Why is it so hard for you faggots to actually talk about video games instead of whining about inconsequential political...

Why is it so hard for you faggots to actually talk about video games instead of whining about inconsequential political shit or engaging in petty stupid console/fandomwar faggotry?

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Other urls found in this thread:


we can't do that user, it's too hard

>thinking console/fandon bullshit doesn't count as video games
instead you've elected to make a gay meta thread. aren't you proud

I miss 2011/2013 Yea Forums we talked about random shit and not shitposting about politics.

It doesn’t you stupid faglord

We do but for some reason the threads get deleted or moved to the politics board

Honestly I just want a Yea Forums board without the porn.

i do what i want hoe

this isnt video games either
good job op

talking about a video game series or talking about the thing you play video games on isn't talking about video games.
ok there bud?

>actually talk about video games

I’d rather be talking about generically engineered Cat girls or retarded shit like is Weast a direction?

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America became a shitshow, so did their websites.

Sadly the medium naturally attracts children, autists, and social rejects.

>inconsequential political shit or engaging in petty stupid console/fandomwar faggotry
I find off topic threads way more annoying
>games for this feel? [notvidya.webm]
>games where [insert parallel to a IRL event] happens?
with obviously no intention to even discuss games

I was a pretty big Yea Forumsnon back then and remember dipping my head into 2013 Yea Forums thinking it was an absolute shithole. If only I could have realised what was in store.

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I wouldn't even mind Yea Forums with the porn if half of it wasn't just bbc propaganda from ill minded trannies, and California girl thread?
Like what the fuck does that even mean
Who cares what state they live in

because you're also the kind of faggot who derails threads with pointless shit because he thinks his retarded opinion matters.

Nintendo fanchildren make it too hard.


We tried to warn you about GG bros.
You didn't listen.
/pol/ withers everything they touch into a husk, they leave nothing behind.

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Thoughts on the TERF?

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You mentioned fandoms
Fandom discussions aren’t video games
>I liked bug but bunny is a pretty funny fucking sperg
>I disagree but feel free to be wrong
Persona is better than DeSu because Persona is on a real console and has better waifus

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Literally who?

>No racism allowed on this server
>le why is this allowed xD
>432 replies 71 image replies

every fucking time

A man that had a dream that very quickly turned into his worst nightmare.

Amazing well poisoning skills dude.

They're the based negros of feminism

He couldn’t handle the Australians so he went to Jewgle

back when Yea Forums was the biggest board we used to get those threads, hence the nickname "Yea Forums with video games". Now /pol/ is the biggest board so we get their faggotry. There's no real stopping it.

because video games are too shallow.


They will win the feminism war.
In my country they are most of the feminist voice, and they openly despise trannies.
It's probably because trannies are extremely rare, so the terfs have no opposition except twitter trannies. Most women are conformist and they will just go with the biggest feminist narrative, which in this case is terfs that extend to trannies their hatred for males.

>back when Yea Forums was the biggest board we used to get those threads, hence the nickname "Yea Forums with video games"
Factually correct.
Yea Forums itself was initially shaped by the Maddox faction of migrants from old Yea Forums in the first place.

Yea Forums is sort of like a bitch with her legs always open.
Whoever is the flavor of the X amount of years just strolls along and fucks her until her semen stained body morphs into their own image.

The problem is that the mods don't enforce the rules. They only ban people for having political opinions that they dislike. Anything else gets ignored, so the off-topic posting and meme spamming is left untouched. I saw a hardcore gay porn thread on Yea Forums earlier this year that stayed up for over 11 hours. The mods don't care anymore and don't do their fucking jobs.

Why can’t we just delete /pol/ and word filter most political terms into some stupid shit like
Trump: Meow
Hillary Clinton: Quaker Oats
Lefty/ Lefty pol: Do you waffles?
Nazi: Nut.
/pol/: Dance dance revolution

Whiners are as bad as the ones they cry about.

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Containment boards like pol not containing well enough

I fucking hate Australians

>Why can’t we just delete /pol/
Because moot sorta tried to do this at some point (before /pol/ was /pol/) and they just spilled EVERYWHERE ELSE.
It's a never ending river of pure shit.
You either keep the septic tank or it's gonna start seeping upstairs and soak deep into your carpets.

/pol/ gf

the problem isn't that mods don't enforce the rules, the problem is mods. also, go dilate

Why can’t a would be school shooter just Pakistan Van a feminist march?

what is TERF even?

>/pol/ pretending they don't shitpost everywhere and spam their constantly triggered bullshit

lmao. if you delete pol and give a sitewide ban to anyone who posted there in the last month. you will see a 700% increase in on-topic posting

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PENIS, lol!

>Left brings politics into something that was previously nonpartisan: "The personal is political!"
>People fire back against left wing intrusion: "Quit bringing politics into this!"

