I hear DQ3 is a must play. I finished 1, but I hear 2 isn’t good. Should I skip 2, or play it?
I hear DQ3 is a must play. I finished 1, but I hear 2 isn’t good. Should I skip 2, or play it?
2 is shit, skip it
Worst game in the series, skip it.
It’s shit
I've played 2 on an actual NES. Worst decision I made in my life.
Retards can’t figure out a simple game
What's so wrong about it?
Nothing, the only people who don't like it played 3 first
2 is a good game. At least play it until you get the boat.
>invisible doors that require a key
>enemies that are always a way higher lvl than you when you meet them
>loads of grinding
>prince is worthless
>bosses can full heal and do party wipes
It’s like a shitty rom hack
2 is pure casual filter. Its somewhat long and the late game is very unbalanced as it was rushed at the time. 3 is the true gem and a refined sequel to 1. FF1 should have been embarassed to release after the masterpiece that is 3.
However, 2 is still a good game, there are no bad DQ games. It's just the worst in the series.
3 is really good. 2 is okay, I don't think it's shit. But I do consider it one of the weaker games. It's pretty easy to get lost after you get the boat so don't feel too bad using a guide after that. I hope you're ready to rage getting to Rhone
this motherfucker slaps your cousins on the ass, what do you do
How should I play 3?
>NES emulation
>Game Boy emulation
>Mobile version
>I wanna play DQ which one do I start with?
Number fucking 1. It's short, inoffensive, simple and you can play it on your phone. I'd tell you to skip it, but playing it is a requirement to understand the main twist of DQ3.
DQ2 can be skipped somewhat safely, it does introduce a lot of mechanics and setpieces that would become mainstays in DQ games, but it doesn't realise those things particularly well. The game feels a bit bloated, like they ran out of content halfway through development and still wanted to make the game longer. Also it requires some hard fucking grinding closer to the end. It's also relatively disconnected from the plot of the Erdrick trilogy, being the latest in the timeline. So just skip it unless you're looking for a history lesson rather than a fun vidya experience.
DQ3 is a shining jewel and a massive leap forward for the series, PLAY IT.
There's only one problem with it - the version choice. The choice is between the mobile version and the fan-translated SNES remake (because the remake was never officially released in the west). Mobile version features a good localisation (arguably), an option of auto-combat and it highlights items hidden in the cities and dungeons with little sparkles. The remake has animated monster sprites, a somewhat fun boardgame style minigame, you HAVE to class switch into a thief at some point just to learn a spell that helps you find aforementioned hidden items, and the fan translation is janky as fuck, a fact that will probably impact you if you're trying to beat the game without walkthroughs.
It's a shame that we don't have the "definitive" version of the best DQ out there, but that's how it is, make your choice. Or just play both versions, I did that.
After 3 just play them all in order, they're all great to good, with part 6 being the lowest point of the series past part 2 (still decent, but you'll learn to fucking hate the game if you try to get deep into the modified class switching system).
Game boy.
Drag them to the nearest priest
GBC has the most content, SNES has the best graphics and music, mobile has good music, but less impressive than the SNES version. You choose.
Not what he asked
>skipping games
Casual detected.
The answer is contained in the pasta tho
>tfw I love the Dragon Warrior art but hate the Dragon Quest art.
It's actually not too bad until you get the boat, then the whole game falls apart. Crests (which are like the Final Fantasy orbs or crystals) are placed randomly in the world and are a pain in the ass to find, there's a bunch of cryptic shit, Road to Rhone is hell, and there's is an insane amount of grinding at the end of the game.
I'll try the mobile for $7 and go to SNES after
> NPCs give vague clues about where key items are locates.
>Map is a pain to navigate.
>Lots of backtracking
>Difficulty spikes near the end
Great game that was never polished.
Bruh, just google "Dragon quest 3 apk". Who the fuck pays money for mobile games? It's like paying for music or tv shows.
Play it before you continue through the series. It's really hard to go back if you don't start early on.
I'd argue that rule applies least to a series like DQ. For better or worse the series hasn't changed much, outside of an outlier like DQ9.
2 is a good continuation of 1. After that the games got easier. I'd recommend it, because the characters are perfectly balanced, imo. It's hard but you always have what you need to win.
Zoom zooms can only play so many 8-bit games.
That absolutely applies to DQ2 though. That game was a testing ground for loads of mechanics and conventions that would become mainstays in future games, but it doesn't realise those things very well. You have a party now instead of just one guy, but your main dude can't do magic while two of your cousins are made of wet paper. You fight groups of monsters at the same time now rather than always doing 1x1 like in the first game, but all spells hit every enemy in a group, there are no single target spells and there are no spells that hit every enemy you're fighting regardless of groups. The world is expansive and you can sail on a boat, but it's fucking empty, random encounter rate is cranked up to 11, things you need to find to progress are needles in a haystack hidden in random ass places with the most vague hints telling you about them. The game feels like it drops off a cliff once you get the boat. I was lucky enough to play all the DQ games in order and I came back to DQ3 (which became a golden standard for the series) a number of times, but I can't imagine going back to 2, it's just too janky compared to the other games.
So how would you guys rank the games in the series overall?
3=11>4=7=8>9>5don't (You) at me, I'm really not a fan of how you only get a real fucking party two thirds into the game when you get de-statued, I know it's the best one in regards to it's plot, but whenever I think what DQ I should replay I remember all the long shit in the beginning as a kid, the rng monster taming mechanics, that long-ass pre-Gothia labyrinth dungeon and I choose some other game. Gameplay > plot. Go read a book or watch an anime or something. >6>1>2
Unironically reverse order of release.
I don't remember 2 being THAT bad aside for the fact you played it when you were a little kid and didn't understand SHIT.
Now Zelda 2, THAT was a hard game.
Rather unrelated, but I was trying to play 2 and this happened, wat do?
It's not awful, it's just worse than every other DQ - a game series that's notoriously extremely consistent with it's quality.
If you're talking about the disease thing or whatever it was I had to load my save in the untranslated rom to get him out of it.
Yeah the rom I was playing had all sorts of fuck ups. The ending to DQ1 was in complete jibberish. I didn't have an untranslated one around so I just said fuck it and went for the GBC versions.
You have to find an yggdrasil leaf in order to cure the dude of his curse. It's a small island with a relatively big lone tree on it.
Yeah I did that, but the screen glitched the fuck out, and I couldn't get out of it, or fix it. If you look at the text he says he's feeling much better.