>Kirkhope still has his doubts about a future installment in the Banjo-Kazooie series – and doesn't think it would sell enough.
>“I don’t think Rare has the appetite for it...I don’t think they believe it would sell, and even in my mind I’m not sure."
It's never going to happen.
Original Banjo Kazooie team doubts a new game would sell
Other urls found in this thread:
What about an 'N. Sane Trilogy' style remake of the first two games?
He also doubted Banjo-Kazooie would get in Smash.
They're not wrong. Yooka-Laylee crashed.
not with that horrible design.
Don't think it would sell internally for Microsoft.
Kiddy games without the audience dont sell as much as FPS Battle Royale games.
How is that Banjo-Kazooie's problem?
That's because it was run by tranny jannies
probably, but I'd definitely buy it
Didn't Crash and Spyro sell well? Why wouldn't Banjo remakes?
Might sell if it were on the Switch
I doubt it'd sell on the Xbox
They should just sell the IP to Nintendo
Collectathons aren't good in this day and age. They would have to do something a little different for it to be a success.
But Hat in Time kept flying.
>Kirkhope's opinion mattering
Fucker used up all his good ideas on Banjo Kazooie while Dave Wise demonstrated his ability to put out quality music consistently.
I'm so glad we won't have to see the redesigns on mockups anymore, now that we have the Ultimate render
That's because Yooka-Laylee wasn't good. Look at something like A Hat in Time, that sold 1 million copies. The market is there, but the quality has to meet halfway.
Why does le "xylophone circus music" man go around acting like the father of Banjo these days?
Given the choice been Banjo and Sea of Thieves they should have probably gone with Banjo.
that's why I find it hilarious that nintenbabies think he's getting in Smash when Sakurai literally said that he would only include characters from franchises with a future for DLC.
but he didn't, at that point he already knew banjo was in. he was fucking with people
Honestly, I don't trust Rare with making a new Banjo game.
It wouldn't. The original games didn't sell particularly well, no way a new one would sell when modern kids only care about autistic fps games.
building stuff would have been interesting if it were for anything other than vehicles
Who cares if it would sell, it would generate HYPE!
He who controls the HYPE! controls the vidya!
or something.
He also said that when he knew Banjo was getting into smash, so I don't know.
pic related, it's you
Mario Odyssey was a very recent game that was even more collect-a-thon-y than BK or M64 ever was, and sold plenty (Yes, a lot here disliked it, but it's generally well received and sold well). I see no reason why a new BK couldn't do well either if marketed properly or had the right team behind it.
Oh, also Hat in Time seems to be doing okay? It's also well liked.
Hate to break it to you...
But he got in.
Actually I don't hate breaking it to you, since you're a motherfucking asshoe and Banjo-Kazooie is awesome!
Collectathons only really existed back in the day because the console hardware in the mid-90s couldn't handle large levels so developers had to cram a bunch of shit in a small area to pad the length of the game. Modern console games are able to store a lot of large, diverse levels so there's no need to force the player to backtrack through the same level 10 times these days.
Super Mario 64 was arguably the biggest pioneer of 3D platforming but even in that game the majority of the objectives were A-to-B platforming challenges. It's why they took the series in the direction they did with Galaxy and 3D World and those games ended up being some of the most acclaimed games of all time. Even Odyssey, which goes back to a more open-ended sandbox level design still has linear platforming challenges for most of the main story objectives. Nintendo realised what made Super Mario 64 such a good game while all those developers that tried to copy them failed to do so.
Who said anything about a remake? We want a third game, no point in remaking already good games.
Maybe with a proper influx of smasfags it could sell a couple mill.
This has to be in the cards, Rare could shit something like that out and earn a ton of goodwill
nice shoop, retard
user, the first game alone sold 3.5 million units. On the N64. In 1998. Let that sink in a bit. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Fucking this. I at least give CTR props for adding enough content to make it feel new. I am fucking sick of these remakes though.
The Smash bump is definitely real. I bet around the time they get released you'll see interviews with Microsoft/Rare people saying they noticed a jump in people buying/playing Banjo games since the announcement
Decent sales of a remake could help persuade unsure developers to make a new game.
Here's the reveal trailer.
>Banjo & Kazooie
Try harder next time.
>dave wise
stop enjoying muzak
Just sell Banjo to Nintendo and have Retro make a new game or something.