Just another trick in the left's arsenal intended to shame and coerce people out of obstructing them. We'll stop talking about politics when you take your politics and fuck off from our hobbies.

in my old age, i've come to like the spring rain

not gonna happen, tranny.

seethe harder.

imagine talking about fucking video games
now, what are some games where u can is he /ourguy/ based kino hes in steve banjo zoomer boomers SOUL soulless hire this man

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>makes a thread talking about people not talking about video games

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I'd rather talk about reset era, twitter, trannies and e-celebs whenever they sneeze. Video games are for little kids. Who the fuck actually plays video games as an adult? Get a life you fucking manchildren.

This but unironically. Also send all youtube/twitch threads to Yea Forums.

people aren't just screaming about pol, you also have people calling out resetera, sjws or "discord trannies" all the time, it gets old

>and they just spilled EVERYWHERE ELSE.
But they do that now, so the board itself is redundant.

What did they ever do to you?

That's because containment boards never successfully contain. They're not prisons, they're fucking forward operating bases that act as a staging grounds for shitters to amass like-minded retards before spilling out onto other boards.

Yes, user, everyone is a tranny

case in point

This board is completely worthless at this point. It's never been good, but it just keeps getting worse. Nothing but unfunny meme shitposting, flamewarring, and off-topic or barely related bullshit. If I knew of anywhere else decent to talk about games, I'd leave this motherfucker in a heartbeat. At this point I only come here for jackbox threads and the rare thread that actually discusses games.

Now we're entering summer, and it becoming even more unbearable. Summer is real.

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How come every time I click back to the catalog I see a new off-topic thread that should've been deleted 200 posts ago?


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I feel like Moot was too soft
I’m not much for increased moderation but god damn it we need a better bans or ways to catch ban evaders

If your toilet is clogged you don't just remove your toilet entirely.
I mean yes the shit is already overflowing but removing the small element that is keeping it somewhat in one place won't help, is what i'm trying to say here.

>I’m not for more moderation but....

Cancer they may be, but deletion is a mistake and the autistic rage they would unleash would be more unbearable than what we have today.

mods and jannies wont do their job

It's 2019, not 2013. Maybe during the period after the war, you'll get what you want.

Why the fuck do I still come here?
This whole site is obsessed with politics
I don’t fucking care you have a board for that

>I feel like Moot was too soft
There was the very real possibility of him getting unironically murdered.
He was a very public figure (even if for a number of years he sorta tried to hide his real identity) so he had to constantly balance keeping this hellhole in check and people sending him death threats that they could actually realistically carry out because they knew where he lived.

people who are part of the lgbt are very sensitive to /pol/

How about a Yea Forums split? One Yea Forums for Japanese games, and one for everything else.

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If my toilet is regularly clogged then I tell my fat fuck of a friend to stop coming over.

Do I offend you /vee/? Good ^__^

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>mods STILL haven't filtered cope, seethe, dilate, based, and have sex
I swear this place is infested with literal bots

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t. ranny

because video games sucks.

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I don't know, there are no school shooters in my country.
If anything a tranny would do it to a terf march, who knows. It probably will happen at some point.

The problem with /pol/ is that it's a containment board that has a hard time containing shit
If you just delete it, it will spread everywhere like a fucking virus
if you moderate it more, its autists will go on a fucking autistic rage about "muh censorship" and shit on other boards.
It's a really shitty situation

By the evil hacker Anonymous, right?

what does dilate even mean anyways? i never see this word on any other website.

also there's a special kind of irony in Yea Forumsirgins telling others to have sex.

"Have sex" only became a meme because of the increasing frequency of circlejerk tfw no gf borderline porn dump threads..

That means you'd be banned as well.

So are the people that oppose them, genius. Both sides are stupid people that only see things in terms of black and white and live for getting upset over stupid shit.

>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee filter these words that triggere me PLEASE

god fuck off you libshit go to reddit if you get that triggered by words.

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By anyone.
His info wasn't hard to find, if someone wanted to harm him it would've been pretty easy.
Why risk piss off an army of batshit insane incels with neo nazi tendencies?
It's sort of a recipe for disaster.

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the sad thing is /pol/ has a lot of good discussions but they only send us their worst here

trust me, you don't want to know

Dude, I used to see Moot occasionally in Manhattan back in the day. Realistically yeah, someone could have fucked his shit up or harassed him.

I should have brought that faggot a drink so he could have made me a mod, apparently that's all it took.

Are you conveniently forgetting the identity politicization of video games or are you trying to pin blame on only half the party?

Precisely. The whiners are what led us into the supreme mistakes known as Gamergate and Chanology.

