Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2019 Day 3

The final day of Treehouse Live continues with in-depth coverage of indie titles coming to the Nintendo Switch, presented to you live from developers, producers, and your resident Treehousefus.


(You) Missed:
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
>Hollow Knight Silksong
>Overcooked 2 DLC
>Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just letting everyone know that i would do literally anything to make Audrey happy.

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I just want to say that if they decided to stream 3 more hours each day for the next two weeks of nothing but Mario Maker, I would watch every second of it.

I cannot wait for the game. I want it so much. I NEED it injected into my bloodstream. I will put thousands of hours into it and the wait is killing me.

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1st for rice field motherfuckers

>this music
The intermissions are kino this year.

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Have they announced Code name STEAM 2 yet?

New BotW2 footage


Thanks chief.

>we called our game RAD not only because of the Nuclear post apocalyptic setting, but because we think it's so cool!

Why does everyone want a new Wario Ware so bad? Yeah yeah you want to fuck Ashley, but other games need a chance!

What if she demanded you suck her boobs at least three times a day for 15 minutes each?

Yeah thought so... you're not ready to give her what she needs. Only I am willing to make that sacrifice.

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Has Theresa appeared yet?

Not happening, today is Indie day

What is the name of the song playing that goes WAH OH OH OH

The hell is this


Imagine wifing her up and she still posts lewd pics all over the internet every day

>Double Fine

RAD is rad !

Kill yourself you menally deficient smashnigger

He don't look like a vinny

I know this is a Nintendo thread and E3 is over. But why did Konami even bother showing up?

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I guess I could take over, but don't expect E3 images.

>Double Fine
>Tim Schaffer couldn't be assed to come and make an embarrassment of himself.

another rougememelike game

Why isn't she getting an Amiibo, Nintendo? Are you that afraid it will get hot-glued or something?

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With the excitement and build-up I thought he was going to say Tim Schafer was with them


story is literally fallout 1

>only 15 minutes each
>not 15 minutes per boob, minimum
Your lack of faith is disturbing.

>boomer jokes

more footage here

Absent all day

Boosette is the official mascot of the Treehouse threads. Please look forward to her in Luigi's Mansion 3 later this year

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>top down rouguelike set in post apocalypse
>called RAD
sounds like nuclear throne

Cause someone at Konami sniffs a lot of glue.

So it's the plot of fallout

character design stinx

woof these are some ugly fucking characters


God those are some ugly characters

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Shit this game IS looking rad

also like one of those kinds of Comic books. You know the kind

wtf is this art style

For the user that is there at the Pokémon boot, if you see Theresa tell her that I love her and that I'm going to marry her

Tumblr tier character design.

>It's..IT'S... this guy you never heard of


holy shit this is so ugly. all this 80s pandering make me feel embarrassed that I like synthwave

What are these tumblr designs wtf

Judging by the shit I've seen on /gif/ alone, all their amiibos get hotglued.

Haha it would be funny if the other treehouse staff made Audrey cosplay as Boosette lol. It'd be like a really funny prank just for jokes haha

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Is it really? Looked pretty post-apocalypse in the initial trailer we saw.
I mean post-post-apocalypse is typically signified by the world being well under way of being rebuilt. Or just recently rebuilt.
This world looks like it's still in utter ruins. How is that post-post?

Soon to be hulk smashed into the wall by Chaduigi.


Except your abilities are randomized and maps are randomized. Everything you kill mutates you and you get a random pool of abilities. Some are awful and some are great. Obviously the projectile weapons are the best ones.

>painted on textures in the $CURRENT_YEAR

I've learned that no one at Double Fine can make 3d models.

Why fear something that's a given?

>procedurally generated

Digging the 240p resolution

This looks like complete dogshit
>survivors of apocalypse has majority niggers and spics
Fucking lol

Remember the 80's?

Alright this looks likes a good time to pop to the shops. (britbong shops)
U lads wants me to pick you anything up?