I'd trust Nintendo with the IP but not Rare
Is he wrong? The stupid car game was right. Kids today have a certain idea of how a game should work. There needs to be crafting, there needs to be building, and it needs to have battle royale mode. (Of course, this is all shit objectively, and the ignorant masses are wrong once again, but that's aside the point). They don't want to collect items, they don't see the appeal.
the idea is that remasters/remakes would tell them that the market is still there and also introduce it to people who arent boomers
Arguably true. I don’t trust a new dev team though
the stupid car game had more depth and challenge than the original two
It wouldn't if you keep that shitty look.
Yeah and it barely even reached the top 10. Nuts and bolts had abysmal sells.
A Hat in Time wasn't mind blowing either. Really fucking short.
Ah, by this logic it must also be better than Majora's Mask. I see, I understand now.
3.5 million non bundled, $69 (80 with tax) cartridges in the 90's which would be around $130 in today's money.
That's insane.
It doesn't matter if it's better, It's not profitable.
If they even entertain the idea, they absolutely must go in with a middling budget. Do not go in with high expectations and DEFINITELY not with a huge budget, go in knowing this is a very old and long dormant franchise, and that such a title may not do gangbusters in sales. That said, a smaller budget may help foster creativity, as well as quell concerns of cost for Microsoft in general.
And like said, it'd need to be a bit different from Kazooie and Tooie, but not so radically different like Nuts & Bolts was. Similar formula, but different approach. Maybe go back to basics, a simpler game, just a reintroduction to the Bear and Bird. Don't dumb it down below BK's level, but don't ramp it up to BT's either. Keep it at ground level (not literally, flying's a must) and keep it about the simple fun of adventuring in fun worlds.
Honestly, I'd wonder if they could get away with a smaller experience. Just a short adventure, 3 modest worlds tops, to test the waters, gauge interest.
Right, no, you're absolutely correct. Nintendo should have stopped making Zelda games after Majora's Mask, because it didn't even make top 10 for the N64. It's a shame that they're wasting so much money. You've made a completely unassailable point.
Because if a AAA Banjo game developed for Xbox/PC by Microsoft actually did come out, it would sell terribly, because the fans are too stubborn to buy a game that doesn't come in a box that has the nintendo logo slapped on it.
That's probably why Rare don't to do it, and why no else wants to do it either. Unless Microsoft and Nintendo could come to sort of "compromise" in the relationship everyone loves to describe as "buddy buddy" (despite it literally amounting to nothing more than cuphead and minecraft, one being a game Microsoft don't even technically own and another game on every platform), and actually share ALL their games, to every system including pc. But I should imagine not many would want their "special relationship" to continue, once they find out Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey was going to be on PC.
You know it's true as well. The amount of portbegging for Rare Replay going on is ridiculous, and proof that the "real" Banjo fans, playing on his "home", aren't fans enough to buy that Xbox One X, which is capable of playing all the games in 4K, something the Switch could never feasibly do.
Kirkhope knew they were in the game since January, he was just lying out his ass on Twitter
Isn't this the same man who said he wasn't doing music for smash bros. repeatedly on twitter until the trailer dropped?
He's probably working on the new banjo RIGHT, NOW.
Working on a game is different from working on a guest fighter appearance.
Why do you guys like remakes so much
I think if they struck a middle ground between Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie, while also having just a few more levels than both then they could do great.
A lesson from Banjo Kazooie they seemingly forgot with Yooka Laylee was that it helps to have a centerpiece in the stage to navigate by. Think the snowman in Freezeezy Peak, Clanker in Clanker's Cavern, the mansion, the rusty bucket, Treasure Trove Cove's mountain. Not only were they platform challenges in their own right, but they served as a compass you could look to whenever you felt lost in the level.
Tooie moved away from this elegant cornerstone of level design by forcing you to navigate a maze of closed rooms between loading screens. It made the game bigger, yes, but it also made it less satisfying to navigate.
What Banjo Kazooie can learn from Tooie is characterization. While the worlds in Kazooie very much could have just been worlds conjured by Gruntilda, Tooie felt very lived in. You were helping characters left and right and brought the world to life.
Graphically, I'd also love for them to prioritize textures over polygons. While the environmental textures in Banjo Kazooie are really pixelated, they still have a lot of depth and color to them. It's hard to see them as just wallpaper because the art direction is so good. Yooka Laylee ended up feeling really blocky and weird because instead of detailed textures, they instead added 3D texture and depth by placing a thousand rock/ice/whatever models.
>aren't fans enough to buy that Xbox One X, which is capable of playing all the games in 4K, something the Switch could never feasibly do.
They probably don't want that resolution in the first place.
MM was essentially an asset flip that was made in record time and still profitable despite the low sales. So get fucked you pretentious bag of vomit.
