What was the wokest moment of E3 2019?
What was the wokest moment of E3 2019?
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>It gets better
Ha what a load of horse shit
Nothing ever gets better life can only get worse as time goes on
Can EA EVER tell the truth?
It will never get better if you are never satisfied with the amount of pandering you receive.
>not coming into your own and living a fulfilling independent life in your 20s
Did you guys just not graduate? Life's pretty good for me
What's gonna get better? The exploitation of low IQ LGBT people who have been selling their identity and existence cheap to corporations through their self-marketing with pride parades to satisfy a trending bout of narcissism and ego? The only allies LGBT got are profiteers, meanwhile they made more enemies than "allies" through their retarded Instagram-culture behavior.
is that guy wearing a fez?
who the fuck walks around in a Fez? what its this the 19th century?
It's generally accepted that life gets better once LGBT people escape their shithole nowhere towns and move to the city with an actual gay community
The Punisher actor who is also a pitbull activist bringing the dog on stage for literally no reason during Ubisoft
if anyone says a thing bad about LGBTQBBQTBHFAM7 they are banned from all major websites, face being fired from their jobs and label a social pariah and even possibly jail time in some states. Boy major political parties in the country 100% support them, But they're still somehow oppressed and still needs to "get better"
I got a blowjob from an Asian tranny while playing Smash Bros against a black pedophile who was getting a blowjob from a little white boy. I have never felt more woke in my life.
is this their new slogan/catch phrase?
LGBT minorities women etc are all just shock troops used by the upper class to destroy the middle class
How tight is your tinfoil hat, user?
"It gets better" campaign has been around since 2010 and since then DADT was repealed and we won same-sex marriage so yeah I'd say things have been getting better
The wokest moment of E3? When I woke up! XD
That's debatable. Moving to a city only substitutes existing problems with others, resulting in a status quo. Some jobs you can do outside of a city so moving there won't influence your income which is the main focus of moving to cities, except your expenditures will skyrocket. For jobs that do benefit from the move, you enter an hundred fold more hectic, retarded, and unhinged polluted environment when you go to a city.
Gays don't need to move to cities anymore anyhow, Internet is a thing now.
imagine being so fat and ugly you look at video games and see a platform for political discourse
The left and the right should both jump off a cliff and see which one hits the ground first.
Fuck political parties and fuck politics, you niggers all deserve to be publicly scalped
>so yeah I'd say things have been getting better
YOU'D say that, but Twitter warriors would have the rest of us believe that as soon as June ends, gays will continue to get shot in the street on sight.
>The left and the right should both jump off a cliff and see which one hits the ground first.
Going by suicide rates the left will make 4 splatters to every 1 right splatter, and that's not even including fetuses in the equation.
>Gays don't need to move to cities anymore anyhow, Internet is a thing now.
Lmao yeah if you wanna hookup with middle aged married men who want to cheat on their wives with you. Gays thrive in the city because cities are always more liberal and generally have more varied communities and with a higher population you're more likely to find a community you click with. Brings that, there's always something interesting or cool to do going on in the city. If I had to live somewhere outside of a city I'd probably kill myself
I don’t care as long as both die
I mean not really but we're not exactly where we need to be yet so it's still possible for things to get even more better
>If I had to live somewhere outside of a city I'd probably kill myself
If you don't have an occasional venture outside of a city, stats show you will be more likely to kill yourself though.
We graduated with as much debt as we would have gotten from a mortgage. Thanks boomers for telling us we all needed a college degree to work at Starbucks.
>If I had to live somewhere outside of a city I'd probably kill myself
Don't worry, you probably will anyway.
Based and truthpilled
The Nintendo conference, because it was the only time I was awake.
I can do a cabin weekend and travel of course enriches the soul but the city is where it's at. The most exciting thing to do in small towns is go to church
Nah life is great
Legit sucks. Sorry user
It's already better. They are one of the most pandered and pampered minorities in the western hemisphere. You can get fined, lose your job, and become a social outcast for hurting a gay's feelings.
I'm too lazy to click but is this where the one panelist hopes that squeenix says that lara croft is gay?
and that's why cities have high HIV rates, low IQ, high crime rates, shit on the streets, etc
gays are a cancer that need to be removed from society
>moving to a city and becoming a pozzed up degenerate is better than living in the relaxing countryside
Eat shit urbanite faggot
the moment when it began
Cities are soulless corporate shitholes that are filled to the brim with crime and drug addicts, I'm sure a faggot like you would love them
>I can do a cabin weekend and travel of course enriches the soul but the city is where it's at.
You can get a community-of-click through the Internet easy and if you bunch of retards aren't the garbage of Humanity you can all get into your own fucking cars and get to all kinds of glorious geographies to engage in the only good thing Hippiefaggots ever did, fucking around in nature and finding food/drink spots that make city spots look like soulless tasteless dogshit. City ain't shit to this, which is why all cityfags with actual jobs and success also have the IQ to get the fuck out as often as possible.
Go for a walk.
I mean you do have more homelessness in larger cities but I'd say their economic opportunities are on par with being poor in the countryside. If you don't have enough street smarts to stay away from the shitty parts of the city then you might not make it here. But if you do, it's a blast. I didn't say it was easy, but it is better
Are you out of your mind? Politicians talk about how much they hate gays on the daily in this country.
They mean in the contexts of the individual. Once a person comes out and is open, they’ll start to feel better about themselves.
It’s still ridiculous. I don’t get why people feel like everyone needs to know they’re gay to feel good about themselves but whatever
>If you don't have enough street smarts to stay away from the shitty parts of the city
What are people in San Fran supposed to do?
God that was hard to watch.
>Bethesda totally changed my life bro
>Without Bethesda I would have killed myself
>I was in a dark place but Bethesda saved me
How does any company manage to amass such a collection of smooth-brained cretins? If I didn't know any better I'd say Bethesda was owned by Disney.
>If I had to live somewhere outside of a city I'd probably kill myself
Come to Baltimore, I'd give it a year before you do a total 180 on that
>Thanks boomers
Typical zoomer speech.
You demanded college.
t.trade school guy you made fun of.
Debt free and financially secure.
>You demanded college.
Boomers demanded college. Then demanded you needed a degree and 2-4 years experience to take their entry levels they got as a kid.
I walk to and from work every day :) sometimes bike
Nature is gross and boring
Aka boring. If I want nature I can just bike and read in the park. Maybe there's a music festival happening at the same time. Luckily if I want literally anything else it's also right there. Countryside has nothing else other than S P A C E
How does it get better when you die of aids and with no kids? Gay people are deluded as fuck they are losers sorry gay people but you are worse than retards
I know what you mean dude. I learned how to manipulate people because of Morrowind. My friend had the PC to run it, and I liked the idea to play the game because he wanted a friend.
Now those motherfuckers that brought me hundreds of hours of joy in my "friend's" house are turning queer, deviated and inclusive only to blacks, mudslimes, lgbtrtvagd psychos and kikes. This is truly the end of a gaming era.
It got better because now we have PrEP