The State Of California Is Investigating Riot Games For Gender Discrimination


>"The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing said today that it is filing an investigation enforcement suit against League of Legends publisher Riot Games, as part of an investigation into gender discrimination at the company."

>"The DFEH is asking the courts to compel Riot to provide employees’ pay information for “an ongoing investigation into alleged gender discrimination,” according to a press release issued on Wednesday afternoon by the department. It said that it is looking into “alleged unequal pay, sexual harassment, sexual assault, retaliation, and gender discrimination in selection and promotion.”"

Will they be shut down, Yea Forums? What do you think about this? Do you think games in the future will have to have a gender equality quota?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The best part is they’re actually investigating because the MEN are the ones getting paid less but working more.

>linking to kotaku

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Can you do any legal action for unequal pay if you're both the same gender? Asking for a friend who's asking for me.

>linking to kotaku
epic, also
>will they be shut down?
No way in hell, they still make loads of money that im sure Commiefornia enjoys too

Wait, really? I would laugh my ass off if that's what it actually is. Because it seems like this is going to be focused toward women like it always is, even though the evidence of harassment seems to be non-existent or in the league of "oh I heard this guy say something with his colleague I didn't like."

It isn't true though. You just took his bait.

no, just work harder.

I dream of having enough money where I can just pay whatever fine they send my way in order to get away with discriminating against women

What’s crazy is that the company started over 10 years ago by a bunch of nerds, back when women were not interested in game development as a job. Fast forward to 2019 and suddenly this is illegal. So what do you do when you have a company full of men now? Do you just fire them all and hire women? Fire the employees with years of experience at your company?

damn, this is still happening in 2019...

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Good place

I assume creating a 'diversity office' or some bullshit like that is more cost effective that replacing half of the crew by women

This reads like bait but I honestly can't tell anymore

Wasnt that proven bullshit by that study that included farmville and other games and showed like 52% of players are women?

>establish quotas for women, ethnic minorities, disabled people, etc.
>only hire people who can fill those quotas, turn away anyone who doesn't even if they are highly experienced/qualified
>start marketing campaigns to show the kids how #woke you are
>pray that Jane Doe doesn't sue you because John Smith makes more money than her (despite him working at the company longer)
>watch as your products get shittier and shittier

>>watch as your products get shittier and shittier
Who cares about that? Fun is a patriarchal construct, no, games are the new method to deliver our message, we MUST DROWN the voices of NAZIS in EVERY environment, only then the world will be GOOD

When will people learn that in the game industry it doesn't matter if you're competent or not. The bottom line is if you have a vagina or a darker skin tone you deserve to be paid exactly the same as everyone else regardless of Merit, skill, job position, job history, accolades, test scores, drive, dedication or motivation.

Thats what real equity is. Its only fair.

Oh, great, another Californian business is about to move shop to my neck of the woods and bring their shitty subhuman employees with them. Great. Outstanding. Can't wait.

Doesn't California know that the EEOC exists? Why would you waste tax payers money on a "service" that the federal government already provides?

>you deserve to be paid exactly the same as everyone else

Wow. There might be a god after all.

But I thought gender wasn't a real thing

Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes

You live in Texas?

Gender is an oppressive social construct, which is why we should promote and empower people based on what gender they are.
Gender is only personality, how you feel, and isn't rooted in biology, which is why transgender people have brain structures and hormone levels similar to the gender they identify as.

>still getting upset about directly linking to websites

>t.kotaku shill

What if the employee is a tranny and xe gets paid a man's wage?
Is it discrimination towards women, or does xe count as a woman and raises the woman employees' average salary?

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God I hope so, MOBAs need to burn.

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Brilliant, Watson. Absolutely brilliant.

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Speaking of Californians
Imagine thinking a Japanese tropical island game is colonialism while posting on a platform that uses hardware infrastructure made in China in sweatshop factories with the profits going to a corrupt dictatorship and western companies

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OP being a fag

Nice unrelated link. This thread is about riot ducking over its male employee
Go to /pol/ where you can cry how california touched your peepee

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Why do all twitty trannies look like snotlings?

>that face
What a surprise that someone that looks like that would say something that pathetic

>he'd rather have the people who play LoL infest his community

Based California, hope they give them a billion dollar fine.

They’re too stupid to even apply filters to their photos before uploading them as avatars, then get pissy when people call them ugly and want all vidya women to be ugly like them as a result

You’re mixing up second wave feminism with third wave feminism. Second wave feminism says that gender is a social construct, third wave feminism says that gender is real.

Butthurt commiefornian detected. Do us all a favor. Go donate blood.

El goblino... dios mio...

>will they be shut down?
If you honestly ever thought they would be shut down over this, that's naive. With the speed of current news, I think nobody will care in a week.

People used to say that "Every person's voice deserves to be heard." As we're all human beings with different ways of thinking.
We've clearly gone past that point of rationale. The truth of the matter that most people's voices are insane and deserve to be scrutinized, not celebrated. How did we fall this far?

If I had to guess, the male employees like tried to get EEOC involved but no dice. So they called the state and the state answered.
Why are people from Texas to terrified of regulation and their state doing anything else than letting their dick flop in the wind?

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Bruh, your stereotypical leaguefag isn't tolerated in my community to begin with. They're chased out before the higher-ups can even think to ban them.

Why are birds such fucking assholes?

these chinks have so much money and influense they can literally get away with murder....they'll probably just hire a bunch of gender studies female gorillas, apologize and continue to rake money from the mentally retarded and waifufags that still play League

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If there is one thing that social media has shown to me its just how many stupid people there are in the world. How these people can chew gum and walk at the same time is beyond me.

You'd be a asshole too if you went from a titan lizard to a over glorified chicken

>hire twitter activists
>get inundated with accusations and scandals
like clockwork

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Why do twitter twatters rage about some “power structure” while enjoying the comforts of whatever structure that is? Why do they worry more about manspreading than some muslims stoning little girls to death for being raped?

Gamergoobers fuck off

Imagine having to pay $2400 a month just to rent a shitty townhouse while on the other side of the country that much a month can afford you a big 2 story home with acres of land.

Isn't California really bad for business? You have to toe the line like nowhere else to make sure you don't get sued or fined for some ridiculous discrimination claim.

Why do ResetERA CHADs always win the culture war?

journalists are the enemy of the people. You are going to die.