To make great games look as good as you remember then looking.
they did this on xbox360 pretty much
Because they like no risk in buying.
I don't think I've ever played a retro game and was distracted by the graphics that much. I prefer just playing with the original artstyles.
Why not just play the original instead of paying the premium then?
Banjo Tooie was the same, reusing plenty of models, textures and animations from the original. Still sold a million and a half units, despite releasing after Majora's Mask, even later in the EU and in the twilight of the N64's lifespan. And yet here you are, defending it because it's ok when Nintendo does it. You can't even claim the games didn't sell well without cherry picking down to just the top 10 N64 games, which BK is still part of, when there were plenty more profitable titles for the console. Face it son, you've lost this one. See you next thread.
It would definitely sell on Nintendo hardware, they might be right about an Xbox game though.
>everyone I talk to says that Kazooie and ESPECIALLY Tooie aged like shit and are hard to play now
>went back and emulated, they played fine and I had a lot of fun besides when swimming
>everyone says Tooie is too big and empty
>literally only Terrydactyland is big and empty, every other level has enemies and obstacles everywhere on top of secrets
I don't get it honestly. The games are great.
You ever think people care about stuff other than fighting games?
I agree. Having gone back through them a couple months ago, BK is still all right, but Tooie just feels excessive, and even a bit tedious as it goes along.
Banjo can work, but they would need to make collecting and exploration feel satisfying instead of a chore to clear progression gates
that's not kids that's executives and marketing drones that want bullet points to sell and user numbers to sustain so they have a bunch of needless systems shoehorned into everything.
Yes? Did people think just because a legacy character got into Smash they were going to get new games? Why? We've been over this, Sakurai most of the time picks Smash picks based on popularity. People need to ignore his "only if they have a future" red herring. Are these the same "K Rool is in Smash so we are totally going to get a Donkey Kong game with him back" idiots? People wanted Banjo Kazooie in Smash. That's it. That's all we are getting. Dunno why people think Smash influences franchise futures or something.
His last game was 2008.
No, it really didn't. It simply had its ups and downs. Its getting a sequel. Hat in Time and Super Lucky's Tale are great as well. People that hated Yooka Laylee for its smallest faults are a minority.
it's a complete disappointment to only have him as a fighting game character when he could have his own games.
I think it's pretty good idea. Imagine how good Banjo could look like with SOT like art style and graphics.
This can't be, people asking for Banjo actually care about the franchise because they enjoyed the games...right? They will surely buy a new Banjo game, everybody has been asking for a new Banjo game!
With how successful this Crash reboot has been, I would be more than happy to wait on something like this.
His time has passed.
His band of developers have separated to do their own projects.
And if new ones tried, people would only complain about how its not as good as the first two games.
Its over, let them rest in peace with their dignity, or whatever little of it was left after Nuts and Bolts.
>let them rest in peace with their dignity
That would involve not being in smash.
Are you kidding?
Mayahem Temple and Glitter Gulch Mine are literally like the first two levels, and they feels way too lengthy and protracted alone. The moment-moment gameplay of Tooie is ruined because it doesn't emphasise collectables leading to exploration leading to collectables and repeat anywhere as hard as Kazooie.
Yeah I was just thinking about this yesterday. All those tweets where he sounded upset and certain that Banjo had no chance getting in, he was just playing dumb the whole time.
Oh so it'd be a Switch exclusive?
Smash is just a timepiece. A fancy grave we can always go back to visit and remember him by.
That's not happening, microsoft has consoles to sell.
Smash is like a museum. Ness and Captain Falcon will always be there, but they won't be getting games.
Unless Nintendo literally developed the game themselves and bought the IP that would never happen. Microsoft puts all and any first party titles on Xbox Gamepass. It probably wouldn't even be on Switch either, were Microsoft to develop it internally.
Nintendo have no reason to buy the Banjo Kazooie IP, as logically, they could just utilise one of their many platforming franchises, or if desperate enough for a collectathon style platformer, for whatever reason, would just do another Donkey Kong game, or make a new IP entirely.
Lastly, Microsoft have no earthly motive to sell the IP, as any price offered for it would amount to pocket change.
Ness' story had a conclusion. Captain Falcon was in previous titles when they were still making f zero games. Even if there was a pattern why would you want to keep adding to it?
It's zoomers who never played the originals, reminder that kiddies born in 2001 can now legally post on 4channel.
