now is a fucking mistake. There is so much fucking anger and time wasted because of smurfing and all the bullshit that comes from a F2P model. Punishing shit behavior is basically impossible due to being F2P and the same will be true of Auto Chess. The one irrefutable thing they got right with Artifact was charging $20 for it to kill the smurf abuse but they didn't learn that lesson.

Worst fucking company on the planet.

>China did not become a freer place. In fact, the government basically struck a deal with the people: we bring you prosperity, but you don't fucking refute our rule. And the people for the most part are happy with this agreement; there is some dissent but the population is happy and has hope for the future.

This is literally the Mandate of Heaven concept. This is exactly how every single Chinese government in the past has functioned. Anyone who knew anything about Chinese history should have known it’d turn out like that.

not really, because their game is shit and they don't deserve anything

What is Gabe Newells actual problem?

Is an easy game for streamers to play that requires 0 effort from them and all the zoomer viewers jump on the "hype" train.

Basically it's a way for streamer to be lazy while getting viewers.

>It failed because Valve failed to inform the customer-base that it was a good fucking game
That's because it wasn't

another half assed project. they could've developed their own distro or collaborated with debian or some other already established to distro to really push their project. instead, they tried steamos which was basically just a different wallpaper for ubuntu. once that failed, they decided to commit a bit more with proton, which is actually helpful and a relatively decent project. but it could've been so much more

and that's not even considered their other garbage, like steam machines, steam controller, steam link and so on. if they had put work on an actual linux distro and maybe got amd to work on some custom apus, things would've been very different. even without the hardware

What the fuck am I reading?

Artifact is shit not just because of Valve thinking that people would be willing to pay so much for it but because Richard Garfield is a fucking hack ideas man.

Everyone other major company was doing VR, many thought it was going to be the big thing, valve probably thought the same lmao.

Every great vidya company has to die eventually.

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Nice hatred you got there. Steam fucking partnered up with Microsoft you idiot.

yep fomo. but once facebook bought oculus, they killed vr. it's that simple

I'm pretty sure i've seen this exact post before, but I'll still respond: this only applies as long as they are prosperous. Chinksects don't care about living in a permanently malfunctioning slave society that bans disney characters and any mention of the dalai lama, but if some economic bubble pops then there will be hell to pay. It's pretty much a constant, and every time it happens the population is decimated.

Quite possibly the dumbest post on Yea Forums right now.

It rewards tough decision making

From the perspective of a hardcore card game player, Artifact is great. There's nothing wrong if you don't see it because you're not a hardcore card game player.

The problem was that Valve made zero effort to tell hardcore card game players that their game was excellent.

Artifact is the worst card game I've ever played, and I've played a shit ton of them. The "Artifact failed because it was too complicated" line was the real lie. I understood every mechanic and that only made me dislike it more.

>hardcore card game player
aka a whale

Nobody fucking asked for artifact retard

God I fucking hate Valve. They don't care about us anymore, they just want to sell cheap and uninspired games to the fucking Chinese. Is this the hardest fall of any of any game studio in history?

Bullshit that crap sold like 500k+ minimun and no one stayed, the game itself was shit. The "it failed because no one gave it a chance" excuse is pure bullshit.

I'm tired of these gay ass turn based games. I just want a new shooter. Fuck why did Dirty Bomb and Quake Champions have to be so buggy

>hardcore player
Nigger I put hundreds of hours into the game and I've been playing MtG since I was in fucking middle school over a decade ago. I'm the fucking definition of hardcore and I can tell you that Artifact is a shit game with some of the worst design decisions I've ever seen in a card game, including the forced pace of the game and random bullshit everywhere. There is genuinely more RNG in a game of Artifact than a game of Hearthstone and that's saying something. Why the actual fuck are creep spawns random? Why does directional attacking exist, and why is it random?

You forgot to mention that the meta had been completely figured out by the invited streamers and there's too less cards to have enough different sets of decks to experiment with.
Everybody simply go with Axe and Drow because it's tested and proven they are strong as heck.

Too much rng in artifact.

blizzard fell pretty hard too. if valve stopped being fucking faggots and fired the campo santo/social terrorists and let porn games roam freely on steam, i wouldn't have too much of a problem with them since i feel they'd be more useful as a digital store than a game maker

but, they don't make good games, don't let their store be truly good and don't commit to supporting linux either. they want to do everything and do nothing right. so, fuck them

why can't gog do things right too? fuck

Cant wait for HoTS AutoChess

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>Why does directional attacking exist, and why is it random?
This bugs me most of all. Not only is it a shit mechanic once you understand it, but as a new player all those arrow cards flying all over the place is insane visual clutter. I remember twitch chats full of arrow symbols and question marks when the first streamers showed the game.

