Why do retards say only gameplay matters in vidya?

Why do retards say only gameplay matters in vidya?

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A true connoisseur knows that when everything is used in moderation is when you get true artistry.

wake the fuck up samurai
we have to BURN

"We don't use the word fun"

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>when everything is used in moderation is when you get true artistry.
no, you can literally have a excellent game with zero story but not the other way around

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Because a game should be fun to play first. To say it’s the only thing that matters is an outright lie, and there are a lot of things that can make a game fun and engaging like story, atmosphere, etc. But if it’s frustrating or shit to play it tanks the experience.

All video games would only be composed of stick figures and hitboxes if such mentality was prevalent.

Came here to basically say this

Because it's an easy sophism. A game has nothing but gameplay. Watching a cutscene is still part of playing the game. Playing the game is gameplay.

Other things also matter, but if the game is boring and tedious to play - it's not good. I can tolerate playing games LiS or LoU, but I'd rather watch them insted.
If you are preordering Cyberpunk2077 because of Keanu - you are retarded. The same kind of retarded that buys all Kojima games, because they are made by a "genius".
Gameplay is the best metric to judge a game by.

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Because if you play a video game for any other reason, you are not a video gamer.

You are a story reader.
Or an interactive experience afficionado

but not one of us

contrarians that seethe at the state video games are in
dont take them seriously

There are a bunch of games with bad gameplay with good story that a lot of people consider good


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Story and gameplay go hand in hand, like a balance. You can choose to just remove one or the other completely and it would be alright. However, only having story and having no gameplay, or at least a bare bones version is a walking sim/visual novel. Focusing on gameplay has no downsides if it's engaging.

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seething tranny, except unironically

Those people are wrong. They are blinded by the story and aren't aware of the bare bones gameplay most of the story-driven games have. Look at FF7.

>or at least a bare bones version is a walking sim/visual novel.
Which people consider good

>rose tinted nostalgia glasses
>good gameplay
Good one.

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Gameplay is the biggest facet of gaming, followed by story, which is followed by graphics.

Though gameplay and graphics tend to evolve together, and neither age very well. When you eliminate constraints, it's harder to do gameplay well.

Only the braindead/not even really a gamer. The reason Gone Home got so many good reviews from "Gaming Journalists" is because those people aren't really the group you'd think they were. They're brain dead asshats who get payed smalltime to play video games, and usually shove a review a day or two after to quickly get paid, instead of actually wanting to enjoy the experience. The reason that walking sims and VNs get so much praise is that they're EASY and low effort.

There would only be tetris variants if all we needed was gameplay. It would be cheap and easy to make and get money from.

Gameplay matters most. A game with good gameplay is a good game even if everything else sucks. There are games with bad or underwhelming gameplay which are good, but these are rarer.

gameplay is important, but so is art style. Developers have replaced art style with graphic realism these days

>They're brain dead asshats
Same can be said for all the retards who think cheesing mechanics and exploits to overcome shitty design makes good gameplay.

>A game with good gameplay is a good game even if everything else sucks.
What about ?

Are Cybertrannies gearing themselves up for disappointment with Cyberpunk 2077?

Are you going to take off your trip to stop being a faggot?

they are braindead fanboys, nothing can disappoint them

They're Nintendo man babies

Name one good game with absolutely 0 story.

I'll do you one better:
Mordhau, Garry's Mod, Pixel Piracy, Super Hexagon, Cardinal Quest 2, Downwell, Tower Madness, Pathos/Rogue, and Polytopia

Counter Strike

because even with a mental deficiency, they're still smarter then lefty journalists

Brainlet, unless you're talking about the origional/source

>reddit multiplayer games and things that could be mobile games



I'm a storyfag but damn user got BTFO

Thank you for not saying tetris. Some of those are pretty decent games.
Kill yourself.

>give examples
>deflect to shitposting and bring up reddit for no reason other than to get a quick reaction
Luhmayo user.

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Which is why I’m saying OP’s thread is a form of coping for that disappointment in advance.

Yeah, but once the story IS THERE it's quality matters a lot to the overall perception of the game

Normiebait game

If no one was a sucker, scamming wouldn't be a crime.

Steins;Gate says hello

it's not shitposting
the majority of those games are mobile tier trash
so ok, sorry if I want games to be more complex and offer a variety of feature others than basic repetitive gameplay

Visual novels arent games

Mount & Blade

If a gameplay is bad I will never see the story, the music, the characters etc. If the story is bad i'll ignore it and skip the cutscenes. If the characters are bad I'll ignore it and won't interact with them on purpose. If the music is bad I'll ignore it mute it. There is no way to avoid playing the fucking game.

You may not like it, OP, but Tetris is always the answer

Well that's because if you dont want to bother with game play than you should make a movie.