Rad more like Bad

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This is one of those games with great menu artstyle and terrible in-game models I see.

>People still angrily spamming Pokemon shit in the chat

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The characters in this Rad game look ugly as sin

for link only

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I don't even know why, we just got Gold and even though it has some older minigames it's a pretty damn good one.

Grab me a Tizer mate, bloody thirsty

>art style that makes humans look as ugly as possible
Why are westerners like this

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Which is weird. Brutal Legend and what has been shown of Psychonauts 2 looks great.

>Sick of all these brown outs


Yeah I think of post-post-apocalypse as something like the first Nier.

But they already don't look humanlike...

I know it takes work to make a decent rogue like but damn I always feel that devs make games like this to trick you into playing it for hours and hours instead of making decent level designs and a great game

>as you play through the game you'll notice your character gradually becomes less human looking

Yeah I think we're at that point already bro

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She cried and went home because mean anons made fun of her hair.

>this game so far

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the fuck?

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I haven't a clue

Sure but this town is super interesting. it's what people will be playing the game for

Well of course. Why make levels when the game will do it for you

get marin from the nintendo booth

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Isn't treehouse the dudes who keep fucking around with translations?

Liberal cuckolds

Did someone say "nuclear"?

>One chance in life to show your game
>Don't even bother showing off gameplay


It's a blackout but during the day.


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>regrow the world as you kill shit
Only neat thing so far


What translations have they severely fucked since 2016?

What does she do if you're not around to suck them?

only white people should die silly, arent you sick of those brown outs?


Why would they give something like this showtime at E3?

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why are MGS fans so autistic?

So it's like Bastion and Torchlight but only shittier.

What is it about this generation and the post-apocalyptic mixed with pink and green colors everywhere?


>that sound of hit
What the fuck? It's like sound of blowing up corpses in Diablo 3

but they are?

Is this actually running at 240p?

Brown out is what you call a power outage during the day.

We found it
The game with less effort put into it than pokemon SnS


brown out == unstable power in your area

I want to make a game so I can go to Treehouse show the world my game and sit next to Theresa!

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This looks like that one comic about the people who stop time when they cum

It begins with a little poem about why masturbators are awesome

Or what Fallout is supposed to be. If there are broken cars on the road it's not post-post-apocalypse. That shit would get cleaned up asap.

Because it's double fine

devs are too lazy to do cyberpunk and someone said the kids like synthwave aesthetics

Unironically I think it's just barely better than 480p. It's like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 undocked but even worse

>A lot of bad puns in the game
Those are my favorite kind of puns.

A game to surpass Lucky's Tale in soulless.

I played this game and it really isn't bad, ask me anything. I've actually played this exact map 3 different times.

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Friends, I'm gonna have some good fun later on when Treehouse is done!

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Cool concept but I think they'll butcher it or not utilize it enough. Although that's been DoubleFine's motto for a while now.

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I dunno, I still think it looks better graphically, just not as much as everything else. Including that one game literally made by 2 guys.

This is pretty cool

Well looking at what has been shown you don't really need to put much effort into it. Go for it

That's Switch Pro needs to come any day now cus even indie games look like fucking shit on Switch.

This looks atrocious

This is the worst game they've shown today. That's really saying something because they've also shown Dauntless

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What the fuck is this resolution

Sex Criminals, lads. Don't bug user for sauce

not american confirmed, brown out is just brief power shortage american lingo

What's wrong with Lucky?

>praise games that should be praised
>shit on games that deserve it
I'm gonna miss these threads. You're alright, treehousebros.

>MC face

sex criminals?

What if you get the dudes?

Is it fun?

I really want Theresa to wrap her thick thighs around my face.

I don't think that's the Switch's fault

I don't care about the game, but you seem cute.

bad puns are the best puns

why is everyone in this game black?

Imagine what multiplats will look like in early 2021 on switch after PS5/Scarlett releases

I haven't been paying attention at all. What's the gimmick behind this game?