>triple dipping in a f2p genre
>not risky
well, yes, that is correct, it wasn't risky just plain stupid

I mean Artifact I guess is objectively good? Now that you mention it it is a bigbrain game which I do miss. But damn its not a good time sink, also there is no good gameplay hook to make you keep playing.

the attack animation doesn't even change to indicate it. all the cards just slam straight forward into each other

>From the perspective of a hardcore card game player, Artifact is great.
But I'm one of those and it's shit

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>objectively good
>bigbrain game
You are "objectively" a retard.

>fire brap
>middle finger ult
kek, you just know they were having fun with the development.

So is Auto chess just like that one castle game on mobile that got shilled on TV all the time the last few years.

just like league of lege-

Not at all. Honestly there's nothing else like it, that's why it blew up so fast and so many lazy developers are making ripoffs now.

This might be the weirdest fucking timeline I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing.

quick rundown on these games?

The difference is that LoL took the shitty old Dota and added lots of quality-of-life improvements

This is just gonna be 2 identical games with different looks

1. It's a beta
2. It will be fixed
3. That's all there is to it

It's not that weird, Valve as a developer has been one of the worst companies in video games for the last decade. They have ZERO originality or shame about ripping off recent trends and even when they do make ripoffs they don't understand what made the original fun.

Care to explain why? It is an enjoybale game and has more potential than Hs or MtG, its fresh and cool. The RNG might be a bit too high, but the best players will always make the best plays regardless of RNG. The best players will know how to play around it.

Why do you think its shit? I think the gameplay doesnt need too much of an overhaul, what needs tweaking is the gameplay loop for getting rewards and the marketplace

Slot machine mahjong simulator.


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I could go into more detail if you want. The fundamental mechanics of the game were so fucked that there's no saving it. For comparison, in Hearthstone the core mechanics are rock solid it's just the RNG card design fucking it up, but you can always pray the next format/set is less shit (it never is). In Artifact it doesn't matter what the actual cards are, the absurd RNG is baked into the core game.

looks alright
not into autochess tho

yeah and money required to be able to play characters

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What the fuck was Artifact's audience supposed to be anyways?
Hardcore card game players? They're gonna stick to MTGO, especially when you litter your game with more RNG than Hearthstone.
Casual card game players? It's impossible to peel them off of Hearthstone, and even if you could there's Magic Arena competing for that space.
DotA players? They fucking hate your guts, remember the Artifact reveal where it was a chorus of boos?

Literally no one spends RP (money) buying champions in LoL. Riot makes all their money of jew skins/cosmetics like volvo

I'm a hardcore MtG player too. I didn't like the RNG horseshit either. Then I read all the interviews by Garfield and the podcast he did and he addressed the RNG and the fact that the hidden or explicit purpose of many of the cards was mitigating the impact of the RNG or just ignoring the RNG, which is akin to fixing or card advantage or Wish cards in Magic to bypass the RNG of the deck but using card mechanics to accomplish it. Yes, the RNG fucking sucks on the face of things but you can at least imagine that the RNG opens up the design space to address it.

They built a system where it was sometimes tactical and the correct move to lose units. That constant winning in a lane wasn't necessarily the best move as sometimes you needed a hero in another lane. You can say that system is shit, but it's different than drowning someone in card advantage or board position.

I'm in no position to prove him right or wrong because I'm sure as hell not going to test it. But you look at the game and you can see that effort was made and that those systems are much more complicated than on face value. And if you're not looking for those systems, the hundreds of hours spent playing won't help you see them any easier, just like in Magic if you're not looking for the lines you get the wrong impression that brute force is always the best way of winning. I didn't fucking see the systems until he outright explained them to me.

There's something fucking real there. You can call Garfield a fucking hack but he's not lying that they built something special or unique in card gaming. And it's not flagrantly obvious. There's no combination of "card advantage is king" and "board position is king" being the driving power as it is in Magic; there is actually something more on top of that. Even if the Twitch streamers figured out the meta there's at least a Standard metagame available in Artifact, that ought to be fucking good enough for a year or until the next expansion.

OP is a faggot.

So what you are saying is that there needs to be a revolt against the modern world.

youre actually retarded if you think that

The only reason autochess is popular is because of Chinese subhumans getting addicted to the gacha elements in it
It's a pretty shitty game desu

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>hurr durr it looks like a mobile game
It IS a mobile game. Fucking retards.
Also imagine having to pay money for it when all you need to do is wait 1 (one) week for free beta access.

I hope you know that Garfield had nothing to do with MtG being a success, it only took off after he left the company. Early Magic was a fucking mess. His philosophy on randomness is just plain wrong and the land screw/flood problem is something MtG is still figuring out today, introducing new mulligan rules.

Wait until you see MTGO.

