Can we have a thread about pics that didn't age too well?

Can we have a thread about pics that didn't age too well?

Post what you have.

Attached: 61869450_106133123895678_2548992400824504382_n.jpg (427x427, 32K)

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him
> Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the second lowest drawing Xbos exclusive of the '00s
>Tanked the buyrate of Rare Replay so hard his remaster was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 10th best member of Diddy Kong Racing
>Only the 9th best member of Banjo Pilot
>His gibberish speak was cringeworthy
>His ugly yellow pants was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEAR AND DA BIRD""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Xbros crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus costume in Minecraft which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2005 game that Conker of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Playtonic enough leverage to swindle 2 Million dollars from sad millenial manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past

Attached: 1554852551963.jpg (601x496, 76K)

Attached: 1560240172250.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at 3.56.48 PM.png (663x73, 15K)

Attached: 3595ABB6-DC9D-4518-A275-0847BC1B0DC2.gif (630x420, 114K)

Attached: 1547598064379.png (2592x1214, 569K)

Attached: 1535148520785.png (1024x755, 1.05M)

i actually made this one
i regret nothing

Attached: meme.png (1266x3597, 2.98M)

Attached: DfgZkU6XkAIvjyQ.jpg (1200x132, 44K)

get it cause the meme was a funeral photo so the babby was dead lol

>He thinks Geno has a chance over Sora
>Or any Square character for that matter
Fuck dude since SE is trying to make Nier a franchise now even the new Nier game has a better shot at a DLC slot

I knew this image from the Smash 4 days would be useful

Attached: 1445749006119.png (912x1080, 588K)

user I'm a Sorafag, I made it solely because all of the crying Sora wojack falseflagging triggered muh autism about character accuracy.
Same reason I drew these.

Attached: puppetbros3.png (500x500, 101K)

Goomba isn’t in

Where is John Cena?

We need to fix that image

Waddle Dee is wanted?

Attached: 1560457491803.png (912x1080, 184K)

Attached: 1560457491803.png (912x1080, 93K)

This needs updating, whos taking Banjos spot?

Reimu for sure.

Obviously Steve.

Attached: Chromfags btfo.png (539x1765, 1.27M)

obviously steve


Why are people so dumb?

Laugh while you can, but I won't ever stop believing. It may take another Smash game but the sole fact Ridley, Banjo and K. Rool proves dreams can come true.

sole fact Ridley, Banjo and K. Rool *got in

>next smash game

Why would they stop now? Sakurai already said he will make more if there is demand for it

>implying implications
They've already said they'll keep making Smash games as long as they sell, they most likely won't be as big as Ultimate but they'll happen no matter what.

They're never going to stop. It's a commercial that sells 10 million full price games every time.

This one gets me every time.

Attached: 3f5BpsX.png (1920x1920, 2.1M)

Why the fuck did this ugly Steve shit kick off? What caused this?

Attached: 1538025884876.png (978x937, 625K)

Who has the one of Nero crying, and DmCfags talking about buying all the DmC games on amazon to BTFO DMC5

>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him

banjo's literally been in more racing games than he's been in platformers.

Some literal furtranny made it, then discordfags drove it into the ground.

>not a single thing correct anymore

Love this one.

Someone post “Not-in-Smashcon”


Attached: 1481722526493.png (600x753, 666K)

As long as Smash 6 has Ridley, K. Rool and Banjo I’ll be good for an eternity.

also who's taking goku's spot, goku is already in the game. redhair goku maybe?

Attached: 62539007_2373773109613072_8088538563676733440_n.jpg (845x960, 54K)


>Banjo kazooie
>Grunty's revenge

>BK Pilot
>Diddy Kong racing

Story checks out.

Attached: updated.jpg (1024x755, 664K)

Attached: 1551585366600.png (1280x720, 637K)

I miss Ridley memes.

Attached: too big.jpg (521x755, 77K)

I'm more surprised they convinced Rare to let them use Banjo before they convinced Square to give them Geno.

difference is they aren't trying to get Geno

Imagine how barebones his content would be if Square Enix was unwilling to share more than six FF songs.

Replace goku with doomguy, having him on there is pointless since he's non-vidya.

They got Luminary

this image makes no sense, milhouse/geno is the one crying


Attached: 1560420184781.jpg (682x548, 33K)

cuphead? more like fuckhead amirite?

Attached: Blockheads acting cocky.png (341x83, 7K)

do you think that banjo can free saki from the eternal jpeg downward spiral?

Attached: 1548610872987.png (5028x5028, 3.67M)

This one didn't age well

Attached: Outdated.png (680x363, 476K)

>tfw i wanted the duck hunt dog back in the smash 4 days

Attached: 1541379233533.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Does anyone have the South Park gif of Mickey beating up EA for fucking with Star Wars?

literally all of these are still true because they're talking about smash 4
why are people posting these

needs an update

Attached: 1541021603309.png (1200x886, 1.28M)

Traumatized rosterfags searching for revenge and validation.

cope antifag.

that's why they're being posted in an "image that didn't age well" thread and not "images that are well" thread

posted 1 day before the direct, kek

Attached: image0.jpg (959x673, 42K)

my nigga