>while on the other side of the country that much a month can afford you a big 2 story home with acres of land
Nobody wants to live in Indiana, Gary.

Flyover cope lmao

It's not even the otherside of the country, any metropolis will cost a lot

>Will they be shut down, Yea Forums?
no, they will be forced to change their attitude and rules.

>What do you think about this?

Riot games deserved this mess because they had a sexist attitude on employers. A notable example is the mail chain "Riot Games Hottest Women Employees"

>Do you think games in the future will have to have a gender equality quota?

Affirmative action needs to be done in all branch for all minority. Keep in mind that AA is not 49% male and 51% female but hiring the best person of a minority when you can't find employe elsewhere. In NFL worked well, from what I've heard from Pittsburgh Steelers.
if you want to stop your persecution complex and have friends... Maybe I just say... maybe... a good beginning should be support minority issue!

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Women literally ruin everything. Any time they infect something social justice multiculturalism are sure to follow. Jews created feminism and holy hell it shows.

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the user said other side, not in the middle flyover country.

My brother's friend moved to Utah awhile ago and because of how much cheaper it is there and how much he makes in his new job he's already planning his retirement.

Vagina owners when talking about careers:
> There are 5 WOMEN IN THE WORLD who play games, so asking a person to be INTERESTED in the company's product would make it a MALE DOMINATED company.
> HIRE WOMEN who have no idea what a game is because MORE WOMEN means better products, it's fucking science incel.
Vagina owners when they want to be taken seriously in the video game community:
> BILLIONS OF WOMEN play video games every day, we're SERIOUS GAMERS and should be treated as such.
> Video games should shift their artistic vision to REPRESENT THE BILLIONS OF WOMEN that play games, regardless of it's thematic implications.

Fuck you leftist trash.

I'm a brainlet but doesn't establishing quotas for various groups directly contradict the non-discriminatory hiring practices?

I can buy a 2 Bd, 2 1/2 bath condo 45 minutes outside of chicago for $140k. It's not impossible.

My bad. Can you blame me? East coast and midwest may as well be the same region. Things don't really change until you start to go south.

>East coast and midwest may as well be the same region.

Midwest fag here, you're an idiot.

Probably the only non retarded post in this thread

A lot of companies are moving to Oregon, Washington and Utah because of California's tax policies

>outside of
That's not what I said user. I'm talking inside the metropolis.

What the fuck is with Riot? This is like the upteemth time this shit has happened to them

>sexist attitude on employers
these "sexist attitudes" allegations have no evidence though

they're based in commiefornia the talmudic mexican ghetto shithole state
nuff said

seems that doing so against white folk doesnt count
at least that's waht pols narrative has been spouting for the last.. 3years?

Until California is completely consumed in hellfire, I will doubt it.

Courts have ruled no in recent years. Here's the landmark Supreme Court case regarding Affirmative Action and quotas

Rent free

You can get condos inside of Chicago for $160k. They're not going to be as good as the ones 45 minutes out, but you can still get them. My old Roommate now lives in Logan Square and is paying $1200 for a 2 bedroom apartment with deeded parking and a washer/dryer.

This is all connected together.

But iver 60& of "gamers" are woman and men are a dying breed. Fucking decide for once which lie you want to uphold.

Don't pretend that the position of the left on this issue doesn't do exactly the same for its own convenience. See also race.

>Race isn't real, we are just one race.
>You absolutely must discriminate based on race and your skin colour IS your identity.

>they're based in commiefornia the talmudic mexican ghetto shithole state
nuff said

videogame developers get paid why they should thief or robbing?

>these "sexist attitudes" allegations have no evidence though
Read this:
>A notable example is the mail chain "Riot Games Hottest Women Employees"
Burning the evidence fallacy?

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Fucking kek, i hope thisa shit gets shut down, it's for their own good, just end it now before they embarrass themself even more

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Or better yet, just fire the SJWs and Feminists and maybe we can get a company that is being controlled by people who aren't the core demographic.

Depends some good some bad. Even when the business move away. They keep the majority of company in the state while other states get the tip(ie head quarters ) as some kinda in country tax haven
Now , I had to pick one business that gets bullied to no end in California. It would have to be pot. Crazy right? Pot is the states most hated industry. The state keeps fucking with the license and the local areas keep trying to block dispensaries from being built or they make the business life a living hell.

Why not the best person period. Best minority is flat out racism.

And you're weeb loli games are A-Okay with Feminists? Yeah, when Sony censors your ass and the rest of the consoles follow suit, you'll get no help from us.

>A notable example is the mail chain "Riot Games Hottest Women Employees"
>call women attractive
This is why you don't hire ugly feminist cows they get jealous of the pretty girls.

It's just common sense not to say and pass around dumb shit like that though.

We can dream...

I think California should spend more time curbing its homeless problem and the rising tide of people being assaulted with human faeces.

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>Or better yet, just fire the SJWs and Feminists and maybe we can get a company that is being controlled by people who aren't the core demographic.
Or better...better...better yet fire tip fedora, wojak, alt right, MAGA, hat or pepe from R.Games. So real gamers can finally create a better game than "mic scream nigga" or "mic scream faggot twice".

I play games on all platform EPIC GAME STORE EXCLUSIVE TO

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I don't onow why anyone wants to live i this state anymore. I'd give anything to live somewhere that isn't covered in trash, bums, and drunk Mexicans swerving in front of buses.

Or better yet, fire everyone and let's go back to tabletop games

Don't deflect Mr.Riot

Reminder WN will never be mainstream.
Your race will die and Texas going blue in 2028 means Democrats are gonna destroy everything you white nationalist incels love.

Die die die you sack of shit. You're doing to hang from a tree like a faggot

>I don't onow why anyone wants to live i this state anymore
Well California right now is seeing a mass exodus of people moving to neighbouring states because the living conditions have gotten so bad.

The worst part is that these people won't understand why their state is so shit, and will vote Democrat once again along with pushing all the exact same problems that created their current predicament.


Bit hard to not deflect when I'm getting shit thrown at me.


Like medicine and indoor plumbing!

What are you talking about? We have a white nationalist president, and 60 million white nationalists voted fro him

>democrats are gonna destroy everything you love
The faster this country fragments and commies start getting hung from lamp poles the better. I wish you lefties and shitskins would put your money where your mouth is.

this, texas will be california in 20 years

They should be deporting all the illegals instead of fucking integrating them into our country and giving them more benefits than us actual citizens get.


