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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm online right now.

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I'm download KH3 so idc

>playing something online in the middle of a nice day
I forgot school was out now.

it works for me. the op must live in some shithole europoor nation.

>owns a ps4
>had a connection issue
>immediately runs to Yea Forums to shit post
let me guess op, you're also a rabid nintendo fan and don't actually own anything to do with "snoy" right?

>connection issue
Yeah fuck off

>Pay for a service that requires internet
>Service goes down

Oh wow, can't wait until streaming games becomes the norm!

And people actually pay for this garbage

how would you know unless you tried to play, shithead? you just sit around, checking PSN to see if its up?

As a nintenbro, I'd like to give a tip of my hat to the xchads. It's nice to come together once a year as usual and celebrate gaming as a community. Plus, it provides some friendly competition! I'm glad we're able to show off what we have in the open, not afraid to back away and hide out of fear that we'll be mocked online.
Thanks for actually participating in E3!

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this is why is useful
what are the PSbros doing in the meantime while its down? Newgrounds has some decent videos up right now

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its easier when its on someone else's credit card

>can't even play offline games because can't verify license
console are fucking shit and ridden with DRM bullshit
fuck all of this, if you play anything other than exclusives on console you are a fool
I just wanted to play some DMC before work

>EA and psn are down at the same time

who nuked san franshitco?

>Buying digital

No, user, you're the fool.

just set your primary ps4, dumbass. or buy physical games.

how long before we find out this is another ransomware attack by the hacker fortune to force these companies to end microtransactions

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What's the fucking point of this lazy insult?

I know I'm the fucking fool
fuck this shit
I did do that though, I don't know what happened, unless I was gamesharing and forgot

Euro/Canadian/third world obsession with the US. They blame it for everything, like how everything bad is because of whites in the US.

>Pioneers and inventors of selling you a temporary pass that unlocks your console so it can use the internet you already pay for
>Charges you to get permission to use the internet you already pay for, but they don't use the money to improve the online AT ALL
>Started to charge you to use your own internet as well, and they are the worst of the three

The first mistake, you see, was back in the old Xbox days where they began that bullshit. And you know what? They did it because they knew it would work. It's too late now. I fully predict you'll need a subscription for PC eventually too.

SO THIS IS THE POWER OF 9.99 DOLLARS A MONTH(soon to be raised to even more for no reason)

Just you wait until Valve or Epic makes PC have paid online tok.

You already posted this, nobody cares.

PSN = $60 for 1 year = $5 per month = 16 cents per day = relax

its $60 a year and nets you 24 free games throughout for it. way better than waiting for something to come out when they all eventually go out for free

you're renting them, they're not free.

how so? its permanently purchased to my account and i can download it on any playstation i sign in on

I'll wait for an emulator thank you very much

I don’t give a shit why would I pay for ps+ when every ps4 game worth owning is a single player game.

You can't play them if you drop your subscription


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>playing generic dudebro fps
>getting my ass kicked by this guy on a plane
>servers goes to shit
t-thanks sony

And this why the next gen always online and streaming consoles can go fuck themselves.

>inb4 hackers attack psn and steal millions of credit card numbers

i wouldnt be able to play online on most games without it so if i drop that, im probably not going to be gaming for a while anyway. whats the issue here?

No it's not

Who cares? PSN being down is actually a good thing for Sony. It doesn't even need to be online to be winning.

Just like E3, baby

Ordering an Xbox One right now and throwing my ps4 out of the window, FUCK SONY


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i was wondering why i could t sign in

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whats funny is PSbros dont chimp out when the network goes down; almost as if video gaming isnt the entirety of our persona

works on my machine


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I’m logged in and I’m playing Borderlands 2. Suck it.

it's cuz you have nogaems faggot

weak meme, try again

spamming pissface 24/7 is the true face of SONY makes sense why there's no/ironic xbox spam they play video games.

exactly. how sad do you have to be to sit around and try and come up with the most abhorent character you can think of, just to represent some unaligned group of people you dont like online?

i ply offline so fuck off

do people that hate sony sit around all day to monitor their server status just so they can shitpost about their servers going down?

it's just banter
although yuros could be serious you never know

he probably experienced it first-hand and posted it
why make such stupid accusations.

I'm playing games on PC


Check this 4

>I fully predict you'll need a subscription for PC eventually too

epic is working on that right now

Shouldn’t you be making HE’S IN smash garbage threads?
Or maybe take your yearly shower?

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>Used to play FFXIV
>News on the PC launcher would be posted anytime PSN was having issues because it prevented PS4 players from logging in.
>Would often seen notices multiple times a week for PSN issues
>Had to delay raid a few nights because of PS4 players in our static not being able to login
>On one occasion had to cancel raid and reschedule because of PSN.
I can't believe people pay $10 a month for this. Although to be fair I quit playing FFXIV about a year and a half ago so maybe it doesn't go down as often now.

because its an obvious shitposter that doesnt even have a ps4

Really looking forward to that streaming only future.

>rarely ever play online on PSN, PS4 collecting dust
>every time I want to play online, the service is fucking down
FUCK this shitty console and its shitty service.

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This is it, Yea Forums. The end of PlayStation. Sony will follow and soon the whole gaming industry will come crashing down. We did it.

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Damn nice 4

i cant play fornite sony what the FUCK

at least you can play XIV on ps4 without having plus

>he pays to play online

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Absolutely Based. Nintenbros are cool in my book.

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no, because i dont care about those things. try memeing at someone else because your magic is weak as fuck

Sony watched Microsoft and Nintendo at E3 and just decided to close down. It's over.

That's it bros, between all of this censorship and the shitty services, i'm done, cya xbros next gen

shit happens, breh. gaming isnt made for men anymore. pretty sure i didnt touch a console for all of 2015 and thats just a sign for the industry, not us

I have never owned a nintendo console, nor plan to own any console in the foreseeable future.
these are just observations.

This. What a fucking faggot

At least back when XBL was a fresh and new thing they were providing something others werent, since actually having good connections was not anything people had going at the time. The problem is it continued, and now it continues even more while being more expensive and paying for less.

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imagine paying for p2p connections
imagine not even being able to do that right

ninderps confirmed for hypocrisy

PlayStation is trending rn. LOLOLOL

Meanwhile steam goes down for “maintenance“ EVERY WEEK. PC*cks will defend this.

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>this thread stays up while 15 threads are currently being made per minute
what the summer fuck is going on here? Yea Forums is being swamped by advertising and its going a little too fast

it's not daytime on the other half of the world you absolute retard

Kek getting this offended by OP

this is a NEET website

Should I go and cancel my credit card again?

Digital is the future, bro. Aren't you worried about disc rot?

Steam doesn't required you to verify your license offline.

Neither does PS4 unless you "share" your account.

never been down for me in 2 years at least

Looks like it's back up

Works fine for me. You should probably dedicate your time to better things than for a console you don't even have

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What do you think ''Competitive'' mode in CS:GO was created for?

By this logic, Sony should do the same thing right? check their fucking website before you froppost idiot