They're looking for atleast two more members.
Well Yea Forums. Who else is elligable to join the club?
Crash and Doomguy
Sans and Goku to make this board explode
the king of 'never evers' is Goku.
Who the fuck was against Pac-Man?
To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that she's an echo fighter, she most likely would of been a never ever.
I feel like Pac-Man, Mega Man, and Dark Samus never really got as much doubt as the others in the picture.
oops, forgot to mention this is about dark samus
Viewtiful joe goddamnit
It's baffeling that a character like Banjo got in before Don Pepe
fpbp, they're two I'm wanting and even expecting the most.
Why do you guys have to post so many smash threads. You really can’t post in one of the threads already available? Can’t go to /vg/?
>Used Advent Children's cancerous version
they're not "never ever" tier in the slightest, did neither of you look at what OP's pic said?
They didn't, it was completely possible. Especially fucking PacMan considering it should've been obvious when Bandai Namco was announced as the developer for Smash 4.
crash from quake 3 arena?
I love a good underdog story, and none would be better than Bandana Waddle Dee's if he managed to get it.
Put my boy in, Sakurai. You won't regret it.
goku, 007
The last two characters aren't never evers because that was all of them
Bomberman fucking sucks.
t. zoomer
I saw a lot of people being against pacman when it was discussed during smash 4, a lot of the distaste came from the tv show that was on at the time
Please. Just please.
that's fair enough. I can imagine the same if banjo was being discussed at the same time as N&B
> Wojakposter
Of course
I want to throw coins at people and use a giant robot made of wood.
That's most of this website, are you retarded?
it's Reimu and Travis
>massively violent western character
>sony rep
they fit
Crash has been multiplatform longer than being Playstation only
Was it more like classic pacman was impossible, rather than pacman as a whole then?
How many people would be convinced to buy a switch if this were to happen?
Who was against Dark Samus? I didn't even see that many people asking for her.
>he unironically thinks this
the absolute state of zoom zooms
What's with all the reimu love lately?
I haven't played touhou, so this ain't shittin on them, just am curious what makes them appealing
>"Sony rep" who ignored his invitation for Playstation Allstars
A lot of people think that they are going to announce at one female character (Kazooie doesn't really count), along with how they might do an east and west style of dlc
She's always been pretty big in roster threads, with the main argument against her being that she's only really popular/relevant in japan. The east/west split of Hero & Banjo revived the interest in her, with people pairing her with the next most popular western character (doomguy).
>16 year olds live in his head rent free
some idiot pushing an east and west narrative. it's a shame because it seems to be working. i'm glad she'll never make it in though.
Any room for me?
Master Chief, Goku, John Cena.
If we are talking dlc, then literally everyone that is a videogame character is possible at this point
If we are talking about about smash 6 then every assist trophy and/or spirit is a possibility, waluigi being the first in line, followed by obvious isaac, shadow, geno, banana dee etc
Only ones I really give a shit about now are Crash or Rayman, Goku and maybe the Doom Guy.
Monster hunter, Doomguy or Rayman.
Already got one of my picks with DQ. Now I just need my playable Hunter and I dont care who the last one is. It could even be more FE shit and I wouldn't rage.
Literally 2who?
post the version of that webm that hasnt been bastardized please
Why does every game get exiled to /vg/ when you talk about it on Yea Forums after a few weeks of it being released, but we get to have 4+ smash threads at all times? Do they even play the game or just speculate about who's going to make it in next? Shouldn't nintendies be sent off to /vp/ or their own containment board at this point?
Shantae and Master Chief
No Resident Evil representation is the only remaining elephant in the room.
If they ever break their current 'no Western third party rule' for the roster it'll probably be for Lara Croft.
Based Joe-Man poster
They can't add monster hunter content to both 4 and Ultimate and not make him playable
I don't have it
would've preferred to have him as an ike echo to have chrom as a roy echo
Yeah, he's in
Panel de Pon has had content since Melee, yet Lip isn't playable
Being too big never stopped Ridley from coming in so you could have a shot.
This would be the most shocking mainly because half of the Smash audience would have no idea who this is.
>tfw the only characters I've ever wanted in smash are Marx and Raiden
at this point I'm just here to watch
I support Ampharos :)
Apparently Sakuria takes the smash ballot results from 2015 in very high consideration, and i'm sure our guy Genos is one of the top picks, something tells me it's finally time for the memes to stop being dreams
There were some people against Pac-Man initially cause they thought he would have a lame moveset or wouldn’t do anything interesting since he’s just a ball with legs.
Luckily Sakurai put a lot of care into the Pac, so these thoughts were put to rest after his reveal trailer.
>"I-It's okay because other people do it!"
One of the lowest IQ scores in recorded history is 48. An IQ so low that the person who scored it was actually banned from having sex.
And you're still more of a retard than he is.
Yeah, I'm Graizen
I don't know what reality to came from but go back
I'm so glad that the irrelevant rule finally died down after so much time
Now smash rosterfaggotry is gonna be way less cancerous
doomguy has been in the never ever tier for ages, due to the "rules" people would use
>no rated m characters
>no guns
>too violent
>no western characters
the list goes on, and every one of the rulefags slowly and surely got btfo
Who the fuck is Lip?
>>no rated m characters
>>no guns
>>too violent
but bayonetta is already in?
Sonic and Pac-Man were forgone conclusions when their games were revealed. Mega Man was anticipated in Brawl as well.
Zoomers deserve death
Crash Bandicoot and Travis Touchdown
How is he an underdog? Everyone thought he was likely because he is the most heavily pushed character outside the main three. Most of the arguments for including him come from the fact that he is relevant and prominent, and that he does well in polls. The underdog of the series has got to be Adeline, since was set up to be a main character then she was shunned for like 20 years.
exactly but rulefags dont like to hear that
>t-that doesn't count!
thats why he counts for what OP was saying. rulefags say hes a never ever for "reasons"
Leon & Doomguy.
Hunter would be so fucking amazing, so many spirits to choose from, too.
They still all make a lot of sense to get into. They mostly left a huge mark in video game history, are popular and/or promote something.
Complaining over reaction images is worse than complaining about whatever Yea Forums is bitching about today.
Dante will never get in because we have enough Capcom characters
I would adore this decision, but do Konami even remember they own the IP?