I live in and like California. Don't know where the fuck you're living where any of that is a daily problem. Sounds like a ghetto suburb.

>All of these developers/publishers all at the same time just so happen to have gender discrimination issues.
>Just one after another without fail.
>Always the big companies that like to hire women.
I don't know, somehow I don't buy it.

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I still don't get that. A good chunk of the people leaving are republican. It must be a side effect of smog withdrawl.

The whole country is going to celebrate when the big one finally hits

>Democrats are gonna destroy everything you white nationalist incels love.
So you're admitting that Democrats just want to completely ruin the country until it's no longer a country?

Can confirm. I've seen dozens of white Californians moving to the south over the past few years. It's a big fucking dump of a state.

These are the living conditions for the vast majority of the state.

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I want to believe this, but I'm certain and are right.
Worse yet: I have friends in Texas.
Worse yet: I know at least one of them would welcome the change.


Which country is celebrating though? Russia, China, or North Korea?

do you get killed in those tent cities?

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solid e-thuggery from a single poor soul, keep it coming

>Russia, China, or China
Why did you have to be repetitive

I'm so sick of social justice bullshit, we never should have given women power

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>These are the living conditions for the vast majority of the state.
SoCal is not the majority of the state.

Looks like portland Oregon.

In terms of population it is.

The United States of America and all 300 million Americans will be celebrating. We all fucking hate you faggots and wish we could sell you back to Mexico in exchange for the wall

One subway station tunnel in a city that gives out needles. Damn.

We never should haven given normalfags constant internet access. It all went downhill with the smartphone.

Too many blacks to be Oregon.

Most of socal doesn't look like Los Angeles.

> I don't like the Nazi president because he's not enough of a Nazi for me
kys yourself


The only reason to be in California was for the legal weed but its going to be legal in all states soon so there's no reason to be there anymore.

Why would they only bomb one state and not all of them though? Or at least the most populous states? The federal government is on the east coast so it'd make more sense to bomb that side

you wished

I drive through North Hills and Valencia everyday. And everyday I'm seeing more beggars and bums. There's a skid row under at least 3 freeway underpasses whenever I drive to the 405. The bums are starting to pop up in Santa Clarita too. Every other shopping outlet has some dude and a cardboard sign begging at the exit. According to a buddy of mine who works on the force l, a couple of churches have had to ramp up security because gang bangers kept trying to steal kids from the parking lots.

>it's a "the entirety of California is LA and SF" post

back to reset era scum

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Good for valencia.

What the fuck are you talking about? The big one is an overdue earthquake from the San Andreas fault line you literal retard

piss of omega male.
they were hired by thirsty fucks like you

But why are you bringing natural disasters when the conversation was about nuclear weapons? Fucking dumbass.

>the big one
If you're talking about the earthquake, it's gonna be more than just california. Think a good half of the country is gonna be shake up a hyeug death toll. Yes even "based" red states are gonna utterly destroyed by that monster. But please, tell us more how your maga rally is the whole country

Fucking corporations picking the people they want to work for them
when will they learn?

>Hired because of me
Lol jews and their diversity quotas more like. I'm from a red state and not a feminist bugman.

You're mistaken, the big one is going to hit Oregon and Washington, that's where the Cascadia fault line is, a subduction plate boundary. Almost none of California is going to be hit by that, only northern.

Most of California is on the San Andreas Fault, a transform boundary, which means two plates rubbing against each other. This is why California has several small earthquakes. But the big one isn't going to hurt them or ever happen to them.

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You are actually retarded.
No cost is too great to rid the world of the California menace

Just Googling "Big One Earthquake" brings up hundreds of articles about the San Andreas Fault. Where did you get the idea about Cascadia?

All I asked was why shift the conversation, faggot.

I don't understand how this shithole is allowed to control our media.

And the answer is because no one is talking about nuclear weapons, the conversation never shifted. Maybe you replied to the wrong person? We were originally talking about living conditions in California

>They discriminate in employment because mostly men have the experience needed for the job
This is retarded. I know there are leftists who recognize how stupid shit like this is. You guys need to stop caring about your optics and call out the retards on your side of the isle. The louder these people get the more it fucks over everyone.

Because I've been in geology classes and live in oregon so we talked a lot about the cascadia subduction zone and how that's going to fuck over the state, so when I hear the big one, I think of cascadia.

Ah that makes sense.

He's a civic nationalist at best and even that is questionable.
Keep coping.

Based California and Californian ResetERA CHAD BVLLs dabbing on flyover wh*Toid mutt weebcels every damn day You will NEVER know what it's like to live in paradise. GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DABBED ON

Okay so what does a potential natural disaster have to do with the current living conditions of state? Do wanna talk about possibilities after the hypothetical earthquake or the living conditions without an earthquake?

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I don't have to cope. We're going to impeach your Nazi president and then outlaw gerrymandering so that a Nazi Republican can never win another election again. It feels amazing to be on the right side of history.

Based. Fuck the Northwest. It was meant to be colonized by us CALIFORNIA BVLLS. Now we'll just laugh once its toast.

Normalfags will side with incels over non whites?

>Riot Games
More like Riot GAME, because they only have one

>he thinks Yea Forums isn't a normalfag board
LMAOING HARD @ YOU incel. You are no longer the majority here. And your e-thuggery gatekeeping won't work on us normalchads.

>gang bangers kept trying to steal kids
That's a rude way to address DNC volunteers!

i think you need to reread the post in the picture.

I am also from the midwest. Can confirm, midwest to east coast is one gigantic toilet.

It was supposed to just be a bit of banter against Californians, I don't seriously want a catastrophic earthquake to kill millions of my own countrymen because of cultural differences.

never happened

more like 2 now.

They announced league of legends auto chess during E3.

You're absolutely delusional if you think any normal person cares about muh white genocide

based and creationpilled

Speak for yourself m8

Get mowed on cuck. California owns ya.

Midwest isn't much better. In same states, just replace drunk mexicans with strung out meth heads and you essentially have the same thing.

>game that plays itself

Might as well watch a movie lmao

California is bad for business, the reasons business is here anyway is because of closeness to ocean trade with asia (this is why distribution centers are taking over socal) and because its a big market. Those things will never go away so california will always have that going for it, but the states anti-business policies scare away everyone who thinks they can afford to leave.

