
Attached: 1556288866640.gif (624x480, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Fighting in ZOG wars is somehow dignified and respectable

>WoW on a console

die for israel goyim

Attached: mutt_dying_for_israel.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

why should the average American man give up his family, life, and future in order to die for nothing but the interests of globalists in a country he should never have been in?

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WW2 wasn't really a ZOG war

>The Greatest Generation
>gives civil liberties to Niggers
>every major city becomes a shithole

Attached: toodles the noodle.gif (320x240, 2.12M)

They were drafted pretty sure they would have preferred to play vidya if it had existed then rather than die in some hellish jungle.

it's an edit you mongoloid

>Gamer Generation
>has fun playing games

>Greatest Generation
>kills random civilians in vietnam

Attached: 425325343254.png (624x481, 207K)


>The Greatest Chuck
>give the store to Sneed
>every major Fuck and Suck becomes a Feed and Seed

Oh boy more uneducated /pol/acks and jealous Yuropoors, I'm sure this will be informative

>nuke two most christian cities in japan
>go liberate euro jews
>give them israel
>not a ZOG war

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Guaranteed replies.



Playing crummy old video games? He should've been drinking bottles of water!

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But I am in the military.

Where's the water edit? Come on guys get your shit together.

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You aren't allowed to choose goy, now go and die for my meme country, oh and don't forget to give me your foreskin before you go.

any regrets?

but I dress like the kid on left


It was just germans being autistic and ruining europe for the 30th time
US still had no business getting involved though

Enjoy dying in Iran for your Orange Fuhrer!

>"Greatest Generation"
>allies with a communist tyrant to kill their own blood in Europe by millions instead of with Hitler to put an end to that plague
>hands over country their ancestors built to jews and niggers and forces everyone else in Europe to do the same
>move industry abroad and technology with it just to spit on wages and unions
>too cowardly to make it all right even on verge of death

I'd play visual novels for faggots while stoned and employed and still feel better and more accomplished about myself than those boomer fucks ever should.

>Play video games my whole childhood
>Enlist in the army
>Play games through much of my contract
>Many of my peers also played videogames
>Still did our jobs, spent time in Syria fightan for muh flag and shit
>Got home, got a nice civilian job
>Still play videogames to this day
Gee, it's like the two things aren't even kind of related.

>defend drumpf who is going to start the next war with Iran/Russia
>dont want to die for orange man

Why are /pol/cels/republicans so hypocritical? You even wear those xxxl t-shirts who soldiers are awesome.


hahaha cuck.

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No, I got a 97 on the ASVAB, so I got a fairly cushy job away from all of the bullshit.
>not Kuwait
Educate yourself before posting again, my dude.

>Trump is a Russian spy!
>Trump is going to start a war with Russia!

Make up your minds you fucking retards.

Attached: 1560175445982.jpg (480x480, 20K)

>Trump is in cahoots with Russia
>investigation shows he wasn't
>Trump wants to start a war with Russia
Your bait is shit, fuck off retard.

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Why would I sign up to the military instead of buying a bottle of water?

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Look Billy, another ignorant hillbilly dumbfuck blaming powerless black people for the world's ills instead of the white corporate overlords who control every aspect of society...

Yep, they have more melanin in their skin, must be the blame for humanities failures.

Slobbering Trump Cult cocksucker.

>Brain damaged
>legs atrophied
>she was pregnant

Attached: chad.jpg (300x200, 8K)

Enjoy dying in Venezuela for your Orange Fuhrer!

>being Infantry
He deserved it.

Hitler was a slave to swiss bankers

yeah but did you even watch generation kill?

>Implying trannies won't be the first ones drafted

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pretty sure they can barely eat there

>jelly on screen
here I was thinking thats only a vidya thing

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>instead of the Jewish corporate overlords who control every aspect of society
Blacks aren't powerless, they are a cultural weapon against non-Jewish whites.
>you can't use statistics against them
>you can't hold their actions against them
>if you say anything that could be deemed racist your career or lifetime accomplishments are instantly destroyed

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>inb4 /pol/ claims Germany tried to save us from Jews even though Germany is directly responsible for Israel, antisemitism laws, and anti-nationalism

Is he okay?