>haha dude 80s stereotypes

what games were shown after hollow knight/silksong -> now? I had to go to the hospital, sister was in a car crash (its ok she's fine)

Oh man I've never seen an amiibo hotglue thread. Guess I should be visiting /gif/ more often.

These particle effects are just blurry blobs of colored pixels. And they drop the resolution of the game when they happen. Christ

It looks atrocious because they went all in on the 80s trash look, resolution and all.

Except it''s says >I'm sick of all these Browns, out.

>a game made by 2 Japanese pervs is way better than this doublefine turd


This blurry pixel filter is making me nauseous.

I read the first volume of that, was actually pretty good.

Which makes it significantly better than this.

Look at OP

Plot twist, this is actually just Detroit. The rest of the world is perfectly fine.

Screw this, I'm going to go fap.
Someone recommend me some good Japanese girls who did lesbian scenes.
I want a good dick free session.

seems like someone just liked that anime flower trail thing and just put it into whatever game they were developing at that point
it looks super out of place in the 80s pop apocalypse aesthetic imo, would fit more in a somber game like journey

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350+ days until next treehouse ;_;

I really want to play Sakuna. Glad I stayed for Day 3 with you guys.

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this game is made by Double Fine (who are located in San Fran)

It's made by Double Fine what were you expecting?

It's a post-apocalyptic world

Rad more like this is Sad

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how do you have SMM2 already?

Yeah let's blame the hardware, not the devs.
Sure a Switch Pro would let these trash devs "bruteforce" performance, but the witch certainly is capable of more.

Look at fucking Luigi's Mansion 3 looking absolutely GOD tier.

like what the fuck? they really dont get the identity of the game
>radiation apocalypse
>implied awesome power up
>play so slow and hit like a wet noodle
nuclear throne did the setting's frantic nature much better

That's the spice

The game looks like shit in general sure. But on other consoles it doesn't look as bad as THIS

Yes, maps are randomly generated in a way that feels fresh. New items, new enemies and sometimes you can even spawn right in a batch of them or in a toxic swamp and start losing health right away.
You only have 3 hearts and enemies can kill you fast if you don't roll dodge. I honestly don't know why this maps looks so empty when it comes to enemies (probably because they didn't want the demo to end on nintendo tree house but who knows) but shit will come at you in waves with little room to escape.

Most multuplats will be indie and AA Japanese games which sell better on switch like Atelier

Same. Got any good level ideas?

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Needs higher resolution
Have they optimised at all?

beautiful art

I work as a games journalist

>See trailer
>Looks RAD
>See this
>Looks BAD
DoubleFine keeps disappointing.

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It's this the last game to be showcased? How could they end on such a bad note

Preload I assume?

>dick free session

I'm very sorry

No to defend poor game design, because largely I do agree with you.
That said, personally speaking, I grew really tired of making games that I already knew inside and out due to having spent hours and hours on every corner of the game. So I started to mess a lot with various generation scripts and algorithms. In a way to minimize my own fingerprint on the game, making it more interesting for myself to play.
My games are shit anyway and not meant to ever be shared with anyone. You arne't missing out on anything. Don't even ask.

Are you subtracting score for the lack of dilation stations?

is it better than enter the gungeon? what's the difference between the two?

>even the devs are admitting this is cliche as fuck

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Should I buy this?

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I'll offer Nintendo 95% of the royalities if I can sit next to her
they'll have to do it

Not even close, we got atleast an hour or two left.

One thing I will say is that there do need to be more games where you can use a bat as your main weapon, and it's viable

They're doing Psychonauts 2, cut em some slack

How much is it?

Doublefine is working on Psychonauts 2, everything else is being made by the D team.

Kinda reminds me of that Rad Rodgers game.

Was excited cus you could play as Duke Nukem. But the resolution dropped so fucking low it looked so bad just like this does. What a shame.