>those /pol/sters that still can't look in the mirror
>those goddamn stormweenies that can't get the hint everyone is just tired of listening to them

it's like that kid on the playground that acts like a dick and thinks it's funny because it's the only way he knows how to get attention so he just always does that

>censorship everywhere
>developers censoring themselves because they are afraid of media backlash
Kill yourself faggot.

>don't call me these words
>meanwhile, i can call anyone else whatever the fuck i want
t. incel

Because as Anita Sarkeesian said:
>"everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out to everyone all the time..."

We didn't ask for games to become political (at least not in the way they are now), but I'm sure as fuck not going to sit idly by and not push back against the people who started this (let alone the concern trolls and the entryists who try to redefine what is/isn't acceptable to discuss on this board).

>Why is it so hard for you faggots to actually talk about video games instead of whining about inconsequential political shit or engaging in petty stupid console/fandomwar faggotry?

But I checked the catalog and there are vidya threads?

Or are you a unironic (butthurt) leftie/SJW who gets angry because people are getting tired of your shit and you pretend to to be a concerned Yea Forumsermin so you can get at the evil /pol/tards even though being against progressive shit in video games isn't a exclusive /pol/ position?

jesus fucking christ

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Retarded namefag, ignore.

have sex

Signatures are against the rules

No, i'm just reacting on what the other user said only speaking about pol. The entire identity politics in vidya and shit is also unfortunately a big part of the problem

fuck niggers

one based thing about the mods is that they don't delete the "I DID MY TIME" threads

>stop calling me that
t. incel

I remember that "Us vs them" poster edit thingy where Yea Forums was sided with reddit and other sites against "SJW" menace with tumblr on the other side.

so bad

you just know hiroyuki would never do something to stop the normalfag influx,this would mean less traffic in the website

Thanks for reading my post, left-wing incel.

have sex

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Neoreactioary election tourists need to fuck off back to the donald and goobergators can go back to 8gag.

Reminder this site used to be populated by left-leaning hacktivists who single handedly destroyed scientology, while now it's populated by alt-right pussies who get triggered over minorities and women in video games.


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I'm gonna get shitted on for this but I seriously think racial slurs should be banned on Yea Forums
why the fuck does the racism outside of pol rule even exist? Just fucking take away the ability to be racist for the sake of it (which is what most shitposters do) and most of them would whine for a week and fuck off to /pol/, Yea Forums or whatever other board they browse eventually to scream NIGGER to their hearts content.

It's not even about political correctness, it's about taking away a tool from a bunch of fucking braindead retards who don't know how to say anything else.

>express a little bit of annoyance at /pol/fags

Ah. Then yes. Two clumps of shit are being mashed together when they shouldn’t be. Unfortunately that’s what the masses want

You can't talk about vidya if you don't play vidya

>What is a false flag for $300, Alex?

There are people on Yea Forums that unironically gets angry when someone criticize SJWs.

The left today is banning itself from its own forums because Smash Bros is homophobic. That's what happened.

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Maybe at some point it was. But as with anything, if you pretend retards will think it's the norm. There's tons of unironic /pol/fags here everyday who can't go 2 posts without mentioning how much they hate all non-white and how theyre an endangered species.

This. Or at the very least enforce your own godamn rules. Mods and jannies do more good around here than they're given credit for, but they seem very selective with the rules they choose to enforce.

trans-exclusionary radical feminst

By not sitting back, you put her on a cross and displayed her to the world, who quickly sympathized with her. We tried to tell you this would happen because Beaver tried to pull this same crap. And the best part: where is Anita now? Nobody knows and nobody cares, she faded into irrelevance after you retards moved on to someone else. It was going to happen all along.
Everything wrong today is your creation. All because you "knew better" than your forebears who have been holding back the floodwaters for nearly ten years.

I wish people would just enjoy fucking vidya and have fun talking about them, there's already enough bad shit going on on this planet, i don't need more of it, especially not in what's suppose to be a fun hobby.

>KiA outrage tourists literally can't see past political shitflinging to recognize these low effort trash meme phrases for what they are
Please. Go back.

thank you for answering my question.

This. If /pol/ was removed forever, they may have tried to constantly derail threads and entire boards with their shit, but effective mods and a couple of months would have given them the hint and they would have permanently fucked off to places like cripplechan. Unfortunatley, now that they know they will never face any opposition from mods, they constantly shit up every board with their off-topic /pol/ threads.

inb4 some polfaggot claims that its the ESSJAYDOUBLEUS fault

Yea Forums - Video Games and
Yea Forums - tfw no gf and censorship discussion
would make more sense for a split.

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This place and much of the internet in general have been flooded with shills to shove "culture war" bullshit into people's faces to the point that its the only thing people care about any more while ignoring things that actually matters.
>hey there user, sure you COULD vote to get public healthcare like a civilized country, but it would totally pwn those blue haired sjws if you voted to eliminate the estate tax instead!