>reminder that kiddies born in 2001 can now legally post on 4channel
>reminder that kids born in 2006 are likely posting on 4channel right now
Security. If it's based on a game we already liked and enjoyed, then the only way they could fuck it up is by NOT making it like the game they're basing it on. After that it's all about how they improve the graphics. And even if it looks ugly, hey, it's still a chance to replay a old classic on a new console and not break out the N64 or emulate it.
If I'll be honest, since Banjo Kazooie got in Smash, I can honestly take or leave it at this point when it comes to new Banjo Kazooie game. Banjo Kazooie are already home, so a new Banjo game being announced would just be a mere cherry on top. If Rare ever did want to cash in on Banjo Kazooie's ressurgance in relevant popularity because of Smash Bros but without having to spend too much on developing a new game, all they'll really need to do is make a Banjo Kazooie 20th Anniversary collection A-La Rare Replay but with Banjo Kazooie games only. Make it a Nintendo Switch exclusive badabing badadoom announce it give it a reasonable release date and boom. You've made Nintendo fans happier by making Banjo Kazooie playable on a Nintendo console again without having to spend too much money nor effort since all the work has been done. And if it does reasonably well enough mabey tease Banjo Fourie down the road or whatever. Best way to go about it after Banjo Kazooie got in Smash if you ask me.
>it's still a chance to replay a old classic on a new console and not break out the N64 or emulate it
Or, you know, just playing the remastered version on an Xbox
How can it rest in peace if smash fans are clamoring at it?
>nintendo switch exclusive
Why would they do this when Rare Replay still isn't available for PC? Surely that's a far higher priority for any Microsoft studio.
It's called NDA
See >Why not just play the original instead of paying the premium then?
I never thought Banjo to be the mascot of the N64 era, always thought it was Mario. Banjo was always the off-brand not as good platformer. I really thought that if any era mascot would get into Smash would be Crash, since he was the PS1 era guy. I guess Banjo is bigger than I thought huh.
I just want another Wario land game and another DK platformer
>Joker in Smash
>no P5 port for Switch
>Banjo in Smash
>no Rare Replay on Switch
What the actual fuck is going on over there
>I never thought Banjo to be the mascot of the N64 era
What are you talking about? That belongs exclusively to Link and Mario.
Nobody thinks this except you and perhaps one or two Banjautists. The game series only sold 4.5 million copies. Compared to Crash, Mario, and hell, even fucking Spyro that's pathetic.
>cloud in smash
>no FF7R on switch
It's not exactly unprecedented.
And Rare Replay isn't even on PC yet senpai, so good luck waiting for that one.
actually it's even worse there.
I would rather them combine the two games into a "Banjo Completie" and get stop and swop right.
Remakes of video games can enhance the experience a lot. Best example is RE1make.
It can fix mechanical issues, improve ergonomics, make the visuals better, enhance the soundtrack, and basically just take the original game's best qualities and enhance them to make an objectively better experience.
It's not like remaking movies or songs where the original version is more or less as good as it will ever be and a remake is essentially a new thing that "rhymes" with the original.
They're correct. We're far past the days of animal people characters the only reason sonic is still around is because of autism of his fanbase refusing to let him die. Sly, Ratchet, Jak, Gex, Binx, Crash,Spyro,Rayman, Klonoa, Banjo-Kazooie, that's all 90s early 2000s shit, we're quickly approaching 2020 people are naive if they think characters like these can even begin to entertain today's kids
>And Rare Replay isn't even on PC yet senpai, so good luck waiting for that one.
If it comes onto PC I can have the cathartic experience of downloading a mod to remove Nuts and Bolts from the game.
I NEVER THOUGHT HIM TO BE, like I said, I don't get it where his popularity is coming from. His two game were okay but not great, he wasn't like Mario or many other mascots that had tons of games. He had two, and only very few spin-offs. Jesus man, I'm not saying Banjo should or shouldn't be in.
>I dont get it where his popularity is coming from
Dude, come on. That's easy. He's a mascot platformer for the N64, the crown console of autism, his games are collectathon games, the most autistic genre out there.
Ever since the very first smash game, there's been a very vocal group pleading for Nintendo to put Banjo in, and the grudge they've held ever since has warped their tiny and black brains, resulting in the absolute state of them today.
Isn't it getting a new DLC thing? I don't think it failed and I thought the game was pretty mediocre
I think it's safe to say that platformers just lack any new ground to break into. Most AA/Indie stuff that we get lie AHIT and Yooka had charm in parts but overall lackluster. The only real AAA platformer we got was Odyssey, and even that faced criticism of "Too empty/Too many useless moons." When you consider 3D platformers back then, they were breaking ground and pushing into a new medium that was untested. Nowadays, it seems like so many elements of platforming are just put into other genres that people just don't care for platforming itself anymore.
