$599 U.S. dollars

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Other urls found in this thread:


And it cost Sony 800$ to make

Good times, the console was just too good for poorfags.

It was a great Bluray player

rich people dont play games, you dunce. they make money
outpricing the slaves is never a good idea. how else do you keep them brainwashed? next you're gonna appreciate marvel movie tickets costing $60 on the release date

The OG PS3 is actually badass. It natively had PS2 hardware supporting full backwards compatibility, Blu-ray, and was the first console with HDMI built right in. It also had wifi without needing to buy a dongle like the Xbox 360.

Too bad the backwards compatibility is it’s biggest weakness as all launch PS3s will slowly roast itself inside out due to it’s overambitious hardware. Literally the cell processor, Nvidia RSX gpu and the PS2’s Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthesizer. Holy shit what a beast.

>It also had wifi
I didn't even know that. I always just used a direct connection on my systems and still do.

mine died not too long ago

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It like all PS3 models supported PS1 games through software and disc. I dunno if there is any other console that gives full bc with two generations using no hacks whatsoever.

it started at $499 with the 30 gb model stop this retarded meme

joke's on you, I bought mine when PS4 was released

Attached: tenor.gif (386x304, 193K)

fuck off there was a $599 sku

PS1 is emulated unfortunately

Mod your PS3.

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>The OG PS3 is actually badass
Too bad it's designed like absolute shit and literally nothing can prevent their inevitable death due to it. It's just constant band-aids to extend their life/fix YLOD. Not to mention it doubles as a space heater when running. I legitimately didn't need a heater during the winter when I was playing vidya. Also made playing during any other season god awful. Glad I got a slim after mine YLOD'd a while back, but I do miss the native PS2 functionality sometimes.

Yep. And it costs $0 to emulate it.

And whats the price to emulate it properly at full speed?

>BC to all previous consoles
>half the price of blu-ray players
>best blu-ray player
>4 USBs
>Card reader

It was ahead of it's time.

Yeah, but you could also use your old PS1 discs if you had them.

I already did. I feel like I need to clean up the install and get everything updated though.

Sitting on a shelf in front of me right now, but I haven't used it for who knows how many years.

Lies. Ever heard of delidding the Cell and the RSX?

It’s inevitable user. All fat PS3’s will cook themselves eventually. Unless you replace the thermal paste regularly which is probably a pain.

Delid it and apply MX4 then install homebrew.

Not if you delid it user

I once compiled the entire extended linux kernel on mine. it took 40 hrs and I ended up using frozen meats placed directly on the heatsink to keep it cool

Feels good to finally have homebrew on my CECH 3000 slim

I won’t deny it’s designed like shit. It’s too ambitious and everything was too close together inside therefore the overheating and it sounding like a jet taking off when on.

Too bad we will never see another ambitious console ever again due to the streaming/DRM meme we are currently in.

same, if you find a guide please tell.
I want to have everything up to date.

Remember me?

Attached: drivevs360.jpg (550x364, 29K)

Here you go


So far this is the best youtube source I could find.

The thing is, my ps3 is a slim with rogero already in it, but its been years since I have used it.
Can I still install gan and all of that?
thanks for the link and video

ms employees got a special black shell one

that was just the elite, which came a few years after the white one

nice paperweight

no user you dont understand a special black one

Oh shit you already have CFW? Then you don’t need ps3 hen at all. However I’m unfamiliar with CFW and you should look at a guide on how to update your CFW.

HEN is NOT custom firmware. It’s an exploit that allows homebrew found on custom firmware but not as cool

CFW is the full bells and whistles. Install linux, downgrade firmware version, change your console ID, etc. Basically it’s the OG hack.

HEN just allows the most essential parts of CFW but it isn’t custom firmware, just an exploit.

600 dollars ain't shit. I wipe my ass with 600 dollars.

Oh, my bad, then I´ll look into updating my stuff. Thank you for your answer!

I still have the OG white 360 hooked up to my TV. It still runs with no problem too, what a trooper.