Doomguy and travis
Why the hell are Mega Man, Pac Man and Dark Samus there? They were all literally the most obvious inclusion. Dark Samus cause of echoes and Samus losing her color, Pac Man cause Namco was developing the game, Mega Man cause he was the next obvious 3rd Party inclusion after Sonic, none of these were Never Ever because muh rules.
Ask yourself; would Nintendo be ok with allowing a character from such a violent game in smash? Does Doomguy have enough moveset potential for sakurai to consider adding him?
>We live in a world where Reimu and Doomguy, while still extremely unlikely, have some shot at getting into Smash
If I visited my past self and told him that, combined with the fact that Banjo is in, he’d think I was trolling him. Ultimate is crazy.
It was also one of the 21 games on the SFC Mini
>If you don't know my obscure nes character that no one cares about you're a zoomer
I was a poorfag in my adolescence, so 2hu games were one of the few games that can run on my toaster. Seeing Reimu in Smash would be an absolute dream come true for me. I know how impossible it is, but I want to believe that there's at least a tiny chance it can happen.
What I'm hoping for personally
It would be fucking rad if they actually did put Doomguy in it. If unrelenting autism got Banjo in after all these years then it needs to be put to work for Doomguy.
There is one rule Reimu would break, and it's "no literal whos"
I got Simon and Banjo in this game which are both more than I could have ever hoped but goddamn if this would be one hell of a cherry to throw on top.
I've not played much Digimon, literally just the Cyber Sleuth games which I absolutely fucking adored. If Digimon got in, would it actually get this much Cyber Sleuth representation? All that music + Kowloon being a stage?
I was under the impression CS was just one of several sub-series.
Though personally I'd go for the Edens main areas instead of Kowloon. Kowloon is too visually uninteresting for a stage due to its heavy use of a single colour. Something flying around Eden like the intro cutscene does, similar to Lumiose City/New Donk City would be awesome
Fucking good choice on the music too btw.
i dont see why not. they could easily convey his brutality without making it ultra violent and filled with gore. he could be a grappler character, along with his assortment of weapons that run out of ammo, forcing him into CQC to replenish it, so he wont be a purely campy character
More proof you are a zoomer
Western Town from Rumble Arena 2 is the only acceptable stage.
>BTFO's Leakers
>BTFO's Xfags
>BTFO'S Zerofags
>BTFO's Resifags
>BTFO's Monster Huntards
>BTFO's Wrightfags
>BTFO's Reimufags
>BTFO's Doomniggers
>BTFO'S Zoomers
>BTFO's E-Celebs
>BTFO's Casuals
>Doesn't break Spirit Rules (Not spirits)
>Unique moveset no characters come close to
>Adds more Villains to the series
>Adds better music than every single one of your shitty series combined.
They're in.
Son-Goku is the only worthwhile final ultimate dlc
There'll be a starter from the new pokemon, guaranteed
bayonetta has unrealistic guns
I'd argue Shadow but I'd be more interested to see Bomberman promoted.
I'm down for whatever they wanna throw in at this point. They seem like they're gonna impress regardless of who they throw in (Plant included).
literally who
And the niggerfaggot from Fire Emblem
>history with nintendo is a series of butchered ports
Last DLC character
Would be cool too, but Kowloon would be better IMO
Fuck off, doom 64 is great
Based and Raypilled
>If Digimon got in, would it actually get this much Cyber Sleuth representation? All that music + Kowloon being a stage?
It would probably get some. Way too good to be left out, just listen to the music
He's fucking lost it!
Yeah I'm thinking shes in
sad that the last two characters won't even third party
I would want someone quite left field like Travis Touchdown.
Or someone like Phoenix Wright to be a fucking weirdo like in MVC
Let's be real
The only reason geno is just a spirit in ultimate is because of square and DQ
Nothing about Bayonetta herself is M rated or too violent. Her design isn't anymore sexualized than ZSS, and nothing about her moveset is out of the ordinary for a smash character.
He's in
Bomberman is already represented
>Takes "your characters" fighterpass slot
why are you doing this to yourself
The final character. It’ll btfo of people who think the character can only get in if they’ve been on a Nintendo console, Microsoft is already credited in smash thanks to Banjo so he’s that much closer. Plus, I think he’s a skin on Minecraft if that helps
I'd say Doom slayer is still pretty out there because he is so violent and gorey.. and gunsy.. those are rules some people have made
And crash is owned by Activision which I've heard are ASS to work with and ask way too much money to have crash be in anything.
Those are the two I expect most to appear though... Some characters with "imaginary rules":
>Sora :
Disney license, too similar to other swordies
>M.chief :
no games on Nintendo at all, an enemy mascot, too gunsy
>Goku :
sakurai said only game originating characters
>Waluigi,Bomberman,isaac etc :
an assist trophy CANNOT be upgraded in the same game they're in already
>Rayman,Geno,Eggman etc:
Being a spirit means the character CANNOT be upgraded
>Crono,2B,Geno etc
Square enix has maxxed out their representation and WILL NOT be getting any more characters
>Nights,Tails,Eggman ect
Sega had maxxed out their reps and will not be getting any more characters
>Zero,Morrigan,Layton etc:
Capcom have maxxed out... Etc
Honestly, I feel like this is a pretty realistic possibility.
I think right now, my guess is we'll see two of the following three options:
Lloyd almost seems like a lock because of the Namco partnership (especially because Capcom and SE both now have 2 reps each and technically speaking, Sega has 3) and Sakurai explicitly chose Lloyd for the Mii costume in 4 (though in fairness, it was really between Cless and Lloyd at the time and Cless wasn't an option for him due to licensing complications or some shit) so it does seems fairly likely. Can't say that I'm excited by the prospect but I don't absolutely HATE it either, even though I would rather see Cless. Kinda leaves the last slot between Hunter and Crash. Who knows though. I guess I ultimately don't care because I got Banjo and he's the last realistic possibility that I actually wanted so I'm happy enough already. Hell, I can't even be mad if they add Steve anymore. I just didn't want him in OVER Banjo.
>no literal whos
this has never, ever, fucking ever, i mean, in the history of the fucking universe, ever, i repeat, ever been a rule for smash characters
If you think we are getting any more Microsoft characters, you are delusional
Yes, Doomguy had two dozen guns with different mechanics + weapon attachments and melee weapons to work with, dashing, run&gun and etc.
Geno and Isaac
Good taste, user.