Bring back the roody-poo filter imo

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Most of the mods/jannies are unironically racist. Most people who make *ahem* nigger posts wont get banned but you can bet if you post that one "white people can't have hot sauce" comic you'll get slapped with a 3 day ban.

The problem is the mods are biased as fuck. And also want follow "le culture" and get bullied into submission by people who challenge their veterancy. They truly do, do it for FREE.

The death of centrism and radicalization of the left is what led to people becoming way more politicized which ended up affecting vidya too

Anything that doesn't directly relate to a video game shouldn't be allowed. No talking about journos, companies, outrage or ecelebs.
Just. Pure. VIDEOGAME.

Feminazis who also hate trannies.

And there it is!

>i said stop calling me that
t. incel

Because 10+ years ago this shithole was declared the new Yea Forums and enough newfags came over the years that it became reality.

You can't even make lasting vidya threads because people want more to pretend they are Yea Forumstards

you aren't exactly talking about video games either

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>he makes a thread complaining about the abundance of non vidya threads being unaware of the irony of creating this type of thread

what are you my mom? fuck you bitch

Fuck that traitor, Gamergate was about vidya business

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the image is old but sums up how I feel perfectly

Go back to 8gag, goobergate did nothing but harass developers on twitter and invite reddit reactionaries here.

Yea Forums is full of teenagers who don't do drugs and get their dopamine hits from shitposting and pretending to be mad at stuff.

Just do drugs you fucking morons. Unironically. At least smoke some reefer. Jesus Christ. HAVE SEX.

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*a-ahem it's about ethics in games journalism*

The closest thing to classic Yea Forums and classic Yea Forums in general is Yea Forums. That one board reminds me why I loved this site all those years back.

There's something fucked about your moderation system if you can report 200 posts in a thread and the mods can just ignore all of the reports for hours and hours.

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I feel this is the case.

Most anti/pol/ niggers are also GG/election tourists and can't stand the fact that the majority of the population doesn't want to see trannies and gays in vidya.

>blatant LE shitpost
>can't even say the name and pulls shit out of his ass
What awful shitposting. Please leave Yea Forums.

Thanks /pol/.


Outrage culture and identity politics definitely ruined a lot of video games, user. On top of the surge of hyper greed

All poltards are election tourists and literally brought goobergate to Yea Forums; enough with the autistic revisionism.

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Yeah, fuck off to back to cripple chan goober gaaber. Don't make me post that cringy fuckin collage you shitposters made .

So? She was a roastie and a bad person on top of that, fuck that hobgoblina.
>FBI didn't find any proof about death threats
Shitposting about kikes bad, am I right my fellow tranny?

Yea Forums was funny when I was underage and it's gotten worse as I've gotten older
Despite this being a pretty common experience I think it is HAS objectively gotten worse post gg.
But I still think a lot of it is related to age.

Random fun posting and going somewhere to say nigger faggot where I won't be banned isn't fun anymore.
Instead I want more "meaningful" conversations.
The kind you get when it's 2am, you can't sleep and you decide to post a thread about dark cloud.
Then you spend the next 2 hours talking with other anons about the game and your memories of it.
Where the fuck else can you go to get that kind of instant conversation about pretty much any topic you can think of without making some shitty account/profile.
But that's only like 1% of the Yea Forums experience.

Range ban the following birth years and we're good.

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Because every time a games journalist "reviews" a game they spend their entire time talking social and political issues instead TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING GAME AND ITS GAMEPLAY

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I guarantee 95% of all those fucking underage edgelords have no idea how to evade a ban.

didn't you retarded niggers exile yourself to cripple chan? Fuck off retard

>tfw a bunch of anti-gamegate are now arrested pedos

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I wonder who is behind this post

moot making containment boards was the end. he deleted /new/ and then made /pol/ for the Stormfags. IT'S ALL OGRE BOYS

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>stop growing up and noticing things, goy
>consume product and don't think about it

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Fuck this political bullshit
What are you guys playing and what are you excited about playing in the next few months?

>thinking they just won't come back with a vengeance since you just proved them right
>thinking banning /pol/ won't cause a mass increase in normies or /leftypol/ shilling
/pol/ is a necessary evil, sure they shit up the boards to spout their delusions, but their negative image keeps general normies away and usually makes other normies go away due nobody wanting to be associated with those "troll nazis". Also if jannies can't even permanently ban porn posters thanks to ip changes good luck banning /pol/ tards.

how do you propose we do that?

Smartphones and Reddit.

Pretty sure that's modern Yea Forums

Maybe not on their computers, but I guarantee they're all phoneposters and ban evasion on a phone is common knowledge by this point.

stormfront are FBI, retard.
This whole site is a honeypot.

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Bans work fine, the problem is the mods only ban people who were obviously just planning to ban evade and nobody else.

