Based Falcom does it again
Based Falcom does it again
looks good, sounds good and must be good when you get your hands on the game but FUCK the buddy system.
no more friends for Adol. I want my CHADol. NOW.
As a guy who loved Ys VIII, Ys IX hype has been pretty meh. Not sure why. I think it's the setting. Way too dark and Falcom can't portray it properly.
Remember when Ys wasn't another boring waifubait ARPG?
Those were the good times
areas look massive
>those huge ass areas
>lifeless as fuck
It looks like shit.
Big, empty areas that look garbage and bland.
Same PSX-tier character models.
Like, what the actual fuck.
Adol is such a chad I want him inside me.
>Lkes Ys 8
>Says Falcom can't portray dark right
>The literal game where you go through an extinction event and have to watch your friends slowly starve, freeze, and/or suffocate to death
>needs help from fwends
his only friend is Dogi. fuck man. where's all the chadness of Adol? you just want to fuck a twink at this point.
Tales had the decency to modernise the graphics, this still looks like a game made on ps2
Falcom is a small studio that makes niche as fuck games
why do you expect them to make Cyberpunk-tier graphics?
Hmm, I don't know if I'm feeling this one based on what we've seen so far. Graphics look meh, but that's as expected of the budget company that is nu-Falcom. The battlefields seem scaled up in terms of size from VIII, which could be a disservice if they don't pump it full of enemies to compensate. Party's a given at this point in the series, so I just hope they've refined the system or give us the option to play solo characters (mainly Adol) from the start.
Because even fucking Gust is stepping up, and their games are nowhere near as successful as Falcom's.
They're just a bunch of lazy fucks.
That sounds like pointless edge.
>Falcom can't portray dark prope-
I still wish we could've thrown her out of the party or something.
Falcom outright said they won't be doing shit like this anymore
Man those anime 3D models look legit like PS2 tier.
ps4 exclusive :( ?
Not sure how I feel about the area size. Ys VIII and a perfect ratio of map size to player size but doesn't seem like it will fill them up well.
Gameplay is hard to check but it always is. Will buy it anyway
Thank god. Worst part of the series.