Control / Remedy Entertainment

I fucking hate to say this but Control looks bad. The mo-cap is absolutely atrocious, and the cutscene direction is literally non-existent, it's nothing but jumping from one talking head to another. Sound design is poor as well and the animation is way worse than it was in QB, looks more on the level of Alan Wake, a fucking 10 year old game.

All this has going for it is the art design, but even that is just ripped straight out of Quantum Break, it looks like Quantum Break but worse. I'm so sad about this. I hate that Remedy got pigeonholed into making a fucking tv show game and then after that forced to go the smaller route without the necessary budget to make a proper triple a title that they're clearly striving after.

Why couldn't they just let Sam Lake continue doing his thing? play to his strengths as a writer. Why force him into writing some pseudo television show and then feminist garbage power fantasy about evil white men suppressing strong women? Why? Who is this for? Why are Sam Lake games suddenly overtly political in their messaging? They used to be all camp and all fun. Before you call me an incel, ever since the shitshow that was the Alan Wake development, Remedy has been pigeonholed by its publishers, they dictate the direction their games take and it's going to run them into the ground because there's no fucking demographic for this game, maybe they'll sell 400k if they're lucky.

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Saatana, perkele

kino brutalist architecture

what is the game about

Every game Remedy made since MP1 has been worse than the one that came before it.

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it's unironically about men suppressing women, it's just blanketed with surrealism.
before you call me a fucking incel, the god damn fucking people working on it have LITERALLY SAID THIS

Not true. Alan wake is a much better game than MP2 and rivals MP1.

>Alan wake is a much better game
selling the ending as dlc alone makes it much worse.

>the man that wrote Max Payne and Alan Wake is now forced into writing about "systemic prejudices" against women
>the writer known for fun camp is now writing political games about feminism

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

You are insane

The game had an ending. The dlc had an additional ending. The dlc ending doesn’t make the story any more complete than it already was at the end of the main game.

Max Payne is better than Max Payne 2 and every Remedy game has gotten less gamey than the one that came before it.

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What makes Alan Wake less of a game than Max Payne was? they pretty much follow the exact same formula, AW has maybe 3-4 story points that are about world building and story rather than gunplay but it hardly plays like a naughty dog game where half the experience is "cinematic"

Why does she wear the leather jacket?

It's way easier than Max Payne. I still liked Alan Wake.

It's honestly hard to believe this is the same company that made some of the greatest shooters of all time, what the fuck happened?

>company starts with small core of passionate people
>makes passionate work of art that sells well and sets a standard in video games
>20 years later
>just another company trying to make some cash with a focus group tested denominator tier MEH with Michael Bay sheen on it

Damn almost like Control doesn't have a massive M$ budget backing it or something

why did Phil Spencer stab Sam Lake in the back like that?

The animation looks rough during the solo platforming and the cutscenes, but the game looks fun and gorgeous during combat. Seems like once you get your hands wet the lack of AAA polish won't be nearly so jarring.

It's one thing to be critical about how a game explores and executes its themes, but outright going "acknowledging this thing at all is bad' is some orwellian bullshit

Gameplay looks p fun, guess I can just enjoy a fun game with good art direction and ignore the narrative like I do with 85% of the games I play

Why is it bad? I didn't want this from Sam Lake. I don't want those types of ideas censored either, it just feels disingenous, why is this being made? is it because the writer of max payne woke up one day and said "I really wanna write about systemic prejudices now"

which, for what it's worth, I believe in the use of system prejudices, I believe that our world is sexist and racist. But is it really too much to ask for a game from Sam Lake that isn't overtly political? even worse feminist in nature?

Cuz quantum break was trash?

and who's fault was that? was it Remedy that decided "lets make a television show alongside this!"
that game could have been good, had MS not forced their tv shit on them.

Remedy fucking love TV. That's why TV plays such a huge role in literally every Remedy game.