They had Yooka Laylee? Fuck I missed it

Does physics actually look good or is it fucked like the original?

The object of each map is to open up skull totems that release vegetation and help repair the land. The only way to do this is to gain mutations by killing shit. Mutations are random. Some that I've gotten are:
>a hair that grows spawns that look like your head with spider legs (think The Thing)
>a flaming skull head projectile, you rip your head off and it explodes at enemies
>fire canon
>a mutated arm you can rip off and use like a boomerang

The flaming head was the best. When you max upgrade it it turns into a grenade with a lot of aoe damage.

>Toxic Dump

>Cadence looks neat
>Sakuna is something I legitimately want to play now
>Silksong looks on par with Hollow Knight
>Overcooked is about the same, fun with other people
>Dauntless and YLIL look mediocre
So far this "rad" game looks to be the worst, but overall it's been a pretty good showing.

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That steelbook looks great

>Reddit buzzword
You got lost buddy
Is where you want to go.

Nah just buy the game when it goes on sale and spend the rest on a nice meal

I am not getting all the hate here. It looks fun.

What's the difference between the art book and the steelbook?

The premise reminds me of Black hole, which was about sexually transmitted superpowers.

>Limited/Collectors Edition
Of course not, you'll look at it once and let it rot in some shelf.


>Should I buy this?
I'd buy it just for the art book

Did they show the game about being a rice girl farmer at all?

looked worse in nearly every way. And the devs came with a bugged build.

I know but this has been DoubleFine for the past decade.
>They come up with cool idea
>"I wonder how they'll ruin this"

gameplay could be fun but it looks like visual vomit

No you idiot.

No sign of Kendra this year?

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it is, I wish I could find more by the artist

On contains artwork and the other is a steel case? Did you think a steel book is an actual book?

This sucks. Going to go check the mail I guess. Hopefully my vidya is here

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>ranmbling on this long about proc/rand gen like its some novel concept

Sounds kinda of cool. Thanks, user.

This game's colors are making me sick

Yeah, Sakuna of rice and ruin. Looks fun, Muramasa like combat. Coming this winter.

One is an art book
The other is a steelbook

Dreamer edition is $70 and is just the game and the art book. I pre-ordered it the other day and I think most places are sold out

Has dimitrius been fired for saying slippery fucker yesterday?
He hasn't been on stream today.

Yes, they showed Sekuna: Of Rice and Ruin earlier. The hack 'n' slash parts looks average but the rice autism and comfy family eating segments are kino.

>actually pull it off
>propose to her mid-stream
>she laughs it off
>you start shaking and say it wasn't a joke
>she starts looking around for help
>you vomit all over yourself and lunge at her
>security tackles you and drags you away screaming

They did and it looked stellar.


pls tell me this isn't EU-onry

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they play rather different
>Nuclear throne is fast. like, super fast, and extremely frantic. every characters play differently, and while weapon variety isnt that high, they all are great and have their uses
>gungeon is a bit slower, and leaning more on pattern recognition. a lot of variety in bosses and mobs, but the weapons, while many, arent all that great. they play pretty much the same.
i like both of them, but if you ask, i prefer nuclear throne a bit more

Early on, yeah. Game looks great.

Different user here.
Try actually using words and helping instead of just wojack post. It'll be a more enjoyable experience.

it's kindra and she's a photographer now

This game is just a giant pile of wasted potential.

Game looks like shit
>Double Fine
Guess that explains why

Wait what's a steelbook? I always assumed that those were some sort of game guide/etc.

I hope not, he's the only treehouse guy that's slightly competent at playing the games

It's look like a surprisingly competent Donkey Kong Country, just still objectively inferior to Donkey Kong Country. Close to nothing actually unique to the game. Even the special moves are straight out of Donkey Kong.
It also had a couple of game breaking bugs in the demo. I really, really hope no such things are in the full release of the game, but we'll see.

