Now THIS is how you do a JRPG remake Square

now THIS is how you do a JRPG remake Square

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How many articles did this game get?
How many did the FF7 Remake get?

Check. Mate.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about how lackluster and weak the Secret of mana remake was, not making a comparison to other remakes.

Exactly. And last I checked Trials of Mana will be a complete game.

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It got a direct port with some 3D because Japan doesn't care for Secret as much as 3.

To be fair, we wouldn't care as much either if we actually had Seiken 3 localized long ago. Secret isn't horrible, but it's extremely clunky either way, and lacks polish.

Charlotte > Riesz > Angela

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With a low poly badly animated barebone combat mobile game?

>no co-op
Not yet.

The fan translation was out five years after the JP release. If it was a matter of accessibility the perception would have shifted over a decade ago. Secret got big in the Gamefaqs era as nostalgic young adults jerked off that pretty cool co-op SNES game they played as kids. It has everything to do with the cult of personality surrounding it in the early internet days, especially that post-FF7 bubble where everyone was busy grovelling at Squaresoft's feet. It became a pop culture fact that Secret of Mana is this amazing SNES ARPG and those other Mana games don't get talked about as much so they must not be as good.

Did you honestly play SD3 with a friend in the last 20 years, or are you looking for a reason to not enjoy the new thing?

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Hey, a caveat IS a caveat, the remake looks pretty cool overall (although I'm not that attached to the series as I am to say, the two Saga games that got announced). I will enjoy SD3 on the Switch when I get the collection... soon-ish. It's a bit expensive.

Not him but I did, shit is fun as fuck and I really recommend it.

I meant that as "I will enjoy SD3 co-op". The console gets a lot of use for couch co-op.

>15 years old (elves age at half the rate of humans)
>like 3 feet tall
What a cute little onahole

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Hey, fair enough.
I just think the remake should be judged on its own merits (or failings). If they want to focus on a more nuanced combat system and have to get rid of co-op to do it, that's fine. The original will always be around.

You're not wrong. I miss old Squaresoft. Shame most of the directing/managing/writing talent left a long time ago.

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Eh does the game have a continous story? Also only played a mana game on ds, got easily shitted on because I was weak as fuck.
Are these better? afaik one of the mana games are one of the best games ever.

>Everyone goes full slut costume wise, or full edge if you pick dark twice, even the bundle of joy smol half elf girl

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You played the shitty cashgrab era of Mana.
The Gameboy and SNES games are action RPGs, simple and pure. 1 and 2 (Adventures and Secret) are completely linear and straightforward while 3 (Trials) lets you select 3 out of 6 characters, each with their own storyline and three possible finales.

>SoM remake was so bad, Square decided to just localise the collection instead of porting it

Except that's not what happened. They localized the collection once they decided to do the SD3 remake.

secret of evermore > secret of mana

I mean I'm not sure I even disagree. Evermore is a much more poorly designed game, but it's a novelty.