Is Advance Wars the best turn-based strategy game? Keep in mind I didn't say the most in depth/detailed one

Is Advance Wars the best turn-based strategy game? Keep in mind I didn't say the most in depth/detailed one.

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Hell no.

I speak for the people and they agree that it is

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it's a linear shift piece puzzle painted as some cartoony military setting

What are some other good turn based strategy games where you're able to have factories that produce new units? I can't stand the kind where you have a set amount of units.

Maybe not, but it's the one with the most SOUL

Not even remotely. I honestly don't know why people even suck the series' dick as much as they do. There are like two good games.

It's a great strategy game and does a good job of managing complexity.

The only real flaw in the game is that the AI goes crazy whenever it sees a troop transport vehicle. Enemy units will just beeline to your troop transport and prioritize attacking it over anything else.
Knowing this ruins the game as you can abuse the AI to draw out units by baiting them with your transports.
But other than that it's the perfect tactics game.

it's probably the best entry-level one, like most nintendo games

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What's the best non entry level one?

Not necessarily but I feel like the aesthetic really improves the experience. The colorful iconic style makes units easy to quickly differentiate. The catchy music helps me endure the longer drawn out battles.

Tried some realistic tactical games and they were unbearable. Everything beige and grey with different units that look the exact same named with scrambles of numbers and letters.

i was rather clear, google the words you dont understand

That's not Into the Breach

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I like it but operators are inbalanced as fuck

it's not linear at all, wtf are you talking about. there are many ways to win a game.

there's only one way to win in the single player maps dude who are you lying to? yourself alone. open your eyes.

Into the Breach is short, has zero replayability, and is SJW shit.

he wasnt talking about wargroove though?

into the breach is a puzzle game

how in the fuck is into the breach sjw? point on the doll where they touched you fuckboy

Wesnoth is superior

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civ 4, age of wonders, HoMM, advance wars is a great entry level game but PC will always be the autistic strategy platform.

>Into the Breach

is tactics ogre actually a good game and how can i play it? i've been aware of this game for probably a decade and still haven't played it

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Am I a retard or is Advanced Wars actually hard?
I'm getting to the point in the first one where I actually take multiple tries to beat missions.

fire emblem is the greatest turn based strategy game in history

>rng to decide if attacks land
>no range

the first one is

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Yes, but 3House will top it.

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Managing rng is a skill in the same way it is in poker.

I remember beating that mission. I'm currently stuck on one where you start in the south and have to cross a small isle to get to the north which is a much larger land mass.
There's subs and battleships everywhere.

I couldn't beat it either. I gave up after I realized that fog of war only applies to you, not the AI.

Days of ruin is actually the best one for single player because the CO powers aren't retardedly annoying and the AI isn't braindead. Fog of war can go fuck itself though, turns any S-rank run into trial and error.

Based Wesnoth bro.

While you can argue that having no real ranged units is super lame.

its because the characters are somewhat stylized and not pale anime white so apparently theyre all shitskin mongoloids despite having caucasian names and being the same colour as the asian pilots
yeah the game is "(((diverse)))" but it fits the theme and narrative so its acceptable, except for lily reed, i had to get a mod to fix her