The ps3 was shit. Worse gpu than the 360 and a cheap server cpu that was more trouble than it was worth. Oh and only 512 mb of ram in fucking 2006. The bluray player drove up the cost, the actual hardware wasn't good.

if you already have CFW then you don't need HEN. find a good UP TO DATE guide on how to install the latest cfw version and follow it carefully otherwise you may get a bricked or updated system with no cfw.

make sure to back up your nand and keys as well. especially important is finding the right guide for the model of PS3 you own. even within PHAT models there are differences like whether it has a NAND or a NOR flash

Worth a short read to get you started


this actually

didnt get a ps4 for a while, it was nice having the entire ps3 library to play through, along with constant psn sales. i miss those days. honestly played more games when i just had the ps3 than when i had the ps4, or my pc (now)

i was also a fat fuck that never left the house though

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I meant the HDDVD external drive

One of the "advantages" of HEN compared to CFW/Rebug is that you have a lesser chance of being banned, I have been able to join any online game with it and had no lags or time outs, but i think you can do the same with CFW.
But yeah, HEN isn't CFW, but it allows you to run the most common homebrew applications and runs pirated games and emulators. Pretty much the basics of what the average person with CFW wants to do, and its pretty nifty for bros who don't have PS3's that can do full CFW.

512mb was actually a lot back then for a console.

in fact Microsoft was originally going to go with 256 but upped it at the last minute. consoles don't need to have the same ram footprint as a PC because they don't have all the OS bullshit and background tasks to deal with.

point is with consoles its always possible to do more with less

Reminder the standard Bluray players cost nearly 1k when the PS3 released

>bought it for $70 last year

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The ram in consoles is also used a vram though. It's not 512 mb of system ram, it's 512 mb of ram that's shared.

what do i gain from modding it?

Still upset i see

normies buy 600$ phones every 2-3 years, surely they could allow a 600$ console that will last 8 years

that's only true in the ps3 where it was split equally. newer gens are unified and im pretty sure although not 100% that xbox 360 also had a split system where the OS could split it up as needed, but yes.

Not everyone buys a 600 dollar phone. Consoles need an audience that's as wide as possible.


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I only saw those once and the store was unloading them for 10 dollars. I didn't buy one as I didn't have a reason to back then but now I kinda regret it as it's going to be a collector's item.

the phone sales charts disagree with you. The flaghip and upper midrange phones are the ones that are outselling cheaper options by a lot.

>ps3 games can look pretty good even today on 512MB of ram
>windows alone while running nothing at all consumes 1GB of ram minimum

This will never not make me laugh.

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>512MB RAM
It was 256 actually and it's why multiplats were always ass on PS3 compared to 360.

>due to it’s overambitious hardware
No, it was because the power supply was put in literally the worst place (over the GPU IIRC), so the heat circulation would go to shit

I put a SSD in my fat PS3 hoping that the lack of platters spinning will reduce the heat even a little bit

As a nice side effect, games all load faster and downloads install faster etc. Not a whole lot because of the SATA2(i think it's 2?) port but it beats the shit out of the old 60GB 5400RPM shitter

At least it doesn't have any deal doughs.

>he's forgotten PS Move

I miss the Foreman grill edits.

Why do people that emulate feel the need to point it out all the time?
I like my PC but it's just obnoxious don't you think?

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Didn't some user gut a PS3 and turn it into a George Foreman grill? Or was it putting the guts of a PS3 into the grill?

I swear I remember some shit like that.

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It's okay when Sony does it.

I feel like I read about that in an issue of EGM way back when.

Meanwhile the 360 was cheaper and more powerful. The ps3 put me off playstation as a whole forever. Won't touch another one with a stick because it still hurts.

It also exploded and died more efficiently too.

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Not the slim models. I still have mine and it works flawlessly. It's still my goto console for 7th gen games simply because all the games ran better at higher resolutions on the 360. Take grand theft auto 4 or red dead redemption for example.