Doom Guy>Mastercheif
>Everyone is here
>Forgetting the original Smash character, Dragon King
>Implying the first character ever seen won't also be the last
Yeah, I'm thinking he's in
Eat shit hat goomba fag
Main guy in the latest Dragon Quest game, basically fan service to the gazillion of Japs loving that series
Reimu is not literal who in the slightest in Japan.
never ever (i dont want him but possible)
*breaths in*
I doubt it too, would be neat though
Proof that I'm part of the 99% of the population that doesn't give a shit about your literal who characters. Are you also gonna argue for disk-kun to be playable?
Based user.
but captain falcon is already in
Poorly, they didn't even bring some music
Dude has over 70 games and has had crossovers with Nintendo since the 90's and Hudson has been buddy buddy with Nintendo for ages, he deserves better than being an AT
I don't think having people against the inclusion means he was a never ever. Most people seemed to treat Pac as a forgone conclusion regardless of how they felt.
Best case is Doomguy and Adeleine
Never stop believing
Reminder to not get your hopes up, at all. Setting yourself up for disappointment will only be worse off in the end if you're personal favorite doesn't get in. Keep expectations low
>reimu in the west: literal who
>doomguy in the east: literal who
Last DLC character
You should ad the Hero to the picture.
Don't get my hopes up.
I don't actually want them in, all the characters I wanted are in now. I just want to see the reaction if those happened
For third parties it is
Do retro characters count?
>another sword twink
Wouldn't be surprised.
I thought Japs loved DQ3?
Sure but only if it's his original design, not the cutesy SD garbage he ended up as. Bomberman Zero is unironically closer to his original design than anything else.
I sincerely never thought I'd be contemplating the idea of Doomguy and Reimu in Smash with some degree of plausibility. What a fucking world we're living in right now.
Hell, I'd be okay with it, too.
Steve was literally the physical incarnation of never ever fags
See how smash rosterfaggotry discussion became much better after him being BTFO
Hopefully this will continue to be in the future
Don Pepe isn't Bomberman's real name in any part of the world you dumb fuck.
Yeah, but the constant "They won't ad a character/series that's only popular in Japan!" seemed similar enought to stuff like "Irrelevant!"
Just think for a moment Yea Forums, who would be the most unlikely character after all of these ones??? That's right, a PlayStation character!!! And who better to be the Sony rep than Spike from the Ape Escape series???
His entire moveset will be based in eternal
>Grappling hook
>Melee attacks + Chainsaw
>Shoulder cannon
>BFG 9000
>Daisy, Doom toy, and the Shuffle taunt
Would we actually see Donald and Goofy in his final smash?
>How is he an underdog?
Well, for starters he's a Waddle Dee, which already puts him in a disadvantage, since all Waddle Dees are portrayed as weak, part of his character is improving himself to be at Kirby's level.
To break the "Never Ever" rule, only 5 characters have the chance, and y'all know it.
>Crash Bandicoot
>Master Chief
Because everyone else is kinda possible.
Except for Gocuck.
Nobody would agree with Gocuck.
I wish Dark Samus got to be a real character man fuck ZSS
>an assist trophy CANNOT be upgraded in the same game they're in already
while this pretty likely IS the case, it was never explicitly stated to be. I'd call it unlikely but I wouldn't take it off the table completely, at least in regards to Bomberman. Isaac and Waluigi though, not a chance.
>Being a spirit means the character CANNOT be upgraded
This on the other hand, I don't see as being true at all.Again, I wouldn't call it likely because the characters we got so far hint otherwise but spirits are the most meaningless argument around. Some playable characters do have multiple versions of themselves as non-fighter spirits. It wouldn't be much effort at all to just rename existing spirits with something more specific in parenthesis to further clarify it from the fighter spirit.
>maxxed out their reps
Also a completely made of rule. It doesn't matter what company a character comes from. What matters is the franchise, how beloved the character is, and how much potential they have to be a unique fighter.
It's their turn.
too big
I agree with this, they all seem like they’d be legit fun too.
Now here’s another question, who do you think would be the worst characters to get in?
people here at Yea Forums are fucking retarded
NINTENDO will never deal with Disney knowing that those rats will force them at gunpoint to remove Sora from Smash Many years after the deal is done.
no one wants to deal with disney Exclusives POST Marvel and Nu sjwars
Honestly I think there is a chance they could, but let’s say if Disney is only fine with Sora then of course they’ll use like Riku and kairi
>6 characters
I got my Switch for Smash but I stopped caring about newcomers when K Rool and Simon/Richter were announced, but you guys just keep posting and posting and creating rivalries out of your asses because your lives must be so fucking pathetic that you have to enjoy conflict in a videogame board. You're starting to get on my fucking nerves and I blame both the old and the young.
I've seen it already, when K Rool was announced most K Rool "bros" (bandwagoners in reality) started shitting on Ashleyfags instead of rejoicing on the krokodile's inclusion. Then the whole thing about the never-evers, non-stop spam on Yea Forums for 4 months which led to the grinch-leak. Won't talk about Ridley because the hype died in less than a week, fucking hell I thought they just calmed down but it seems they just moved to another character. Will happen with Banjo (last good game was on the N64 fucking hell, how many here had a N64?), we are reaching bottom of the barrel choices but you will not stop at that. I just give up...rosterfags ruined smash discussion on Yea Forums, at least buy the fucking game you tools.
Hatsune Miku
Holy fucking god this figure is badass
Thanks for the reminder, based Reimubro
>no Indiana Jones newcomer
Lloyd is super boring user, I'm mostly sure he's not a lock at all.
I'd put my money on a dark souls rep from bandai if anything even when I don't believe the Google theory
The most literal who character in smash is fucking ice climbers back in melee. They've never added characters that weren't at least somewhat popular or well known, especially for paid dlc. People keep forgetting the fact that they're still marketing this fighter pass to customers, so it only makes sense that they'd put in characters that aren't literal whos
and fucking expensive.
Geno should be in that pic instead of hat goomba. No one wanted him until the ballot. The others have been pushed ever since melee.
>And who better to be the Sony rep than Spike from the Ape Escape series???
Have you been in a comma for the last two decades?
Top tier: doomguy, travis, crash
Pretty good tier: spyro, ryu hayabusa, Terry Bogard, quote
Ok tier: steve, Heihachi
We have enough capcom/square enix/sega characters tier: dante, jill, leon, 2B, Kiryu
Unfunny meme tier: master chief, reimu, sans, frisk, goku, hatsune miku, monokuna, bubsy
I'm convinced Banjo wouldn't have been added if a DQ character wasn't added either. Not trying to rule fag, but they both balance each other out. I guess Roy in melee was an exception, but that was 2001.