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Unironically Halo MCC on PC, Dying Light 2 and maybe that wolfenstein coop game but only if a buddy of mine buys it too.

>tfw a bunch of goobergators are schizophrenic 8gaggers who shoot up mosques because they read pixelated stormfront infrographs

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>lmao just delete the main reason people come to this site haha
hiro has bills to pay, babby

He's not wrong
The ban system now is like a cardboard prison that's why you have some nut posting child models on Yea Forums every single day for years with no sign of stopping. If someone did the same thing with legit CP Yea Forums would be fucked. Yea Forums is literally at the mercy of the autists who browse it and if a person or group of people were determined enough they could bring entire boards or the whole sign to its knees.

Don't know, but if possible it would cleanse not just Yea Forums, but the entire internet.

sure thing, Chris

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based. We need more Tarrants, despite him being a Mossad operative.

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Not really. Mods rangebanned half of my town's Verizon and AT&T 4G and 5G connections. The zoomers tried that already, it seems.

Pretty sure that's right here

that doesn't invalidate my point though and I didn't even imply otherwise.

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my whole country is range banned.
Pretty sure I caused it lol.

There is nothing wrong with defending your people from the invading hordes you dumbfuck.
God, I hope Islam wins and they hang your gay ass.

I think Hiro should start experimenting with banning all countries except the United States posting on Yea Forums.
If you look at the Google trends page for /pol/, none of the top countries are the United States, which means its either people using VPNs located there or some secret Finnish Neo Nazi movement.
trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=Yea Forums%20pol
This is also the case for Yea Forums
trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=Yea Forums%20v
Why is the top result Finland by a wide margin? That doesn't even make sense. Something seems off and Finland might be the problem.


Considering how often we get clickbait and social media posted here. I would say you're right. Not even that but if you look at the archive the OP's are almost all identical

>right is pro terrorism
>left is pro pedophilia
we literally cant win

Is there nowhere left to discuss vidya? Am I being forced to join discord?

Because you faggot ass left wingers pushed too hard, we all see the propaganda being pushed our way and we are denieing it. It'd that simple and it's never going away so deal with it homo.

Dialating is how MtF trannies keep their neo-vagina open due to the body wanting to close it up. This entails them sticking a tube up the wound for multiple hours a day for the rest of their lives which from what I heard is painful at best, they also have to remove hair balls from this wound every other week and even cleaning it daily doesn't guarantee unwanted shit won't form in it. You can look more into it but I wouldn't recommend it, what I just described is just the tip of the iceberg.

>home internet dies
>decide to give phoneposting a try
>have to reset my mobile data multiple times to get around the rangebans that were given out for /r/ing cheese pizza

phoneposting and phoneposters are cancer.

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benis VPNs are bobular :DD
punch nazies

oh hey its yankhiro

Gamergate was a fucking trainwreck about a non-issue that made the internet worse for everyone, and I say that as someone who was stupid enough to support that idiocy at the time.
Who gives a shit if some stupid indie dev fucked a reviewer? Nobody was going to play their shitty game anyway and the idea that "games journalism" was anything but paid advertising has been a joke since the days of Dorito Pope and when that one dude lost his job for writing a bad Kane & Lynch review ages ago. If anything you retards just ended up giving the people you were bitching about more attention along with all the other grifters who claimed to be on "your side", everyone should have just ignored Anita and the rest from the beginning.

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I'm against terrorists, hence why I don't support the existence of Israel or US military bases

yikes, alright i get it then.

iktf. Power is in and out here due to storms and if my routsr dies its over.

hey that's me in the screenshot, can't believe I've posted that since 2012.

>haha who cares about ethical journalism we should let anyone meddle with reviews
sure thing newfriend. Damn those goober gaters amirite

/pol/ is a symptom and not the cause, 6-7 years ago it was a just another small-moderate sized board that was prone to invasion from stormfags every once in a while but otherwise unremarkable, GG and the election got tons of impressionable teenagers interested in politics and the edgy ones need a place to congregate and due to the web being 99% left leaning there is nowhere to go but Yea Forums.

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>You are not supposed to talk about politics in games
>video game developer: If you are white you are automatically a fashist nazi Hitler's reincarnation if you don't find my el atrocidad attractive you hate minorities also jews.
>but I'm not a nazi

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Things that didn't happen unlink your pedophile idols getting arrested Faggot.

>everyone should have just ignored Anita and the rest from the beginning
Well, you're right about that, Anita is just a con-artist.

video games are dead

I can't believe I still have this ancient bullshit. I had a HDD failure or I'd have shit all the way back to 06.

>all those memes lost
>like tears
>in the rain

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>there's like 8 off-topic porn threads up that have been up for 3 hours and the mods to just delete and nothing else

Come the fuck on.