>not the hardware revision that was required to stop them from exploding
You don't fucking say. I'm not a pleb so I have a PC for multiplats.

Gta 4 on PC is still broken and red dead redemption isn't even on PC and probably never will be. My 360 has served me well. I haven't turned my ps3 on since probably 2011.

Most people upgrade their phones for $200 or less, as close to zero as possible.

Hell, $0 upgrades are popular for a reason.

how do you open that hatch to the card slots? I have an old fat PS3 and I've never seen that open before.

That's great. I had a 360 but after the third one broke I just sold all the games. It's the first time I'd sold games in over a decade at that point. No big loss, it was literally a Halo/Gears/Forza box and stopped getting meaningful exclusives by like 2009/10

You know most places offer cheap upgrades to a new phone or at least give a payment plan right?

what a piece of shit

I used to regret buying this piece of garbage until I learned how to mod it

Not to mention the user friendly media usage. Plug in a flash or hard drive that's of the right format and you can watch stuff using the ps3s software. Aside from hardware the ps4 was a downgrade in every sense.

Yeah it really is great. I'm tempted to buy an xbox one just for the backwards compatibility for these games e.g. RDR is native 4k on it. That's the only thing which is a bummer about the 360 is the games are all 720p. Either I'll buy a used xbox one now or I'll buy their next gen console in the hope all the back compat games are automatically up-res'd to native 4k. I'll see what deals there are around black Friday.

>historically accurate

Based ps3.55 gang

But could you play PS1 & PS2 games on it?

Only the original two models (20 & 60GB) had that IIRC.

My 60GB lasted up until 2014. Lots of hours on it too and I still have it and the original box as well.

I wanted a One X until they killed the backwards compat program to work on the "backwards compat" for the new new Xbox.

Shouldn't console manufacturers just have some kind of unified OS shit like PC does where they don't have to perform wizardry just to play old vidya? I think the PS5 is doing that, so thankfully I don't have to buy a PS4 or an Xbox One and I'll still be able to play any exclusives I want from this gen should I eventually get those.

But I might not. Only recent console I bought is a Switch. It's okay.

Every poorfag has a $600-1200 smartphone yet people act like $599 ps5/scarlet would be something outrageous and controversial.

RIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAACER... Remember that one?

Yeah, but wasn't worth it for $500. If I buy a console primarily to play old games I won't buy anything over $200 or even $150. That's why I'm considering buying an xbox one this late in its life cycle because they're so cheap now.
also I'm only 22 so my first gen was essentially 7th gen and I have like 50 7th gen games but only about 10 6th gen games because I was a kid back then

Christ I have that fucker somewhere. Need to find it so I can play "The LAst of us."

And none of those poorfags paid 600+ upfront for it.

Hooray, financing! Pretty soon we'll finance consoles and then finally we'll graduate to financing food from the store bills.

Theres something about this console that feels off. Like the ps2, everything feels muddy and cheap on it. I just recall going to a friends house and watching him play asuras wrath or battlefield bad company, and it just looked like shit compared to my 360 versions. The ui was always lagging and slow. The controller is that classic awful playstation controller. Its definitely the worst console ive ever played

>still sold better than every Nintendo home console besides the Wii

If that's the case I'll just buy the next xbox instead then.

Mine died like a year ago.

And mine died within a year

I begged my dad for a OG model PS3 back in 2006. I told him I would even stand in line all night for it but he said no. Sure enough the revision models were never quite as good, and by the time I had my first job and was finishing high school it wasnt worth it anymore

Pirate games/DLC to your heart's content

They don't pay for consoles upfront either. But in any case, only the poorest of 3rd worlders can't afford 600 burgers on their hobby. Just look at the mobile market. Majority of mobile players are casual wageslaves and they spend hundreds on in-app purchases every month.


I paid mine 600€ at launch and also bought motorstorm and resistance.

What a piece of shit

>kids too young to remember the PS2, GameCube, OG Xbox, and Dreamcast are old enough to post on Yea Forums
6th gen discussion on /vr/ when?