If you haven't played all of the Donkey Kong games then I'd just recommend Donkey Kong. If you have played all of the Donkey Kong games though but is still desperate for even more Donkey Kong? Then it might be ok, though I wouldn't really know. At that point you'd better tell me rather than the other way around.

Hurry up and release the more powerful Switch, fuck.
I want to play some god damn Switch games already.

You going to back or just shitpost and prove why people don't like your kind?

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Thats not happening

lewd photos...?

>spaghetti falls out of my pockets


I thought I heard that! Thanks for confirming I'm not nuts

His last tweet is from 2016 so yeah I think the time-traveling Nintendo ninjas got him.

This is going on entirely too long

He just demoed Astral Chain on Gamespot's stream

He's doing the PR rounds today I think. He was on Gamespot earlier showing off Astral Chain

>bought Hollow Knight after seeing the hype for Silksong
>now out of space on my Switch
Fuck I forgot how small the drive is on these things. They take any kind of micro SD, right? I'll have to see if any are on sale now.

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I can feel it. It's gonna be announced soon.

oh cool, nuclear throne has none of the things that I disliked about Gungeon, I'll check it out

>Voice of the Elder

Okay, I'll admit. That's a pretty good announcer.

Not as good as the Darkest Dungeon announcer or THIS GUY RIGHT HERE

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is Psychonauts 2 going to suck?

It's literally just a special case you can put your copy of the game in that often looks worse than the actual case/box art

>save indies for last

artsy, kindranikole on insta

Double Fine living on their name despite making shit games since forever


It's just a metal case that can hold the game
Any time a game comes with one that's all it is.

The guy on controls for Cadence of Hyrule was breddy gud as well. I feel like a poser for only knowing the female crew of Treehouse, as comfy and likable as they are.

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woah, the adults effed up our planet, and we kids need to fix it...
even if it costs our humanity.....
this is really profound..!

doesn't microsoft own them now?

>Pokemon looks like dogshit
>Everything else looks surprisingly good
I was gonna buy a Switch just for pokemon, then changed my mind after they started revealing info, but Treehouse is making me reconsider again after seeing all these decent looking games. What do bros?

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nah, 1 vaguely heard F bomb (i heard "sucker", tb h) isnt that fire-worthy
maybe he was just assigned other works

p sure it is, US only get the book

That's how they got Gunpei Yokoi.


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Sorry, I'm out of buzzwords.

He probably said "sucker"

This is now a Kindra thread

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Thank you so much!

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if it is happening I'm going to buy the pro version and pirate the shit out of stuff with my old gen switch

That character is a he ?

yes but at least microsoft will keep it off the epic store and will force shafer to finish it, I want to know what happens to Raz.

Level where you have to keep going between a blue and green snake block while ascending

I accept your surrender

Buy one, it's a fantastic little console

That is a very good announcer, user

>Photo mode for terrible looking models
I'm not sure they thought this through.

How did Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin look?

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But a switch for the other games?

>They take any kind of micro SD, right? I'll have to see if any are on sale now.
At the very least I think so. Actually on second mind you should probably research that yourself. But I am pretty sure they do. I just took out the sd card from my phone and it worked, then a year later my sister gave me the sd card from her phone, a different brand, since it was a larger card. And it also worked. But you probably shouldn't take my word for it.

Shut the fuck up Ryuji

>Character got 2 things
>"I can't even track all these!"

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Treehouse always tends to be top-heavy with having all the good shit on the first two days. But Sakuna was genuinely good, so you get gems occasionally.

People care the least about indies

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>her still mad because MUH BRUH

Autism is indeed a scary thing.

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Some mutations looks good though. During a run through I was literally the ghost rider.

>dynamic resolution
good lord

>even considering getting pokemon
you dodged a bullet honestly, Pokemon SwSh looks like shit even outside of the controversy, just look at gameplay footage from the E3 demos and try to claim otherwise.