Us normalchads laugh at /pol/weebcels like you either way. GET FUCKING DABBED ON, INCEL FREAK

Actually my master is Israel but cope harder

Sorry user. Have some anime thighs.

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Everyone in Nevada hates Californians, because they come here and bring their shitty California mindset with them.


They never cared until you leftyfags started getting uppity. You made your bed and will have to lie in it.

>get bought out by chinese
>suddenly under investigation for workplace discrimination
Really makes you think

It would literally be beneficial for the entire country if that happened, though.

>California is bad for business
#1 economy in the country and 3rd in the world. Cope harder, flyovercel

We'll be sure to write that on your tombstones

>goobers hate the Chad California mindset
And we should care, why? They should try and be us if they want to be Chads like us.

Everyone in Nevada is too busy gambling to care anyway.

Who has the highest in the world?

Nope. They'll move to China.

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And they still don't care deluded /pol/cel
Boomers are neocons.
Gen Z is even more leftist than the previous generations.

Stay obsessed, flyovercel :^)

I unironically love this stereotype, because it keeps the hordes who we don't want from discovering the real gems of living in Nevada. I have already said too much. Keep believing that. Terrible place, nothing but gambling. I live in a casino.

1. China
2. Weimerica
3. California
Simple as, m8
This. All of my friends are unironic commies who love a good shitpost and meme.

Kek. Sure user.

>Gen Z is even more leftist than the previous generations.
Outside of your urban shithole they absolutely are not.

It's true and you know it flyovercel

If only you knew. But it's for the best that you don't. We don't want flyover hicks or California commies.

>The State Of California

The government should have no say whstsoever in who a company hires. All white, all black, all women, all men. It doesnt matter. This is fascism

Keep telling yourself cuck. Everyone on my Discord channel who is under 18 ranges from communist to democratic socialist to national
bolshevist. Your time's up, MIGA goober.

People live in Nevada?

Yes they are. You're the one living in a bubble.
Hell they even have way more young non whites that are automatic left voters.

>We don't want money
Okay user.

It's only discriminatory if it's AGAINST minorities. If it's for them, nobody cares.

Why wouldn't you want us Calichads? Scared we're gonna colonize ya? We own this country, goober. GET DABBED ON AND DEAL WITH IT INCEL.

One user ITT does supposedly. He could just be pretending to for all we know.

You're mixing up your caricatures. You earn no (you)


Based. Keep reminding MIGAgoobers the beautiful but harsh reality. We've converted tens of thousands of them from their previous MIGAtard ways as well.


im literally replying to discord trannies

god damn

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Believe me, we aren't hurting for money. We don't even have a state income tax.

I am a Calichad. Just don't want the rest of you scrubs

Cronyism is okay as long as it's gender neutral.

We hate trannies too, incel. No need to project yourself onto me.
You're not a Calichad if you don't want to keep dabbing on goobers until they succumb to our greatness, my dude.

I'm right wing and even I admit that this user is right. There is no Based GenZ coming to the rescue. Young people are shifting further and further left.

And it's all thanks to the based and redpilled Chad Nazbol Gang :^)

kys nigger faggot

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And you owe that to the gambling industry.

Sorry, but what is G&A?


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Gay and Atheist

Look it up. Stalin hated those freaks too. You won't bother because you MIGAgoobers are the ones unconsciously pushing this tranny shit onto us even though it's a clear kike lie on your master's end, you stupid fucking nigger.

The Las Vegas Strip is our tourist trap. We want you to think that's all there is. God forbid a bunch of dumb hick boomer or cali commies discover there's a whole fucking state and ruin it.

eat the barrel of a gun you trans commie faggot and have your discord buddies do it too

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Californians aren't human

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Jackass, stalin wanted to unleash the trannies to the west so they'd destroy it and he'd pick the bones.

So you owe your thanks to the gambling industry. Thanks for proving me right.

You can't force me to, goober. We're gonna own ya first :^)

There's your problem. I live in Arizona, and all the Zoomer interns at my workplace support Trump, too. We had a company cookout and everyone wore their MAGA hats except for my girlfriend, who hates Trump

fucking priorities

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>hey Yea Forums do I fit in?

Nothing wrong with letting us based Calichads cuck your pinko wimmins.
Source: My portly pimply pink ass

I'm not disputing the gambling industry. I just want you to keep thinking that this is all that's there. Because we don't want you.

This shit is always the most blatant garbage trolling but epic magapedes bury their heads in the sand and eat it ip anyway because it affirms their preconcieved beliefs even if it makes them out to be sheeple

>allow illegals in
>they pump out their spawn
>people try to switch Jus Soli to Jus Sanguinis since that's what the majority of 1st world countries use, and probably what was intended for US (14th Amendment was to allow slaves once freed to be citizens, and a few other branch cases)
>accuse anyone of doing anything to resolve this of racism
nice importing of votes; couldn't win in discourse, just change the voting demographic.

The idea of a based genz was fuckin stupid. Most of genz is still too young to have a solid politic compass and the polls posted on here were all fucking online polls.

Why the fuck would they be shut down you mongoloid? They'd just get fines which they could easily pay.

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>It's real
lmao. Looks like it's mostly republican boomers who don't want to catch AIDS from walking down the street.

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>thinking r/The_Donald counts
>implying they just weren't tricking you
They were most likely trolling you friendo. I don't know a single fucking person under 18 who supports Trump. The average age of a Trump supporter is 55, like you.

Liberalism was always used as a subversive tactic to destabilize and drag non-communist societies into the ground. Now that we're globalist they just want to destroy everything and rule over faggot mutts cheaper to enslave. Is it possible you're dumber than I thought?

how can you go as far as even admitting to wanting to own people but still try to act like your beliefs are some how virtuous, modern communism is just pure unmasked evil

>directly linking to kotaku
linking to any tech gossip bullshit website should be grounds for a permaban. Archive your shit, you fucking newfags

>I speak for everyone in my state
Okay user.

>believing everything you read on the internet

So? There's unironically nothing wrong with letting us Calichads cuck your pinko wimmins. Are you a seething incel or something?

>I don't know a single fucking person under 18
Like anybody would even speak to you at all.

>shut down because of a state investigation
nigga, you realize there are more states than CA? they'll just move outta there and that's it. Who gives a fuck about CA communists, anyway? Drop the H bomb on them and let that be end of the story. Fuck, murica has all the means to shut the problem down and is never using it.

