What's the hardest boss you ever fought?
What's the hardest boss you ever fought?
Dance battle, end of Drakengard Ending E.
After that, probably the first time I fought Shinobu in No More Heroes -- basically the first indication you get that the game is no longer fucking around, even though I can beat her easily now.
>Drakengard Ending E.
oh I member. Never beat it without cheating.
My inner self
dunno fren, unless you mean the rape timeout she was pretty tame for ex boss standards
if you posted SG Reimu I'd understand
Darkeater Midir, Demon of Hatred, Jevil, Faust from LoD without the legends casque.
I thought Jevil was easier than Sans overall, though a few of his moves caught me off guard.
that demon in dark souls where theres 2 dogs
Fucking Sora Extra Stage. Suguri is a kick to the balls.
Well i'm currently stuck on dmc 5 virgil...
but mission 19 in dmc was also very very bullshit.
SP Hime in original Suguri was harder for me, despite the safe spot and cheese
though I did spend significant time on SP Suguri's planetarium bullshit too
Mysterious figure from birth by sleep may be the hardest boss I've ever seen.
Normies that are killing video games.
Final Mix bosses in these games are pants-shittingly hard, why can't they just put this stuff in the main game?
Any boss in this game. Hardest game I've beaten. For comparison, I think it took me about 30 tries to beat Sans. But I remember trying over 400 times for some in this game.
They made me git gud, steamrolled through everything after beating them.
No godhand, no roulette
There's a difference between challenge and just being straight up un-fucking-fair.
Because normies need to beat it.
Still, even lvl 1 KH2 Marluxia was easier than Mysterious figure, it's absolutely unbelievable how unfair that fight is. I wish they would make more like it, I'm a sucker for almost impossible stuff.
Do levels count?
Go 2 it, I spent a week on this fucker.
Suguri's SP bosses are beyond bullshit save for Kyoko and Shifu. I'm most definitely not fighting Suguri SP, I'll settle with beating her on Hard.
Terra from KH2 to this day i still havent beaten him
Maybe death in dragons dogma. I just run from him
Most of Rabi-Ribi's Special bosses. They're pretty fucking great, though.
It is unfair, but I loved it, I think it was the first time I've played a game without additional restrictions and got my ass handed to me to such an incredible degree.
has someone done it with Terra and without surge abilities yet?
Normal form isn't too tough, but this form is probably harder than the final boss.
bro... the final boss is a joke
pic related on nightmare
defiled chalice amygdala, none of the cheese worked consistently for me, took me like 6 hours
whoever anyone agrees is the hardest boss in dark souls
i don't normally play hard games but i managed to do all bosses in that one
funnily enough the one i actually died to the most was priscilla
ng+4 charmless bell demon
hesitation is defeat
how come he is stronger than the king?
He isn't, he only has 1 HP and can do only 1 damage.
This fucker
really? I didn't do the genocide run
then why is he featured in the OP?
I just like Sans because of how meta he is.
> 1 HP 1 ATK 1 DEF
>even Froggit has 2 HP
>weakest enemy in the game
>but he's not there to fight
>only to stall the shit out of you
spent about an hour fighting him.
Not the longest I have spent on a boss but that other boss was just a giant sack of HP and easy as fuck
Sonic 2 on the GG. The whole game is a boss fight.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke, when he was still endgame content.
Shame he can be facerolled by Warlocks now.
He "cheats".
I know I'm fucked when I get to the Orphan of Kos
He really does deal 1 damage, it's just that you have no i-frames
He also pulls a few fast ones, but I think it's best to see by yourself.
Sure as hell wasn't Sans.
Found the "guy who's played some Touhou but not enough of it to really form an opinion so he just takes memes too literally" poster.
Gengetsu is hard to learn but has fairly easy execution as long as you don't wait around long enough to trigger rape time (which is hard to do). Hecatia is probably the ex boss in the series, or Rika if you adjust for how busted some of the LoLK shots are though then again it's less that Rika is hard and more that her stage is an absolute nightmare. Hardest period is probably Lunatic Junko.
You know how metal slimes have only 4 HP but are still the most annoyjng enemies in Dragon Quest?
Sans is like a Metal Slime from Beyond The Mountains of Madness.
trying to capture pristine danmaku hell is something that I wouldn't want anyone else to go through
Who knows, maybe OP is afraid of spooky skeletons
>but not enough of it to really form an opinion so he just takes memes too literally
Going by OP's image I figured that's where this thread was heading
Mostly a meme. He's the hardest boss in UT aside from Omega Flowey on a no-hit run, but that mostly comes down to getting good rng anyway so it hardly counts, but realistically he's pretty easy when compared to even casual shmup bosses. The fact that UT is poorly designed and only runs at 30 fps can make his fight feel a bit more tedious than it should be, but yeah otherwise he's not that bad.
Who's the fucking retard that greenlit this fight? Fast attacks, can heal, break out of your combos, and can unleash a field-wide super with no warning.
He's not as hard as people make him out to be. Once you've memorized his attacks it's really easy.
Pic related is a fucking bitch and a half to deal with
Cheesing it with dream friends doesn't count
user that's the point, he knows he can't win so he tries to frustrate you with pre-setup BS to make you stop so he can save (You).
I never said it wasn't. I'm addressing the mechanics of the fight not the plot.
Demi Fiend
Hardest fight I've done is the fight against your entire party in Xillia 2. It's kind of cool how it's giving you a taste of your own medicine by having 4 people stunlock you to death but jesus
Got around to playing DS3 recently and this mother fucker was easily the hardest fight in any souls game, bloodborne included. Granted I was using The Cathedral Great Knight sword which made it worse but jesus christ what a beast.
He's actually the easiest boss in the game if you just kite him with a bow or use the lothric knight shield.
I found Hollow Knight's true radiance pretty hard, Zote was bullshit and Grimm took some time to adapt but True Radiance was kinda hard
Pretty much any of the remix bosses in Rogue Legacy. Those were fucking tough.
>easiest boss in the game
I know it's bait but you can't be serious.
Expert moonlord on terraria as a meleechad
midir and gael are both harder
They really aren't
Lunatic Yumemi
Literally got a PTSD from her.
Inner Agent 3
kill yourself
Emerald Weapon probably
I remember killing it as a kid and found it extremely hard because the localization was shittier than in english and therefore didn't fully comprehend how materia leveling worked. Last week I beat it easily, no level 99s (around 70s), only good materia and materia levels.
No need, moonlord does that for me
Amygdala was pretty ez for me, defiled watchdog really fucked me up
I remember Darth Malak being impossible as a kid
Some of the easiest bosses in gaming history, kys.
from the thumbnail I thought she was drooling
I think there was a fitting comic for this fight, let me look for it real quick
whew that was quick, enjoy