Two new Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots

Two new Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots

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looks cool but can you use a bow in this game?

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That BVLL is me

I wonder if can make V huge as this guy


They call him Hackin Hood, in reference to Robin Hood, a famous archer from way back.
He's named this way because he's looking for Cyber Justice with his Cyber Bow.

I'm not a racist but none of these new screenshots have a single white person.

People are going to disagree with me but man that's some cool fucking character design.

there will probably be more white people in this game than there are in commiefornia now

>"I can't say any specific numbers right now, but currently the pre-order numbers are way higher than they ever were for The Witcher 3" said Marcin Iwinski, joint-CEO of CD Projekt

Wtf bros... I thought the game was going to flop because of their transphopic tweets...?

I agree, animals the gang look like animals.

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Quick! Somebody roll quads

can confirm. california is literally 20% white

Those "people" don't buy games, user.

Nah man, I agree with you. Superb detailing on him too, CDPR has always been good at character designs.

Pretty sure it's a response to the moronic "black guys are the bad guys!!!" journo articles.

Future is BLACK

>two new screenshots
>two niggers
Jesus christ this pandering

And there's only 3 people in them. Look at the other screenshots you noncey boy

You know, the fact that they are even bad guys is debatable. They are literally just a gang doing what they need to to survive and journeys are taking it really wrong just because they oppose the mc.

More like "Shut the fuck up you idiots".

That is fucking obvious, that is what makes the whole situation worse.

have sex

>Only trips may stop him.

Attached: n4.jpg (2137x1441, 795K)

Demo was about V meeting two black gangs. They show screenshots with members of that gangs.

>Jesus christ this pandering

Are you by any way retarded?

always an ugly ass black chick

*blocks your path*

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It takes place in California. Makes sense for 2077.


>all these SEETHING /pol/tards

I will not buy this game if it has blacks

Boycott blacks

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The guy that made the original game is black, dude.

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u first

What an absolute unit. How do I achieve this natty?

Of course it's going to be blacks in all the screenshots, because all of those shots are from the demo. Which was about two mostly black gangs fighting each other.


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I hope we can be bros.

So how did the niggers afford all this expensive modifications? Cyber Obama giving neural net welfare?

by stealing it?

the white race is dying out
>Haiti's first president Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[5][6]

deep lore

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Same way anyone affords anything in a cyberpunk world. Either selling organs and mental storage space to corporations or through a series of highly lucrative but life threatening crimes.


>poles are the actual niggers of europe

Well it is a dystopia

seethe harder

ethnostate when

That guy's pretty hot looking btw I'm a white girl


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Funny because Poland is the only white country left in Europe

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Will the Honkler gang be all white?

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do Polish people think that the US is 50% black or something?

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and that's a bad thing

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Why are there so many black characters?

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That's a big laptop

It's from a section of the game where the player visits a ghetto. Of course it's full of black people.

It's not?

>50% black

Did they forget to make the rest of the game?

Cyberpunk was created by a black man

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needs 2077

So these must be members of that "the animals" or something group journos were talking about, no?
That one group were it's all full of niggers who like beating stuff, they showcased in the demo and triggered all the journos because it was all about killing that one group of niggers in creative ways.

user, California was 40% white in 2010.

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yeah, probably

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For your information

No way they will get away with making a full black ghetto gang

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For you

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No, they're from the other gang, the Voodoo Boys. The big guy is Placide who betrays you in the demo, and the woman is Brigitte who helps you in your quest.

>Haitian gang named the Vodoo Boys
>not a single white person
Whoa, i'm shocked! I always thought that Haiti is Nordic and white.

Its US???

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> Cyberpunk full off cyber-punks

US will be 90% mixed in the future, you'll all be niggers lmao


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Really based, gonna go full lethal on black gangs and non-lethal on all others

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Why not? Rockstar did it several times.

Oooh. So the Animals are like hired muscle for the Voodoo Boys type of thing?

is it easier to control them?

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A whole trailer was just released starring a white person. And before that a whole gameplay video, and the trailer before that had a white person. So, whats really on your mind user?

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Futuristic scfi bows and arrows are never not retarded

Why are people like this : (

Apparently they made two black gangs who live in that shitty district. And one is manipulated by a white guy.

Along with that dickgirl, I'm expecting this game to cause massive butthurt in the tumblr crowd.

It was a different time.

I better be able to romance her.

No, the Animals are the other black gang. They're roaching into the Voodoo Boys' territory. The Placide guy asks you to get into the Animals hideout and find out what they're doing before he'll introduce you to Brigitte who is part of the main quest.

Tell me lads, how bad will the downgrade be?

so you'll work your way to the top by first fighting the lowest tier black gangs up to the corporate stuff?

>Haiti's first president Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe"

>mockingly says "and who are dem" in response to Placide's pronunciation
they're not getting away with this

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Kek for real?
>Clowns in the future

For the consoles? Massive. I just hope they don't drag the PC version down with them.


Can i use a shotgun against him?

The game is being made by a black guy who has a white OC character (middle one)

I hope he decides to voice his character.