>Isaac and Waluigi though, not a chance.
Achksciually waluigi is the most likely character that's gonna be in if the assist trophy rule is ever broken, considering the shitstorm that happened one year ago
>Lloyd is super boring user
I didn't say he wasn't. It doesn't mean he doesn't stand a pretty solid chance though. If Namco wasn't the workhorse for Ultimate again, then I'd agree that he doesn't stand a chance, but with Namco still being involved, it seems likely that Nintendo will throw them another bone to encourage a continued partnership on future Smash games.
Doesn't exist anymore.
I already said it, Gocuck
The the second would probably be Steve from Minecraft (because for god, Minecraft in general has way better representatives for the game than the 1st character you're stuck with and which everyone ends up ditching out for better customization).
Then 3rd worst possibility would be characters from indie western games that NO ONE but hipster californian trash has played.
Everyone else in my opinion is fair game as long as it's actually fun to play and brings something cool to the table.
Because that certainly happened with MvC3, right, user?
Like, can you fucking stop X-fag? Both X-Men and F4 are being heavily featured again or being added into everything again, so take your meds now.
Please calm down user
>Lloyd is super boring user
judging from the last two announcements, he'd fit right in then.
>Not Kyo
Absolutely fucking deluded. Kyo has been the face of SNK for over 20 years now, cope. Geese and Rock unironically have a bigger following than Terry at this point even when just taking Southtown bois into account and discounting KoF.
He's in.
>Sonic, Megaman, Pacman, Cloud, Bayonetta, Simon, and Joker
Fuck off retard.
MvC3 was literally pulled from sale for years, you retard.
Nah mate, Sir Daniel would be the most ideal rep. He's more relevant than Apes at the moment. Not to mention skeletons are more cool than generic anime protag.
T block.
I wanna fuck that cellphone.
The best timeline is the one where Frank West is playable in a good smash bros game
The moveset potential is demential
Master Chief was in Minecraft and technically on a Nintendo Console.
never ever geno and hat goombafags
When the final two are revealed and your dream character is finally confirmed to never, ever, ever get into a Smash game for he rest of history, how will you be coping?
Adeleine is a good pick, but she has everything going against her.
>cool character with a cute design that contrasts perfectly with Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede
>could play completely uniquely, being a summoner
>can represent the Shimomura games by being Shimomura's intended contribution to the main cast, and also depicting enemies and styles from his games through her paintings, stage, and music
>Isn't next in line as a recent character or a staple character
>Isn't relevant, only recently appearing in anniversary materials
>Isn't prominent, has had only 2 classic appearances on SNES and N64
>it would take a lot of work to do her justice, animating 2D characters in the right style and balancing a summoner in Smash
>isn't as requested as Waddle Dee or Marx
>isn't from games that Sakurai developed, so he doesn't care much for paying tribute to them
>allegedly, Sakurai hates her in particular
It would take an act of God to get this kid in Smash Bros. It's never happening.
>steveposter is also wojakposter
goddamn this is sweet & salty!
Not really. Dragon Quest 11 has been the biggest push into the Western market for the series, it's not strictly pandering to the Japanese audience. And banjo isn't some literal who in Japan either
Banjo didn't had any new game in the last 10 years either, and Ape Escape still is very popular in Japan.
Goku Kiryu Geno
In her original game, Bayonetta regularly chainsaws angels into bloody splatters while being naked.
Toning down Doomguy isn't hard.
Loved that K Rool and Banjo Kazooie got into Smash now. Boomers will now be known as always winning.
Where are my Isaacbois at? I know you are still here somewhere
That was only in 2013, and it was after Disney bought Marvel and then went into stupid decisions with the Marvel, like making the games with their in-house companies instead of giving it to other developers (which eventually ended up with Disney Interactive closing doors, plus other companies like Playdom), plus the eventual fallout from Fox and Disney made Ike Perlmutter go full anti X-Men or F4 in any kind of merchandising.
If you're going to bitch about something, at least do it when you're well informed about something in the first place.
Plus, again, Disney stated that they're up to let Sora be added, but it's all on power of Nomura (one of Sakurai's BFFs), so well, it's not like you have any power here, m8.
And yet, Bayonetta’s sole identity isn’t school shoot power fantasy. It’s almost like there is more to Bayonetta (the character and games) than just murder.
billy and jimmy lee from Double Dragon!
Just chilling.
One (1) Snoy owned character gets into Smash. Who gets in and why?
Again that has nothing to do with Bayonetta as a character. Her regular moveset is pretty standard for a smash character. Bayonetta isn't "known" for chainsawing enemies in half the same way Doomguy is known for guns and, well, chainsawing enemies in half. If there were any gun-centric character added to smash I'd put more money Master Chief since at least there's a more sci-fi angle to his portrayal that they could lean on.
Toro Inoue
so? capcom is the only company to rival nintendo in terms of how many iconic characters they have
Hey, I didn't make the image
>No one wanted him until the ballot.
That image is from before the ballot btw.
Only one answer to that question. Sorry, Master Chief.
The Yharnam Hunter. This is because the fast & intense gameplay fits smash.
DQ is no where near as popular here as in Japan. Think Final Fantasy levels, maybe even more than that.
But you're probably right about Banjo.
Crash bandicoot because i grew up with his games, and since he's having a big comeback recently i think he would fit. (also make a nice free for all with Mario, Sonic and Banjo for console wars).
My personal never ever is Phoenix Wright, but i would be fine with Agumon and Doomguy too. Just no FE reps please
The gun centric character will be The Scout when they announce Team Fortress 2 for the Switch
Why would it be Sans and not Frisk? Frisk is the main character.
Does spirit really deconfirm? That's an imaginary rule right
Doomguy could chainsaw Mario in the neck and get away with it. He'll just do a shocked expression and bounce away since it's Smash Bros. Ridley can get away with having a move that implicitly stabs characters in the heart and makes them drop to the floor. Doomguy can get away with shotgunning and chainsawing everything. It's just a matter of how the other fighters react, which makes Doomguy's violent methods into cartoony fun. The most violent character in the game, sure, but not impossible to add.
Tons of people were against Pacman because:
"They WOULD use Ghostly Adventures Pacman"
"He doesn't even have a moveset to make!
has it been disproven yet?