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Yea Forums used to have a lot of left-leaning hacktivists who hung out there as members of the decentralized anonymous but Yea Forums has slowly turned into a cesspool of right wing, racist, pedophile, neo-nazi furries. Back in the mid-late 2000's people used to post Nazi memes as a joke and then over time it stopped being a joke

Even if they were just trolling back in the day, it normalizes it for those that are actually serious and they take over.

Which is why people shouldn't let bigoted jokes slide as "just jokes", because it normalizes that shit for people that are serious and they gain a foothold in that community.

Yea Forums was always hot trash, but it's gotten a LOT worse over the years b/c of this

>"have sex" becomes "notice me"
>"incel" becomes "senpai~

I regret reading this. It made my balls hurt. Fuck.

I got a 10 minute for announcing a sage while tranny spam just hung out on the front page. I do hope for the day when we get 5 people with real life autism as our mods and they actually obsessively clean this shithole out.

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no way fag!!

I'm saying nobody should give a fuck about "games journalism" to begin with because its always been a joke and always will be, regardless of whether they pander to you or not.

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nah rapeape would have stomped your ass

Why is the left/anti-pol so authoritarian and pro-censorship now?

If you want heavily moderated sites where all the icky toxic toxic stuff is banned so you don't have the displeasure of seeing something you don't agree with, it's literally any other video game forum. Why come here if you just want it to be like 99.9% of what the rest of the internet is already?

>inb4 Yea Forums used to be good

oh its far worse (especially when you considered most neo-vaginas are connected to the rectum meaning the natural lubrication some trannies say they have is accurate, just not the type you would want)

>Who gives a shit if some stupid indie dev fucked a reviewer? Nobody was going to play their shitty game anyway
Slippery slope faggots will cry at this but you are 100% right.
The fact that retards also used this as an excuse to shitpost at the people involved in some kind of ebin raid move was also fucking retarded.
If retards didn't give anita all the attention it wouldn't have legitimised her to a lot of people.

Then again, maybe the fact that people couldn't fucking help themselves shows that the industry was in need of some clean-up.

There has not been a single point in time where gaming journalism has been ethical and there never will be as long as gaming sites have to depend on advertisements from gaming companies. Unironically, you're better off finding some e-celeb, independent game critic, or Steam curator that matches your tastes.

>but their negative image keeps general normies away
Motherfucker they are the normalfags
They literally invite twitter and reddit and facebook here, we used to destroy the fuck out of anyone who used those god awful sites but now it's normal to use that shit.

How to fix Yea Forums: Make it a rule that the OP pic to a thread has to be from a video game

The mods are completely incapable of understanding the concept of clickbait threads.

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Honestly the rules for Yea Forums are really poorly thought out. We had people talking about video games and mods didn't like that so they made /vg/ and forced people to go there to talk about video games. There's also no good place to talk about the video game industry or video games in society because mods don't like that either, like that one time hiroshimoot had to come bitchslap mods into allowing threads about neogaf imploding. There's really nothing left for this board than to post endless wojak edits and twitter screencaps of tranny faggots saying retarded shit because that's the way the mods run the board.

It can totally be saved, but the problem is the same thing with america, everyone is too complacent.
Shit newfag mods aren't helping either

>Have s3x
Wow that was hard.

says the guy making off topic threads

furries, pedos and neo nazis were always here, the only new thing is the subset of users who LARP as white christian conservative family men that popped up outta nowhere 2 to 3 years ago.

>Yea Forums used to have a lot of left-leaning hacktivists
Yep, Yea Forums was full of pedos back then

>Yea Forums starts talking about videogames
I'd rather have the tranny funrousel


You don't care about video game discussion on Yea Forums. You want all political shit banned because you identify with either liberalism or left wing ideas as well LGBT.

When you start to shit up the video game industry with the forced representation of irrelevant sexual/racial minorities, people naturally (and rightfully) will start push back against these things. Even worse, people who are part of the web of this group of left leaning progressives who are backed by capitalists start to double-down and begin to attack anyone who dares to criticize the need to have transgendered black womyn whose hobbies are smash the patriarchy and kill white people in video games by making thousands of articles of why gamers are entitled, gamers are dead, gaming is too white and so on in unison.

You are a faggot and you are angry that people are starting to dislike you, so you make these threads to tell that you are """concerned"" about Yea Forums's state and you (predictably) pine it on /pol/tards, even tho being agaist SJWs was a thing long before /pol/ had any involvement during the anita fiasco.

Stop shitting up video games with your need to be accpeted and the ""politics""" threads will magically dissapear from Yea Forums.

>"B-BUT /POL/!!!"
Neither /pol/tards or right wingers are trying to take away my video games or telling that I'm an entitled piece of shit because I think shoving niggers and faggots and bringing social ""issues"" into a medium that was designed to be escapism is stupid.