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Imagine actually being that. Just imagine waking up and instantly knowing that this is who you are and that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change anything. You're an aging balding genetic failure that has completely destroyed your body both through overeating and hormone intake and that is it. This was your one shot at life and you've absolutely ruined everything, so now you've got to eat your existence away.

>hightop locks with a fade
nice, im here crossing my fingers for good costume hair for blacks

Gonna play as the honkler if posible.

>Sometimes they become obsessed with one victim, littering his life with "pranks" at unexpected times until he has a nervous breakdown.
>bozos are literally Yea Forums


Damn bro. Thanks for explaining it to me.
This game sounds like so much fucking fun. What were they thinking showing it to the delusional journos AGAIN. It sounds like a mafia cabal at this point.

That is why we can say nigger.


Who would you cast as Morgan Blackhand and Saburo Arasaka?

>Futuristic scfi bows and arrows are never not retarded
no your retarded

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>Holy fucking shit, While cutting myself I slipped a ram card under my flesh, This makes me an authority on fiction!

>game is going to be the best rpg in decades even though it touches subjects that make journos screech

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I mean aren't all his characters OC seeing as he's the one who made the whole story/setting?

haha APES

Its the character he roleplays as and he will be one of the holograms we can use.

what is this brand of autism? you have skyrim if you want to be a stealth archer

I'm so fucking fed up with both /pol/ retards and resetrannies.

Both of you get the fuck out of video games and stop sperging out for the most minor of details. It's california in 2077 fucking get a grip.

>he will be one of the holograms we can use.
I don't think there will be three separate hologram characters. They got rid of the childhood hero part of the character creator, and they've said Johnny has the second most lines of dialogue in the game after the PC, so they're not swapping him for someone else.

Your headbuddy will always be Keanu.

>and mockingly says "who are dem"
Lmao preordering for sure now

That sucks

>They got rid of the childhood hero part of the character creator

I believe you but, source? Kinda disappointing desu

I'd almost agree with the "latino representation" shit, it drives me loco when spanish character use spanish palabras in the middle of their sentence, they flanderized by boy Mordecai in Borderlands 2 with this shit

Not him but:

For Arasaka
-Ken Watanabe or Sanada Hiroyuki
For Morgan Blackhand
-Pierce Brosnan or Timothy Dalton

>it drives me loco

not buying cp2077 if it doesn't have bows

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>"I got my eyebrow pierced, i'm cyberpunk"

>"came out as trans to my kids"
I sincerely hope they are just lying for credibility and doesn't actually have kids

He's obviously joking

Are you trying to be some footfag of bows?

They talk about the character creation in the recent demo previews. The current system is that you pick a lifepath - street kid, nomad, or corporate - which affects your starting gear and allows unique dialogue choices in some situation.

But they also that the system is still very much a work-in-progress so they might change things or add things to it.

Big Black Cyberpunk

at least it's not the same black woman again.

>new screenshots regarding the demo people at E3 got to play
>it has blacks in it because the demo takes part in black gang land
>reeeeeeeee niggers in muh games
Some of you are legit retarded.

Is the black hacker woman part of the that black gang too?

Seems like we start out as low lives somehow.

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I don't think the bow is supposed to go into her pants

>not knowing archerfags have autism and have been demanding bows in anything resembling FPS games for a fucking eternity

It's not a new thing, trust me. Pic unrelated.

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I don't get it

here's your free (You), brainlet faggot.

African Americans

it's just some cuckold spamming the same pic, you should be used to cuckold false flagging here

I wish this game came out on the next gen. So much wasted potential.

Dilate, you tranny.

>more than just a single one

These fucking niggers are insane if they want me to put down $60 shekels now for something due out in April 2020. For all I know I could be dead of cancer or hit by a fucking car tomorrow and they want my $60 shekels NOW? Nigger, please...

>he feels uncomfortable shooting people, not because they're people but because they're black
that's messed up

>blacks offend some trannies and incels for different reasons
>but it blows out SJWs epic style!
>so some incels love it
>but it has a dickgirl with a good explanation given by designer who is a tradpunk lesbian so some trannies like it

As an ebin "centrist" this game is looking okay. even if I don't understand any of this outrage.

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I bet 100 bucks these posts are made by discord trannies and /pol/fags sowing discord because they're salty it's getting so much great reception.

It is, Resetera has a huge chip on their shoulders over CDPR.

Hispanics are the only growing minority group in the US, black share of the population is actually falling.

Rutger Hauer or Dolph Lundgren for Blackhand

>meanwhile, on black twitter

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Hispanic is not a race.


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who let the bull loose?

As a mutoid spic-white, can confirm.

because whites are the minority in 2077. You will see more niggers, wetbacks, and goblins. AND that's a good thing.

That's how you let the abortion get banned.

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Based black bloomer

>AND that's a good thing.

Unironically this if it means less white trannies moaning on twitter.

>he just grabs the dev and thanks him

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OK, They are the first group I will massacre with my super homolust racist white V in the first game.

Whites are a minority in 2019.

It was meant to be.

shut up retarded spic

for me the unbelievable thing is that there are any white people to speak of.

in commiefornia? yeah I agree.

