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E3 Coliseum: Todd Howard & Elon Musk Thread
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Elon is behind schedule just like all his tesla production deadlines.
>10 mins late
wow it's fucking nothing
What have I missed so far?
Nothing, Elon was driving Todd to E3 and got stuck in a traffic jam.
Based. What about talks?
literally fake gamer
Started a few minutes ago.
What makes a real gamer?
Todd must be feeling uncomfortable.
Actually knowing the games you play instead of naming like five of the guy across from you.
Why does Todd look like he doesn't want to be there
elon is only into games and anime now because his girlfriend is literally a Yea Forums male trapped in woman's body.
in his defense thou he said he played overwatch and starcraft with his kids afue years ago.
>Todd putting skyrim on the tesla cars infotainment system
>the fun police make us park
>Nothing, Elon was driving Todd to E3 and got stuck in a traffic jam.
Awww. Is Elon driving toddy boy to school?
the fuck am I watching?
what the fuck is this
>Kiddie games
>You drive in the game, you drive in real life.
>Literally a Billionaire
>Talking about kids games
>literally using the steering wheel and pedals for simultaneous gaming and commuting
thats a big chair
Why are you trying to imply that Blizzard isn't normiecore?
We just need Forza on Tesla and we're done. Best game of the decade. This is what all racing gamers have wanted surely.
He shit games to make
no but like his girlfriend takes a PS4 pro with her when she travels and uses it in the hotel gym … even just 3months with some one like that would make you absorb hardcore gamer culture and they been together like 13months or some thing.
Because he has nothing good to show.
What a time to be alive.
this is so painful to watch. elon talks like an out of breath first grader and todd lies in every other sentence
"best online community we have ever seen" in regards to fallout76 players.
this guy is fucked starfield and es6 are going to be gamebryo shite.
Why is he sweating so much?
Todd found out he didn't buy Skyrim VR
that's not sweat, he's just shiny
In all humans, the body is constantly producing heat via a series of reactions. This heat is a result of both chemical reactions and physical actions inside the body. From heart tissues expanding and contracting, to intestinal organs absorbing nutrients, heat is almost always produced as a by-product of the body’s actions. Since the human body does not rely on outside environmental conditions to regulate temperature, humans are classified as endotherms (commonly known as warm-blooded. Whereas ectothermic (cold-blooded) species rely on heat via solar energy to maintain their body temperatures, endothermic species produce sufficient heat to warm themselves on their own.
The body temperature regulation challenge specific to endotherms is to ensure that we do not overheat as a result from the heat provided by our natural chemical and physical reactions. The three primary ways humans expel this heat are dissipating heat through their breath, sending heat to the outer layers of the skin via blood flow, and producing sweat that evaporates from the skin. The first two methods happen constantly, but sweat is utilized when the body temperature rises slightly from its resting temperature. The normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, although a resting temperature between 97.7-99.2 degrees Fahrenheit is not uncommon.
The sweat glands produce liquid sweat, and the sweat travels from the glands to the surface of the skin. Ever wonder what that sweat is made of? Mostly water, and a few other things. When the sweat evaporates (because it is mostly water), the heat in the sweat leaves the body as well. For people who experience diaphoresis (excessive sweating with no known cause) or hyperhidrosis the process of sweating is not beneficial to the process of thermoregulation because it is so excessive. People usually get hyperhidrosis for a few reasons, it is either genetic, caused by disease, medications, or other factors that arent't yet understood.
because he probably don't post all those memes on his twitter page and how he is surrounded by all this gamer poortrash
What did he say?
im not even watching this stream
>Last game I played a lot of was Fallout 4
-Elon Musk
Why don't you chemically react to my NUTS haha
God I fucking hate it when college kids ask that during a Q&A. You dont look like your taking initiative, you just look like a bunch of desperate cringelords.
>What has been your biggest failure?
Todd knows it's Fallout 76 but doesn't want to admit it
its pretty obvious his girlfriend and him share a phone or have 0 boundaries with devices/accounts.
Did Todd really just say Morrowind was the company's biggest failure LMAO?
to be fair todd gave the example of a period that's similar to the one they are in now.
skyrim/fallout4/fallout76 have all been bad games past the original gamebryo trilogy of morrowind oblivion fallout3. also elon did roll his eyes when Geoff asked about 76 and then quickly said in response he liked fallout4
elon isn't a idiot he knows skyrim/fallout4/76 are all considered shallow shit games.
He plays a lot of fallout 4.
He said everything after Daggerfall was a failure and Morrowind saved the company.
no you dumbass the games released between daggerfall and morrowind was his biggest failure morrowind was his savior
the sad thing is thou the company has just made morrowind v2/v3f/v4s/v5.4/vs6.76 since then and hasn't made a new game. todd will prob go back to his hotel room and realize the thing that saved his company is killing it and they are cucks afraid to do some thing new..
