Stole this from the treehouse thread

Stole this from the treehouse thread.
What are you going to get?

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Daemon, Fire Emblem and Astral Chain

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18 games here

CTR, SMM2, Three Houses, Astral Chain, Spyro, Daemon X Machina, Zelda, Dragon Quest (holy shit fuck September, it's way too packed), Luigi's Mansion assuming it's October, Pokémon, Doom, maybe The Witcher 3. Not gonna comment on the 2020/TBA games yet, too early.

What are your top 3 then?

Astral Chain
Rune Factory 5
Daemon X Machina
Dragon Quest XI
No More Heroes 3
Breath of the Wild 2

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>For sure
Astral Chain
Daemon x Machina
Luigi's Mansion 3
Trials of Mana
Rune Factory 5
BotW 2
>When on Sale
Cadence of Hyrule
Super Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening Remake
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Rune Factory 4 Special
Hollow Knight Silksong
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Pokemon Sword & Shield

I say this as a diehard Pokefag who's questioned GF from time to time but always given in because I need my occasional dose of Pokemon. How does one go about making images like this? What program/template?

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Why doesn't Nintendo advertise Somnium Files at all? That's coming in September, too

FINALLY a disgaea 4 port. I hate the look of 5 so much

That isn't an official list, it's fan-made.

I know, but it's basically pulled from all the stuff they have been showing. They've never once mentioned it, even though it should be a notable indie and the crowd went animated wild when they announced it was going to be on switch

the RE6 logo still looks like a giraffe blowjob
why wouldn't they correct this?

Crosscode whenever that comes to Switch

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Damn, I'm going to end up getting at least three quarters of that list. So much money.

Also, I understand Bayo 3 being a no-show, it's not coming this year and they didn't want to overshadow Astral Chain. SMT V is probably absent because Atlus is slow as fuck at HD games. Metroid was restarted from scratch not long ago, won't see that one until late 2021 at the earliest.

But where is Town? What's the deal there? I thought for sure that would be a summer game, but now I wouldn't be surprised if it was completely put on the back burner for Pokemon. Maybe even canceled outright.

Don't sleep on Astral Chain and Gooigi's Mansion 3

The giraffe felatio will never not be funny to me.

GF had to put all their man hours into modeling the Pokemon twice, so Town is probably delayed

>enhanced port
>shit game
>shit game
>shit game
>shit remake
>shit game
>shit game
>shit game
>shit game
>shit game
>shit game
>shit game

Already got Cadence

Mario Maker 2
Ultimate Alliance 3
Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
Gods and Monsters
Prime 4

will get some of the others on other more powerful systems.


>My Friend Pedro
One of the most gameplay-carried games I've ever seen. It has nothing going for it aesthetically but damn it looks fun.
Played 1 when I was younger, this one looks like a polished, more saturated version of that, and honestly the roster is shaping up well since we still have at least one more base roster drop before launch.
>Astral Chain
I really like how you can tell it's a Platinum game but it's not in their regular formula. Taura seems to know what he's doing which is good, I never played Automata so I didn't know what to expect. I really like that you actually do cop stuff.
>Daemon X Machina
They spent a chunk of their Treehouse time listing all the shit they got told was bad in the demo that they fixed. Completely turned my view of the game around.
>Panzer Dragoon
I intend to emulate both the original and Zwei this Summer but if I can't get that working well or I get so blown away that I want to support a revival, then I'll buy it.
>Trials of Mana
Essentially new to the series, but I like the characters and music and I like the direction they're going with the gameplay. I've been meaning to play some ARPGs over just Action games.
>Bayo 3
Seems like it's in dev hell, especially with Hashimoto gone, but I also think Platinum is the kind of company that wants this game to be as good as possible.

I'm also vaguely excited for NMH3 and Spongebob although I'm not that familiar with the series/original respectively. I played a couple hours of NMH1 and thought it was fine but the combat wasn't enough to keep me going. I really appreciate the designs, music, and passion behind it and all of Suda's projects though. LM3, the new Contra & Oninaki all seem solid too, I'll keep tabs on them.

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CTR, Mario Maker, Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest XI, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Spongebob, Prime 4, and Zelda 2 are definitely on my list.

DQ Builders, Marvel, Astral Chain, Spyro, and Daemon x Machina are maybes. Link's Awakening needs new content that justifies its price. Pokemon is a no unless they scrap the dumb Galar dex only rule.

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>Gods and Monsters
Do we have any gameplay of that yet?

go to bed.

Fire emblem
Astral Chain
Links Awaken
Luigi's Mansion
Animal Crossing
Trials of Mana
All of the 2020/TBA games

Super Mario Maker 2
Wolfenstein (on the PS4)
Astral Chain (sold on the treehouse)
Daemon X Machina (sold on the threehouse)
Zelda Links Awakening
Dragon Quest XI S (PS4)
Pokemon Sword
Doom (PS4)
Luigis Mansion 3
Animal Crossing
Trials of Mana
No more Heroes 3
Hollow Knigt
Metroid 4
Zelda BOTW2

I was NOT going to get Daemon and Astral until the gameplay.....they sold me 2 games with the stream.

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Bloodstained, Mario Maker 2, Ultimate Alliance 3, Astral Chain, Spyro, Deamon X Machina, Link's Awakening, Pokemon Sword, DOOM, Luigi's Mansion 3, Panzer Dragoon, the RE games at a discount, Alien Isolation, Witcher 3, Final Fantasy VIII, Animal Crossing, No More Heroes 3, Lego Star Wars, Silksong, Bayo 3, Prime 4, BotW 2, Devil May Cry, Friday the 13th, The Sinking City, Ghostbusters Remastered, Mario & Sonic and Contra.

