Here's your 1950s police officer, bro
Destroy all humans remake has forced diversity
Show me the time aliens attacked Earth in the 1950s.
cool, now I can kill niggers
And we'll be able to zap him, extract his "brain" and so on
Any game that allows for the killing of niggers is an okay game, fag
Good point.
>these are the garbage threads I have to return to after chilling in the comfy treehouse threads for days
Kill me.
so you be seing niger cops did not existi back tehn?
Fuck yes! time to disintegrate some niggers.
>fantasy game has unrealistic characters for it's time
Why does it matter lmao
Maybe you should stay on kiddy forums talking about Nintendo then.
>all this misspelling
>be excited for a game
>see a nigger
>excitement is gone
Shouldn't you be happy that you get to kill the darkies or whatever?
Are you dyslexic?
What's this? A DaH thread? We're all humans so what does it matter if we have different skin colours when the alien menace is invading?
BTW, what do you think of my mask? You think it will let me fit in with them?
When are they remaking Stubbs The Zombie?
Impossible. The company that made it was bought by Disney and then shut down years ago. The Mouse will never sell the rights.
Only if you are nintendo toddler.
I suppose terrorism would be the only way to remediate these situations?
AND cops, at the same time! Win-win!
based esl poster
>extracting brains will no longer matter for a good portion of the game
They are called niggers, pathetic faggot.
>he doesn't know
Does the game take place in the north?
Your racial slur knowledge is lacking, isn't it?
Genuine cringe.
Go dilate and fuck off, faggot.
>taking internet shitflinging this serious
>being this low-t
>passive agressive tone
I seriously suggest you to join 40%
Unironically this
The president of the US wasn't "President Huffman", "Capitol City" never existed, Santa Modesta never existed, etc. Why are all these "historical inaccuracies" fine, but having a black guy is too "historically inaccurate"? Just stop being disingenuous and admit you're a racist, not a 1950s history buff
>stormkeks getting this triggered over being accused of not being good enough racists
oh no no no no no
You do realise that there were black people in the police force during the 1950s, right? There were some extra rules in place for black officers (like not being allowed to arrest white people), but they still existed in the police force at the time.
Because that fucks the aesthetics.
That's cool. Here are some more 1950s police officers.
Oh my god who gives a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Jesus Christ. Go outside for once in your life you sad pathetic fucking losers.
>"Oh my god his skin is a few shades darker than mine! What an inferior being."
Enjoy living a sad pathetic life.
Yeah I don't get this either
>masturbate to traps all day long
>masturbate to bestiality all day long
>masturbate to guro all day long
>masturbate to loli all day long
>masturbate to futanari all day long
>masturbate to yaoi all day long
>uh, it's everyone else who is degenerate!
Same shit with
>socialism evil, capitalism good
>oh but I pirate everything
>oh no no no no no
Fuck off with that Shia Labeouf meme, dipshits
The game has literally aliens, you can't get more diverse than that.
Reddit. Actually fucking Reddit: the post.
At least the nigger is still at one end of the billy club.
>i-it fucks with the aesthetics!
>American military has advanced technology that 1950s military never had, like sentry guns and mechs
The original had black cops as well, newfag.
yeah i know right. and how are they doing his lines. that the cops were all irish and fascists in the original was funny
>who needs a bill of rights? i'm bill..and i'm right!
unless this is a one off for a cutscene, but still, diversity does not belong in this game.
what's the point of destroying all humans when they're all getting along and accepting one another? it doesn't really make sense in the context of the game and the game's attitude and style.
Why is Yea Forums obsessed with niggers and trannies?
I think you don't know what aesthetics means.
Honestly I don't really care about historically accurate boon depictions. It's worse for blacks than it is for me and if they don't give a shit I don't see why I should.
There was no blacks at all and every npc in the game had one model each, the second game had black hippies though.
it's based on b movies fuckstick.
Is Crypto 138 the most based Furon?
>There were no black men as police officers in the 50s
Sure thing, OP. Sure thing.
You would be complaining about killing white Americans in 1950s if there wasn't any.
have sex
Forget about the black cop, the farmer is ugly as fuck.
there was no alien that's why that foreigner is out of place.
It's more that they think anything with black characters being involved is progressive politics, when that's only really the case maybe 30% of the time. Same thing goes for how they think Tifa's tits not being two cups larger is somehow about "muh objectification" shit.
the original game was inspired by 1950s alien b movies.
typical for a farmer and his wife.