Doomguy chainsawing enemies in half is a Doom 2016 thing, prior to that it was just his melee weapon.
Sure, he's more centered around killing, but that's just how the game likes to present itself. You don't need killing to rep Doomguy's gameplay, enemies, music or weapons.
>Valve-anything post 2012 added to Nintendo, let alone other consoles.
>dante instead of doomguy
ok weeb
Issac is an assist trophy you dumb mother fucker
> People shat on Pac-Man because of MUH MOVESET
> Does the same thing today with Bomberman
Fucking hypocrites
>not wanting dante and doomguy
what are you some sort of faggot?
>not having both
You are one close minded neanderthal
Cute, annoying, dumb slut
It's a joke you autist
Still, he wasn't exactly a "never ever", people just saw him as an unwanted inevitability due to Bamco developing the game.
I'm starting to die inside as there are only very, very few of us left.
They need to give other companies a spott too
Monster Hunter, PLEASE!
Why INSTEAD when it can be AND?
They both can go kill demons and have a pizza after
says who?
doomguy/slayer (who cares about the difference, they'd go with slayer but doomguy would be an alt)
and Scorpion.
fuck sword characters
I'm starting to realize that since they bothered to make an assist trophy and a mii costume, along with bunch of spirits, maybe his chances are completely dead after all. He's not third party so there cannot be any buzz around him, and he was probably asked a lot in the ballot, but not enough like K.Rool or Ridley to really make a difference.
I'm saying they're heavily promoting dq11 in the West. Adding Hero as a dlc character, followed by a non too subtle commercial for dq11 is as on the nose as advertising gets
Doomguy, Dante, Reimu
Still here. Super hyped to play as hero (DQ3's specifically) but I can't forget our golden boy.
i would like dante and DD characters
Point is I don't think Nintendo would be willing to allow someone like Doomguy, regardless of how toned down he theoretically could be
Holy trinity of demon slayers
>almost all my characters have gotten in over the years
Feels good. Two to go (Geno / Paper Mario)
>fuck sword characters
ice nunchucks
electric quitar that can shoot electric bats and turn into a scythe
dual motorbike chainsaws
capoeira/boxing weapons
dual rocket launchers
name a character with a bigger potential moveset
>weapons have ammo, you can never replenish ammo in a single match
>once you run out you're left with the wrench
>wrench works like the ratchet games; you can't jump while throwing only run
>special is quick select
>weapons are the contructo weapons from ACiT
>Thruster pak as recover
>RYNO final smash
Little Mac
I thought it was pretty funny when the “Smash bro X Dragon Quest” screen came up but instead of just saying Dragon Quest it was the DQ11 logo
I'm an Andyfag and Isaacfag. My literal final hope and cope is that either is announced at the same time as a new game in either franchise for Switch, even if it's just a compilation or remaster.
Still can't believe the madmen added K. Rool
If only
After the Banjo debate, that’s the kind of attitude that should get Adeleine in immediately. Don’t give in yet.
>Bayonetta can't be in because she's too sexy and from an M rated game and she uses guns! Sakurai won't allow it!
>it cant be Sans he's not the main character!
Watch the Ridley trailer again. If Ridley "Orphan Making Madman" "Parent Eating Predator" "Heart Stabbing Sicko" "Cunning God of Death" the space pirate can get in Smash, so can Doom Guy.
but she's a thespian.
You mean Reimu and Doomguy, Leonincel
Trailer called demon slayers
>Dante is revealed and is fighting off some demons (just kid Icarus enemies and other stuff from other games)
>he starts struggling
>Doomguy comes in and they team up
he's the official playstation mascot in japan and has been since the '90s. either him or kratos would make the most sense.
Banjo got in because of fan demand, which is exactly what BWD has more of than Adeleine.
I do
fuck off reimufag, leonbros are friends
>unwanted inevitability
>became one of the most beloved and soulful characters in the game
>his inclusion in smash brought back the original design for Pac-Man in bamco's eyes and BTFO Ghostly Adventures for all eternity
how did he do it?
>"No guys, Spirits totally deconfirm! Sakurai said all the DLC would be new to the series so Spirits have to mean they can't happen!"
So your friends with a group that fakes discord images and started shit with us?
If doomguy/slayer got him, what would his trailer be?
These two would make the pass almost completely perfect
>SMT, Dragon Quest, and Doom all defined genres and their influence is still being felt today
>Banjo-Kazooie defined a subgenre, was a flagship franchise of the N64, and the franchise is still seen by most as a Nintendo series despite being bought by Microsoft well over a decade ago
>Crash is the closest thing Sony has ever had to a proper recognisable mascot and represents a rivalry with Nintendo that was almost as prominent as Sega's
The only thing stopping it from being completely perfect would be Joker only really representing Persona 5 rather than Persona or SMT as a whole.
jesus christ user, that's too fucking good
Banjo has three things- fan demand, personality, and a legacy.
Dark Samus went from being a never ever before echo fighters were revealed to everyone pretty much agreeing that she was inevitable after echo fighters were revealed.
I think we all know who the next DLC character will be.
You mean a first party character from a series that already has characters in the game, who's made an appearance EVERY SMASH GAME? Yeah man anything's possible after Ridley got in. What will they think of next? Super Mario???
Not gonna give you (You)s Tabbender.
It's still surreal to me that this exists
Adofags will never defeat Based Dee.
Shantae would be nothing without her semi-lewd design.
Take your spirit and L.
Every time with you retarded rulefags.
at least they don't coattail like you do
No one is falling for your false flagging. I'm a Reimu supporter and I have no problems with Leon or any other Resident Evil character.
This lil' mean critter.
Preeeeety unlikely user
>Thread about joining the "never evers because my imaginary rules said so" club
>"Shantae can't be in cause she's too lewd"
So I've never played banjo-kazooie
What's the best way on pc
She'd be an excellent representation for indie games. Most indie series are recent and could be flavour of the year but Touhou has legacy and has proven that it can stay relevant for decades,
>They do this at the end of the trailer
These are things BWD has
>It's a continuation of the Belmont's trailer with Luigi's Ghost in hell
>He's being chased by demons
>they're about to get him
>The screen goes black
>The lore testament voice over from doom 2016 kicks in
>Doom Slayer Rips and Tears!