Get a switch for everything else, fuck pokemon

Looks great, especially the rice autism.

This cant be the last segment right?

there's also the endo ones. Like the fire heart

zzz when's the next game this one SUCKS

I love you all guys. Treehouse threads are the best. Very sad that this is last day.


Some people like finishing a collection in a game about collecting monsters lad.


Why is this piece of turd getting this much screen time?

Finally tuned out. Just not enjoying it anymore.


Not him but depending on if the Happy Moon re-spawns over time I have an idea where you need to dodge the screen wiping moon until the end where a wall of enemies need to be cleared. If the mood re spawns like the sun usually does then it wont work but then again but I think it'll probably work.

I have like 5 mutations at once from one playthrough. This guy sucks, he isn't killing enough shit and he's getting hit too much.

no there has to be atleast 1 more

most micro SD work. its pretty much a universal format
if you have an android phone, just back up the data on your sd card and tried it (cause iirc the switch will format the card)
and you should just get ~64-128gb. super cheap, and if you arent a hoarder, you can always delete some games

The pause screen is actually a neet touch.
It's the only thing I've liked though

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Yeah any good one will do.

Gott save the worst for the last so people are glad its over

I always get depressed towards the end of Treehouse because E3 is over and everything is over

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We just need to hope for some other vidya-related event to occur to unify us again. Or hold out until the Game Awards roll back around.


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I was thinking the same

Anyone who isn't deaf should now he said "sucker". I don't really care for D, though.
That would be the other Sam.

It's "gotta catch 'em all", not "gotta catch some of 'em"

This game looks fucking disgusting

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>that crushing moment when they all say goodbye until next year at the end


im already bored of this game


I just bought a 128GB micro sd for like $20.


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Looked good, even the farming.

E3 always makes me want to make a game.
I will make fantasy rpg life sim with autism to max like detail like sakuna

Imagine having to sit there and pretend that this pathetic pile of putrid pixels looks like an appealing game.


>New Mario Kart game
>Wario and Luigi aren't playable
>This would be ok according to user

>game awards
sounds shitty

>But I want my 700+ monsters fucking up the meta, with my meme tier teams

You are that stupid.

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i don't normally care about the graphics on nintendo consoles, but jesus this game looks like shit, why is it so fucking blurry?

the concept is cool, randomized mutations, but damn this is an ugly game. And I'm a sucker for halftone textures


We're you ever forced to write a disingenuous article about a game?

just keeps going
move on to next game

but you can still catch them all, the old games aren't going anyway

I want a Switch but I still love my 3DS.
Pokemon just shat the bed but I really want Animal Crossing and Astral Chain.

They said we would.


Worst game shown during this Treehouse alongside Dauntless and Pokemon

True. Bad artsyle AND bad graphics
They may as well just smear shit all over the screen

>it's over

Thank God

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Imagine buying this instead of Astral Chain

seriously, they should just tone down the saturation/lightning a bit. hide the jaggies, and less painful to the eyes


Yeah, that's the point.

Clearly whoever did the official art is more competent than the 3D team.

These piece of shit competing with astral chain

>why is it so fucking blurry
I thought that was just my stream. Is is really so blurry?

I want to make a cute game about a hiki-neet pet that the owners constantly try to get out of the house and you have to do your best to avoid it.

>same month as astral chain
haha they are fucked

Nintendo was probably expecting a good game considering the amount of time they're giving these guys.

You want to play as these beauties? Sorry champ, preorders only.

Attached: Untitled.png (714x401, 641K)

>giving a fuck about the meta
Yeah nah mate
Even then it's just going to be another stagnant mess of whatever the overpowered Galarian sublegends are, just like Gen 7.

>implying that the meme tier pokemon aren't going to be in the game.


who gives a shit about the "meta"? i like using my favorite pokemon, if i can't do that it's objectively an inferior experience

>that art

Holy shit, that screams "Focus Group Product"

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>He thinks the meta still won't be a fucking mess even with the culling.