Shhh it's okay. Whatever toilet you live in is totally better. Don't come here. It's hot!

riot is woke as fuck


o h m y

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Pfft okay user.

Cope harder, /pol/cel
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM and it's working in Denmark you fucking goober.
I get bitches every night, pinko.

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Anecdotal evidence isn't a good indicator of demographic


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Male to female trannies don't have the same kind of pussy burden as actual women, all they have to do is clean and stick an object in their surgical holes and get back to work. The reason women are paid less despite doing the same job is because their bodies requires more maintenance every now and then which hinders their ability to work as effectively as men can

Mobileshit isnt videogames, you think some farmville bitch is going to give an actual fuck about, say, the AP to Armor ratio on Zhonya's Hourglass. Ew, no nerdshit, yucky, have someone else do it, i just want to get paid for being pretty around here teehee. It's like calling a baby playing with legos an architect or a child playing with blocks a puzzle enthusiast

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I meant Connect 4 but okay

Based. Nevada is the best fucking state I ever lived in. Now I'm stuck in shitty flyover state. It just blows my mind how much worse everything is here, like a third-world country, yet these mongoloids tell me, "You're from Nevada? That sounds terrible! I would hate to live in an empty desert where there's nothing to do but gamble!"

Even if that were true, the infrastructure alone is a million times better and more modern. Flyover infrastructure is crumbling. Certain parts I drive through look like the third-world, I am not exaggerating.

This. Spending hours on the Internet observing is how you'll know like me. MIGAgoobers and MIGAboomers are dying out and that's a good thing!

Can we just cut this state off and push it out into the ocean?

Attached: 1535808359267.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Now im legit confused. What would happen if a company only hires people who are qualified to a job, and it so happens to be only men/only from the same race? Would the business be sued?

true, it's why he only killed enough Trotskyites to send them fleeing to the west where they would rebrand themselves as neoconservative movement. They're still corrupt, powerhungry commie fuckbags.

>quoting trump to make a death threat
I think this is a false flag


Why are they trying to turn California into India?


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In a liberal state absolutely. They would have so many cunts screeching and jews kvertching.

kys you shit up every thread

Capitalism and colonialism alike killed one billion people. But you're too ignorant to learn that because your Jewish masters taught you otherwise. I've successfully ran a social studies class when I was 16 years old to change the curriculum. What have you done, slave?

>americans call a free market economy "socialism" because there are higher taxes on rich people

India is set to be more prosperous than Weimerica is. OH THE HORROR we don't want to copy other economic models because they're not WHYTE!!!

To be fair to him this thread shit.

>Colonizing deserted island bad

Actually what the fuck, it's not like you're kicking anyone off the island. Also if it weren't for colonization he wouldnt be able to be bitching right here and now on his computer while popping HRT like candy

Nope he's right. The greatest enemies of the people are
1.) Banks
2.) The government
3.) Universities
4.) Journalists
5.) Social media

What does this all have to do with videogames?

seething flyovercel


You don't know a single thing about what you just posted retard.

Why don't they just move?

It's really expensive to live there for the workers, and there are plenty of talented people in other places by cali.

4th largest economy in the world and 3rd singular countrywise behind China and America and ahead of Europe. Look it up

Not really that, instead of arresting people who shoot up in the streets and litter the sidewalks with shit and used needles, they give them clean needles to shoot up with, so they'll stay around and shit on the streets.

Because Californian politicians only listen to people bitch and whine about the poor and homeless and the epidemic of STDs from all the drug use, and instead of addressing the problem they incentivize it further.

I was born and raised on the San Fransisco Penninsula, and whenever I go to visit I am fucking disgusted.

Oh, and lets not forget this is also a city where rent costs 5 digits for a decent apartment, and 4 for a fucking walk in closet with a bed.

Get HIV and live on the streets, subhuman trash

GREAT IDEA! Just makes our reconquista of the rest of Weimerica so much more easier :^)

>losing the Asian trade routes because Billy Bob can't handle Lib ideas
You're not the whole country, retard.

California is awful.

*tells 2,347 at-will employees to get out of the building by noon with zero severance or benefits*

Attached: Untitled.png (1400x941, 152K)

t. hasn't ever been in California
Stop lying, we all know you're a pink /pol/tard with brown stains on his pants.
Calichads own ya.

Imagine being this obsessed

The landscape and climate is 10/10

The politics and economy is trash

>your state has people shitting in the streets
>black plague emerging
>highest state of class divide and one of the most drastic cases of homelessness
>your priority is to investigate a video game company because privileged white infants are mad on Twitter

Attached: Democrap Utopia.png (1230x997, 1.79M)

please stop and go dilate or something

Attached: 1428643757774.jpg (800x598, 108K)

>United States of America
>aren't United
What did they mean by this?

Shut up Billy Bob. Your days of Neocon kikery are over. We're colonizing the rest of Weimerica whether you like it or not. And you'll thank us for it because we'll whip you into proper shape and become real Chads overnight like us.

General & Administrative


Attached: 1545764652444.webm (720x1280, 2.9M)

>lol just move wherever you want
That's not how it works. You need to save up money (not possible in commiefornia because it's so expensive) and also find a place with jobs for whatever skill you have.

Stay poor, third world shithole.

I don't see how trade will be disrupted. California isn't the entire world, retard

Looks like new york city.

I don't understand. This is bad shitposting.

>company burns to the ground

>India good

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I live in the north state now and the sooner we become our own state the better, sacramento is a bunch of corrupt fucks who only care about the tech giants in silicon valley and hollywood.

Meanwhile all the state's water is being diverted down to LA, which is in a fucking desert.

Fuck I want to leave this garbage ass traffic ridden city but unfortunately I've been here too long and I'm more spic than man now

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Cope, tranny defector.
California has the most ports on the west side, dumb fuck.

I think you're the one obsessed with the greatest fucking state in the country, tranny.
>tranny calling me, a Chad Cali BVLL a tranny
This projection is off the charts, LMAO

>major pacific ports getting obliterated and subsequent billions and billions of federal aid getting funneled into the state
>beneficial to the entire country

That's not how it works but people on Yea Forums with an agenda to push will tell you otherwise.

someone fire bomb me please

Attached: 62421853_2351887391735418_5160282478908276736_n.jpg (640x640, 75K)

Okay? We can build new ones when you're underwater, dumb fuck. Also have you ever heard of flying?