>They don't pay for consoles upfront either.

Is this a funny joke about them paying twice for their internet?

has any human ever used the CF slot on this?

I'm still playing mine. I waited out to see how the PS4 would pan out before I made the jump to next gen and I'm glad I didn't.


Attached: xbox-one-xbox-backward-compatibility.jpg (770x578, 30K)

I have because I used to work in automation of assembly lines for food shit AKA machines that stick pizzas in a box or put the plastic wrap around the pizza and then shrink it.

I have no fucking idea why there is a CF slot desu, but I have an old leftover 256MB CF card that I stuck in there and it read it.

DC discussion is already fair game on /vr/ because it ended so early

Im 21 and started with the sega mega drive so he's not a generalization

It is really interesting. The arrogant attitude of Sony at that time was known only to people who followed vidya news. Your average Joe looked at the price of PS3, and the lack of games, then bought a Wii or Xbox 360, maybe both. Then everyone made fun of PS3, even devs. In turn Sony made PS4 as plain as possible and made bank with it. It pales in features compared to 3 yet it is a massive success that will maybe reach 130 million at the end. PS5 will follow the same formula I believe but at least the bc with 4 will be there.

I can't believe I spent 200 NEETbux on this thing.

delisted games and DLC, better load times by playing physical only games from a hard drive, fan translations, undubs, region-free blu-ray and DVD player, runs some retroarch cores decently

if these where 100 bucks cheaper it would have been amazing.

i find a decent amount of HDDVD's when i go to thrift stores. I think im going to start picking them up just for shits and giggles.

Price was good.

>Sony won the format war at the cost of losing that gen
If I was a normalfag on reddit, I'd make a thanos meme right now.

Nintendo won the gen

they're moving towards it. It used to be all game consoles worked on special cpu architectures. Now Sony and Microsoft are using X86 and the switch is using ARM. With this move backwards compatibility should be piss poor easy to implement, and developing for other consoles/pc is now a lot easier.

I bought it second hand for 1/3 that

it has 256 ram + 256 vram whereas the 360 just had 512 shared, effectively the same depending on the type of game i guess

im poorfag and i dont even have a phone :)

got psc, ps2, ps3, ps4 and pc though (amd fx + gtx 970 tater)

They only stopped 360 and og back compat temporarily so they can work on making sure the next gen is fully backwards compatible. Once that is done they will resume bringing more back compat

>360 just had 512 shared
512 MB shared + a 10 MB framebuffer cache. 360 was better

*YLoDs you*


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This is MS and it will be like the original Xbox and 360 where they abandon support for the old console once the new one releases. If there's any further BC it will only be on the newest Xbox and not the Xbone.

>still sold better than the 360 which had everything going for it

Funny how the same people making fun of PS3 price are the ones triyng to justify $2000 gayman PC for 10% more performance lol

And we both know you dont do 3M modeling with your computer so dont bother replying to me :)

I still have one of those things but I hacked it to increase the fan so it won't die. Now it perpetually sounds loud as hell in order to keep it under 70c

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that's $762 today

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Yes? I said the same thing. Blu-ray which is Sony was backing won the format war against he HD-DVD but Sony lost the gen.

Never had one, didn't know it had a CF card slot, thats crazy

>never bought it
>ps3 games are now on PC and emulation
wew I dodged a bullet

Microsoft lost twice that gen then. A double loss. A double loser.
>lose the gen
>lose the format war

I almost got one so I could watch Slither in HD

Then Shout Factory released it on Bluray so I didn't bother

oh god
What if they announce the PS5 at $749.99

You only had to wait a decade. Isn't it great!

PS3 was the last great console.

I know right? I still have a huge backlog of non-ps3 games to play.

>lost the gen
Xbox 360 and PS3 sold even, retard. At least the Xbox 360 had a functional online service unlike the PSN.

Atleast PS3 didn't force you to pay for peer to peer online, nigger.

