People seem to be REALLY mad with gamefreak and pokemon right now

People seem to be REALLY mad with gamefreak and pokemon right now.

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I hope this will lead to something but deep down I know that by the time the next trailer releases people will just be fawning over the new mons/girl shown in it and calling anyone who criticizes it entitled

Imagine being older than 13 and playing Pokemon.

unironically I think this is one of the times where piracy is the way to go

Been that way for several generations of Pokemon.

>Several generations
It was worth buyfagging in gen 5, arguably 6 but there was a fairly steep decline in quality from there. 2-3 gens isn't really several

Ok, well a couple gens. I do own Black 2 and enjoyed it enough to finish the whole dex.

They tampered with the one element of the series they should have never dared to alter. If they can get away with this, that pretty much gives them a blank check to do anything they fucking want with the franchise. It's the Fallout 76 of Pokemon.

>Tagline of you multi-billion dollar series is "Gotta catch'em all!"
>Make a new game where you can't catch'em all
What did Game Freak mean by this?

Guess i should be happy im not a pokemon player, much less a long term one. but that doesnt justify a company being lazy and releasing the long awaited console debut of the most popular franchise mainline titles in a blatant incomplete state and also refusing to AT LEAST release updates.

Imagine been so bored with life that you go to places you dislike to mock people suffering.

Ruby and Sapphire did the same thing, kill yourself underage.

they bitch now but these faggots will still buy it

I thought Nintendo had ridiculous quality control

They generally do but maybe they got too complacent with Game Freak. The massive fan outcry might force them to step in, especially if the game gets panned after release. I think Nintendo does need to absorb Pokemon entirely and develop in-house from now on to ensure that however.

>Ruby and Sapphire did the same thing, kill yourself underage.
All the Pokemon were in those games, just not available yet. They became available quite soon.

>Tagline of you multi-billion dollar series is "Gotta catch'em all!"
The slogan hasn't been used for the games since Crystal.

At least they were in the fucking game so you could transfer them, I think all games have had at least some pokemon that are unobtainable from previous gens
SwSh outright doesn't have certain pokemon in the game's files

Nintendo cannot do shit with gamefreak. Game freak has full control over whats in the game even if nintendo hates it.

Well, not me. I don't give a shit.

>replaying the same game over and over for almost 40 years
>not befriending a based homeless for life

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Nintendo fanboys will NEVER criticize Nintendo even when they are completely at fault here. They are the ones who forced Game Freak to create the 3D sprites.

I doubt it'll last. Pokemon and Nintendo slurpers are generally the most fanatic.

You forget about all the shovelware they had on the Wii?

What exactly is going wrong besides bland uninteresting pokemon designs exactly

They had all pokemon coded in RS for the FRLG releases so you could trade back.

Not a single person points out that OP is from reddit, or that he has an account and voted this up.
This place is really and truly lost.
Fuck all of you.

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Would Nintendo really fork over a few billion for GF?

And they'll all still buy the game

I mean for their iconic IP's

reddit fags need to be gassed.

LOL who the heck cares? Sword and Shield has NESSA, and couldn’t care about anything else, so get fucked haters. Stay mad.

>Remove major features in order "improve animations"
>All old animations are reused, even new pokemon just waddle instead of doing movements appropriate to the move used

No shit people are pissed after being obviously lied to.

The lack of transfer doesn't change anything... the objective of the game is to catch all the pokemon that are in the game... transferring old shit from another older game has nothing to do with that

>got to CATCH them all
> got to TRANSFER ALL my OLD Pokemon across and catch one or two news ones

Porn doesn't sell Pokemon games.

Have sex.

Sick burn man. Don't know how they'll recover from that one. So on topic and relevant.

>Hasn't been used since Crystal

I didn't know Crystal came out within the last year! Boy time sure does fly you blithering retard.

This was shunned long ago.
They knew it will come to this eventually.
I mean, who didn't. Obviously at some point they would have to cut old pokemon out.
Gamefreak being Gamefreak handled it the worst possible way.

Thats a charismatic fellow. Not gonna lie

>t. seething pokefags
Enjoy yet another low effort game and don't forget to buy both (and the eventual upgraded) versions!

Kill yourself my man. Pokemon will always be king.

Doesnt seem that way, anything else you want to add?

Probably not. The game sales outside of the blip that was Pokemon Go make up such a tiny portion of the revenue. It's merchandising that brings it all in. So long as the game doesn't bomb hard, which it never will, then Nintendo can afford to let this happen because it will still bring in more merchandise and consequently console/handheld sales with each new iteration.


which was down to technical limitations of the time and they strongly regretted having to do it, along with that also causing a lot of people to drop the series

It's not a coincidence that the series became dog shit at the glorified reboots that were Ruby and Sapphire, zoomer. Gamefreak backed themselves into this corner by insisting on reinventing the pokedex and rehashing the same story instead of reinventing the story and reusing the pokedex. They can't stall any longer. It's been a long time coming.

