Just got my preorders after e3 !!

Just got my preorders after e3 !!
What did yall decide to preorder??

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>pre-ordering from a store that will die in less than a year
You idiot lol

imagine paying for any form of media lmao get fucked

lol I work at gamestop and I wouldn't preorder there.

sure, i'll take the bait. preordered borderlands 3 super deluxe edition for pc about 2 months ago. planning to preorder outer worlds and sword/shield once I get paid too.

why do people pre-order? Everything is always in stock.

The fuck are you doing pre-ordering? What if the games are shit?

This pic is from Reddit isnt it?

Why do people preorder? Is not like you wont find a copy when it launches.

real talk, id have never found my copies of 428 or Steins Gate Elite around here had i not preordered them.

Yeah, gamestop might be out of business before these games come out.
Be careful user.

>preorder at gamestop
>don't get the preorder bonuses, literally the only reason you preorder at gamestop
>get a used game despite paying full
fuck gamestop

The shops probably did have a few copies on launch day at the very least. There's nothing wrong with going in and asking if they'll stock a game you're thinking about purchasing.

just doing a seasonal christmas season gig at gamestop was enough to make me hate the company as a whole. they just had to go and fuck EB games

Ok OP what is the gamestop.com order

There is literally zero reason to pre-order anything at this point. If a local store doesn't have it and you happen to live in the ass end of nowhere you can still Amazon it overnight.

pure onions

oh no
>predordering at fucking ghetto gamestop
user what the actual hell were you smoking?

Your game selection isn't too bad tho.

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Pre order bonuses

Is this a lowkey Gamestop thread?

I went in yesterday to trade in some games and buy a Switch. Even though they shorted me hard on the games I bought a Switch. When the chick behind the counter went to the back to grab the Switch she brought out one with a recycled sticker on it with UN written on it. I didn't really think anything of it at the time since I was just going through the motions. But she took the sticker off then slapped one of those circle clear stickers on it to seal it. When I got home everything was in its original packing and spotless. I didn't see finger marks or anything on the pieces.

Did they sell me a used one or was it a "we opened it for X reason but it was never sold" like they do for games? Looking at the receipt the price of the console was lower then it should have been so is it because it was gutted? There was nothing about refurbished on it. The receipt said something like red/Blue HV Nintendo Switch

What does HV stand for? Also sell your Pokemon games at a pawn shop, 3DS games go for less then 10$ there now.

I'm thinking about preordering Fire Emblem and Omega Labyrinth Life.

most of the times they give away some cheap gift for preordering, at least where i live i usually get posters, keychains, beanies, etc

otherwise i do agree it's dumb to preorder anything nowadays

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Gutted stuff they still sell at full price because it's """new""".

Back in the day there was a thing called limited stock and it was common to go to the store to find yourself looking at an empty shelf where that new game you wanted was.

Nowadays they have whole island stands filled with that game you want when you walk into Best Buy. So yeah there really isn’t a reason to pre order anymore.

DOA6 wasn't being carried unless you preordered. same with some other recent game i can't remember, maybe SC6?

Anons where the fuck do you get the time to play these games?
I have games I bought and I don't have the time to play them.
Also preording games that you don't know if they are good or not. Gamestop is bad as well since they are about to go under.