Imagine not being able to wait 1 fucking week

Okay I think this might actually topple Drodo's version. Having played a few matches now there's just so much redesigned and added shit, beyond the QoL, that just makes it feel better to play.

Like I don't know. I think Epic might have pulled the trigger too early acquiring Auto Chess because this seems like a very resounding war between Valve and Riot instead.

In MTGO there's an actual market to buy your cards, while it's incredibly hard to go infinite unless you're jewing people on said market it's possible. That was supposed to happen in Artifact but instead the game died so quickly and the market is flooded with shit cards no one wants.

>Valve failed to inform the customer-base that it was a good fucking game
The core of the game was trash, all the other problems surrounding it were secondary.

I really wonder what game people are going to pick because the Drodo game looks pretty much like every chinese rip-off game ever.

lol made dota worse and then added an obnoxious business model to it

On every other game that has a workshop for maps like Dota 2 the original creators would have had 0 rights to their own creation and Valve even offered to work with them.
Fuck off, changdrone.

the original autochess mod is free on dota 2, and it's better in everything. The new version has worse graphics and a UI made for phones or blind people

Wait epic got auto chess? Like the devs or an exclusivity deal?

What does autochess do that other multiplayer TD idle games don't
I remember playing that shit decades ago and nobody gave a shit back then, why is this popular

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Am I wrong about what I've said about Artifact? He designed the game knowing what he knows about Magic. I know he sold the game almost immediately; I know Magic's goddamn problems. I'm only bringing up Magic to show I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Tell me there's something wrong about what I said about Artifact because you're fucking straw-manning hard here by pointing out the fuck ups in Magic's core design.

Tell me that it's not interesting that Artifact has three life totals staggered on two levels rather than a single life total in Magic. Think about the goddamn design space that opens up that is impossible in Magic but made possible on a digital platform. It might be shit but you or I don't know that because I'm absolutely certain the vast majority of people haven't dissected Artifact to understand it at that level. And when the designer says it's there and it's actually there, you have to give him the benefit of the doubt that there's some potential there instead of being a dumpster fire everyone says the game is.


Simplifies the slot machine experience and doesn't require as much autism like gemTD.

Why do people think this is some amazing shit the chink came up with, it's just ripping off Pokemon Defense from WC3 one of the many games that died there thanks to dota and tower defense bots taking over the lobbies.

they got the devs, but DEFINITELY not an exclusivity deal. we already have 3 companies making their own auto chess games. of course theres valve and epic, but riot games too.

Icefrog has always added 2-3 new heroes per year and the game is straight up missing 4 or 5 years of them because of the slump before underlord.
You are fucking retarded.

Aside from the market Valve's prize gamemodes actually paid out something like 95% of the tickets people paid to buy in while MTGO's automated tournaments got worse and worse pay outs as time went on.
It's so hard to go infinite on that because you get small winnings as first place, your entry back + a pittance for second and absolutely jack shit for everyone placed third and below.

The world would be a better place if all chinks died and china became an uninhabitable nuclear wasteland
Companies fighting each other over getting the most chink insects playing their shitty bait game is pathetic

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you can't patent a genre. epic got an exclusivity deal. as soon as the full epic auto chess is out, the dota 2 one dies

Valve: the Dota company.

Which game where I can sell ingame cosmetic so I can used that money to buy video games or trade it in for real money?

Valve is going hard on this. They're like patching shit nonstop.

The UI for the PC version might get updated soon too. Fuck haven't seen Valve prowling this intensely in a while.

>Post a pic from shitty bait gacha chink game.

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Is this source 2 tho or is it just unity again?

I don't actually play fate or anything, I just like his design
The chinese still deserve to die

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REvenge of the niggers i hope.

i meant the dota 2 autochess mod inside the dota 2 game, not the standalone one posted in the op (underlords or whatever)

yeah if only they did this throughout the years instead of half assing everything, even dota. once they "win", if they do, you can expect them to sit on their asses too. so, again, fuck valve

Like that one user said.

If Valve is willing to rush this game that speaks volumes about the auto chess genre.

LoL made Dota better
Buy compendiums, goy

Yeah I'd be lying if I said they weren't talented but man does it take a fucking lot to see those lazy cunts actually do something.

>autochess will be the new hotness to replace battle royale
Not in 100 years would i have made that guess.

Because Dota needed twitch shit gameplay and APM gooks, right?
Also you have to be kidding if you are going to claim LoL's business model is less jewish than the compendium. Like, nigger what?

>3-5 AAA studios (not including riot and valce) are already working on their own version of autochess

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>Because Dota needed twitch shit gameplay and APM gooks, right?
Yeah, better deliberately make the game slow and clunky on purpose so that my meme EU players can still keep playing

China is killing the gaming industry, first EGS and now chink fotm trash forcing devs to make shitty games instead of actually good games

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I genuinely don't think its wrong to think our culture is superior when other cultures out there beat their pets with rocks like fucking india does
Reporting murders in china has led to those people getting arrested, and the common people are too fucking scared to do the right thing, its often in their interest not to.