That's sort of true. Kinect was the beginning of the end for them. It sold really well at first. Their bundle software which was developed by Rare but the name is escaping me right now sold nearly 30 million I think. Seeing this they designed Xbone around Kinect and with 2013 reveal the blow they took stil hurting them to this day.


The PS3 hen FAQ says CFW is actually safer since there are tools to temporarily disable CFW (or at least spoofing it) as Sony collects your console info every fucking time you turn it on and connect to the internet, even when you’re not on PSN. HEN is too new and the homebrew has not been updated. Luckily HEN is only temporary and your console resets to default when you turn it off.

I'd rather pay a measly $5 a month because I'm not a poorfag to play with all of my friends effortlessly and chat cross game with everyone on a stable well secured server than talk to literally nobody and have the online go out months at a time with all of my credit card information hacked on the PSN.

That's because you're a faggot. You spent $400 in a gen just to play p2p online.

in theorey if it would out class say a $1000+ gaming pc it might not be awful...at first. But after the sell out of the first holiday season, there would be lots of unsold inventory.

A modded PS3 is Godsend. PS1, PS2 and PS3 games and a plethora of homebrew. However I like to emulate PS1, and if PS2 games are either
>remastered like the ratchet and clank HD trilogy
>on the PS2 classics list for download

I will use my PS3 to inject PS2 games. But for games that refuse to work on anything but an actual Playstation 2 like Klonoa 2 and Burnout 3, I use my PS2

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no game

the ps3 was the worst console i've ever used especially because of this. it didn't even have party chats, something that pc's had since the fucking 90s. fucking terrible console in every way imaginable. try opening the guide in a multiplayer game and see how it fucking lags and takes forever to load.

The Sony first party titles are great because bias and the devs probably had superior tools. It’s the Saturn vs Playstation 1 all over again. The PS3 is technically superior but it’s complexity made it difficult to optimise. That’s why the Xbox 360 versions always ran better.

>$400 over an entire gen
chump change if you're not a loser NEET

Speaking of party chat, Vita has it while Switch doesn't.

Well, time for everyone to post their paypal so you can show it's really just peanuts for you.

>The PS3 is technically superior but it’s complexity made it difficult to optimise
No it is not.
360 has a 3 core CPU, PS3 has a single core (no, SPEs are not cores, not even close)
360 has a more powerful GPU
360 has more memory and it's better designed than PS3

Maybe but i dont care about sonys first party. Its all great value knockoff stuff from nintendo or microsoft. If its not that then its interactive movies like uncharted. I dont care much for graphics but i can say the best graphics of last gen were gears 3 and sonic unleashed

Great is a bit of a stretch. It is/was the last good console.

In retrospect now looking at the PS3, it really was technically amazing. The gimmick of blu ray wasn’t a meme and it was technically superior. Only problem was the motherboard design and Sony’s attitude of “we can’t be stopped” that made them create the horrendous cell architecture. The did the same thing with the PS2 and succeeded. I can’t imagine what the PS4 would’ve been like if Sony won the 7th gen.

xbox live could be bought for as low as £24 (probably around $30) last gen for a year which was pretty damn cheap considering the service the offered. xbl was revolutionary for its time especially between 2003-2010. after that paid online was pretty dumb though because pc online and chat services had caught up and exceeded it.

>Sony did bad thing
>B-but Nintendo!
Like clockwork

could've dropped it at least $50 if they didnt feel the need to bundle in the useless fucking Kinect no one used

Measuring CPU power by cores is a retarded thing and only a total moron would do it.

i don't own a switch but i've played smash and mario kart on one and from what i remember it doesn't have any social services anyway like friends lists and whatnot so i think their priorities lie elsewhere.

the 360 had 3 of those ps3 cores as they were based on the same architecture. the ps3 had the one core and these extra threads essentially but it made it hard to code for.

You realize the 360's CPU is a tri-core Cell without all the shit that makes the Cell so retarded to program for? It is straight up better. Comparing core count when they are basically the same processor is perfectly fine

Every PS2 iso works flawlessly on a hacked original backwards compatible model.