Bayo 3 also

I've been in 3 or 4 "What games will you be getting this year now that E3 is over?" threads at this point and I'm astounded that there's still a decent number of people saying they're actually going to buy Pokemon. Not so much in this thread yet, but in general. The last good mainline game was 7 years ago, and Sw/Sh is cutting features and corners harder than gens 6 or 7 did despite it supposedly being the franchise's big jump. Even after an announcement that actually managed to piss off a sizeable amount of people that could be considered die-hards, I still see that people will buy this game. That two-in-one Sword & Shield bundle that literally costs $0.01 MORE than buying the two games separately is probably going to sell well too, allowing Game Freak to be by far the lowest-quality developer on the planet relative to its notoriety (only rivaled by Bethesda's internal teams). Keep in mind that these games will cost $60 apiece since they're on Switch.

I dropped the series cold 3 gyms into X and I haven't regretted it once. I cannot fathom how a person can be excited for Gen 8 unless they're a child that just loves Pokemon, and I generally hate the idea that a game is for kids just because it's cartoony/from Nintendo.

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It will be the first Pokemon game I buy since BW2. I really liked the look of how the wild area works. I hope they fix the stupid bullshit, but my expectations are abominably low at this point and I would really just like a Pokemon game to play on Switch. If I could buy an older one for it I would do that instead, so I guess it was wise of them not to bring the VC along after all

Though I'm getting this one on PC
>Fire Emblem
Looks like shit but the gameplay seems great
>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
Looks like they fixed the frame problems that the demo had
>Dragon Quest XI
Seems like a good entry for the series
>Panzer Dragoon
>Trials of Mana
>No More Heroes 3
>Rune Factory 5
Loved the original

Hopefully we get news on Bayo3 o SMTV soon

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Green=Yes buying
Yellow=Maybe if good
Blank=No opinion
Red=Get this shit off my console

Attached: gigigi.png (723x2500, 1M)


Definitely going to pick up a Switch once my paycheck comes in tomorrow. Looking forward to Daemon x Machina and Astral Chain specifially, might pick SMM2 as well.
Missed today's stream so don't know how the indies look.

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>Disgaea 4
Fucking finally. Now release 3 on a non-meme console so that people can actually buy the series. Seriously, does NIS hate money or something?

Astral chain
Maybe FF8
Maybe Daemon x Machina
Where's Rice and ruins
Where's Lucky?

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>hating capekino
have sex incel

Bloodstained, Astral Chain and No More Heroes on day 1

For sure:
Super Mario Maker 2
Luigi's Mansion 3
Resident Evil 5 (it better have all the DLC)
Yooka-Laylee 2

Resident Evil 6
Trials of Mana

Attached: Resident Evil 5 Rebecca.jpg (900x506, 225K)

I might want to get mario maker 2, astral chain, daemon mecha and NMH3. Hopefully prime 4 gets done soon

Attached: Kaos_3.jpg (1280x720, 409K)

>Cadence of Hyrule
>DQ Builders 2
>Mario Maker 2
>Astral Chain
>Daemon x Machina
>Link's Awakening
>Pokemon(just kidding)
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Panzer Dragoon
>Animal Crossing
>Trials of Mana
>No More Heroes 3
>Rune Factory 5
>Hollow Knight

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Astral Chain
Hollow Knight Silksong
Bayonetta 3
Metroid Prime 4

Super Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening
Daemon X Machina

God, I hope they're all physical

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Pretty excited

Already own Spyro on PS4, love Witcher enough to double dip to play on the go

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i want to have a digital version of a few physical games i have but i don't want to rebuy them and i'm pretty sure i can't be a pirate and also use wifi in games.

Finding a good color was really hard because I normally default to red, but Nintendo already uses a shit ton of red for their layouts. So, I just went with darker red
>Checkmark = Very Likely - Pre-Ordered (I've only pre-ordered MM2)
>Question Mark = Interested but not too sure
>X = I'm probably not going to buy because I don't know what it is
>Extra Big X = Trash

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SMTV is never coming out is it

>this is your mind on snoy

That explains why so much feels missing from it.

Olympics, Luigi and Animal Crossing

Super Mario Maker, Ultimate Alliance, Pokemon, DQ XI, Animal Crossing, Mana, Rune Factory, Metroid, BotW 2
Maybe Town, SMT V, Lego Star Wars, Luigi's Mansion 3, Link's Awakening, Ni No Kuni, Astral Chain, Daemon Machina, FE, Wolfenstein.

For sure:
Fire Emblem: Harry Potter and the Song of Ice and fire
Luigi's Kino 3
Silksong (on PC lol)
Bayo tres
Botw in 2022 or so

Links awakening
Astral Chain

>RPGs are back with Nintendo, and 3rd party support in general.

The curse has been lifted.

>>Pokemon(just kidding)
no you don't

>The last good mainline game was 7 years ago
I disagree, I liked both gen 6 and 7 as a casual fans and while I support the outrage about the removal of the National Dex and hope they cave and put it back in, it's not something that prejudices the purchase of the game for me since I never transfer Pokémon over. Everything else I've seen about the game looks good, I've been hoping for Pokémon to get big areas with free camera for a long time now and I appreciate that they're doing it, while also keeping some form of roaming overworld Pokémon. It's finally caught up to PS2 era jrpgs.