>Banjo is not popular, his games barely sold and he didn't had many spin-offs
>Nah he is totally popular, infact a mascot, people loved his game
I don't even care anymore. I don't need to understand anything.
Fuck, we need to raise the age restriction. Can we just not set a fixed birthdate cutoff? Everybody born after 1999 should be banned from Yea Forums.
Japanese Remakes have a better track record. Western Remakes? Say goodbye to Sexy Grunty during Game Over because Banjo is WESTERN.
Current Rare is not the original Dev team of BK
I'd say Tooie's honestly a more engrossing experience than Odyssey though. Its choice to make puzzles in one world affect another is a level of thought that's only really seen in metroidvanias and it being a 3d interpretation of that sort of mold is probably the most effective usage of 3d space for an interconnected platforming world.
Odyssey's approach is good, but it's not the only one that works.
It isn't going to fix how antiquated the game actually is though. The only successful 'Collectathons' are ones like SM64/Sunshine/Galaxy/Odyssey/A Hat in Time which aren't true Collectathons like DK64/Yooka-Laylee/Banjo-Kazooie. The style of game becomes dull after you go through the same motions of unlocking a new area to find you cant do stuff until you unlock a power to really only use to get more stuff. 3D Mario platforms break that mold by (most of the time) giving you the tools you need from the start and then instead of a new map changing a set map to add more unique challenges and puzzle solving. If Banjo-Kazooie did what aHiT did and pretty much copy what made 3D Mario Platformers so repayable then it could 100% sell.
Theyre right.
A remake is probably easier to make than a completely new game and it would show if theres still interest in the series
We might get a new spyro/crash game depending on how well the remakes sold
That's the only thing game devs are somewhat good at doing nowadays
Yeah, not on Xbox
Switch version on the other hand...
Yooka-Laylee is better than A Hat in Time, A Hat in Time just sold twice as many copies. Yooka-Laylee was sabotaged by virtually every reviewer lying about the game or complaining about relatively minor things.
Also, Banjo-Kazooie's "original developers" are the people who made Yooka-Laylee, not modern Rare. No one gives a fuck what modern Rare thinks.
>I never thought Banjo to be the mascot of the N64 era, always thought it was Mario. Banjo was always the off-brand not as good platformer.
Being "not as good" as Super Mario 64 is literally saying nothing, though. Super Mario 64 is still a great game by today's standards.
>I really thought that if any era mascot would get into Smash would be Crash, since he was the PS1 era guy.
Crash is Sony's most successful attempt at recreating Mario. Which is to say he's a literal who. The PSX had a million 3D platformers and they were all awful.
Yooka Laylee was single handedly killed, even after the patch fixing the bugs, by the flying power up.
DUDE WHAT IF WE MADE IT SO YOU COULD JUST FLY FOREVER AND SKIP ALL THE PLATFORMING IN THE 3D PLATFORMER LMAO jesus what a horrible choice, at least banjo gated you with gold feathers.
>"Banjo Completie"
Oh fuck
No fuel?
the game would be called Banjo Kathreeie
That's terrible.
>Kirkhope still has his doubts about a future installment in the Banjo-Kazooie series – and doesn't think it would sell enough.
>“I don’t think Rare has the appetite for it...I don’t think they believe it would sell, and even in my mind I’m not sure."
So why you have made yooka srailey then?
Yooka-Laylee was also doomed to crash and burn because of the JonTron shitstorm near launch. Now go take a look at how well A Hat in Time and Mario Odyssey sold.
I'm pretty sure that's what taught him how futile a new Banjo would be.
I'd imagine a port of Rare Replay wouldn't be too hard to put on switch. If that sells, then maybe a third game could be outsourced to a new developer. I don't think modern rare would want to do anything with it.
just remakes the Banjo 1 and 2 on switch
Apparently it quite extensively uses the Xbox One's BC emulation thing. Probably why it's not on pc either.
You get that late in the game, by the time you get it you already know the maps like the back of your hand, flying in and of itself doesn't even solve half the things you need to do, and you can't fly forever. Wow, you can fly across the map you've already been through just to drop so you can do the puzzle which isn't made easier at all by flying. So broken.
they sold 1 million copies I believe? that's not too bad
>>they did this on xbox360 pretty much
Upscaling models and textures to HD is not a remake
Yeah they need a 5 million seller.
Was there an exact reason why Yooka-Laylee sank? From what I remember it had to do with the levels. Something about they were too big and had a lot of "dead air" between objective.