I really don't understand how can American people still glorify war and trust their government after Pentagon Papers.

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>he fell for the imperialist propaganda
oh no no no no

fucking this

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you Muri'cucks need a good ol' fashioned war, nobody will give a shit about "muh sexualetah!" or "muh depressien" when you are sent to die away from your country

If they spent less time shooting each other and more time shooting rich CEOs you'd have a point. But as it is they act like dogs, attacking anyone that comes on their territory while at the same time pissing on whatever's nearby without any care for their own society.

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Thanks for destroying the the white race grandpa

If he got a 97 on asvab he's not serving a combat role retard
Of course you could have googled that in 2 minutes

Any /his/s fags here that has the ye olde people war and honor vs. New people dice games and pipe?


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Trump is letting Russia and SA accumulate as much power as they can before they finally declare war with Iran. This is literally what is happening right nis.

>banned from the military and then drafted

>Make fun of the dead

Have sex

I got a 99 on the asvab they said "go chemical" so I got sent to a fucking combat engineer company

The same way most video games have an enemy Empire that is large and powerful, with citizens who don't really care about the war. America is so powerful that it never has to worry about a war on its own land.

Fuck, I thought this would be another "lol" thread making fun of stupid baby boomer political comics.

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people can also barely eat in haiti and some african countries. why won't the US wage war there instead? oh right they have no oil.

This is true. If Zionist Jews had any kind of power, then they would have lobbied Anglos and Germans to JUST GIVE them Palestine.

The true redpill is that Hitler ruined fascism and fucked white people for ever

How did you score that high on asvab but make such a retarded fucking decision

>yfw Amerilards actually invade Iran for another 2 decade war

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remember seeing this but i never noticed he was still alive after those barrage of bullets

I like how the implication is we need more horrific world wars or we shall be afflicted with the blight of gaymerdom.


>saluting to the enlistment chump
How to tell someone is a low IQ cannon fodder for the meat grinder in one easy trick.

Only final and ultimate cucks sign up for military when your country isn't under attack. No, brown people sinking your boats isn't "under attack".

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en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration bruh

>Yep, they have more melanin in their skin, must be the blame for humanities failures.
I have no horse in this race, but straight up denying that there are sub-culture difference between the avarage black person and the avarage white person is ridiculous. If skin colour was honestly the only difference racism would not be a thing. Now of course I am generalising a bit here, there are a large number of black and white people that are culturally identical, but apperantly the divide is notocable enough that it has led to a clash.

>he didn't use his social connections to get a job that wasn't even loaded into the system yet
Wow, you fucking deserve a shit job if you aren't willing to game the system.

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I really don't understand how shitposting for (You)s on Yea Forums is getting you anywhere in life

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>die for israel
>be churayzay
I know what im picking

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>Everyone mentioning WoW
>No mention of:
>Standing while playing vidya

What branch? What job were they offering?

Looks like clickbait desu

Chair force?


>germanic dark ages
europe entered the dark ages not long after christians took over the continent but thats just a coincidence

>he thinks that every country has one unified culture
Just because there are niggers and whitoids in the same country doesn't mean they share the same culture.

>career gets destroyed for being a /pol/tard
I fail to see the problem here

based person roleplaying as a retard

Yeah an extremely shit one, could of put any game on there and they done fucked up. You look like a retard, imo.

I know. It was declared, USA voters pulled into war through j-owned media, but later the Anglos jewed the Jews.
Anglos preferred to suck up to Arabs in Palestine than to pay off the Jews for their service.
Anglos really wanted to keep control over the land+sea connection to India (suez or jordan-iraq-kuwait rail) and their first priority was keeping the empire intact.

>Honest banking system

fuck jews but unironically neck yourself for making fun of the people who are at least willing to die to protect sheltered, jobless, anime watching cucks like yourself.

is this not obvious to most people?


It's whatever. I did my 4 years and I'm out. Got my GI Bill, now I'm going to get my degree and go back as a DoD civilian to do the job I actually wanted but with hair and better pay.