Yea Forums - The Vidya > Yea Forums - Video Games

Don't most Neo-Nazis want the white Nuclear family shit?


video games are a shit hobby, so naturally it will attract shit people.
find a home board pertaining more adult and generally useful themes, Yea Forums is surface level Yea Forums trash at this point.
t./o/, /ck/, /an/, /diy/

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You don't make people "not give a fuck" if you don't expose it as something not worth giving a fuck about.

Would you say it's a good or bad thing they left for anonib?

The use of the sóy meme was greatly reduced by the wordfilter.

>only new thing is the subset of users who LARP as white christian conservative family men that popped up outta nowhere 2 to 3 years ago.
That's because being a white christian conservative became "counterculture" to mainstream media.

video games are shit and everyone here is a retard (excluding me of course ;).

How did this get deleted in 10 seconds while entire offtopic threads like are still up 4 hours later

the head admin of this site he decides who stays or gets binned

Yea Forums was always offensive. If you have a problem with MEANIE BIGOTS then you have to go back.

I remember when being a tattooed man-bun sporting dick sucker was cool, in like 2014.
Now all that shit is lame again.

I don't need pedo shit, so I hope they necked themselves

>telling Yea Forums to go to /o/
noooo, don't fuck up the good boards nooooo

No one's going to read all that shit poltard

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Because the mods suck. There’s literally only like 5 of them at this point and they only ban/delete shit if its like blatant ass child porn or whatever.

Mods need to nut the fuck up and ban left and fucking right like they used to in order to take care of all the garbage threads here now

He fucking sucks at his "job"


>Reminder this site used to be populated by left-leaning hacktivists who single handedly destroyed scientology, while now it's populated by alt-right pussies who get triggered over minorities and women in video games.

Stop being revisionist. This site has always been center-right, people where just less autistically psychotic about it prior to all the gamergator/ alt-right nonsense

As was baka desu senpai, which is a good filter because it has wapanese origins.
I made a non meme post about Sóylent but it got filtered. Now I'm not sure if he understood what I said.

>Yea Forums always tolerate off topic spam from newfags
>I was totally here then guise :^)
stop trying to revise history, some of us were actually here then

the busriders stay in /ovg/ and sticker generals anyways.

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and that will not change, sadly

I don't think antipolfags are smart creatures so I don't expect it to read it at all

I'm sure you were, newfriend. Damn those transphobic nazi bigots, amirite? Yea Forums always liked traps haha

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>Don't most Neo-Nazis want the white Nuclear family shit?
yes but you have to remember that we are talking about the old Yea Forums, normalfaggotry was the ultimate sin, saying you wanted to be a family man was begging to be made fun of. i suspect its because of this user said

They hated him because he spoke the truth

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Fuck off back to r.eddit newfag.

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Because when anonymous people discuss things that can only be comfortably discussed anonymously.

Luigi's Mansion 3, Astral Chain, Final Fantasy CC remaster, Doom Eternal, and maaaaybe Final Fantasy 7.
It looks fucking gorgeous, but I miss my turn-based combat.
It often feels like SE's ashamed of turn-based combat nowadays.


People might call me a paranoid faggot, but I think it's literally a psyop. These Ryan Gosling images suddenly exploded overnight.

this reeks of reddit tourist
>You, we, us etc
Kill yourself nigger you're not fooling anyone with your essay

nice samefag upvote.
>le ebin Jesus comic reference xD

Pretty much this.

>I don't know why captchas were put in
>I wasn't here then!
yeah nah i don't give a shit about your SJW nonsense, I'm just letting you know newfags spamming off topic nonsense on a board that wasn't Yea Forums - random

that retard eddie bravo ruined the episode with his incessant low IQ meddling.
He gets more offended than a woman.

I just don't understand why you would even want to do this. Dress up as a girl and call yourself a woman is one thing, but cutting your dick off and maintaining an open wound for the rest of your life? It's just completely fucking insane. Didn't they pass a bill somewhere that allows children to undergo the surgery as well?

>These Ryan Gosling images suddenly exploded overnight.
fucking this. This is the most unfunny most obviously discord shill forced meme out there

Did your friends at discord gave you new tactic?
"call every /pol/ack nigger and redditor, this way they won't be able to know that i'm outsider"?

of course you don't give a shit about something you were never a part of.
Run along, now.
you aren't paranoid. This site is a marionette for the feds.

have sex

it was a Yea Forums meme since the new bladerunner came out you fucking retard. And before that it was Ryan Gosling in Drive.