It was just mediocre, whereas everyone wanted what would essentially be a game as good and polished as Banjo for the first outing of a new studio. Even if it was comprised of former Rare devs.
Cant they make a game similar to tropical freeze?
How did DK Tropical Freeze do sales-wise?
Ice Climber's last game was in the 80s.
People forget
>Lil Mac got a new game after being in Smash
>Kid Icarus got a new entry due to smash
Well gee.
>Banjo DLC for Tropical Freeze
Rare is gonna loan it to some other dev and they will just oversee it. They’ve oversaw Banjo’s inclusion in Smash. It’s clear they still care about their characters but they don’t have much else to say when it comes to platformers.
wii punch out came out before he was in smash. kid icarus got a new game because star fox gets thrown in development hell a lot.
On the Xbone? Sure.
On the Switch? It would have a chance.
The ball is in Microsoft's court, i guess.
Sweetie stop it with your nutjob theories. You got your autism bear in smash, be thankful your dead bear got one last hurrah
I mean, we GOT banjo threeie. It was called Yooka-Laylee and it was mediocre at best.
A Hat in Time was way better.
People portbeg for Rare Replay because they don't wanna spend $300+ on a dead console so they could play a couple of 20 year old games.
you mean big empty rooms simulator?
Yes, that is the point. He lied about this shit before so it's pointless to take anything like this seriously
Current Rare wouldn't do any of their older franchises justice, prove me wrong
>original (((team)))
Fuck those SJW cunts and fuck that kike kirkhope
Nintendo just needs to buy Banjo-Kazooie's copyright from Microsoft, not even Rare, because Rare is shit nowadays
People have to understand that Nuts and Bolts came out around the same time Microsoft still actively tried. The 2009-2017 period was an absolute barren talentless wasteland for their studios. It has nothing to do with Banjo or any other IP. The only studio that actually cultivated any talent were the old PGR team and the Gears team. They went almost 10 years without actively using all but 3 franchises. Even then, think of all the things people have heard about making games at MS was like. They've clearly been making an attempt at taking a new direction, but you might as well prepare for another 5 years without it because MS is still going to have to figure out exactly what fit where. You don't just pick up 8 studios and force them to drop everything to take a risk.
Add a 3D conversion of Gruntys Revenge to make a trilogy
lol no, no one gave a fuck besides the usual people.
Yooka Laylee did bad because it was a bad game. A new Banjo game would also likely be bad. A remaster would be the best thing to hope for imo.
Being under NDA is a bit different from expressing an opinion.
I’m fine with this. If their heart is not in it, don’t make Threeie. But the logical move would be copy Odyssey the same way Kazooie copied 64. After all, Odyssey already plays like a Banjo game.
THIS needs to happen, and it’d be utterly stupid not to do. Banjo being in Smash gives you the opportunity to create a whole new generation of Banjo fans. A lot of kids play Smash, and have never heard of the duo.
You don’t even need to have Rare do it. Anyone will do.
>1 million copies
That's not good enough these days.
Then release it for Xbox, Win10, and Switch.
So just like he know right now that we are getting a new banjo threei but he cant say anything
If they make a current banjo games, it needs to be at least as good as Mario Odyssey or A Hat In tIME.
Tooie could benefit a fuckton from a remake. A chance to add the last 10 jiggies to Cauldron Keep, get Stop n Swop working right, fix the framerate issues, fix the camera on both games, and make the games more visually appealing for younger audiences with HD versions of all the levels. Also, online multiplayer for Tooie.
Toss in a 3D Remake of Grunty’s Revenge and you’ve got an awesome deal.
Spyro wasn't awful and was arguably better than Crash.
No, that’s fucking stupid. If you’re gonna go Small budget, then just do HD Remakes.
If you’re gonna do a solid sequel, you need to go all out and copy Odyssey.
Fucking Crash Bandicoot that people love to hate literally sold 10 millions. Maybe Rare just sucks at making games now.
Is Yooka-Laylee is anything to go by, it's fuled by nostalgia. Those games aren't received well anymore.
>donkey kong 64 is better then banjo
I knew it
I'd rather a modern Conker's for the switch.
>he didn't watch the F-zero anime
>people love to hate crash
Nintendo 64 diehard fanboys, you mean
The crash trilogy was the defining platformer for the PS1, and each game sold over five million copies. It's unquestionably a series that many people grew up with and many people adore.
So it's really not at all surprising that a HD quality remake of the first three games sold at a discount price package went on to sell over ten millions copies, especially considering it was released at the zenith of the Sony's approval from gamers everywhere, and when the original crash fans were nearing their early/mid-twenties.
