*biggest little city in the world starts playing*

*biggest little city in the world starts playing*

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>ain't that a kick in the head starts playing

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Why do people dislike New Reno?

God I fucking hate besthesda for making everyone live in shacks made of sheet metal.

I thought everyone likes it

>tfw killing all the mafia gangs during unarmed run

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The daughter was hot af

They do?

So much this. Reminder that Diamond city in FO4 is supposed to be 150 years old and yet there's loose sheets of metal and garbage construction everywhere.

Since this seems to be a Fallout 2 thread; why the fuck is the P90 so fucking good? Seriously, even against Combat Armor mother fuckers, that shit tears through them like paper, and it costs only 2500.

people liked new reno so much they made another game just based around a casino city

What? It was the best town in the game.

I thought even Chris Avellone said he didn't like it.

because it doesn't fit you fucking retard


How does it not fit though?

Doesn't he dislike F2 in general though?

As if; the world ended in a 1950's era society, while mobsters still existed in the 50's. In short, eat short

Who hates it? Its probably the best location in any fallout game, one of the best RPG locations imo

*muffled distant pistol shots*

what the fuck didn't he WRITE 2

>tfw kick a bouncer in the balls
>spray and pray towards me, hitting every gambler with his Thompson in the process
2 minutes latter and the entire city has descended into total chaos as everyone tries to kill everyone else

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because it's like out of some mobster game instead of fallout
cry all you want, actual fans already know the truth you zoomer faggot who discovered FO2 after New Vegas

He can be quite self-critical.

Well hes a huge cuck
Only hum and NMA complain
I loved the mafia shit and yakuza despite how dumb it was

I really need to play Fallout 1 and 2. Felt I would never want to since my first Fallout was New Vegas and thus got really used to the first person view, but playing 1 and 2 for a bit made me feel the same magic I felt playing NV.

Good shit.

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he dislikes it in retrospect because the writing in 2 makes him look like a total amateur, but new reno and myron is probably some of the better parts of the writing in 2

>it's like out of some mobster game instead of fallout
Why wouldn't there be mobsters in Fallout anyway?

>do salvatore family until last quest
>hop over to mordino's until last quest to kill salvatore
>go to salvatore and accept made man status
>kill salvatore
>go to big Jesus, accept made man status
>kill big jesus
>go to bishops and do all quests
>accept made man status
>fuck his daughter and his wife
>Watste tha motha fuckers
>go to wrights
>do all quests and become made man
>all that exp

That's how you do New Reno, champs.

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I love stealing drugs from pimps and prostitutes.

>fallout 1 for atmosphere
>fallout 2 for gameplay
prove me wrong

Burst weapons are very OP in old fallout.
Shit once I did an early Navarro run to get an early power armor and I still had to reload often in Vault 15 coz anytime a Khan critted you with it I was a goner

Fo1 is a really short game, great atmosphere and tight gameplay so you can go in blind and play through inna few hours
Fo2 is a fun mess and you should play with the RestoPatch, no point playing vanilla unless you want to see what’s different.

I did the "do everything run" and couldn't get final salvatore quest for some reason, even though I buffed my charisma with chems.
For real exp shit you should just abuse the martial arts rivalry quests.

But Fallout Classic isnt as good for multiple replays unless you want to run the same game again

Good thing at least is the story is good and missions are much more open ended than in 2 even if there are fewer

Did you talk to him politely and didn't insult mason? You literally have to not ask anything stupid, be mean or disrespectful, do what he says and avoid asking too many details. And don't fuck up on quests (like renessco).

Thanks user, I have Fallout 1 installed right now, I believe I have a mod in it as well but just something that fixes bugs and stuff.

Fuck Kaga

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Somebody played project nevada? Is it any good?

is it common for fallout 2 to be infinitely stuck loading when you defeat the hubologists for the tanker fuel quest and then have to go back to the shi palace?

no, are you playing unpatched?

yes, some say it's because of too many script items

san francisco is the buggiest section in the game, if you are in a save where you loaded from midfight in the sparring arena your entire save is gonna be fucked

Worst radio

Download the GOG version, comes with the patch and restoration patch

Based and monsterpilled

Not him but It does make sense that a few warring "dictators" are fighting for control.
New Reno is neato.

I am 100% loyal to my wife

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Yea, I mean they aren't really criminals if there is no law anyway

They are no different from the brahmin barons of NCR in reality.

too bad she sucks and is a WHORE

>Yea, I mean they aren't really criminals if there is no law anyway
>They are no different from the brahmin barons of NCR in reality.
Such a good point.
It's like the old west,but with lasers.


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faithful to dick


>tfw 10 AGI 10 LCK jinxed H2H kung fu master

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Sir,you are faithful to being a jerk!

If you shittalk Mason or ever reply to Salvatore with saying Mister Salvatore you are screw. He is an old style mobster, he likes respect user. Unlike the Mordinos who will love the moment you step in and call everybody a puta or a cunt Sal takes no shits

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My dick...

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Is that the case even with unnoficial patches installed?

Its much better with patches and Restoration mod

it's the best fan project, go play it and make sure you use the latest translation.

Nice, thanks.

Well, fuck me sideways, I completely fucked all of my saves. They're all gone. Least I can play with restoration patch now, while also saying I already beat it; because I basically did. Goddamn, San Francisco isn't this glitchy with the restoration patch, right?

>dat guitar

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>When you farm the gangsters from outskirts of Reno by selling their guns to pawnshop

>b-but why they have mobster suits
Reno is barely fucked by the nukes. People didnt forget how to sew after the war and alot of clothers would be in the buildings intact. Hell Miss Bishop got a low cut dress made out of gecko pelts
>the porn studio!
Screen and proyectors are not that rare in Fallout
>the "memes"
Niggers, references are not memes. I do agree they take you a little out of the setting sometimes
Mobster and raiders setting in a city in the middle of the trade road from NCR and the nortern cities to suck money and hook people on drugs fits very fucking well. Las Vegas is the same shit in real life

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Ive never seen any bugs with resto

If only Vegas didn't feel so utterly barren and small