>Cue Montage of his moveset with Rip and Tear playing over it
>The Cyber Demon shows up and runs towards Doom Slayer and they leap at each other
>Screen goes black again and music cuts out
>trailer end
Duke and Lara
I feel like the most obvious pool is Crash, Rayman, Doomguy, Jill/Leon, with MAYBE the last character being a Nintendo rep from a franchise they want to revive.
I think it'll be one of those at least. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone big. Maybe a Soul Calibur character like Nightmare, or Tekken character like Heihachi.
A man can dream can't he?
I really wish Joker had Flynn as an Echo or alt palette. It would then be perfect (even though Flynn is more of a longsword and gun guy I'd take it).
>Adeleine can't get in Smash because Bandana Dee is more requested
>Adeleine can't get in Smash because Bandana Dee is next in line
This is pretty much the Geno vs Captain Toad debate again.
So you admit your argument was retarded
That's all I want and I'll stop asking for shit...
No, but feel free coming up with a counterargument if you believe that.
reminder that the last two characters will be quote and reimu
would not even be surprised at this one, a real sleeper pick
Going to be epic
Genofags and Toadfags had a war?
Holy fuck!!
Last thing I want is to make some kind of war with Ado fans, I don't even expect Dee to be one of the last 2 DLC characters, it's very obvious they're choosing 3rd Party characters so someone like Crash or the Doom guy just seem way more likely imo.
Maybe if they make a second fighter pass or something but while I do believe Dee is the likeliest Kirby character to get in, I'm definitely not holding my breath for DLC.
Also Adeleine is cool and I would love if she got in after Dee.
Counterargument to what? You haven't made an argument.
I can't think of someone more fitting for the "muh imaginary rules" club
>I'm sure I'm forgetting someone big.
Yeah, you're forgetting MONSTER HUNTER who already has representation in the game sans playable fighter
>Who else is elligable to join the club?
I dunno
But I'd like this
>Also Adeleine is cool and I would love if she got in after Dee.
Are you implying you wouldn't love it if she got in before Dee?
mii costume
You can play it on project 64 fine. There is an option you should use, "sync game to audio".
Alright fags, I've never played a doom game.
Tell me why everyone thinks a spaece mareen that chainsaws shit would be a good fit for smash.
Maybe It'll be Tracer!
Rayman and Assassin as Ubi reps
I would be happy because Ado is in, but also very disappointed because it's not Dee, call me selfish if you want.
That's why he's Never Ever.
i'm already tracer
>Does Doomguy have enough moveset potential for sakurai to consider adding him?
honestly considering that he uses his hands and a god damn sword now along with a bunch of bio-weapons, yeah, he's possible.
Would Yea Forums actually implode?
>le character wars
Stop. We're not pulling banjofag autism. If someone thinks one character of a series thinks they deserve it/will get in before another character from that series then they can think that. This isnt fucking politics
Sakurai and the Smash team
Doom 64.
I feel like just answered your own question there
>Hit & run character who prioritizes using projectiles and reloading them by getting close and using melee combat
I can see it happen
Yeah, but he's an actual never ever
Never Ever is a meme that came after most of these though
No way fags, it's time for Leon. You are all small time.
I don't think you read my post well, I specifically don't want that kind of autism.
Daisy should be in this image,too
Adeleine and Bandana Dee seem to be characters that are intrinsically at war with each other, from a creative and effective standpoint. It's obscured vs starred, soul vs soulless, underdog vs staple, original vs popular. The characters are diametrically opposed to one another. I've never seen a Bandana Dee fan that genuinely likes Adeleine and I've never seen an Adeleine fan that genuinely likes Bandana Dee. At best, you guys tolerate each other.
I can imagine 4 and 5 being another JP and West balance like 2 and 3 were, so say Arle and Wright, theoretically speaking.
I'd say Reimu but Arle is a similar character who's a more realistic pick and I'm fine with either.
Wright is also probably a more realistic choice than Travis who is on the same boat as Reimu.
I know steve has become a massive shitpost here but I would seriously love to see Minecraft represented in Smash. It's the most sold game of all time and popular around the world to this day.
A minecraft stage would be enough. Steve would honestly work best as mii costume since steve is not a character but a default skin.
>all the people acting now like Banjo-Kazooie was a shoo-in and the most obvious pick ever when literally everyone was saying that he was a never ever and would never happen for X reason even minutes before they got revealed
I knew this shit would happen.
Geno has been pushed since fucking Brawl
Shut the fuck up communism clown, I like all Kirby characters.
i want to shove my face into her cute butt
>all these people that have already moved on to talking about the next dlc even though we got two announced just this week
Smashfags only care about shitposting.
one down four to go
She's more never ever than anyone else in the image because Sakurai literally cannot get over his Kirby bias.
People are just confusing "everybody hoping for X" with "everybody expecting X"
These are literally the last 2 characters I want in Smash, if they got in I would have no wish left.
Hat Goomba is a much better choice than fucking Geno who was a side character in one Mario game from 1996. He's beyond irrelevant literal who.
Waluigi, Paper Mario or King Boo is next in line if Mario series is getting another character.
>First party
Literally hoping against hope
Frisk is trash
So is it actually rewarding and satisfying to say "Haha I told you he could be in it!"?
why isn't ryu/ken in the OP image? They're from actual fighting games.
not only is there already a microsoft representative, doomguy is a better representative for FPS
No, because only redditors do that
Yes. It is.
Seriously, since when did Doom guy get talked about when it comes to smash this much? Now it seems like everyone is mentioning him.
I was there both during brawl days and sm4sh days and I literally never heard anything about Doom guy ever, no speculation or fan demand nothing.
What changed?
Why the FUCK would anyone want this stupid crap? I just don't get it. Zero appeal and completely uninteresting
Let's force him to
>already a microsoft representative
No, there's a Banjo Kazooie rep. Characters rep games, not companies
After Banjo-Kazooie’s reveal, Dee is the only potential rep that i’m not completely disinterested in
Most likely a discord group or some garbage.
Obviously not since you never ONCE said Banjo could be in
Master Chief will get in and put the "Must be on a Nintendo console" shit to bed once and for all. Although I bet some people will point to Minecraft as an explanation for that.
spotted the r*dditor
It's because there were leaks surrounding him being included, Bethesda talking with Nintendo regarding Smash, the upcoming release of Doom Eternal, and the fact Sakurai recognizes Doom as an important part of video game history and sees John Carmack as an idol.
good taste
I feel like chief has a better shot than doomguy
if anyone is worth getting over his Kirby bias with, it's Dee. I'd say Adeline should be an Assist but she's too similar to Nikki and Vincent. Maybe if her paintings replace Isabelle's old assist from 4 and she paints food like in 64, but that's her only possible one.