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They should rename that game to Lad
Haha you thought I would say Bad. Get owned

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I wanna fuck Glitch

I noticed Theresa hasn't shown up yet today. Maybe she finally got tired of Audrey's gross milkbags taking up half of the camera?

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It actually looks really nice on consoles/PC

Go check out the insane difference in quality yourself. This port is a fucking joke.


I still find it super weird how the competition haven't been able to replicate this. Though being torn between several streams going on at once would be terrible.

>finally its over
>up next is dark crystals

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they said there may be some surprises, but it wasn't clear what they meant by that


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Idk I saw it on Yea Forums so it must be true

Don't listen /vp/
Every Pokemon is shit except DS pokemons. Most autistic community on Yea Forums.
>they even praise Black и White 2 despite shitting on it on release

>That tumblr art

Jesus christ, its like they're trying to make it as ugly as possible

Well, good thing we have random Directs. Can't wait for inevitable Animal Crossing Direct.
But nothing can beat comfy Treehouse time.

Game so shit that guy asked about launch date twice

My game will have waifus and once you beat it ng+ let's you unlock harem mode

It's time for TDCAOTRT fellas

inb4 it actually outsells astral chain

Its 80 Euro in my country.

I don't know if I have just shit taste, but RAD's world looks kinda nice and it looks like a comfy rogue like game

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It looks like I have been taken for a ride

>Dark Crystal next
I'm not that bothered but a friend of mine will probably shit his pants when he sees this.

>Gigantamax Goodra

Uh oh

>who gives a shit about the "meta"

The absolute state of the Pokemon fandom right now.

>Dark Crystal


Try collecting the monsters that are in the game, then.

Pokemon PVP was a mistake.

start small friend.
Pick a language, make pong, then brickbreaker, then tetris. And then a small project of your own.
It's all about slowly ramping up and building your skills.
Give Nim a look though, it's Python syntax with C performance.

Is this gonna be the last one?

i expected _no
you have tricked me twice

Hope it's a surprise like this!

Attached: 1560373279811.webm (600x1066, 2.87M)

>fags don't want a new tactics game

when is scrabbletoads

Gotta catch 'em all is some shitty tagline murricans added to try and get kids to buy moar shit.
It's got nothing to do with the original design philosophy.

I wanted to see more of dark crystal. It looked slow AF in the trailer hopefully it’s fast.

I wonder if the budget for the trailer somehow outweighs that of the budget for the game itself. Ironically, I wouldn't be shocked.

I'm just fucking tired of Kanto Pokemon being everywhere in every game. Mix it up a little.

>Missed the preoder
I might try FUCKING GAMESTOP later.
At least I got the new amiibos up at Best Buy.
Snake's up if you care.

>complaining about a rouge like game
>when the next game is literally dumb down tatics game on mobile ported to switch just to promote a netflix show

This is when the bad really starts, folks.

The game itself is fine but it's so fucking ugly and blurry that it gives me a headache looking at it.

God i wanna cum on those tits

Definately looks like it could be fun for a couple hours.

You were able to play and enjoy Pokémon when it had just 151 back then.

Why can't you enjoy a Pokémon game with more than that now?
Exactly. You're a faggot.

We still have 2-3 hours left

>dark crystal
Well, back to cadence of hyrule. And here i thought i was missing something important.

You think they are gonna announce the two Civ DLC expansions anytime soon

Alright, if you fuckers want to bitch about GF and Pokemon, take it somewhere else. This is the comfy treehouse thread, not /vp/.

>Miyamoto doesn't even hesitate
>"titto-cow desu"

I already know some basic python, would it be a good idea to learn Nim or should I just try making a basic game with python first?

>pre pokemon bank
>talonflame and aegislash everywhere
>actual balance

They should have made a Labyrinth game instead with Davide Bowie Swinging his bulge around

Truly.... The Epitome..... Of Switch Hardware......