Sam Lake has been working at Remedy for 20 years so him wanting to write about office culture makes sense. All his protags before were men, so wanting to try a female protag isn't weird either. When you combine women and office culture you of course get the question of workplace sexism floating around, especially when the plot is about a female new hire suddenly getting promoted to top brass.
So the "why write about this" is clear. Not that writers ever need any more reason to write about something beyond wanting to.

Are you not old enough to have been part of the Xbox One launch or something? Microsoft put a huge push towards television at the time, a massive one, so big that it fucking flabbergasted the entire industry and they fell flat on its head. Who published the game? who do you think told Remedy "hey make us a television show alongside your game"

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>epic games store
dont need to read this shitpost to tell you control is going to be trash

I feel like you're just playing devils advocate here, I don't think you actually believe your own words, and even if you do, you've simplified it to such a comical degree that it's hard to take seriously. You've basically taken the position of "the motivation here is clear, Sam Lake wanted a female protag and worked in an office really long so this is naturally what you get"

By all means, make more video games centered around women, and make more video games for women, and write more stories about them, but do it in an interesting way. But why this tired take of things, I mean you wouldn't be blamed for believing we're living in the 50s. This is not feminism, this is regurgitating trash super hero male power fantasies in a different package and slapping a "men are bad" on top of it. How fucking original.

again who is this for? who is this going to resonate with?

Every single Remedy game has TV episodes in it. Alan Wake American Nightmare has loooooooong Mr Scratch monologues on TVs throughout the game. So yes, wanting a TV show game hybrid is pure Remedy. MS just gave them the money to make it happen.

>loyalty to a fucking e-shop
even though I think the game looks trash, I have to point out how dumb this is. Holy shit, imagine caring about the vendor you buy the game at. Buy it where it's cheapest or where it is available. Are you one of those people that refuse to purchase games off GOG because you like your steam library?

They never made a good game after Max Payne.

Hating EGS (a justified and rational stance) does not equate droning for another store. Although I don't expect a bugman coon like you to get that.

>but do it in an interesting way
Time traveler? Or does your uncle work for Remedy? You already know they tackled the theme uninterestingly
>men are bad
Wow, they went with this message? I would've expected something like "sexists are bad" at the least.

>why are the animations so janky
>why is the dialogue so atrocious
>why is there fast travel
>why is this game open world
>why do all the enemies explode

What the hell is this game even about

Yet another Remedy flop before they either get bought by a big publisher or go file for bankrupcy.

>characters are more bland and unlikable than Quantum Break
How did they do it?

the company is just a bunch of boomers trying to fit in the market. the old games were good because devs were forced to think about making fun experiences with their limited engines. they keep making sluggish 3rd person shooters because that's the gameplay of modern era.

>>why are the animations so janky
look at the other games 505 publishes and guess their budget level
>>why is the dialogue so atrocious
hey man, that "coffee time for speaking english" janitor is good
>>why is there fast travel
big place
>>why is this game open world
>>why do all the enemies explode
the devs know what's good

I don't think time travel is required to call out a super hero power fantasy (BUT FEMALE) as unoriginal.

That map design is fucking terrible and the AI has been downgraded from the first game. What kind of stupid asshole would program charger AI for all of the enemies (including people) when you can easily avoid them?

Unoriginal =/= Uninteresting

>from the first game


he's talking about quantum break, which is basically the sister-game to this.

just pirate it

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no one played that though so this should feel fresh

Something so wholly lacking in originality riding the coattails of a current trend in the industry makes for an uninteresting product.
Alan Wake wasn't original, but there also wasn't games around like it at the time or since for that matter. This game is political and timely, and it comes from the man that wrote Max Payne.

I really wonder why you're having such a hard time understanding why someone would be put off by all of this.