You're making the mistaking of calling this site a hivemind. Like how the fuck do you reconcile that mentally to yourself? Do you imagine you're the only non-sheeple poster here, who has broken the conditioning and isn't part of the hivemind or some shit? Newsflash, you're not the only individual posting here with your own, dissenting opinions.
>Piracy having anything to do with socialism
Nigger that's like saying shoplifting is a powerful revolutionary act that brings a tear to Marx's eye.
why do they keep forcing blacks in every game?
I wonder what Furon Yea Forums is like, complaining about black (literally black) clones.
great thread
user your post is easily the most underrated in the entire thread
But don't you, you know, try to destroy everything? Don't you undecided cucks larp about days of ropes and race war every day? Why would you be mad you get to kill others than whites?
Yeah, the skin doesn't matter, it's mostly their face that's offputting.
Racists and people who make racist joke aren’t the same
Also being a racist and being a fascist are very different things aswell
Why does it matter?
I would but then THEY would find me.
So they don't look like disgusting racists.
How is it forced
The left wants to kill all white people. Look up the kalergi plan they want to replace us demographically
How is it forced ?
rent free, cumskins.
Name 5 games where they were "forced" into the games.
Go on, I'll wait.
Shtiposting gets more (You)'s than good posts.
Maybe try researching something before posting next time retard
>being this much of a the_donald alarmist
Waaaa waaa I’m a victim
Shut the fuck up
Kalergi plan means nothing just start killing your local transsexuals and jews and fix the world
You know, posts like these is why while the ideology horseshoe is wrong, the mental illness horseshoe is right. The more insane and crippled your brain becomes, the more likely you'll say what your post say, or that you want to be a woman.
>OP is this fucking stupid
>get to kill them
They're not some essential character that is untouchable throughout the story. I don't see the problem here.
THe weird part is the police is the only ones I seen so far to have black models, I didn't even see a single black person among the military guys or among the civilians in the pics and video we seen so far.
Battlefield v
Halo 5
Warhammer 40k
Assassins creed oddest and the one in Egypt
Everybody gets to die equally.
I am racist, you stupid nigger. Including your ugly lesser race fucks with the entire style of the game. You would know this if your IQ wasnt so abysmally low.
>being concerned about the left means you have to be in support of the right and trump
Why are whitoid male incels so fragile? They can't stop crying over inane shit for 5 minutes.
How were they forced
There are fucking movies about black cops in the 50s, you tool.
Cyrpto is a equal opportunity killer.
I've started playing it today on my PS2 and it's really great. Never played DOH or BFBB ever before.
There were black cops in the like 20s you dumb retard and I'm sure before that.
Do americans ever think about anything else than if there is a nigger anywhere? how can you be so obsessed
Why are white cucks so pathetic? They've literally spent YEARS bitching on the internet about how black men have been showing up in their media since the 80s and crying about how they're not instantly validated by society just due to their appearance while they suck up taxpayer money for their monthly tugboats to buy weed and vidya with and justify their completely worthless existences. Literally just like trannies but arguably even worse.
Senpai, they won't believe you because they're tied into this mindset of "Everything is normal and safe and always will be" since they've never lived through a war or major international incident. They think no threat could possibly exist towards them, their people, and their way of life. That kind of person will refuse to listen until they notice they're now the minority and have to beg Jose/Ali for equal rights.
>Battlefield v
What blacks? They pushed the super cripple
>Halo 5
Where? The fucking first game featured one of the most based black dudes in fictions
>Warhammer 40k
>Assassins creed oddest and the one in Egypt
Guess what, them being set in Egypt and Rome would literally mean you're going to see people with dark complexions.
Which one? Because New Order literally had Jimi Hendrix as one of your companions
Don't think it's 50's but whatever
probably all the vids they watch
>There are fucking movies about black cops in the 50s, you tool.
Can you name a few. I also feel like the movies would have racist names.
Looks good.
Chad oldfag
Virgin /pol/tard
>Guess what, them being set in Egypt and Rome would literally mean you're going to see people with dark complexions.
The problem is genetics testing shows Egyptians were related to Arabs and Berbers, not blacks. So making everyone in Roman Egypt a Sub-Saharan African is historically inaccurate. No part of Sub-Saharan Africa was ever part of the Roman Empire because it was always too much of a pain in the ass to conquer and hold.