>Gym actually has a puzzle in it

Attached: 1554263642419.png (217x190, 47K)


Was the Water gym the only place playable in the Sword & Shield demo? thats the only gameplay I've been seeing and finding.

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Competition is all about cinematic trailers. The only gameplay footage I remember is Doom Eternal, Star Wars game and Final Fantasy 7 R

just think about it. All of the AAA games are now cinematic experiences, lame third person shooters that barely have interesting mechanics. Treehouse segments would highlight their faults and spoil story which is the selling point for these games. It's better this way for them

>tfw its a tactic game
>looking pretty nice mechanically. pushing the pillar onto the enemy to deal dmg? 10/10
>look at the name
>Dark chrystal
fuck. wheres FFT or TO squeenix

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Get it on pc


Shouldn't she be whiter like the boo king?

It was a mobile game?

What's the point in dark crystals game? I understand show was good. But game?

do you have the sam version ?

I already played all the DKC games including Tropical

I’m asking because it has potential but not if it still has the garbage physics of Yooka laylee

massive props to the guy who is in charge of the intermission music

>angry Nessa when you defeat her

Attached: fujitakana-4.png (240x240, 103K)

Yes, you cannot go outside

Pretty much a usual price for that kind of collector item. Might be worth if you really want the game, check to see if there are some kind of samples for the artbook.

I'd definitely would pay that much if the art is in the same style as the original one.

The very first treehouse was so fucking great.
I wasn't a normie wageslave back then and could just sit around getting comfy as fuck.
I took the week off... but honestly it's not quiet the same.

>the way Audrey's tits jiggle a little bit when she talks and moves
My dick is fucking diamonds
She has the softest boobs on the planet, look at them.

all pokemon games are the same user

>you now remember the treehouse where every other music segment was YOU'RE MY SUPER STAR

Yes. Be glad it was even a gym (even with neutered enemy teams for demo purposes), Pokémon demos are usually much shittier. XY's was just the route before one of the first towns and LGPE's was Viridian Forest.


Bros have we found the real life Nessa?

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Yes but they showed a demo of the Wild Area on Treehouse, which of course everyone forgot about because right after they dropped the bombshell.

Can I buy the collectors for Astral Chain anywhere yet? Not up on amazon. I want that sound selection cd. EU btw.

Audrey :^)

Ah yes I'll collect the 25 lines of new Pokemon to add to my gamefreak approved transferables, thank you. Very much worth the price masuda, I appreciate you taking the time to post on Yea Forums. I am extremely grateful that I have the privilege of playing Pocket Monsters Sword and Pocket Monsters Shield, I will purchase more.

One of the main elements of the games has been collecting since the very beginning. Even if the tagline was invented later, it does encapsulate what the games are about.

It's on mobile. Brave Exvius War of the Visions. FFT-style game in the universe of BE with gacha characters from other FF games.

if you guys think this is bad you should check out utopia 9

>a game for 45 yo boomers

Oh it's the one movie I watched once.


What's the point in a Stranger Things game?

That frustrated Nessie is cute, cute!

Oh yeah, Netflix was at E3, did they announce anything aside from this game?


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Well the game by itself is 60 Euro. So its not that much extra for the artbook and whatnot.

>Dynamax Wailord

Does anyone else have the urge to jack off when they hear Audrey's voice

Remember, this is only possible with Nintendo hardware!

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Think big pal, I am a big thinker and I been programming longer than most other people.

As well as I have high income and money to invest in my companies. Not my first start up

>would it be a good idea to learn Nim or should I just try making a basic game with python first?
Python has more resources and tuts, so sure. You can come back to it when you feel Python is starting to slow you down.

>shorter than previous years
>no new announcements
>no miyamoto
>no reggie/bowser
>not much multiplayer banter
>whole day dedicated to indies

Release schedule is is stacked with games so that's cool, but the show was kinda lacking this year.

Netflix doesn't belong at E3.