Dark..........SOULs 2
Dark..........SOULs 2
looks generic and soulless
Also known as the worst souls game.
looks unique and soulful
more like Dark Soulless 2 lmao
I'm surprised there isn't a mod to fix this mess of a game
Dissapointment of the decade
Lmao indeed my African American friend
i miss iron bridge pvp.
the best souls game
I was playing this garbage today
First tutorial was actually decent (enter fog, etc). First area Majula I don't know where to go. There is a weapon guy, a retarded lady and a lone soldier
Also some garbage about making a pact to make things harder or something like that
Maybe games are just not for you.
Overloathed, solid sixer
Roll to Win 3
>I post correct opinions with a stupid ironic reaction pic
>now no one could possibly disagree with my shit taste anymore
game was a mess, but lore was the best
Miyazaki was trying to do something different but you fags wanted DS1 all over again so we got 3
then he was fed up with your faggottry and we had bloodborn, sekiro and now with the elden ring dark souls is definitely dead
Let me describe a Dark Souls 2 boss. You'll have to guess which one:
>standard combo of attacks is side swipe -> side swipe -> side swipe-> charged overhead
>punishes distance with a sudden running/leaping charge
>can mixup with a sudden thrusting attack, which can also be charged
>optional distance punish is a telegraphed spell attack
>muh fucked up geography map and shitty hit detection
Have sex incel
You say that like getting Bloodborne was a bad thing
Bloodborne literally has a worse second half than DS
Miyazaki wasn't in charge of dark souls 2, stopped reading your post there
Seething copeposter
I finished bloodborne and dark souls 1
that's how I killed him on my first playthrough
was pretty amused to be honest
probably my only good memory of this game
3 is garbage
better than the garbage heap that was 3
As much as I hate this game I will admit Majula is pretty comfy.
Absolutely based. Reddit memesters absolutely BTFO'd and SEETHING.
This boss was so slow and boring he may as well have not even have been in the game at all. An absolute waste of a design and an arena. 0/10 fight.
Let me describe a Dark Souls 3 boss. You'll have to guess which one:
>its a fight against a humanoid with a large weapon that attacks relentlessly fast in an empty arena devoid of enviromental challanges
see you just exposed how shitty the boss design in dark souls 2 is because in your best attempt to make a false equivalency with one of the other games you admitted that in the other game the bosses all have completely unique movesets and so were forced to try and obscure that fact with the blanket, but meaningless, statement "they all attack relentlessly fast." I'll take your concession.
Finally played the whole game + DLCs for once instead of dropping it before even finishing the first 4 big bads like I always did in the past. It's honestly not that bad if you know about ADP.
considering a replay while listening to some background stuff. what's the most fun weapon? considering dual wielding the red rust swords, the moveset is cool
Two corridor shooter games. Big deal.
you forgot
>has a powerup at 50% hp
>usually has some sort of flame effect too
They are better than Dark Meme 3
If you actually pay attention to the dialogue the solider literally tells you where to go. Also that pact is literally enabling hard mode, would not recommend.
Not disagreeing.
Wow the mob AI is retarded
Im gonna replay this tomorrow
Dark Souls 2 is the epitome of soulless
Dark Souls 3 is no better
Arguing about the two games is pointless, and thusly, ah shit, here we go again
I enjoyed PvP in this game. Also sorcery and faith spellcasting was fun. Hexes and Pyro weren't. I also liked all the weapon choices.
Demons Great Hammer, naked, with folk metal playing.
sounds p gay homo.
Better than Dark Souls III
dark souls 2: a lot of heart put into it by a team filled with low IQ brainlets
dark souls 3: a soulless cash grab
High Wall of Lothric and Lothric Castle are already better than the entirety of DS2 all DLC included
It fits the game honestly
your mom looks generic and soulless
Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2.
Ds2 for fashion
ds3 for weapon play
ds1 for uh.... shitting on
Imagine having taste as bad as this
Based. Completely and utterly based.
I like them all
Are you retarded?
(power gap)
(power gap)
it shouldnt be called dark souls 2 at all
formerly good
why was the poster armor hidden away in a secret area 75% into the game progression?
>Dark Souls 2 is shit