>those monkey ears
See, that's how you know she's full of shit and just wants shit like fat bald lesbians in games.
But there were black cops in the 1950's why is this a problem?
Good to know that I won't just be killing whites.
Wait, are you angry at nubians in AC Origins?
>replying to retards
and that would be political right?
Just as long as black models only show up rarely and the civilian ones look poor.
>he wasn't there when the aliens invaded in 1957
lmao fucking zoomers
Consider for a moment that you bothered to store this image, this stupid opinion from a literal who, in your computer.
There's nothing wrong about Boss Nigger.
There literally are only two genders/sexes. People can be into whoever/whatever they like, but you literally can't ignore biological facts.
We zoomers taking over. SUMMER IS HERE BOYS. ZOOM ZOOM
t. strawman
Why is twitter such a repository for stupid opinions?
It's pretty simple, they treat minorities like garbage so they just assume everyone will also be a scumbag and try to crush them if they're a minority. They're scared shitless.
There’s a difference between parodying something and simply portraying it wrong.
You can bet your ass blacks would chimp out if 1/4 people in their fictional wakanda were white.
OP is forcing black representation on Yea Forums.
>Boss Nigger
first time I heard of that, was on a radio show hosted by a hambone in a wheelchair.
Pretty sure that's the website's entire purpose.
It's /pol/ crossposters.
This feels like manufactured outrage
I think you're just trying to be a retarded bitchbaby over nothing.
That's because it is.
No crap, Watson.
>mimics the setting, tone, charicature of a 1950s US city down to the pop culture pulp
>but it needs black people too because there's inconvenient racism during that era
also comparing niggers to evil space aliens is pretty accurate bro
I cringe at seeing that as well. Well at least I get to kill him.
So basically OP is a journalist.
Don't you know that communist came from mars?
We found our new Yea Forums banner.
Looking on the bright sight of things, I see
How is she wrong? You people constantly scream about how everything in video games that isn't white men is "pushing political stuff".
And people like her accuse everything of being sexist and racist when it literally isn't. It works both ways, dingus.
Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?
Never said that. Kill yourself, faggot.
Half of this board doesn’t even play shit anymore. It’s the equivalent of those discord trannys that look for shit to bitch about but on the other side
Horseshoe effect in motion Yea Forums.
y’all niggas don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore with vidya because gender and color politics are more important
How was my post even remotely leftist, retard? All I did was point out what those games did/didn't do. How about you learn to fucking read, goddamn newfag.
You're the only one here who wants a safespace
Was supposed to be replying to OP my bad random user
>having equal representation (when appropriate) or equal rights is anti white
People will reply to this dumb nigger's low effort bait and it makes me sad.
oh no
>devs implement black cop for variety, not even considering accuracy or politics
>/pol/ sees it as some sort of deliberate attack against white people
Literally right wing SJWs.
only a few of those post were like that, the others were just trying to find a bright side of things which include being able to kill niggers in the 1950s.
why do you lie? little worm
>You can now disintegrate niggers
Why are you complaining OP?
>I-I-It was just bait
Sure thing, dipshit, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuree
Could be fun, you're destroyin' all humans at one point then you have a few levels of awkward walking sim game play as you go witness segregation first hand.
>we can't talk about killing niggers
>but we can talk about killing cops!
Nice. Further and further from what gave birth to this website as a whole.
There were black cops as early as 1911.
seeing a black cop in what is basically a parody and satire of 1950s alien invasion flicks is kind of cringy, however at least the player character is an alien and the black guy is an enemy npc so it is not THAT bad.
>from what gave birth to this website as a whole
A fifteen year old anime enthusiast? You know fucking nothing, faggot
They are not adding in new audio unless it was cut. though it would of been funny if they reference the racism back them.
He is not posting with the intention of creating discussion, moron. He wants to rile people up. It's the same with just about half the posts on this board, including yours since you seemed to misinterpret my post so bad you think I posted the first comment.
>i-it's just a literal who
"They say that brown is the new black." the thoughts of a majestic agent.
Yea Forums will bitch about anything huh
>Yea Forums gets excited to see a black guy in a game because it means they have something to keep them angry about so they don't have to go back to being miserable.
the only way is terroism
Is dumbass mcgee not aware that niggers could hold jobs in the 1950s?
fuck off ESL fag
Why do you need to bring race up every time?
