Why are gamers so racist?
Why are gamers so racist?
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ban the chinks and favella monkeys
because you all have the mental capacity of a 12 year old, regardless of your age.
niggers are dumb and commit more crime.
average nigger iq = 56
This man speaks truth
anyone who believes that has a 56 IQ
Fun fact: nothing came out of this because they had no proof to fall this on. Valve had nothing to do with it and it was some random chink calling out SEAniggers what they are, SEAniggers
They wont care because there are no African or AfricanAmerican dota pro players and only brown players are Arabs , there will be no shit storm over this because no one cares about Pinoys and Russians being offended. Remember that racism only applies when used specifically to demean AA becasue its all US centric views and problems being projected on rest of the world.
>someone says nigga in an online game
seethe harder nigger
t. niggalo
Tiananmen square massacre 1989
it's always the subhumans who are outwardly racist, mostly to deflect from the miserable state of their own people. french, ir*sh, slavs, arabs, flips, negroes, chinese, etc, they all do this to each other constantly but cry crocodile tears when the next one in line does it to them. shit's funny to watch though. author's name reminded me of stubbs the zombie so i'm gonna go play that again.
there are outliers for sure, Sowell is one of my favourites, but generally, yes, Africans are dumb as shit despite running fast.
People believe made up RPG racial differences, yet IRL.everyone gets offended.
>inb4 /pol/
I don't care that asians or jews are smarter. Whites made art like no other.
did they get our guy?
its heat of hte moment trash talk in horrible public games that you have to stay in for 30 to 60 minutes because leaving puts you in the abandonment bracket.
>people refusing to go to Pinnoy land because failing a drug test would people result in death by firing squad is controversal
I wouldn't trust third world drug test if the result would mean getting shot.
>"a esports host"
Quality journalism.
>here's your journalist, bro
It's easier to maintain a racist world view when you never actually see the outside world or meet new people of different races.
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Trannies
Fuck China
I dunno, seeing Chinese, SEA and Russian tourists makes me inclined to be more racists towards them. Similarly for American tourists.
It's actually the opposite
Wrong, it is easier to be racist if you actually spend your time in the outside world.
>Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.
-Mark Twain
It's almost like he's talking directly to incels.
who is /our guy/ v?
>t. 56 IQlets
I wish all the men of the world would band together to genocide every single subhuman femoid that's ruining this planet. I just want to live in peace with all my bros who I also trade blowjobs with.
didn't even read but Mason
mark twain was a fucking funny man dude
this was a joke
People wouldn't be racist if certain races didn't act like retarded fucking subhamns on a repeated basis.
i.e. niggers
Reminder that Valve is a hollow shell of a corporation with none of the original spark of love or creativity left inside of it
Valve literally could not give less of a fuck with any of these issues. Any statement they make is purely out of being forced, and even then they don't care.
>Glitchy fucked up games don't get fixed unless Leddit spams it on the front page
>Games like TF2 which still make money are abandoned but only cus MUH ESPORTS
>Valve doesn't communicate literally ever with anything in any of their games, despite constantly being begged to do so, despite being faced with mounting pressure to actually do so
Valve LITERALLY DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK about anything but money. Anyone treating Valve like a good company or GabeN like someone who is still who he was 10 years ago is deluding themselves.
Dota 2 is the main game to play if you ever wanna become racist against Eastern Europeans fast.
Fucking subhumans.
Dota 2 racism, let alone chat is one of the most odd and hilarious experiences ever
wrong thread
That is the exact opposite of how things worked in my experience.
People on Yea Forums constantly interact with assholes from all around the world.
One the other hand most normalfags, who are for the most part anti-racism, only interact with with people of the same race/culture as them. Even when they are on the internet they form a bubble.
>say nigger
>everyone, black or white, get so worked up, over a single fucking word, just 2 syllables is all it takes to turn a black person into an animal, or to get a white person to yell "RACIST!!! RACIST!!!!!!!!!"