>ANOTHER Microsoft character
Nah man
He's cute and has a fun design. I like Waddle Dees and I like his moveset, so I would enjoy seeing him join smash
maybe next time, Waluigi.
Waddle Dees are his own creation. Kirby 64 needs to be acknowledged first. Ado is a boss and would work well as a fighter.
maybe add in Ridley somewhere as well, fucker looks like he'd fit right into Doom
>all the characters are japanese
>rare gets special treatment
gemini when
says the fag who wants dante
Source on the last one? He just called Carmack '"father of the FPS"
Ado's boss fight in both games is entirely summons that fight for her. That goes into PT territory. If she plays like Star Allies I dunno maybe.
Here's your final 2.
You never ONCE said banjo could be in
So they are exactly like erdrickfags and Stevefags that bandwagon on leak muh new leak character?
Banjo at least have had support for years, same with K. Rool and Ridley.
>First party character
Fuck off
Arle is one of my most wanted picks, but I'm getting worried seeing Hero take the elemental magic user shtick.
>Kirby 64 needs to be acknowledged first
Ok then add Bandana Dee and then make a comment that he's the one from 64. Since Sakurai created Waddle Dees his word is law
I feel like I have seen more wars with bandana dee and marx than with bandana dee and ado
Sadly, dead.
>Banjo at least have had support for years, same with K. Rool and Ridley.
EVERY CHARACTER has had support for years. Who the fuck are you to say that someone's favorite character is invalidated? Eat shit you bandwagon "I let reddit polls decide my most wanted" asshole.
user be creative. Obviously she could paint characters onto the stage that each have set patterns and attacks.
Can I get 64 dee as a grappler?
>character wars
Don't respond to bait, everyone. This isn't politics. We do not exist in [character] camps.
If that's your worry, Hero still got in despite Robin existing. Sakurai could surely come up with something unique and possibly involving Puyo for Arle, with a Bayoen Final Smash. Only real argument against her is all of Sega's mii costumes being in already hurts her chances unless they made more just for Puyo.
Geno actually had less support than Krystal, Bandana Dee, Isaac, Shantae, and Rayman During Sm4sh days.
his support has dropped a lot over the years and only got a little big again during ultimate because of grinch leak saying he's in.
I'm guessing it will be more 3rd party visitors.
Because "OMG THEY DID THAT??!"
Since Bomberman is out of the picture, these two would still turn my crank.
>ok then add Sakurai's character
Good point, politics suck
Dee and Marx used to be in an alliance for a while way back then until Marx naturally pulled the classic betrayal trick.
it's likely because Cloud and Square doesn't give much of a shit if Sakurai represents Geno and Mallow as .jpgs. Mallow was a surprise.
No, I remember tons of marx fans came up mainly after star allies and tried starting arguments, I feel like at most, some ado fans think she deserves to replace bandana dee’s role in the games
Oh you're just shitposting, ok
Nibba, that's what I was saying in
>Mallow was a surprise
You're not gonna get a Geno spirit without Mallow. That's now how Sakurai operates. He doesn't add them exclusively for the reddit fan poll pandering
The only one that truly applies is Snake, since before him the rule of "Must be a first party Nintendo character" was unbroken.
The only rule that remains intact is "Character must have appeared at least once on a Nintendo console"
Wait, shit, I just got baited
>Gets called out for making reddit style shitposts
>calls the other people shitposters
You never ONCE said Banjo could be in. Not a single time in your life.
They're .pngs retard
Also "Character originates in a video game"
in Roy's case, even if that video game is Smash itself.
I meant with huge support not no support at all I also didn't say it's invalidated, holy shit calm down sperg. I want some characters that are not so popular among most of the smash community like King Boo and Bomberman but I wouldn't say they have no support just a lot smaller support than some other characters.
What I meant is that there was basically no discussion about doomguy at all when it comes to smash just a few years ago and now his name is mentioned in every smash thread. It was like when Piranha Plant got into smash and plantgang became a thing even though most of those have not supported Piranha Plant for years.
i wouldn't give a shit. i got banjo and hero, who cares who the last two are.
>H-Hey you're the shitposter I'm innocent!
Go troll on Smashboards you tool
Seems fair considering BD poorly replaced Adeleine's role in the 3DS games
rare =! microsoft
bungie =! microsoft
>elephants in the room
What about a rep from the greatest JRPG of all time?
>I meant with huge support
Support fluctuates madly and rapidly. You can't say they had consistent support for over 20 years. That shit isn't binary
It's different though. Doomguy/Doom Slayer is a literal 90's icon that popularized the FPS genre. Ninja Gaiden as well has been a big part of gaming history. It popularized challenging gameplay and cinema "cut-scenes" to tell a game's story in-between levels
Arle would let them add Amitie's Hat as an accessory for Miis, and that's enough to justify her, really.
It's a fucking great hat.
Smash rosterfags act like characters are sport teams and you can't be on two different teams even though you could might as well enjoy several characters.
Not really.
I don't think my body would survive the amount of dopamine being dumped into my brain if this happened.
She more or less hits all the marks when it comes to rosterfag autism (relevancy, moveset, legacy, contact with Nintendo) while doing a great job at representing not one but TWO game genres currently not covered in smash (shmups and indies). She also works with bringing new demographics as she is popular with both the doujin/indie and otaku crowds in Japan.
There is no guarantee that she will make it but as time is passing, her chances are only improving as the variables against her are dying down.
Looks like OP is a faggot nothing new
Yeah really
Quadrupedal character when
Amaterasu would be obvious, but I'd settle for Wolf Link
Ah, yes, another Toriyama swordsman.
Bungie literally sold Halo to Microsoft. They parted ways a long time ago. 2007 If I remember.
They're probably an entirely proprietary format, user.
Ness has been in since day one.
K. Rool, Ridley and Banjo have literally have had huge support since Brawl. They have always been discussed when it comes to smash newcomers. Doom series was around those times as well but doom guy was still basiclaly never mentioned. fuck sake doomguy was not even mentioned before smash ultimate dlc seaosn started.
that user is in a timeline where bungie still makes halo
Oh, yes it is.
I was a rare fan of both at one point, but I dropped support for the former when he was SEVERELY mishandled in Triple Deluxe and Robobot. There is no excuse for his roles as an item dispenser.