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Can you suck dick any harder dude

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On the one hand I'm happy gamers are finally rising the fuck up against Game Freak.
On the other I'm very disappointed that this of all things is what caused it. I'm actually pretty excited to see a Pokemon game without meta mons like Greninja, Landorus, etc. and don't share the sentiment at all.
I'm very conflicted here.

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Yeah, all the better it comes from a literally who on twitter. Face it, it doesn't matter what the source is. What matters is that we can fling shit at each other over the statement or claim.

Based Gamefreak culling the mentally ill

Heh, watch how a successor to Pokemon Stadium/Battle revolution comes out.
Please be f2p game, I promise you gamefreak.

Game Freak is tired of Pokemon, it's clear to see when a studio has lost enthusiasm in a game. Meanwhile take a look at their new IP "Town" and you can see the amount of love and attention poured into it.

They were mad about LGPE too, and that didn't mean shit.

The only reason people are in this level of uproar is because Pokemon Home was announced prior. A new gen having limited Pokemon selection, even via trade, isn't anything too new. Nintendo set up for PR suicide by announcing a feature to the masses then saying "actually, only part of this works right now".

What gives, the games wills till sell like hot-cakes, no matter what

>Meanwhile take a look at their new IP "Town" and you can see the amount of love and attention poured into it.
Not really.

Good gamefreak is incompetent

Let's be real for a second, in the end we'll buy it anyway.

GameFreak doing stupid shit with Pokemon since XY is the reason I started playing other monster collectors like SMT or Yo-kai Watch. Those games are miles better than modern pokemon.

It's easy then we boycott town.

We make it fail by all means necessary.

It could have been anything at any point in time, you can never predict what a suicidal person might do.

>I deserve a product that I have created in my mind and if you don't give it to me you should lose money

Ok, I will enjoy my game while you keep dilating

>people suffering
>waaahh im 30 years old and im not getting the pokemon experience i deserve waaah

Oh yeah, you sure are suffering, huh?

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It will be like ActiBlizzard, they forgot about the donut.
No we don't, it's not the first game I skip and it won't be the last.

>This $90 billion franchise that is constantly declining should continue to raise even more money after letting down their customers again and again.

Its like people completely forgot that games can be updated and patched. They'll probably add all the Pokemon in eventually but most likely not day one.

And even then they showed off lots of old favorites like Tyranitar in the trailer. Do you really think they chose randomly which to include and which not to? All the old favorites are probably there off the bat. No one's going to cry that they can't transfer qwillfish or whoever the fuck over. This whole thing is stupid.

Fuck you shill, I'm not paying 60 for a fucking live service game.

Fuck you and your patch culture.

1.- 33
2.- not a pokemon player
3.- idiots like you are the reason Devs actually get away with bullshit like that, you know? the fact it doesnt matter to you, doesnt justify them being lazy and ruining a feature that by definition SHOULD be taken for granted.

/vp/ publicly bans them. This board is indeed a lost cause.

Gamfreak makes cute girls so it’s okay :3

The years of incompetency are finally catching up to them. Ever since the jump to 3D it has become more and more clear that Game Freak, doesn't know what to do with pokemon, and now that they're being forced into a console they have absolutely fucked up

>writes 4 paragraphs about pokemon
This man must get crazy amounts of pussy.

I dont use Reddit, how am I supposed to tell at a glance the screenshot was taken by someone with an account?

Have sex


Re-read the OP and he makes it clear that he's presenting the opinions of normalfags outside of Yea Forums, significant because they are usually the most stalwart of GameFreak defenders, but not now.


as it stands, it sounds like they arent gonna patch the remaining pokemon.


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They'll buy it in the end anyway. Just you wait as soon as the reveal the next fur bait pokemon and the next new slut people will forget all about it.

>ddin't patch a handful or mons into XY or SM
>thinks they'll patch a few hundred THIS TIME

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I've said before and i'll say it again, that story of Iwata fixing GS and putting Kanto in probably had more to do with GF being a bunch of incompetent idiots than just Iwata being amazing

Can someone give me a quick rundown? I don't want to go on Reddit.

I think the new Pokemon looks pretty good for a first attempt at open world. It's not out for a while and I doubt what we've seen will look much like the final product e.g not so much empty space in the region.

They'll patch it. They'll just charge you for it.

>Prease buy DLC, otaku and weaboo piggus. You pay 30 dorrah if you want all Pokemon! Prease understand!

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Pokemon has only gotten more succesful. It was never inevitable. They are just complacent because people will buy their slop in droves anyway. This is one of the biggest franchises in existence and you have people seriously arguing that it can't even support the one standard thing people expect, let alone make a good game.

Game Freak has always been rather incompetent., even before the jump to the 3DS (See Gen 2). Though it seems like they were getting better of atleast hiding it during the DS era of games.