What were the games between Daggerfall and Morrowind?
ya I also played alot of fallout4 its the best game they made this decade its a good game but its nowhere near the quality of morrowind or oblivion or fallout3
He's too busy setting up a mining company so he can get his own rare earth metals whilst running Tesla into the ground
>near the quality of oblivion or fallout3
You almost had me then you spout off two shitty games that only millennials would like.
some cancled shit and some terrible shit they released I forget the name but was reading the wiki about it ages ago. looked like ultra shit game thou like they fucked up and made a terrible engine. then they licenced gamebryo for morrowind and it saved them then they purchased gamebryo and now make the same shit for 2decades.
happy/sad story.
dude the meme to hate on fallout3 is retarded as fuck only zoomers who played NV first with 100 mods say that.
its a dumb as fuck thing to say its like saying shadow of chernoble is shit because you play call of chernoble … its revisionist and wrong. if people only liked fallout3 because its a "classic" I would understand your dismissal but fallout3 is just flat out a better story and narrative experience than NV you just hate on it because you spent all your time setting up mods in the "latest" one instead.
*clears throat* ahem
XCar: Experimental Racing
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
Zero Critical
Zero Critical
Magic & Mayhem
F-16 Aggressor
NIRA Intense Import Drag Racing
PBA Tour Bowling 2
Sea Dogs
PBA Tour Bowling 2001
IHRA Drag Racing
Skip Barber Racing
Magic & Mayhem 2: The Art of Magic
IHRA Drag Racing
Family Card Games Fun Pack
but I mean I am sympathetic if you started with these games in NV or Fallout4 or Skyrim and cant go back to a older build and find it too janky or some shit.
like I get it if you don't want to play it but you should try to understand why people like it rather than just dismiss it because you found it unplayable or played thru it really fast with godmode on because you wanted to get back to your "modern" mods on the newer games.
at the end of the day really all these games are the same fucking thing. even the fantasy and scifi ones are the same fucking game.
lol they must have literally hidden that period from the wiki page I was reading it the the other day and it only listed 1-2 fantasy games and ignored all that other shit.
only studios that do shit like that are bankrupt whores.
Calling Fallout 3 a good game shows you never played the originals. Even bringing up Oblivion continues to show you're a millennial who grew up playing Oblivion and Fallout 3 as your first Bethesda and RPG games
And WHO do you think controls the game industry? HELLO!
dude morrowind oblivion fallout3 falloutNV skyrim fallout4 skyrimHD fallouty76 starfield Elderscroll6
are all the same fucking game you retard. you can have as much fun in any of them you just use a different one as your playground. its all the same shit and you know it.
>are all the same fucking game you retard
Okay now you're just pretending to be retarded. If you think they are the same games despite how much content and RPG elements has been cut since Morrowind and Daggerfall you are straight out a retarded zoomer.
Is this real
but the reason people hate on skyrim/fallout4/fallout76
is these 3 games have way less content than the first 3 of the trilogy
falloutNV is unique in that it has faction war stuff. but saying its the best just because obsidian made it is wrong as other non Bethesda developers made DLC as far back as morrowind.
arguing which one is best is really just which one you like mods for the most which isn't really reviewing the games if you just look at the content that comes with the box+dlc morrowind/oblivion/fallout3 have way more fleshed out story and content
skyrim is big yes but its narrative is short and shallow. and lots of its side content is really trash.
fallout4 is tiney world with ok story but lacks side content even with DLC.
fallout76 is self explanatory.
honestly any of these games you can make cool as fuck with mods but if you base your opinion on which is best on which one you modded you are a stupid fuck.
every game since morrowind used same engine you stupid idiot.
also if you are telling me morrowind has more RPG elemetns than oblivion and fallout3 then you prob played morrowind once when you was 6years old and just have nostalgia for it. all 3 of the first 3 have the exact same depth if you look for it. NV is when it gets weird as its story is stripped back but has faction wars which is cool but not really the tradition
then skyrim has simple as fuck story and bunch of churned out shitty side content of no fictional value.
then fallout4 has only a main story and no side content.
the studio has been fucking up for a while
then 76 has literally nothing of any thing.
Bethesda is fucked. I would be excited if they made a new engine but starfield and ES6 will just be a continued casualization and effort to make a "similar looking game" for less money which is more superficial shit and autogenerated crap.
but mind you this doesn't mean Skyrm or fallout4 or even 76 are shit games if you play them in a enjoyable mannor they are just nor RPGs. imo Bethesda games stopped being RPGS with skyrim.
he hasnt bought the newest special edition of skyrim yet