Yeah, I guess, I would rather them coexist, though
better than another generic fe faggot, and his music is great.
No matter what you say, if the character is third party it will not be a literally who, it will be from a popular franchise i
Ok so during Smash 4 I had a fucking SCREECHING feeling about Cloud and Ryu. I thought about what third party characters could POSSIBLY be added after the Pac, and they were the two that were burning into my brain. I'm still butthurt I never said anything so I'm screencapping my post this time
I got a loud as hell gut feeling that the Okami white dog is being added. I've never played it, and I don't even know it's name, but I just can't help the feeling that he's in as DLC.
I'm probably just being crazy but imma screencap this just to be safe
>A lot of people think that they are going to announce at one female character (Kazooie doesn't really count)
It's gonna be Velvet from Tales of Berseria + port on Switch
No personality
No games
Nobody cares except cosplayers
Goku's already been deconfirmed by Sakurai, like a month ago
>K. Rool, Ridley and Banjo have literally have had huge support since Brawl.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? And no, vocal support doesn't mean that they're the most wanted.
Literally just walk out into traffic
Would Doomguy get B.J as his assist?
It's Kirby. The characters do whatever HAL needs them to do. There was nothing wrong with it
>user asks a question
>answer it
Fucking shitposters, I swear
This, anyone who still doubted at this point has a learning disability
>there was basically no discussion about doomguy at all when it comes to smash just a few years ago
ive wanted him since brawl but ive kept to myself since he has never been anything more than a pipe dream until recently
I think they can coexist perfectly, but Bandana Dee needs to make a change. He can't be "THE Dee" since he just never works as that guy, he's always seen as the least hype main character in Kirby games themselves and in marketing they always just use Waddle Dee because vanilla is the most palatable flavor. His entire character can't just be "Kirby's buddy" anymore either, since that's so shallow and basic and other more original characters already have that going for them, like Gooey and the animal friends. They should start taking Bandana Dee's old characterizarion and switch him firmly over to just Dedede's side. Take from side material like the apple juice song and make him Kirby's underdog rival, who works hard to beat Kirby. Make him a driven fighter for a Waddle Dee, but still don't abandon all the iconic Waddle Dee. He can get boss fights, secondary rival roles, or fight alongside Dedede like that. Adeleine can pretty much just be the character she is in DL3 and 64, mysterious wandering artist that helps finds herself in the middle of conflict and aids Kirby whenever possible.
>joker a never ever
I saw like 2 people mention Joker being included at all.
>rep from the pinnacle pf JRPGs on the SNES
>great music to pull into the game
>potential for varied moveset
CT is on most lists for potential Smash reps. "No games" is a retarded complaint. And its a fighting game, not a dating sim. Who cares about personality?
Doomguy made sense by the time of melee but the series went on an hiatus through melee to ultimate. Once the reboot made him fresh again in people’s memories, he was easy to ”get” considering his impact.
The things doomguy is known for are:
>this face
>super shotgun
>going fast
>the demons
The only realistic thing keeping doomguy is the BFG's full name. We already have a character with a chainsaw and several with guns. Everything else should be gravy.
This is both cute and functional, thank you.
I pray for him. Considering that every publisher has had at least two reps from different games, Chief deserves the spotlight.
And God the gloating will be so good.
You're welcome.
>Considering that every publisher has had at least two reps from different games,
Where's the other Namco character, other then Pac-Man so far?
Are you the same as the one who made Amitie's moveset?
Based motherfucker. Toro deserves more western love, goddammit.
Villager, Isabelle, Wii Fit Trainer or the Miis because not a fighter or too peaceful rule?
Both of them.
Also the Tetris Monkey one.
Agumon soon
The fact that they actually used CGI trailers for the DLC characters makes me hype for his. Samus better be in it with him.
Pretty good.
>make a shitpost for the sake of telling lies
>noooo I'm innocent pls let me shitpost I'm innocent :(
Yikes its telling that you've posted a reddit shitposting image now
Does he really count? Granted the V-pets debuted first, but what about games? He'll probably be based on the one from Adventures if he makes it in. Is that ok? Hope they add butterfly and Brave Heart as tracks if so
>posts shitposting image
>calls others shitposters
Care to explain, troll?
Agumon has a general concept and skillset carried over between all incarnations. He doesnt need to be based on a specific show or game. Like how Pikachu is a generic catchall pikachu
>doom is a milestone game
>his series became relevant again
>it actually seems feasible now
really not hard to grasp
we got 8 gokus
Sorry Stevies, but I'm not gonna let you pretend you're not being massive shitposters right now
Agreed. Reimu being added would be the shit but Sakurai already said that not everyone will make it.
Thank you finally someone said it. With the gun rule and Western 3rd party rule throw out the god dam window there is nothing stopping him now.
Agumon only has one actress, and they can just make her do generic grunts so that he isnt blatantly anime-esque in speech. But he can use catchphrases when he wins like Lucario
Please, Disney, let this happen.
What about final smash?
Lol what was that about you not being a shitposter?
Legitimately couldn't think of one, if I'm being honest. It'd probably be something like Bub summoning a boss or something.
Honestly, I wouldn't even mind an animation in the style of Halo Legends. Something like Babysitter or the style is Odd One Out, but that would never happen because that's more effort than I assume either Nintendo or MS would be willing to put in.
This is true. He was a top 3 pick during the Brawl speculation days, though. In aggregate, he is now the most supported never-ever pick.
>hahahaha he's in i win you looooooose!!!!!
>you guys are just shitposters.... Stop calling me out for shitposting....
What kind of nu 4channel trash draws this shit?
>Japanese character from JAPAN Studio
>History includes first game from that studio and first game with required use of the DS analog controller, which later became a standard for PlayStation controllers
>Sakurai is probably a shotafag
>Possible moveset potential including pipo monkeys
>That fucking music
>Ape Escape was once a major Sony IP
>20th anniversary
People like him, so obviously there's appeal. To say there's none because of your personal vendetta is just ignorance.
To put it simply; He's cute, represents a fraction of the Kirby series that sees little to no love in Smash, and could utilize a weapon and fighting style never seen in Smash bros before. Obviously, I could get into lore and personality, but folks set on outright hating Bandana Dee are never really willing to listen anyway.
Whatever. He's a Hat Goomba, but I love him. Fuck you, etc.
>What changed?
People are more open to a generic no-personality robot-man who has no moveset potential.