>both posts at the same time
It's obvious you fags are in a discord but why shitpost over fucking california?

How do they portray Slaanesh in this one?

NorCal is worse.

I think it's hilarious, nigger. It's funny because it's true.
I think you mean third best economy in the entire world, tranny. Keep seething though flyovercel.
>grug sees brown people grug thinks brown society bad
And wh*Tes raped them into submission, now here comes the inevitable rise to superpower status. With actions come consequences, pinko :^)
Calichad Death Squad coming for ya, cuck

He's just a chink commie who hates america.

I can only speak for ECHR (european) law on this, but it needs to be because of a protected characteristic, of which sex is one but religion, age, sexuality and some others too. You'd need to prove that you were doing a job that was equivalent but arbitrarily getting paid less to succeed.

Who else would pay for your welfare and bailouts?

>We'll build new ones!
Are you retarded or just pozzed in the brain by other retards on the internet?
Nice try, tranny.

>most diseased
>most homeless
>most crime
>worst education
>worst quality of life
>worst living costs
>greatest anything

>multiple disagreeing with me must be a conspiracy

Read that as nigger warning.

Not quite as redpilled as I hoped.

Who cares we dont want to iron out fine details just fuck the men over. Make it happen incel

Live in LA County and the fags from San Francisco just bused in a fuckload of homeless down two streets. Can't even walk to fast food without these guys harassing me now

funny coming from a mexican ghetto state that gives illegal aliens free housing and welfare

import third worlders and become the third world

Calichads make ya seethe?

>third best economy in the entire world
Among the Hollywood percent. Stay triggered, poorfag.

I think I'm finally starting to understand the clown meme. I get it now.

You don't even have plumbing yet, Pajeet.

There are reasons. Can vary from them being one of the addicts slumming it up there, family, or occupational opportunity

#1 economy in the world, tranny. Deal with it. China is based and redpilled. Your incel shithole is not.

kill all californians

According to who? China? LOL

>try to eat garbage
>meet garbage people
Only have yourself to blame.

Unequal pay is not a form of discrimination

It means you’re a beta and value your worth less than your co-worker.

These types of jobs you discuss your pay with your boss so it’s literally up to you to decide how much you are worth.

Attached: DEAFCC25-2463-4E5C-B88C-3947D604E43B.jpg (202x278, 10K)

>gender discrimination
What? Riot is a shit company but this shouldn't be a thing.

Keep being obsessed with us, tranny. Calichads own ya and your incel flyover shithole.
Cope harder flyovercels

You have to be retarded if you think PORTS are some invaluable resource that are gone forever once destroyed. Do you honestly think we can't build new harbors in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Nineteen? Get over yourself, poopy brain.

go dilate tranny

Riot is shutting down. They just don't know it yet.

To be fair, just moving the homeless somewhere else is the best way to deal with it

>admitting to being a chinksect

That is the reality of this world, but them investigating because of men getting btfo? Come on, we all know meritocracy is dead, men have to pull 2x their weight, and woman are a protected class.

Funny how a poster at my University said that the homeless population have risen by 75%

According to Calichads like us. Seethe at our very presence. The California-China alliance will work together to conquer your pozzed clown world of a nation whether you like it or not. It's coming next year so prepare your pink pimply portly anus, faggot.

What a weird battle that is about to come of this,
Tencent vs. Diversity.

Tencent has more power then EA, Activision, Nintendo, Sony, AND Microsoft combined.
Question is, can California actually put a dent in the Chinese? This is like a tale of two clashing evils.

Attached: Trist.jpg (1215x717, 404K)

But the majority of gamers are women...?

Attached: fuckoff.gif (500x328, 137K)

Two halves of the country literally killed each other over niggers, we were never united

Yeah, I'm sure wasting money to build new ports won't come from your state's budget. Enjoy being more poor and the west side becoming richer. Fucking retarded flyover

>simultaneously the worst state but also somehow the greatest state in the entire country
This is called rent-free.

Don't link to Kotaku faggot

Remember that guy who worked 12 hours a day for 6 months to program Draven's spinning blade arch?
Remember that woman whose sole jobe at Riot is to literally introduce different groups to each other?
Remember that Riot has like 4 THOUSAND developers?
Remember that playing videogames on the job is mandatory at Riot?
Remember the guy responsible for the chat AI is a delusional obsessive freak?
Remember there are "fuck, marry, kill" type email chains going around dudes in the workplace?
Remember Riot's first response to this shit show was to ban men from a venue for an entire morning?
Remember how when shit hit the fan there were no Rioters to be seen on the boards for weeks?

Why are you all so upset?
It's just your typical run of the mill woke Commiefornia company with more money than brains, with management buying grossly expensive garbage with leftarded snowflakes under their employment.

Chinese are the most alpha race worldwide. Keep seething, pinko. Your women belong to us :^)

"I don't have any of the training required for a real job," a/k/a entry admin.


Why the fuck are you searching this shit out and posting it here. They are irrelevant, acknowledging them gives them way more power.
This isn't good for anybody. All our lives are being made worse by constantly being outraged at PC outrage.

>To be fair, just moving the homeless somewhere else is the best way to deal with it
Or, we leave the homeless where they are and watch as the Liberals do nothing to resolve the problem because they are busy ironically walled off from the problem and in their mansions while virtue signaling about shit like hypocrites on Twitter.
Since Liberals made the idea of Sanctuary Cities and poor people havens, they can go and fucking practice what they preach the lying faggots.

Attached: 1378705557690.png (168x200, 9K)

I think game companies will start to leave nazimerica.

Jimi Hendrix?

>health advice
Even the caption admits that the article is pure clickbait. Free health advice amounts to
>first aid
>see a doctor


>Will they be shut down, Yea Forums?
Are you retarded? They make money, so they will be still in the game industry, they will only be warned about not having toxic atmosphere in the officines. But anyways this is retarded because:
1)Riot Boss will tell the women and people of color about no talking that issue or they will be fired
2)When the investigators are here, nobody are going to say polemic shit like “shut the fuck up n*****” or some sexist joke.
So yeah, this is useless

In America the answer is no.

Affirmative Action getting white men into HBCUs is one of the weird side effects of this attitude towards discriminatory hiring/admission practices being permissible as long as they're weighted towards the "under-represented" group.