Yeah, But I have a CECH 3000 slim series so Sony already removed all traces of PS2 hardware. The only way I can play PS2 games is through the PS2 classics emulator as when I inject PS2 isos and mount them, the XMB gives me an error saying “This PlayStation 3 is not compatible with PlayStation 2 format software”. It physically cannot handle PS2 isos.

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Stop sucking corporate cock pls. It is bad for your health.

True. Still it doesn't explain why they release a phone app and a dongle for Splatoon 2 to get some sort of party chat instead of just implementing them to Switch. If Vita can do it, Switch can do it much better.

they support direct voice chat without the mobile app on the switch in games like fortnite.

>just updated my PS3 so I could play steins;gate
Fug,can I still install HAN?

Really? Damn Nintendo, get your shit together.

Yes! PS3 HEN requires the current firmware to work. If you really want to exploit it, consider this guide


>516mb of ram

Attached: 1559541676747.png (980x584, 504K)

>get ps2 when i was a small child
>Still have it and it works
>get ps3 when it came out
>overheated and died couple years ago

>b-but newer gens

we are discussing PS3 here, cope

>30 gigs left on my ps3
I am on PS3HEN here, so i don't know if that makes a difference, but if i bought something like a 64 gig USB, would i be able to load games off that from webman or multiman?

Thanks. Will I be able to play PS2 games and stuff? I’ve always wanted to play Siren 2.

Trial & error my dude. Multiman sucks ass with NTFS drives while Irisman reads them perfectly. Well I am using pic related which requires it’s own power supply so I think external USB hard drives will have trouble registering with the PS3 since USB 2.0 can’t significantly power USB 3.0 HDD

Attached: 9933A05E-7185-4C3F-AE60-84B2C150DCBC.jpg (642x477, 39K)

Yes, but you need to convert them with something called PS2 Classics GUI, which coverts PS2 iso's into BIN.ENCs, and have to install the PS2 Classics Launcher on your PS3 to launch them after you load them with Webman.

Attached: PS3_HAS_NO_GAME_by_FreshNfly89.png.jpg (600x512, 54K)

I have heard much of Irisman but i never bothered to install it since i was perfectly fine loading games with web/multiman, is it a clearer gui or is it simpler besides the support iwth NTFS?

Dear lord it depends. PS3 is a clusterfuck software wise and it entirely depends on the type of PS3 you have. If you have a fat PS3, you can inject any PS2 iso and it will work bit once you get to the slim series, specifically the 2500 models and beyond, Sony removed the backwards compatibility. To get PS2 games to run at all on newer systems, you have to rely on the PS2 classics emulator that sony made to resell individual PS2 games on PSN. A compatibility list for emulation is here but it’s very very hit or miss.


It just shows the PS3 was a headache for consumers, hackers, developers and retailers. Still love my PS3 though

What about redownloading games that I own on PSN? Will it be an issue if I sign back in? Won’t Sony detect that shit?


It worked for me, and i play online. If it doesn't, you can simply redownload the games you have on PS3DL and continue if you have the saves on your hard drive stored.

Aight, I’ll get to work. Thanks for the great thread, Yea Forums and PS3bros.

Because it had blu-ray

i cant i have a slim 2


>the cell cost 89 dollars
>the bluray drive was 125 dollars

The one with the slide cover? I’m pretty sure that’s the one on the pic.

Attached: 1559767543468.png (1280x1280, 1.5M)

this one

Attached: file.png (868x488, 658K)

Wait. That part on the front opens up?

wait you never used the grill?

Attached: file.png (678x510, 598K)

Video games? Video Games.

Attached: 1538059339956.jpg (1280x853, 140K)

These guys are now hackable too. Search for PS3HEN.


Attached: lex WRONG.jpg (500x312, 26K)

guys i accidentaly deleted my thunder save from the memorycard on my ps2

how can i get it back? i cant use my modchip anymore