In the end we know that they're not going to acquiesce and the game is still going to sell over 20 million copies.

It's not an open world. It's one area, and it looks like a fucking early access tech demo. It's embarrassing, this franchise is so huge and yet this is the result.

I thought everyone was gonna btfo gamefreak for pokemon go but that sold really well
Unless niggas say no to a new pokemon then nothing will happen

Pokemon Crown or Throne or what the hell ever will have Home support and people will praise Gamefreak and it'll sell gorillions of copies. Business as usual.

I don't use reddit what indicates that this is his own screen shot?

>can't catch them all

If they get away this, they are literal gods

Pokemon from now on starting with SS
>pokemon not found in the regional dex cannot be transferred into the game
>every new game will have a different regional dex

So essentially they basically said that all pokemon will never be able to be in a single game again. Then they gave lame excuses as to why this had to happen like saying
>we have to use the time to work on the animations
of which all still look as horrible as 3DS games
>we have to remake models!
which is a lie since they made extremely high poly models back in gen 6 for the explicit purpose of using them in Switch games
>for balance purposes
Meta will never be balanced and they could have made attempts of balancing it through other means
>B-because the pokemon don't fit the region! If it's too cold in the region then fire types should stay in Pokemon Home™
When last gen we had a fucking vulpix get an ice form in a tropical island setting

>new pokemon game results in the death of /vp/

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Nigger you post on Yea Forums, shut the fuck up. No one here can criticize anyone for shit.

They will. Pokefags will complain up until release then buy both versions anyway and the casuals don't care.

>reddit screencap
This board is SICK to the core. And I have just the right dose for it.

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The biggest problem I have is that nothing else will improve in the absence of a bunch of Pokemon being left out because of Game Freak's incompetence. There's now yet another missing feature with no consolation.

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Not even pirates can add the missing pokemon bro.

Nothing will happen though because you dumbasses will buy it anyway. Remember the CoD boycott? L4D2? EA? Uplay? Yeah, way to rise up gaymurrs hahaha

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>That would you be upset if option question

It really should have ended at sixth generation.

Imagine being so insecure

Shit, this is a worse case scenario kind of thing.

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It's even worse than I though. The patient isn't responding well to the treatment. I must increase the dose.

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What an idiot.

It's goddamn surreal. Which is why the fanbase is pretty much having a meltdown.

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I'm not too bothered but I'm glad there's an outrage, I've been waiting years for GF to be put to the screws.

Fucking this.

I have a conspiracy theory that they are shoving starter wars and pokegirls down everyone's throat as an attempt to distract them from the fact the game itself is garbage and lazy.

Good to see they took a break from trying to fuck children

GameFreak realized after launching X and Y that all they had to do was roll back and cash in those pokebucks since retards would eat up anything only now they went to far

Well, they remove features and don't add anything that make them WoW people.
So they are not going to be happy

Doesn't even have to be a conspiracy theory, it's known that it works already (e.g. when Meltan/Melmetal was revealed for LGPE) so they pretty much have a "sedate" button for the fanbase any time they want to.

Where's the fucking retard from this morning who was calling me a GF defending shill because I said:

>Pokemon hasn't been good since it was 2D
>everything designed after gen3 is spheres and flat textures
>Every game after gen3 is trash
>I'm not buying either of Swill or Shit

because I'm not done calling him a retard. The man needs to be enlightened.

>People think Gamefreak will patch shit.

Enjoying that Frontier DLC for ORAS?

Why not do half the work for old Pokemon in Sword and Shield, do the other half for next gen and import the stuff already done, and then only have to work on new Pokemon from then on?

Why not hire more people and shit out even larger games like Ubisoft used to do on a yearly basis?

Except you couldn't catch them all in most of the games. You could transfer pokemon sure, but that's not really catching them. You've already caught them. I dont see the big fuss over this desu

>I'm actually pretty excited to see a Pokemon game without meta mons like Greninja, Landorus, etc.
We don't even know who's 100% not getting in yet
For all we know one of the usual suspects will appear

You can't do either is the point.

Basically this. Play the gen for what it is.

And honestly the people who are butthurt about not being transfer for completionists sake can’t recall all the mons. Well, you might be able to, but you’re kind of an autist.

The Dynamax feature and the open wild and raids seem to. I don't even get why full compatibility is that big of a draw because it wouldn't actually be anything new or distinct.

I regret buying sun&moon. Your rival picks a pokemon that is weak against yours, what the fuck?

furfags that want to import their favorite pokemon they constantly wank to aren't people

As they should be. It's about time people at large start to recognize how bad things are.

The success went to GF's heads from the start. When you've got a billion dollar franchise, you can't take risks and actually improve the game. You can only add superficial new features and graphical upgrades. You gotta shit out new games on the regular to sell more merch.

The only real surprise is that this hasn't happened sooner.

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