Minecraft, home

Minecraft, home...

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>that pic
Fucking take me home, fuck

is there a classic world generation mod for 1.13? I know there was for earlier versions.

Why play 1.13 when you can play 1.12

server where


Why play 1.12 when you can play beta 1.4

alpha was pretty kino but peak for me was beta 1.7

because the current torrent I have is for 1.13 and I don't know where to find a torrent for 1.12
Also does this mena 1.12 has a classic generator mod?

>not using a cracked launcher
Yes 1.12 has multiple

At least it was...

Do anyone have the link to Yea Forums server?

Here you go
It's on 1.14 and accept pirated accounts

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can you spoonfeed me?

>playing the minecraft alpha

For what purpose?
Get a fucking resource pack if you miss the neon grass.
And install a modpack for actual content.

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There is only one thing more cringy than playing minecraft.
Playing minecraft on a Yea Forums server.
Imagine that.

Have sex

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Bumping for meme in-game currency.

>load seed onto a biome finder
>look for a mushroom island and make my base there
Am I a cheater?

>load sneed

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Is this server populated?

It has 6 ops and around a hundred players in total, but only between 5 or 10 players at best are active at the same time so it's never too crowded.

Ampha was shit.

I mean alpha, beta was much better

shut up sneedposter

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>muh old good new bad
Shut the fuck up already.

what do her feet smell like

Why play 1.12 when you can play 1.14 and have this piece of shit spawn right outside your house and gang rape you

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vindicators do much more damage than their pea shooters.

How is the terrain generation now? I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked it up after all these years.

I don't know if it's just my seed but the map on my server right now has some pretty neat terrain formations.


dragon quest builders is better game, cant wait for 2

Vindicators got taken out of patrols so they are basically groups of skeletons now

Do I have to play it before 2?

just wait for 2 its much better in every way than 1
29 june free demo

What's that game that some of the old MC devs are making? I want it to come out and be immediately bettwr than Minecraft but constantly live under it's shadow from it's oppressive size so that the community remains small and comfy forever

hytale? It's not by the old devs, it's by some modders

Is the demo on pc and switch? Or just switch?


Ah right, well just as good really

ps4 and switch only 27*june
both games coming in 12 july only on ps4 and switch
p.s switch version drops sometimes to 15fps

While this new game be any good?

Attached: minecraft_dungeons.jpg (1280x720, 574K)

Looks shit desu.


Probably not, looks like a generic topdown with limited building. If anything it will highlite the baren mob content in base minecraft tho

just torchlight with shittier graphics
probably not

Yaaaas women protagonist

Is it ever coming to pc? I'd much rather play it there than switch if i can help it

Nothing was confirmed it might just be a console exclusive.


wait until 1.15 guys

disgusting colors
new colors are better

Is there literally anything at all to look forward to?

Really don't know what they're thinking making a Minecraft game about fighting monsters when there's hardly any monsters to fight.

map reset on the server, this map is soulless

Did they announce what they have planned for that update already?

1.7.2 is peak minecraft

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bros I REALLY really want to fuck alex bros...

>he plays vanilla

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Recommend me some mods then that are not based around industrial shit(I don't like those things).

I want a blaze gf bros...

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>birds eye camera epic diablo clone
throw it in the trash, hate this low-effort garbage everyone keeps churning out

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stop spamming this thread in the server chat nigger

Biome's o Plenty
Grimoire of Gaia
Chisels and Bits
Twilight Forest

>not a cute shy enderman

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she cute

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remember to sage so glenn doesnt get his sheckels


He's banned, gay idiot.

This is curry's thread? Curry is 14, so this thread should be deleted for underage

That's not even his thread, he's literally slaving away for free.

>jewcord faggotry
Yeah great server.

If mods want proof that this thread was posted by an underage boy, join the discord and scroll up the in game chat channel: discord.gg/qw4P3eE

Just stop posting, that only makes him stronger.


>discord trannies


can't we even have comfy minecraft threads anymore

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>being underage in the year of our lord 2019

oh no no nononononono!

Discord trannies have to ruin everything, even minecraft. Ban discord links when.


Flowers, duh?