A year or two ago I would've been stoked for this, but seeing how half-assed Reignited turned out makes me a little more wary.
If they're going to put their names on separate lines they should have done;
like the title art.
I don't like remakes. But zoomers these days refuse to play old games with simplistic graphics.
At least they help in introducing these beloved classics to the new generation
I don't usually like the remakes/remasters themselves, but they do serve as a way to gauge interest in the IP. If 10 million normalfags and Youtubers buy it, there's a good chance a new game will be in the works.
Please. Theres no console thats deader than nintendos. They starve you of games so when a new one comes out, all the soiyim say its a 15/10 masterpiece. In the mean time, heres some $15 indie games available anywhere else. Theres a reason nintendo consoles are lower every generation from nes > snes > n64 > gc > wii u
>Every other game was from an already well-established franchise, and two of them were party games.
Banjo Kazooie being in the top 10 is quite impressive.
>take the 'build stuff' of nutsandbolts and ditch the legoshit and vehicles
>now incorporate banjo-kazooie's iconic 'stars', the jiggies
>have puzzle pieces missing from the world and jiggies actively play a role in shaping it instead of just a collectable currency, and you can decide where to go more nonlinerarly
bam, banjo-threeie's base.
On an engine that old?
The main website to the game would like a word with you.
Build off of Tooie and make a full-on 3D Collectathon/Metroidvania hybrid.
it should have taught him to not rely on shoddy level design in platformers instead
... So in that case he was just fucking with people, which makes it impossible in this case that he's fucking with people.
because battletoads is made by rare right? they're a dead company shell just holding the IP rights, no games
the fuck are you talking about, nobody said anything about reusing the engine
I'd only want Rare on board for the writing.
Both Yooka-Laylee and A Hat in Time sold 1 million copies. I'd say both were incredibly successful given the small indie teams that made them.
Because of the drama, Yooka-Laylee was reviewed under much more scrutiny than AHiT.
The truth is that most criticism for Yooka-Laylee was just as relevant for AHiT.
>Being under NDA is the same thing as lying
For fucks sake the average IQ keeps getting lower on this board every fucking day.
Retro would probably be a pretty good fit for the franchise. They're basically Nintendo's next Rare themselves.
Are you retarded? He would also be under an NDA if there was a Banjo game unannounced. These comments are meaningless when we know he will openly lie about the possibility of games/DLC content
They're easy to make because they have a base game to work from.
There are people that weren't born to play the originals and refuse to play them because they're old visually.
Remakes are safe and a good way to tell if people are still interested in the content in question and if they should be making more.
It can look nice and fix up problems the original games had.
>I don’t think Rare has the appetite for it
Just sell it
>Build off of Tooie
So Yooka-Laylee?
microsoft is not selling.
>just sell it
To who?
Nintendo have no reason to purchase it, they could just as easily develop their own new similar game without going through the hassle of MS's asking price. And Microsoft have no reason to sell it for any meagre sum when they have so many other IP's lingering unused in their vault.
Is it even the same writers?
It doesn't even have to be a collectathon.
not really.
There is definitely an audience for it, platformers still sell well. The problem is that Rare has no talent left, they can only make garbage and they know it.
It's needs to be harder.
Yooka-Laylee underperformed because it wasn't that good, plain and simple. It's not an indicator that the market for 3D platform collectathons isn't there anymore.
>Upscaling models
fucking bullshit reason honestly, it will certainly sell a hell of a lot more than their pirate game, I don't even think Microsoft directive anymore to sell more software since they're pushing most of their inhouse games to their subscription service, plus it'll easily give them even more good PR which microsoft hungers desperately for
Aren't the Outer Worlds and Hellblade both made in house by microsoft?
Their pirate game has no establishment though
Hellblade was made before the acquisition, and the Outer Worlds was announced before the acquisition similarly and is already contracted to be published by Take 2. Microsoft seem to be honouring the pre-existing promises in place, as Pyschonaughts 2 is also still coming to PS4 as it had claimed it would to backers of the project.
The first title announced by a studio Microsoft has recently acquired post-acquisition was Bleeding Edge by Ninja Theory, and that's Windows 10/PC.
>Fucker used up all his good ideas on Banjo Kazooie
Perfect Dark is one of the greatest vidya OSTs ever made, though. Also DK64 has incredible music. Also Mario+Rabbids.
Would it be at all possible to get the original team of the first two games? It was only like a dozen and a half or so people.
They got better prospects probably..