Which is why the Asians suing Harvard are probably going to lose.


>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
>The Verge, Vox, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, SB Natio


Attached: GET WOKE GO BROKE.png (1070x1220, 945K)

>san fransican
>is a shit for brains nimby

Attached: 1523876613006.gif (458x438, 103K)

>This shit is always the most blatant garbage trolling
I've met a few of these people at my uni. It's not bait

Do you hate SJWs, those nebulous ne’er-do-wells of the internet? They’re ascribed to killing everything from video games to society itself. The term “SJW” is largely useless as it has been applied to pretty much anyone as a means of marking them as “bad” and their points as “bad”, but neo-Nazis are opportunists and have taken use of “SJW” and othering words to rally people to their sides.

Don't ever link to any clickbait site, just post the screenshot

The only people who think this way are going to kill themselves soon enough. Which is to say they're crazy and you can safely ignore them.


Seeth harder, OneAngryIncel. Kotakuchads are based and redpilled. Your kind is dying out, and that's a good thing!
San Francisco is a model for the rest of the world that the rest of the world loves it while only weebcels and flyovercels seethe at its presence. Why are you seething this hard at our presnece?

>Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Department of what now?

Three Words. Mortal Kombat Eleven :^)
Seethe harder though OneAngryIncel

Oh you think you're going to get richer? Let me tell you the exact future for your paradise, user.
Your coastline is going to start receding and metro areas will have severe periodical flooding.
Droughts are going to worsen, water is going to have to be rationed and farms are going to go out of business because of the aquifers drying up.
You're going to have heatwaves that destroy huge parts of your ecosystems and wildfires will become much more destructive.
Migrants from Central America will flood your state because of their homelands becoming uninhabitable.
Income inequality is going to worsen as automation makes more and more jobs obsolete.
Your tax rates will strangle the lower classes and civil unrest will break out.
If you're lucky you'll escape to Utah or Colorado before climate changes really wrecks your shit. But enjoy your Brave New World while it lasts, be sure to thank your flyover states for shipping you fresh water.

An actual game about colonization would be a lot of fun

>"more states than CA"
>he can't even recognize CA's blatantly illegitimate if not outright illegal assertion of statehood as the fake news it is

Attached: historical facts, the opposite of california.jpg (605x344, 242K)

lol the fuck are you talking about schizo? Have sex and stop being an incel ya nigger

Same fucking thing happens in Utah. They're buying up all the real estate and making housing prices go fucking bonkers. Not only that they're slowly turning the state into a blue state, won't be long before we end up like Commierado.

>incel calling me, a Chad, an incel
lmao keep 'em coming.

You do know that will cause a mass migration of Californians and they will go to your state, right? LOL You really want a Blue Wave.

What does a video game have to do with fake news publications dying out and engaging in mass layoffs? Did the feces fumes get to your brain OneAngryJobless"Journalist"?

Wish both of these would die

I'm on the east coast, we'll have our own similar problems but at least we'll watch the collapse together :^)

Chinese masters don't give a fuck. Cunts should be grateful they have jobs at all.

>this mad at paid professionals he rationalizes them as unemployed to compensate for his neckbeard failures

No matter what, I think that all Americans can agree that watching Florida disappear into the Atlantic will be a good show.

>Ctrl+F flyover
>16 results

Attached: California heroin tree.jpg (1152x2048, 665K)

This. I welcome our new Chinese Chad overlords. Better than the kikes who make Weimericans into basedboys any day of the week.

N-no! Buzzfeed. Not you as well. You were supposed to be the good guys! :'(

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See,now i know you're just shitposting on this thread. Which i don't blame ya,these threads are just fox news tier bullshit circle jerks about how ebil california is with zero knowledge on the real reason california is in a housing crisis outside "muh illegals" and "muh taxes"
With that said,nimbys are killing san fran. but i appreciate the (you) from the guy trying to sink this thread

ahahahaah jesus christ imagine being you.

Flyovercel, Flyovercel, Flyovercel, Flyovercel. Whatever keeps your fat pinko ass boiling at night :^)

>Oh fuck what kind of cuckery will this be
>they're actually being investigated for discriminating against men

Holy shit, are we sure this is CALIFORNIA?

Attached: 1550416787749.png (299x278, 59K)

Do the people "investigating" not know who the majority owner of Riot is? This seems weird that they wouldn't and they're actively trying to take on Tencent.
A bit confused here too say the least, are they overestimating their power?

Keep doing God's work fellow Calichad. Work these MIGAgoobers into seethes as much as you can.

There are extremely low qaulity posters ITT and the janny should do something honestly.

Attached: 1550419450970.png (300x400, 93K)

If it is discriminating against men, of course it would be California.

Thanks for giving me a new buzzword to call incels when they're worked into an absolute shoot, friendo.

California IP range ban when?

california is a mexiturd dump full of wealthy people are a fleeing middle class

holy shit how do you people even function?

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Bet you 10$ you're seething so fucking hard you're getting a bigger headache with every post you make. You can't beat us at our game, fag.

Attached: picapee.jpg (900x900, 89K)

Am I supposed to be impressed?

Just as soon as the hotpockets are ready

Too bad they were sold off for cheap despite those injections. No monetary help from 1% can help fake news publishers anymore. Even the 200m injection into VOX by NBC isn't stopping a walkout, that's how fast that money is projected to go down the drain.

Keep seething my jobless tard.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-6-13 gizmodo sold at loss - Google Search.png (789x822, 91K)

My fat pinko ass stays nice and cool at night because the cost of running an air conditioner isn't make-or-break for my budget like Californians. Enjoy skipping another meal as to not get evicted from your shoebox studio apartment you share with three Indian programmers. Open a window and take in a cool breeze filled with the sweet aroma of failed economics and junkie feces.

have sex, flyovercels

It’s like a /pol/ caricature

you act like anyone elses post in here was any quality. This thread was a sinking ship the moment california was mentioned

Imagine having policies so bad that people smear your streets brown with shit and you bring back a 1000 year old mass murder disease.

>most obvious case of butthurt

>This thread was a sinking ship the moment california was mentioned
Like the state itself.

Attached: D6BEA69B-C7A8-4682-BBE3-9847B4C37669.jpg (750x773, 142K)

As expected

Attached: p.jpg (700x775, 79K)

probably the most fitting family guy edit i've ever seen

>another 500+ monstrosity of Redditseteratards baiting and everyone biting it
It's gonna be a looooooooooooong ass summer, Yea Forums


u mad

There are plenty of quality posts shitting down your throat, faggaloon.