>tfw lost my account after the migration

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well that sucks. do they at least still raid villages in groups?

even though old minecraft is nostalgia incarnate, new minecraft is still really good. I only miss the weird terrain

ouch same. I've been trying to get it back ever since but those damn Swedes won't let me get it back.


Fuck zoomers

this uronically

pokemon is even better

reminder to join the discord if you want FUN

I'm 27

Can someone give me the rundown on how to maximize draw distance without making my computer shit itself and still run the game at a decent framerate? I like minecraft's newer worldgen and could spend hours just walking around admiring landscapes in creative mode but the inability to see distant mountains and oceans kills me. Even when I do manage to get render distance up to a decent amount it takes far too long to render. Sucks. Also, I wish there was some way to change worldgen so it generated chunks of biomes as "continents" surrounded by big ass oceans.


Join bros

>get enchanted armour and build a functional house on a Yea Forums server
>lose any desire to play
Hey bingo if you're reading this the destruction of your house was funny stuff

Second reminder to sage all posts in discord tranny threads.

Why the fuck arent they making minecraft 2, what the fuck are they waiting for?

Third reminder to sage all posts in discord tranny threads.

Minecraft is probably the only game where i vividly remember playing when i was young. My first house was a small shelter built underground near a beach. Then i kept expanding it. After a year of playing on that save it grew to a huge underground complex. Some of my fondest childhood memories were on that save. I even remember building a game room to pretend i have all the last gen consoles. Then the hard drive on my moms toshiba laptop gave up and i lost everything. It still hurts so much bros. I wanna go back.

My 12 year old nephew grew up playing Minecraft. Get off Yea Forums young in.


Id just like to remind you that Banjo and Kazooie (yes, THE Banjo and Kazooie of Banjo-Kazooie) are I'm Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. And that Steve is not.


That's all, have a nice day.

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is it weird that playing minecraft sort of makes me feel like i have four arms? i know people usually play it because of the building/surviving/etc but i love playing minecraft because it makes me feel like i have four arms, for example two of my arms are controlling the character and the other two are in the game but they're also mine. i don't get this with ANY other first person game except for doom, which is weird because doomguy is an amputee.

every time i bring it up with someone sobody has any clue what the fuck i'm saying, but it's just how i feel. anyways yeah sorry OP just wanted to rant

Not for long.

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How the tide turns

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Are you high

I want to play Minecraft again. Any reason for me to not pirate?

Minecraft has only been getting better with every update.

What the fuck is Super Smash Bros?

>those sprites

glad they updated them holy shit

Objectively false

I guess this is what minecraft with good game designers and an actual art director looks like.

What's the best modpack on the twitch client bros

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If you bump this shill thread you give some discord tranny free server points. Do not post without saging.

Link to this video, please. that base looks baller

What did he mean by this?

Go on, tell me something that got objectively worse.

Anyone looking for a 1.14.2 server to kick it on, can try this one:


We've got a big central city, with a few other little settlements.

Nothing crazy, but a fun little place to mine and craft.

It's a vanilla server, aside from a few minor datapacks (like greentxt). Only rules are no griefing (breaking other peoples stuff) and no hacking.

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World gen

Not that guy, but how did farming get worse?

Go back to your containment threads

>World gen
Wore performance is only natural as more features are added and the game has more to compute.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You want to go back to crops getting destroyed when not crouching or what?

There's countless automated farms that no longer work because of mechanical changes
Another one to add: aesthetics, not just the textures changes but also certain interactions such as pidtons no longer being transparent means you can't use them to hide lighting and it makes your options more limited

The new textures in 1.14 are objectively far better. The old textures are literal programmer art.
Now when the hell were pistons ever transparent?

based microshill

Objective. Beta 1.8 removed a massive amount of terrain features and variation. Custom world gen setting were removed for an update, and once they returned they became far more limited in what you can do

Ya raids are still the same and still fuck you sideways

>he actually thinks minecraft players were shilling for steve
The absolute state of smashniggers.

>Beta 1.8 removed a massive amount of terrain features and variation
You're exaggerating. Plus in exchange we got new biomes and other terrain features like ravines which have since then been continuously expanded.

No, they're only in patrols on hard mode, with 20% of pillagers being replaced by them. They're still not that bad for me, you have more melee range than them and you can abuse water if you want to be safe