>wonder why so many people use it all the time
stop reacting to the word and less people will use it, its that simple.
nobody is forcing you to get mad but yourself
>"ching chong"
>gets banned by the government
>autistic death threats
>banned from the game
>not enough
>chinks shit up other matches that had nothing to do with what happened
Just a banter
I love this snowball effect, the more companies try to step in and curb "toxic behaviour" the more offended people think they are not doing enough, because is never enough, being shitty is part of human nature, you can't change that with a fucking video game community
he looks like he says the n-word
Blizzard wasting all its resources on culling toxic bheaviour should be proof that its pointless.
Hou je bek, kankerneger. Met je dikke homokop.
Pattern recognition.
there’s nothing wrong with saying nigger and also there isn’t nothing wrong with a nigger punching some cracko for saying nigger. Is free speech, if you can say nigger, you could also punch hin for saying that. And he could also shooting you for punching him. That’s real life kiddo
Nigga, I'm just here to talk about video games. Is that so hard?
it worked for me. they banned me after 2 years of playing hots by spamming 'niggerniggernigger' to niggers.
What drugs do they use?
>Stubbs the Zombie
Oh god I've got to play that again.
opium and HRT
no good coke because that shit's reserved for the plebs in the us and eu.
Valve is owned by the Chinese now, so none of this matters.
Because games can make people incredibly frustrated. Many people do not know how to deal with frustration in a positive or constructive manner, so they turn to anger. They cannot physically lash out against their opponents so they resort to trying to hurt them verbally. Eventually they use those words so frequently that it becomes a part of their vernacular.
its like magic in d&d but in IRL its really cool i can pretend to be a white mage and cast Jigaloo Rage Spells on blacks blocking the driveway then i use summon protector spirit and he gets rlb&
People are inherently racist. Asking why "gamers" are racist is like asking why water is wet or why the sky is violet. People sheltered from reality are fucking retarded.
The bias in this article is both funny and completely unsurprising
1. Russians are the absolute worst for this, saying cyka and other shit every single EU game, yet it's painting them as the victims. Russians are loathed by everyone else in the EU region for a reason.
2. Fails to mention the organisers of the Chingcong major implicitly threatened the safety of kuku if he was allowed to attend and Valve stayed silent then rolled over.
Fuck slav subhumans, fuck niggers and fuck chinks
This. I was driving home today and there were to lanes, a left turn only and a straight lane. I got in the straight lane and the nigger next to me in the left only lane looks over and starts mouthing nigger words "mufugga wtf mufugga" like I had just insulted his family or something. Then starts pointing at me. I guess he wanted to get over.
Not my fault he was too nigger stupid to get in the correct lane in the first place. They are too dumb to drive, work, do anything with any hint of intellectual capacity. They are a danger and a menace to society.
Niggers aren't human
>Scream US EAST at anyone speaking Spanish on US servers
Fuck off. US EAST.
I wasn't racist until I actually had to interact with niggers on a regular basis, I believed the MSM "we're all human" propaganda until I left my 95% white home to go to college as an athlete
ironically all the liberals who talk about interacting with blacks only know 1 or 2 token negros and generalize that
Only line one and two actually happened. Second one was for a single tournament.
"Anti-Racists" segregate themselves from minorities more than anyone else.
every major metropolitan area on the planet is racially segregated -- people like being around their own kind first and foremost.
cuz racism kicks ass and is fun
how come it's mostly white countries that have immigration issues?
Because we hate niggers
>opened the show with jokes about Chinese porn
Damn, anyone got a video of that?
Statistically proven, they DO commit more crimes.
Hitler wrote literally:"I didn't hated Jews until I had to deal with them"
Thanks, user.
>niggers have 56 IQ
>america is 56% white
More like 75%
Found the nigger
Everyone is
Its called "observation"
>mfw Dota 2, and by extension Valve, is literally the only game out nowadays where the old manners of communication in online games is allowed
>faggots want to take it away
It's a shame too. It's been reported that there's a new wave of people at Valve that want to censor and control communication a lot more tightly in dota2 but a lot of the older employees are boomers who are against it. I imagine they'll lose out in the end sadly but it's been fucking fun.
dota is based and siegepilled