You’re like those deranged reddit tourists that mention trump every chance they get
Keep telling yourself, dipshit.
jannies seething at the use of the evil race word
To be honest this site was created so some Asukafag can talk about his waifu.
there's that word again
First black police officer in America was sworn in to the NYPD in 1911
You can't even come up with a counterargument, it's pathetic. Here's your last (you), drink NyQuil and vodka.
Don't need a counterargument because you didn't even provide, newfag. But hey, seethe and quit like a little child because you couldn't prove your bullshit.
Because normal people keep giving the weirdos (/pol/ users, redditors, and everything in between) more and more attention.
They feed off of it; and people keep giving them as much food as they possibly can. People back then just bullied them and went on with their day
I’m now having childhood flashbacks to where I would torment niggers by setting them ablaze and throwing their bodies into lakes with my tk
Okay mods explain me why this shit was deleted? i know you mods are a bunch of faggots but deleting post makes you even more faggots, it's like i'm in a third rate forum or some normalshit like that.
I swear to god when this was announced I thought the same thing, me and my brother used to love fucking around in that game
GOAT zombie sim
A lot of us reconcile that we’re degenerate but that’s because we were exposed to it
I wasn’t fapping to this shit or found it arousing when I was a kid, we wish for a world without such influences
Speak for yourself, I don't give a shit
Literal leftypol nigger worshippers
Racists btfo
I was going to buy this game until I saw that nigger.
Stay wrong, dipshit.
>Complete and utter non issue
there are serious problems with forced messages put in games and you bitch about this, fuck off
weird part is that a enemy character.
*that's an
A cartoon literally just needs a scene with a girl getting tied up by bad guys and boom, a bunch of kids have a BDSM fetish. Your world requires censorship that would make SJW censorship look tame.
Clarence Muse, a coach driver in the 1932 movie White Zombie. I'm pretty fucking certain you could have found a black police officer SOMEWHERE in the 50s.
nothing worth reading - just the same regurgitated /pol/ content as usual
Meant for OP
i mean this doesnt mean that you wont get the bullet shlohmo
My great grandfather was a police chief in teh 40s, and he was pure Irish, parents were straight off the boat. If they let a fucking mick be a police chief, niggers being regular cops is entirely plausible.
why is california getting less white evry year
Go back to /pol/.
>alien game has to be historically correct
it's only the 50's in terms of aesthetics and nothing else.
>guys remember when the aliens invaded in the 50's?
Those aliens scared the fuck out of me when I was little. Now I just laugh at it. My fear was watching T.V. then out of no where these little fuckers interrupt the program and just scream ACK ACK ACK.
>all shitskins are subhumans, they are nothing compared to us the aryan race
You're talking about a fictional depiction of Africa not a fictional depiction of America, there's a big difference in the population.
>fuck niggers, they are degenerate subhumans, my superior aryan genes makes me a god among men
I say this as an honest to god racist. get a grip it's a game in which you play as a little alien relax you cannot possibly think it having a black police officer matters stop caring so much about small shit
>The president of the US wasn't "President Huffman", "Capitol City" never existed, Santa Modesta never existed, etc. Why are all these "historical inaccuracies" fine
Thats what the ayys want you to believe
>Come into thread
>One very hurt leftpoltard is shitting his pants and screaming
Ahhh a classic.
Is that book real?
All the retards saying that there were black cops in the 1950s are missing the entire point of the thread in that they replaced what was in the original game, a white cop with a black cop for "diversity". They didn't even change the voice.
>117 IPs
>making everyone in Roman Egypt a Sub-Saharan African is historically inaccurate
It's a good job not literally everyone in origins is sub Saharan African then, right?
all i see is seething /pol/niggers here
Go back to your school shooter site
I'm here.
Lol dumb rednecks don't know their homes are gone lol
where there is a group of stupid people you will find conmen trying to make easy bucks
Why should I give a fuck though?
Why are /pol/cucks so cringe?
>one brown guy worried he's about to get hanged
While I agree that the black cop was probably for diversity sake and is fucking weird, there was only one cop model in the game. In fact there was only one model per npc.
the black guy is the alien trying too hard to fit in right? only way it can be saved