You are a lowlife. The game is about a lowlife street punk who dreams of getting into the big time solo leagues but ends up getting way over his head.

They're a global minority, dipshit. It's sad a spic has to tell you this.

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True. It is pretty sad to see most whites don't see it as a crucial problem. For me, I don't care because the world would be doomed without whites.

>I'm not racist
You will be

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This actually makes me very happy, there's something very wholesome about it

It is doomed regardless of what races of man inhabit it, actually. Heat death of the Universe is basically guaranteed, holmes.

Big "maybe" on that one chief.

Attached: Bows.jpg (333x226, 40K)

*schlop schlop schlop schlop scholp schlop schlop schlop schlop scholp schlop schlop schlop schlop scholp

why did you have to feed his autism

It's California in the year 2077. Why would there be white people?

uuhhh no. non-whites don't know how to deal the crucial issues on the world until they get the helps from whites. Without whites, the world has gone disastrous. - overpopulation, starvation, rising ocean levels, nuclear waste problems, etc...

wholesome as fuck

>red background with a guy having a mustache
He's clearly a marxist

A nigger.

Another nigger.

Why I'm not fucking surprised?

That’s not a fade, and he has hair on the back.

Yeah, I know what the intent of the post was. I was just reminding user that the Earth is going to heat up and turn into a desert planet just before the Sun finishes going red giant phase and literally swallows the Earth

So yeah, regardless of which race does what the planet is indeed fucked.

fuck off loser. Go make your own game.

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Second playtrough is basically nigger of all niggers.

The Niggest

>cyberkang 2077 BC

Go suck another nigger dick faggot.

>tfw watching someone express sincere, overwhelming joy at a video game after being on Yea Forums for so long

Install subdermal rfid chip like a tard (literally something that has been usedmon pets for ages, and this mow makes you "cyberpunk"

>Maximilian Dood thought the demo was generic and boring

>anyone does anything which is an affront to me in even the slightest degree
>turn the whole block into pink mist
>hack a cop car and speed off

u mad?

holy god imagine his BBC penetrating your female pale white skinned character
imagine her moans and sweaty skin as the RTX enabled lighting effects perfectly dance on the sweat particles
imagine the subsurface scattering on the BBC as it penetrates your tight white vagina
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm im cummmmming


A based one at that.

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Dream on. Anything less than a 12 inch chrome vibrating piston dick isn't enough.

cuckposters are the worst creatures alive, even when ironic

I honestly think you're a complete retard if you've seen all the dumbass cinematic trailers for this game and the gameplay videos and actually think this will be a cool and fun game

conservicucks at it again

Its probably from the backstage demo which features the Voodoo Dogs gang, they're a black gang.

Get triggered.

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nothing ironic about the cock lust white women have for BBC


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now shoo, cuck

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They're making fun of the retarded way they talk

>both screenshots have niggers in them

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absolute cyberunit

You might be retarded buddy


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The cover art is a white lad
Based CD PR making /pol/sters and trannies SEETHE at the same time

Some bitch that went a little crazy with the biosculpting.


The Voodoos in The Sprawl are mostly black

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And they said you cant be a cyber psycho. Just look at that bitch

Is the little twirly dance supposed to put torque on the brick?

Purely for style points I think

Wtf, source?


Why is he so cute Yea Forumsros

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Have not paid much attention to the game. Is your character a girl or a boy.


it's a boss from the demo

Attached: 1560322885069.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

You can choose which gender, yeah.
I think for some quests you'll even be able to switch but that might be extrapolating

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Can i hack that bitch and make her smash her own head?

Isn't that Jessie from Breaking Bad?

Natalie Mars


Samller head and a stronger chin

she actually hacks you

>mfw the enemies are white men

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No it's Young Ocelot

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>mfw kiling white men

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if these guys don't make an appearance I'm going to be super disappoint


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near the end of the boss battle she starts hacking you and you have to kill her before you get shodan'd, a time limit if you will

Fuck man this is so so cringe

>FINAL FORM of TRANNY, who failed to pass

the game takes place in America, what did you expect?

Any more new stuff?

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this is nice, makes me happy
haitians seems like nice people


Cool i really want to see that demo

The poorer part of the city is where you hang out to get jobs as a solo so of course it's filled with minorities,

is this the chick that gets domed in the trailer? That mad me sad I liked her from the 5 seconds of screen time she got. Her augment was cool.

cause you're gay

where are these images coming from? I can't find them on the official site

kinda qt desu, hopefully there's a path where she survives

it definitely was smooth af


she was the handler in the e3 2018 gameplay demo

Yeah but I don't know what makes him looks attractive
I guess it's the muscled twink body + the lively face and the genuine display of emotion

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She makes me want to betray my race



They any good? I'm looking to add more game news sites to my RSS feed like Gematsu.
No fluff/opinions bullshit, just news.

Fuck off Todd

thank you

t. odd

>Who doesn't want to kill Whites?


>here's your trans character bro

this fucker gave serious psychopath vibes.

I just looked at their site...seems decent to me. They have links to HQ stuff that seems to be direct from media kits.

he has psychopath eyes is why

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Scotland and Ireland are white as fuck too