Why not a pale of water?
>I love water

nationalism is so fucking stupid

my point exactly. It's not about color, it's about culture. You don't want sub-culturings challenging the dominant culture. They should exist paralel to it and not at odds with it, otherwise you get trouble

Trannies are literally not allowed to serve in the military

there WERE unified cultures prior to racemixing

Attached: SKIDS FOR YIDS.jpg (688x910, 65K)

Don't worry, I got a 97 and signed up as a 68W because they told me it was a "Health Care Specialist" who would work in a hospital.
I got sent to Afghanistan as a combat medic on an infantry unit

of course a fat basement dweller will think that

The people we kill just write hatemail instead of being forever given to the dirt and worms while their family mourns them.

High IQ post.

>in africa

>amerimutt thinks that "european" is a race
there was never a unified culture in america

delet this

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lmao the right literally cannot maymay

14 white, non-Jewish families control 42% of the world's wealth; throw in the über-rich Jewish folks you hate so much (umm, more whites) and it's less than 0.5% of the population who control over 70% of the world's wealth.

As a fellow Caucasian I implore you to stop being a colossal dumbfuck who is being weaponized by the elite. They love dumb angry white folk who stay in their caste, being spoon fed their corporate media and fearing the minority boogie man.

"The blacks and Mexicans are taking over!!!"

Uh, the white population in the US is still over 70%...stop being a tool and aim your fury at who deserves it. Dumbfuck.

You're a fucking idiot for just signing shit without even looking up your MOS.

the cyberpunk generation
(and that's a good thing!)

Attached: anon in the cyberpunk arena.jpg (280x344, 78K)

That's pretty based. I'm gonna do the same thing but I'll be at 10 years before I'm out.

>(umm, more whites)
Shit bait

The main countries that make video games haven't had a meaningful war in terms of their own casualties since Vietnam. The U.S. had 58,000 dead and 300,000 wounded in that war by themselves, and the entire "Coalition" hasn't even lost 10,000 people in Iraq and Afghanistan combined to date.

Joining the military is no longer about honor, purpose, or sacrifice. It is a glorified daycare that you can only fuck up if you are lower than retarded and get videotaped using drugs/alcohol, otherwise just ride out your menial work in the kinder, gentler armed forces until you get out and have absurdly good job credentials. There is no threat to your ego or personal level of discipline like there was 100 years ago, nor are you under any real threat of repercussions for failure to succeed. Source: I have sponsored cadets.

If you are completely unfit for any job besides cannon fodder, or worse, volunteer for it, you have a small chance of getting killed or maimed over in Shifting Sand Land. However, you are statistically more likely to die in training. This slight risk helps keep the military an "untouchable" source of honor for people -- the idea that one day they can be depicted in a tearful "Daughter Meets Dad for the First Time Coming Back from Playing Cornhole in Oogbooglistan" Facebook viral video.

tl;dr: The military/war is a fantasy where few people still alive today (and not going senile) actually truly understand the sacrifices that pre-1975 soldiers made and therefore have no hope of recreating it in fiction respectably. It's much easier for them to play into the "rah-rah" crowd's fetishes.

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Call me when white people start to be lynched for as much as rumors of any wrongdoing.

>amerimutts kill their social system and wageslave to research and produce technology I can enjoy
>amerimutts go and kill themselves in wars so I can live in safety, and they're proud of it
>meanwhile my government ensures my well-being while I play video games
ty lmao

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>Uh, the white population in the US is still over 70%
It's actually around 62% if you don't count Latinos who identify as white. By 2050 AD it will be only 40%. And white children are a minority in the public education system, only 22% of children entering Maryland public schools for example speak English.

>research and produce technology I can enjoy
That's China

And I thought its those evil nazis with their crazy conspiracy theories?