I don't think the gameplay is going to be thaaat different from atb based combat. It's more of a new way to play it sort of. Personally if the gameplay is solid and consistent enough, i won't complain.
I can understand why some people would feel hesitant regarding the gameplay though. But i guess the best they could do to convine people would be to release a demo

Thank you for the (((You))) kind gentlesir! *tips trilby*


They already deleted /pol/
newfag, /pol/ used to be /new/

>admits to be a SJW proudly
oh y-yeah, my bad, I'm the tourist
chanology shitters were a mistake

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>Yea Forums meme
>before that it was Ryan Gosling in Drive
I don't remember that at all. Post the image to refresh my memory.

>but I think it's literally a psyop
To what end?

Yea Forums is pretty mainstream in terms of its cultural influence.
It's just that most people who use it don't talk about it publicly.
Probably because they're afraid of being taken down by an ebin raid.
But yeah, you'd have to be fucking retarded to not think that this site doesn't have groups trying to influence it.
People think too small with le discord trannies, I'm sure that's just the tip.

>Yea Forums laughs at a video game producer's death despite the fact that he's white and has a white kid, contributing infinitely more to the white race survival than they ever will

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Nice samefagging on all those replies retard.

>n-no u

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in some areas not only is it allowed but funded by the local government

On one hand it's about time that the powers that be get better at controlling the internet, on the other hand we still see completely obvious shills and outsiders who have seeming little to no idea what they're doing.

Nobody even knew who is he. People only shit on him because he looks like so-y man

you are getting desperate, user. but please keep going, you are amusing me ;)

MODS don't enforce a no clickbait rule. Twitter screenshots, Gaming articles, out of context OH NO NON NO NO NO post.
Face it; without a clearly baity fucking OP threads usually don't get responded to.

Oh no people being stupid edgelords on the internet on Yea Forums OF ALL PLACES

I've always said the same thing happened with /pol/ as did mlp. Something that started out making fun of people who genuinely believed it and poked fun at the absurdity eventually brought in people unaware it was meant to be a joke and took it 100% seriously.

Literally who?

thats already happening, just check /r9k/

You don't care about video game discussion on Yea Forums. You want all political shit allowed because you identify with either nazi or right wing ideas as well /pol/

When you start to shit up the video game industry with inclusiveness because of your insecurity, people naturally (and rightfully) will start push back against these things. Even worse, people who are part of the web of this group of right leaning election tourists who are backed by /pol/ start to double-down and begin to attack anyone who dares to criticize the need to scream nigger or break terms of services they agree to whose hobbies are spamming racial slurs and kill non-white people in video games by making thousands of articles of why black people are bad, muslims should be shot dead, gaming isn't white enough and so on in unison.

You are a faggot and you are angry that people are starting to dislike you, so you make these threads to tell that you are """concerned"" about Yea Forums's state and you (predictably) pine it on SJW, even tho being agaist /pol/ was a thing long before SJW had any involvement during the anita fiasco.

Stop shitting up video games with your need to feel special for being white and the ""politics""" threads will magically dissapear from Yea Forums.

>Neither SJW or left wingers are trying to take away rights or telling that I'm an piece of shit because I don't think niggers and faggots and bringing social ""issues"" into a medium that was designed to be escapism is stupid when I could just abstain from playing or giving those games attention.

That isn't what my post said or implied.

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no one even knew who he was until it was mentioned he produced HZD, heck even when TB died people laughing at his ass

The board going back to being named Yea Forums - Video Games signaled the end.

>Which is why people shouldn't let bigoted jokes slide as "just jokes"
You were more or less believable but i guess it's really hard to be subtle, eh?

their were a couple but it was always the ones with him sitting in his car at night looking confused

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>talk about videogames
>no consoles isn't videogame discussion

I can't imagine the crushing reality setting in that it only took this one stupid decision you made when your were 10 fucked your entire life up permanently.

>Neither SJW or left wingers are trying to take away rights
I've got bad news for you.

fucking tourist

easy on the stradiol, comrade

I literally only come on Yea Forums for my fellow cunnyseurs bros.

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It's because a lot of people are bad at videogames so they end up complaining more instead of becoming better or learning how to play.

What did he do other than being a shitty E-celeb?

>It has the most basic fucking rules: talk about video games
uh, in english doc?

At what point did you feel you stopped belonging here?

>conveniently leave out incel
t. ranny

he died of asscancer while mumbling about fortnite

This Wojak is one of the Drive Wojaks.

The fact that wojak is still all that is posted is extremely revealing.

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typical weak newfag lingo

Who the hell knows. Maybe it's literally picrelated. I don't know, but that shit is somehow different from the old "tfw no gf". I can't describe it.

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Bad news friends. We're a dying breed. Once the cunny-fad has passed we'll be all but invisible.

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Hell yeah.

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m00t never kept his own fucking word so using le ebin old admin's quote just makes you look like a faggot. Almost as big as he was.


When I read threads about anons talking about their girlfriends. But it's not like there's anywhere else to go.