>animal mascot collect-a-thons that aren't ridiculously difficult
shiggy diggy they were the brown n bloom shooters of their day
>Tooie moved away from this elegant cornerstone of level design by forcing you to navigate a maze of closed rooms between loading screens. It made the game bigger, yes, but it also made it less satisfying to navigate.
Nah, there are visual landmarks. Some players are just brainlets.
>His two game
He has more than two game.
That's literally what Playtonic is doing right now
people are still pretending it wasnt Team 17 who fucked Playtonic
Rare shouldn't be allowed to be the ones making the game though. Hand it off to an actual competent studio. Microsoft has a bunch of first party studios now, surely there's some competency there. And besides, I'd much rather have a remake of Kazooie and Tooie than a Threeie right off the bat. It worked out pretty damn well for Crash and Spyro, and it can work for Banjo&Kazooie.
Yeah but remaking those older games will obviously teach the devs about shit that the original devs did so they can learn what and what not to do.
Team 17 was handling the publishing and the employees were the ones mocking angry fans on twitter
>wasted 30 bucks on Yooka-Laylee because of the Banjo trailer making me desperate for even a watered down taste of the old magic
eShop not doing refunds is indefensible
Collectathons aren't super popular in today's market, and i wouldn't trust Microsoft of all companies to try and revive them. Crackdown 3 is proof enough
funny you say that since crackdown 3 is actually collectathon kino. all the crackdown games are. finding orbs is addicting
If I remember correctly, Team 17 were also the ones banning angry fans on Steam.
Given their whole reaction to the drama, it's not unlikely that it was them who got Playtonic to remove JonTron from the game in the first place.
I think the Playtonic devs didn't respond to the drama at all.
Hi newfriend, i don't believe you are using those buzzwords correctly!
Crackdown 3 is actually a solid collectathon, but it falls short in just about every other category and suffered from excessive over-promising on Microsoft's part. If they scrapped the god-awful multiplayer and diverted the resources towards co-op along the lines of Crackdown 2's and a larger world it would have been better received.
replace mumbo.
Just sell the IP to Nintendo, I'm sure Retro could work something out.
working on metroid.
Fuck Metroid t b h
Banjo Kazooie: Battle Royale
Trying to emulate the original game is a nightmare. It's running slowly on my emulator and I can't find any good information on how to make it better. I can't believe N64 emulation is so shit.
>Not playing the objectively superior XBLA version
Is it worse than Sega Saturn emulation?
Because it gives me a chance to play games I never tried before. I didnt give a shit about the original resident evil until they remade it and ported it to steam
It actually did okay despite mediocre reception. Meanwhile Odyssey was a runaway hit and A Hat in Time proved even an indie collectathon with no pedigree or brand recognition could be a hit.
I don't have an Xbox.
Hey look, a fucking sane person.
Fucking hackers
He's correct that modern Rare wouldn't be able to do it. That team is complete shit and incapable of producing a game. Playtonic would fuck it up too though.
and jesus christ I forgot how disgusting these renders were after looking at the smash model
You have to look at MS audience. They aren't interested in 3D platformers.
If it's any consolation, it means K Rool is likely not to be in a DK game soon.
because a lot of good games have actualy aged like shit.
and don't go yapping about how games don't age, go play goldeneye or anything from that era and enjoy that headache inducing 15 fps
just fucking give it to retro already
make it more focused on guns.
Retro is condemned to slave away in the Phazon mines for the foreseeable future
No, fuck (You)
Controversy killed hyped
Killed preorders
Then turned out the game was mediocre at best
Cute Breegull.
I'd rather Banjo stay dead than share Battletoads' fate tbqh
You realize banjo being in smash increases his chances of getting something like a mobile game that doesn't take any effort to make?
Nintendo doesn't need Banjo when they already have the number 1 platforming mascot. If anything they could just make a new experimental 3D platformer with Donkey Kong.
Which is why I said I think he's better off buried and forgotten like the rest of Rare
Yeah but he's already in smash, he's kind of hard to forget.
Marios games are great, so is DKC but neither fill the hole of BanjoKazooie
if there was a successor with without controversy maybe.
>Yooka-Laylee crashed.
They could've save it by creating a cartoon youtube.com
It just needed tighter level design and for you to not have to manually adjust the camera after every step you take to be able to see where you're going.
They are just bitter yookla layle flopped
Bk isnt actually a collecthon. Every jiggy has a unique challenge to it
>Kids who weren't even born when you were trolling Habbo during the raid are posting here right now
What about all the notes?
and the feathers
and the jingos
and the icekey
The notes were hints, they showed you were to go and where youve been