>Alan Wake ended on cliffhanger
>Quantum Break ended on cliffhanger


give the art team a raise.
however this looks like an sjw "girl power" game with clunky controls. mixing psyops with a destiny wizard, where you are rewarded for having no tactical awareness.

oh, my high velocity lethal bullets didnt work, ok let me pick up this 10 pound flimsy bench and throw it slowly in your general direction while floating helplessly in the air in the middle of the open. congratulation, you win.

or would it be more like Sims, but instead you're actually a god character that kills helpless npcs with ikea furniture instead of drowning them in a pool.

It wasnt just the tv show that was bad you retard


It's a third person shooter set entirely within one building. It's a 3D action game where you can fly. It's a metroidvania set in a haunted 50s aesthetic office with SCPs in it. The plot is Santa Clause meets Men in Black meets Twin Peaks. The bullets operate on cooldown even.
Seems pretty unique to me.

It'd be shit if they did, too much time has passed.

Remedy will bankrupt after this game lmao.

"woman good, men bad" not this shit again, how do I refund a preorder on egs?

Who are you quoting?

scam fake shoulda just made a new max payne or i wouldnt have done this to him

coming soon... quantum wake

follow the link user

Alaine Woke

How hard is it gonna flop?
Does it even has marketing?

>The place is a men's club without many women
I don't see how this is calling all men bad? I mean, pay attenion to how the guy words the theme "It's about proving one's worth in an environment with systemic prejudices" like, what, you get mad when a company is too meritocratic?


remedy, I thought you were different.

10 secs of those face animations was enough to know to not buy this game

so fucking bad

remedys biggest audience is still on pc but theyre retards, quantum break and alan wake sold better on pc than on xbox and no one on ps4 cares about this game bcs theres too much gameplay and the cutscenes dont look good

>no one on ps4 cares about this game bcs theres too much gameplay and the cutscenes dont look good
have you seen horizon zero dawn? monster hunter lite with much much worse cutscenes. and yet...


face of the woman looks like she's 50 ewwwwwwwwwwww

Why not just make a cool shooter.

Stop trying so hard. Less is more.

Job titles should be given based off ability, not just because you're a special snowflake queer muslim. Do you agree? Bear with me here

.... alan break

>Not Alan Wake 2

Where do I know him from?

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so far this game just makes me miss psi ops that much more

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The subtitles are straight outta Dead Rising

This game looks a lot more playable imo

>a lot more playable imo
what do you mean by playable and are you talking about control or psi ops?

I meant Control looks more playable. Psi Ops' basic object throwing is clumsy whereas Control is works like the gravity gun from Half Life 2. Plus I don't have to worry about draining enemies since TK power is on cooldown it seems. And the platforming and general movement looks better.

the game's looking like shit just like Infamous.

Quantum Break was good though (especially from a story standpoint). They just didn’t get enough sales on it because marketing was bad for it and now they gotta scale back their next project.

I never had a problem with the controls even played the game's multiplayer where essentially one player was in charge of half of the characters options. although it was a lot of fun to mess with the other player by sabotaging their plans however you could.

we all know what this is user

That janitor guy looks like CIA's older version.

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I can't remember the last time we had a Finnish character in vidya. Why's it gotta be a janitor?

Looks pretty fucking fun to me. Not particularly 'cinematic' but gameplay is fucking solid. The dude literally almost got wrecked in the first encounter.

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I thought story was bland as fuck but gameplay was good.

Nobody suspects the janitor.

What's wrong with Jack Joyce, Liam, Beth, and Amy? Hell, even Will is fine if only for his ridiculously overcomplicated explanations to laypeople. Paul was great too, it was interesting to see his complete mental collapse throughout the game. Even inconsequential guys like Nick and Charlie ended up being enjoyable characters. I'm not sure I understand why you dislike any of them really.

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the janitor sounds like a vampire

Bug yiik. Thanks for the heads up. Scratching it off the list.

I wasn’t a big fun if the tv thing either, but the gameplay was fun

There was her in DOA. Made funnier with Nico being Finnish male name.

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