Try to make the best game possible

>try to make the best game possible
>people on Yea Forums still hates me
If only Marcin was a quirky asian woman with terrible accent

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look at him
holy shit

He fucked up the second he allowed his team to make it open world trash.

Imagine working your ass of day and night to deliver a good video game. Everyone else has given up and went to mobile, dlc, early acess or other shady scams. Then you present you baby to everyone and trannies/faggots/nigger go apeshit and hate it. I hope it does well.

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Witcher 2 was the best CDPR game so far.

He's almost 15 years older now. It's normal. Also, remember his English when W2 was first announced? He could barely string a sentence together. Someone took lessons.

if only you knew how bad thing are

what the fuck is he doing with a high school haircut at 44 years of age?

Hey Marcin, I love your games. The sexappeal could be better. Everything will go allright, thing is, there is a lot of political shit in so many mainstream games today it made me jumpy. You do your game, I do my games

His face show pain, lots of it.

>>people on Yea Forums still hates me
If you only didn't lie about no downgrade, people would be more forgiving.

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It's kinda amazing he still have passion to fly around the world to promote the game when he could just buy some tropical island and fuck 10/10 bitches every day, is there any other CEO in gaming industry like him?

I've seen some caner patients that were more cheerful than him.

cheer up Marcin! In this thread.

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>He could just buy some tropical island and fuck 10/10 bitches every day.

That's not how the life works man.

You’d be tired too if you had to fight entire poland to keep polish economy positive.

CDPR is only worth one billion dollars

transexuals are not people. don't worry man.

Marcin, I bought your game on Steam and on GOG, please be happy.

He broke through.
He's now an ascended person.

In E3 presentation, you get tons of cheers if you show actual gameplay. Which most dont.

>CD Projekt's market capitalization has exceeded that of the Japanese publisher Square Enix. CDP is now worth $5.2 billion. compared to $5.1 billion's market capitalisation of its Japanese competitor.
And that was 9 months ago.

college years...

cheer up Marcin! In this thread.

cheer up crew cut

His game is going to sell millions just from PCfags trying to measure what computerdick is bigger.

Considering that he has huge shares in a company he helped bringing from value of a couple of pierogis to 5 bilion dollars I'd assume he has money to do that.

poles age strangely, man

How is that possible? They only have like 4 games and pretty much 1 franchise up till now.

The market has now priced in 10 years of future massive commercial success.
Welcome to the stock market, check your rationality at the door.

cheer up marcin, i am going to buy your game on GOG when it comes out

cheer up Marcin!

>Post W3 DLCS
>"I have seen some shit"

cheer up Marcin! In this thread.

>make 3 bad games with homophobic writing, a god-awful protag, sex XD titties XD
>wonders why people hate him


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homophobic writing?

you cant let crach an craite buttfuck geralt, therefore homophobic.

>homophobic writing
Fuck off faggot

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Because they invest their money and instead just making same game every year they opened their own platform to sell games. They almost went bankrupt when making Witcher 2 because french company porting Witcher 1 to console fucked them over and there were few other troubles in development.

He already made TW3. Lighting won't strike twice.

He's looked like every variation of Pole I've ever met.