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What's White Genocide? I only know about The Great Replacement, a legitimate governmental society push.

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I did happen at google though which was hilarious.

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Based guts poster

>perfectly happy with system as is
>large group of people in system I don't like also don't like their system
>they move to my system and want to change it to be like the one they just fled
Hmmm why would anyone be opposed to this?

I can't wait for the white race to die :^)

>implying Yea Forums isn't shit year round
You know that board traffic doesn't actually increase during the summer, right?

Delete this goy it's a conspiracy I say

Pajeet here, what's the best State in burgerland to live in?

The censorship shit on hosting platforms already backfired on the SJWs, with VOX being the latest example where more left sites were banned than right ones under the rules the left itself whined for.
Same will happen with "wage" gap.
Once you implement the rule, it goes both ways bitch.

The funny thing though is that dumbshit Feminists go silent once you ask them to explain women being 80% of consumer spending in the economy if "wage" gap is a thing.

fuck off we're full

Socal here, fuck both of you guys. It looks like this in very few locations and not the "vast majority of the state" just like most other highly populated states across the nation. Homelessness and shit communities are a thing everywhere. Cherrypicking fucks.

How shitty until we allow people to screencap Facebook posts and profiles publicly? We've already allowed Reddit, Resetera, and Twitter to shitpost their garbage here. So why not just just let them in too? Believe it or not this place used to tell all social media faggots to go away.

Pennsylvania. A balance of everything. ChwPittsburgh is a city on the rise, and most culture is preserved.

Honestly that's a great idea, I love newfriends :^)

I've been thinking of moving out of Ohio because Columbus is becoming an unmitigated clusterfuck. Construction of new developments and businesses is rampant, and the yuppies keep pouring in. You cunts better not be lying about Nevada I swear to fucking God.

looks cool, what game?


>and the yuppies keep pouring in
Where the fuck do you live? Downtown? The suburbs are being flooded with pajeets and pakipeople.

theyll just shift the argument to only leadership positions (ceos) etc.

that would unironically be based and redpilled

>being this much of a hate filled incel allowing themselves to get indoctrinated

i am having a very hard time lads and i need to blow off some steam. can you please recommend me a game to play? preferably a fantasy themed game with an immersive story. keep in mind that all i have is a 8 year old laptop.

Get baldurs gate or neverwinter nights

Seething Calinigger.

Seconding Badur's Gate, replaying it with my brother right now and it's a joy.

Fuck Jannies and Fuck race supremacy idealogy. There is nothing special about anyone just because they have a certain ethnic background or were born a certain gender. Also I denounce anti-semitism and recognize any of the conspiracies are the work of neo-Nazi propaganda and unfettered CAPITALISM. Free Palestine and the Third World from Zionist, Neo-Colonizers, and Neo-Nazis.

The Management/CEO shit is getting worse now because #metoo has resulted in men avoiding and distancing themselves from women, and therefore denying them position opportunities by venue of Feminists acting retarded in all irony.


Okay enjoy your economic crash

It’s good to see our tax dollars are being well spent

Baste and freedom pilled

You’re not special


>"I was only giving her a compliment, officer."

Attached: 1468185508226.gif (375x375, 1.99M)

You’re welcome user, I hope you like the game.

The "wage gap" is just a way for cunts to pretend that they deserve more money for nothing. In a nutshell, this is why every truly civilized society makes women into second-class citizens.

I'm seething :^) so hard my dude

California fucking blows, but I don't want them to stop because hopefully other game companies will take a hint and get out of that shithole.

The main problem right now is that the gaming industry is mostly centralized around the same geographical location. They need to spread out across the whole country so they stop sucking each other off 24/7.

Good, maybe all the foreign faggots would stop coming here, and half the Jews and self-hating whiteoids would die.
Can you take New Mexico when you go down, too?

Oh yikes, he mad.

>tfw born and raised in this shithole and don't have enough money to move out
Can someone just nuke the fault already? I'm willing to sacrifice myself to rid the world of all these cucks

lol, looks even worse than Mexico

>braindead niggons don't know what adblocks are

That'll never happen unless somebody builds another tech center in their state and for the state to suck enough corporation cock to entice them to leave.

>tfw /pol/ was right again

Attached: 1546813231062.gif (500x417, 1.24M)

that's redundant

I’m getting the sense that you live in your moms basement.

I never said that. Stop greentexting strawman, shill.

where are you commies going to migrate to once the PNW gets destroyed though?

Dumb bunny.

I think it's about time these companies were investigated for discriminating against straight white men.

Attached: enough.jpg (396x385, 21K)

I'm getting the sense you live in California, which smells worse.

I think they're legally required to refer to themselves as the Absolute State of California from now on.

this is why it is your duty to relentlessly bully californian pozzpigs who move into your state. nothing illegal so that you don't get in trouble with the law, but toeing the line enough to make them feel unwelcome and unsafe. extra points if you make them cry in front of their wives or children.

the absolute state of california

That's the problem.

Attached: 1559931636705.jpg (286x280, 22K)

the fucking state of california

Worse, the wage gap doesn't exist and where it does it's already being regulated by systems-that-be whose job is to investigate and do the due law diligence.

What exists is an earnings gap, which has legitimate causes.
Too many retards on the left don't understand the difference between earnings gap and wage gap.

Yes? Like... which ones?

about fucking time


I don't want any of those retards to have a job

It certainly is a fucking problem. I've spent half my life in Arizona and half in Washington State, and California is doing it's best to fuck both my homes up.

Jokes on you then basement dweller, I live in scenic Wyoming.

slightly north central washington is best washington


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Holy shit, stop bumping this shill thread and giving Kotaku clicks.

>dr drew
fuck off retard

abit late to the party m8. the bump rate is in arms length thanks to right wing hate boners


>social media coach
The fuck is it with these non-jobs?

>Get job at place.
>See quiet, weird guy doing his job.
>High school mindset sets in.
>Hate this man with every fiber of your fucking being.
>Want him gone and miserable.
>Can't just bully him because you're an adult now and could get in serious shit.
>Play the victim card instead.
>Take this too far and the Government gets involved.
>But its okay because you're showered in attention.
White (((Women)))

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