>antagonist joins you at the end to oppose a greater menace
Antagonist joins you at the end to oppose a greater menace
Other urls found in this thread:
>Villain joins your side
>They're not nearly as strong as when they were your enemy
>antagonist dies in your arms after final boss fight
sage goes in all fields
>The antagonist joins you in the sequel
check this 9 tranny
trannies always were our allies against the feminists. They were simply mind controlled by SJW rhetoric but now that illusion is fading away and they're truly realizing who their real enemies are
>party member joins the villain briefly, and comes back to you at the end of the game
TERFs aren't real feminists.
Reminder posting OP picture's to on twitter is literally HATE SPEECH and will get you suspended INDEFINITELY. Doubly so if you send it to a feminist politician.
Why Lily?
Holy fuck that whole british parliament thing is like a /pol/ strawman of /pol/ beliefs.
TERFs are greater allies than the fucking trannies. A lot of them have started to become sympathetic towards the right and center.
Reminder Discord incels make these threads 24/7 to normalize transphobia on Yea Forums. Don't fall for their reactionary myths and pseudoscientific infographs from/pol/.
I assume you're talking about feminists fighting back against men in dresses. It is pretty kino.
>raving anti-male retards are our allies because muh trannies
You're mentally deficient and have an underdeveloped brain that will never reach IQ above average
>to normalize transphobia on Yea Forums
Fucking kill yourself.
Reminder that they showed this image in British Parliament
what the fuck even is a terf, fuck this gay ass thread
The complete man-haters will never be allies, but a lot of the more moderate TERFs have been swinging right (or perhaps the Overton Window has swung left)
Retarded beliefs don't make them non-retarded.
They're retards, but they're useful retards
Roll for Chie
great video, don't even know what a terf is lmao
Daddy needs a blonde.
>moderate TERFS
You know what the R in TERF stands for, right?
Well I don't know who that is but I like the position.
Not really
For every time they make the life of 0.03% worse, which doesn't change your life at all unless you live memes, they make the life of 49% worse twice.
"more moderate" is not the same thing as "moderate"
Besides, the "radical" part was assigned to them by trannies, a lot of them are bog-standard feminists who just don't like trannies for various reasons