Enjoy your firstblood at 30 fucking minutes, I guess.

>having to buy heros

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but that’s just any country isn’t it? When economy turn bad every body starts chimping out

Not sure what to think. The buffs you can get honestly make the game feel even more casual than the original game. I feel like it's a cool idea, but the randomness is also unneeded.

Need to play a bit more.

It's beta. Just screech enough and maybe Valve will change some of them.

Yeah the same Valve that allowed Artifact to launch with Drow, Axe, Cheating Death, and Annihilation despite literally everyone screeching they were horribly overpowered.

Yes, I will enjoy watching Dotards continuing to use talking points that were obsolete even when they were new

Not them but thx

Cheating death was plain annoying but the bigger problem was that the rest of the cards were boring weaksauce bullshit instead of having power levels that could hold up to those cards.
Their biggest mistake was trying to keep the first set "simple" and no using some of the more complex cards they had lined up for future sets.

>thinks shitting out heroes is good for an ASSFAGGOTS
Yeah, you really do belong to LoL

lmao and artifact flopped, it taught those retards a lesson

Just roll with the crowd and they'll eventually rebelance shit.

There were many mistakes. I think the biggest mistake they made was honestly having attack arrows reset every round. Attack arrows should have only happened when an unit was placed down, and never after that.
Every round starting with a rain of arrows pouring down onto the board was just hell on the mind and eyes and simply added way too much randomness.

I hope they put Kanna into Dota 2, or at least Dota Underlords.

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Ok I'll give this a go when it launches for free I think.

His team will have slut synergy bro.

>lets pretend 40 minute first blood didn't just happen last year
How can anyone even give a shit about LoL's pro scene when it's just gooks taking it all every fucking year?

dota 2, the first few weeks

Kanna and Prellex deserve to be in Dota 2. Fuck Artifact but their concepts are too good to pass up.

Too complicated, I just want to point and shoot or button mash

I would unironically pay 50 dollars into GFL autochess and I never played dota autochess.


Dota 2 is insanity popular so.

>How can anyone even give a shit about LoL's pro scene
Because it actually has one

GOD I FUCKING HATE AUTO CHESS!!! Why, the FUCK do the WORST FUCKING GAMES GET SUPER FUCKING BIG?!!? Fortnight brings us ALL this fucking BR shit, a fucking open world FPS with random loot random loadouts and random everything, oh fucking boy. Can't wait to play 1,000,000 clones of THAT shit, and NOW?! NOW!??! some fucking ching chong nip nog make's a fucking RTS that FUCKING PLAY'S ITS SELF?! and everyone FUCKING love's it...and its going to get a million clones of THAT shit also

you know where this is headed? Year's from now there' going to make some kind of game called "auto fighter" and all you do is pick a randomly generated fighter and watch him jump a and fight until he dies, you get some points that mean nothing and do it again.

that's it... all video games will be slot machines soon. All of them, this is how gaming dies

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Not this year
It’s time for EUchad to shine

Me too

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Thanks fags, I needed a good laugh.

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>it's 2019 and Dotards are STILL upset

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Not him but I like you lolbros. Especially your porn.

I'm just eternally pissy about what happened to the dota allstars site.

holy shit that's it, thats why valve is shitting this shit out so fast, they want to get ahead of LoL taking there idea's again.... fucking hell.

No, fucking HELL FUCK DOTA, FUCK LOL, FUCK MOBA'S FUCK VALVE FUCK ALL THIS SHIT Where the FUCK are the good RTS games?! fucking DEAD thanks to mobas, and auto chess is going to kill a LOT fucking more then that just mark my FUCKING WORDS JUST WATCH any turn based games you love, and thing with a fucking board of any sort fucking atuo chess WILL fucking come for YOUR games thanks to CHINK MONEY and fucking laazy ASS FUCKING DEVS FUck@!

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t. brainlet

lol u mad bro

But I don't want a game that plays itself.

Where are my games?

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>But I don't want a game that plays itself.
Then enjoy gaming while it last's... the biggest fucking games in the world right now are phone shit that play's its self or shooters that randomly generate EVERYTHING from gear to loadouts ect ....

I guess I'll just keep playing AoE II HD


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On a side note I heard mahaonj uses semelar michanics so I might be getting into that margicla girl mahjong game Yea Forums likes now.

You and me both brother, you and me both (and strong hold...RIP strong hold)

i dont want to play a grubble auochess

Stopped playing mobile games all together feeling better every day quit while you can.

They should buy From Soft and just give Miyazaki all the money they want.

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where is cute anime autochess?