Atmosphere matters most. It’s the only thing that made Pathologic somewhat enjoyable

And yet you don't see constant threads about Tetris or other arcade games, the one that stick around are the one with good aesthetics, style, story or characters.

People eat glass, yes

>video game
That'd be why. Retard.

>video game
Your move.

Because we've literally proven this with the birth of videogames. Stuff like pac-man or pong didn't have a narrative of any sort, didn't have the graphics we have now, and didn't have orchestral music, but they were all entertaining games.

Opinions of retards who came just to watch cutscenes don't matter. Games firstly must play good otherwise you can just watch playthrough on youtube and be done with it.

Name one
Hard mode: singleplayer

He proved the point and you’re trying to dismiss it because “hurr durr I don’t like it so it’s le reddit!” What a fucking baby.

Yakuza Zero. It has zero’s story.

Because they never had the money to get a decent rig.

The living proof is Deadly Premonition

>proved the point
>by naming tetris wannabe and a game that is only loved because it's MEDIEVAL thus the setting is the big draw

No you can't unless you're talking strictly multiplayer games which don't really have stories because they are designed to be replayable forever. A game cannot be excellent if it does not have a goo story. It can have excellent gameplay but without a good story it's not an excellent overall game. Excellence requires every aspect of the game to be of good quality.

And adding a story isn't a negative you fucking moron

Because it's Yea Forums virtue signalling. It gets you epic Yea Forums-cred. It's just like saying:
>not playing the hardest difficulty the very first time you play a game
It's just a really pale attempt at trying to impress people.

mordhau and gmod are breddy good desu

gmod isn't a game

Because they're retards
Good visuals only serve to increase enjoyment and assist the gameplay
Good music is just an objectively good thing
A good story can make a game more memorable and serve as an incentive to keep playing, or to push through a less-than-stellar part of a game.

You were wrong yet still cry like a bitch. . . .fuck off.

>cutscenes = moviegame
>story = bad
These are easily the worst memes on Yea Forums

You just did the same exact thing as what I posted, you fucking dipshit.

They technically are which means they are for everyone except incel scum

Tetris only has gameplay and is still better than the 99% of games

Not him but I'll actually disprove the Teris part.

Tetris does not have good gameplay. The only reason it is so well-known is because it was created at a time with limited technology, thus people were impressed by even simplistic designs. If Tetris was invented, created and released in 2019 it would sell like 23 copies because it's incredibly boring, there are board games that are far more sophisticated.

Because it's a game. It's not like a game with good gameplay and no story is better than a game with good gameplay and a great story, no, obviously people would prefer having a great story, but people don't "prefer" having gameplay, you literally need it for it to be considered a game in the first place.

Why do people always use tetris as an answer for a perfect game, when almost every other block-dropping/moving game is better?

Millions of persons still play Tetris nowadays, you'll die some day and people will be still playing Tetris

He's not saying gameplay doesn't matter, OP is asking why people think gameplay is the ONLY thing that matters.

because the tetris effect exists, and people think it's some message from the tetris gods when really they're just obsessed with tetris.

why yes, people do actually make shit brownies and sell them online. theres also people that buy them and leave reviews. whats your point?

Because of its legacy not because it has great gameplay. If it were created today nobody would play it. Pinball is a better game than Tetris ffs.

It's the proof of time, Tetris is a classic, the same goes with movies and books


because they're retards, not every game goes for extraordinary gameplay. Stuff like Abzu and Journey are glorified walking simulators, and serve a different purpose. They're artsy games, so stellar gameplay isn't what they go for

is this a fucking tetris thread now?


someone edit this to make him point at the cybercock from the ingame ad

Video implies that the content is being displayed through moving images that are created digitally. When you tag "game" onto it, then there is increased implication that the moving images have some sort of interactivity with them.

Just when I think I can't hate this jew anymore, he goes and say retarded shit like this.

Sorry user you took way too long to respond, I'm no longer the person I was back then.

Snake is a more perfect game than tetris.


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Game-play can be just as good, if not better at expressing ideas and emotions then cinematics.

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Story ≠ Cinematics

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Honestly this. You could make all of Smash just model sticks, joints, and hit boxes and nothing would change.

Remove the flashy particle effects, stage backgrounds, all of it. It’s still the same.

Well yeah, but some developers forget this, which is why we have long cut-scenes or slow walky monologue segments when the player could be playing a more active role instead. An example is in Megaman X you faceoff against Vile and you can't win making you feel powerless against him. So when it's time for the rematch, his defeat by your hands is much more satisfying as you the player are also getting your revenge against him. If Vile smacked X down in a cut-scene, the rematch would not have the same weight.

>Super Hexagon

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I can't wait to read this new video game
I can't wait to watch this new video game
I can't wait to play this new video game