>signing up fo killing people is good
>being at peace in your own home and never thinking about harming a real human being is bad


>>>amerimutts go and kill themselves in wars so I can live in safety, and they're proud of it
when was the last time the US destroyed country because it was an acutal menace to the world, and not for oil and profit?

thank you for your cervix

>Some fucking AIDS-ridden niggers in the middle of bumfuck nowhere pose a threat to the average Western citizen.
You're the cuck defending tax money spent on fueling some low-IQ psychopath's urges being fulfilled by state-sanctioned murder on the best interest of your (((overlords))).


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I could make an argument for Vietnam and Korea, but realistically not since WWII

Shut up goy, you need to die for Israel

Everyone that fought in WWII was gay. They should call it the Gayest Generation instead, it would cut out a lot of the confusion.

The true redpill is white people don't exist, and they never existed to begin with

we must all feel proud of ourselves

Attached: the based generation.jpg (624x480, 240K)

>nixon pulled out of vietnam
>korean war resulted in north korea being created
americans aren't very good at this world police thing

Where's all the water?

Attached: gamer fuel.png (540x400, 221K)

>The only civilized place in Europe crumbles from years of abuse, mismanagement, over expansion, decay of morals and identity and the destruction of the civil spirit
>But that definitely had nothing to do with it

Christianity emerged as a result of not being systematically oppressed, and as a result of taking up many of the social services Rome once did, and being part of civilization as it climbed back up.

Why would anyone lay down his live for their country? I really don't understand how some people can be so stupid. I don't give a shit what happens to my stupid country if a war should break out. They can suck my dick if they think that they can draft me when times are rough.

lol look at this cathocuck COPE

>when you realize reset era is invading Yea Forums.jpg

He might, the dead mutt will not

>Why don't you want to die for Israel goyim

this is some advanced form of denial, it's almost like you're so low percent european heritage you wrap back around to being white

you are unironically worse than a jew
funny that you have the audacity to tell other to kill themselves when you can't even see that you are a willing goy

you're fighting a war for Israel

>They can suck my dick if they think that they can draft me when times are rough.
They can and they will. Most countries(including first world ones) have special wartime laws that permit forceful drafting and death penalty for traitors and deserters.

>WW2 wasn't really a ZOG war

Attached: 20190530_195600.gif (336x252, 2.67M)

>willingly throwing away your life because some old politican decided not to get along with another old politican from another country, inciting warfare
Thank god for video games.

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I don't understand this picture. If only the artist had the foresight to draw himself explaining it on the bottom left corner.

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Then I will just off myself. Simple as that. Just because I live in country X doesn't mean I'm fighting in their stupid war over more power.

The Iraq and Afghanistan war are allready running longer than the Korea + Vietnam war
And somehow boomers still think they experienced hell


Truman was a cuck who didn't want war with China so he signed a peace treaty with North Korea
The whole Vietnam debacle was so poorly managed from the beginning and the government tied its hands together regarding actually attacking the communists to prevent the Soviets from getting involved, and when public opinion turned on the war South Vietnam was doomed.
I think the real lesson here is that don't get involved in wars if you aren't prepared to win at all costs


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also this

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>Thinks those cities were christian before US intervention
This is your mind on history revisionism
Tell me how America didn't influence a ton of popular trends in Japan despite restoring a lot of their shit, I dare you

That's literally what happened, idiot.

You should do it now just in case any wars break out soon

Culture?! Are you out of your fucking mind? The US has no culture divide. What because some blacks like Jay Z and some whites like George Jones? That is the dividing line in this "culture war" you imagine...tastes in entertainment.

The vast majority of poor/lower middle class/middle class blacks, whites & etc's shop at the same corporately owned stores (WalMart, Kroger, etc), ingest the same media (TV, internet) and go to the same American public schools! Culture differences? Don't confuse taste with culture.

It's ALL about something as stupid as skin color, period. You see a black dude on a bus, if you're raised in a racist, fear based household you feel one way, if you're raised to see humanity and humans all bleed red you feel another. It's that simple.

People who go on about black on black violence and "oh my word, look at how barbaric they are!" don't know their fucking history. Go back and research how puritanical European whites treated Native Americans in this country waaay before it was "this country". Or the colonials, the pioneers, etc. Caucasians are just as brutal as any black.

Stop being distracted by the minutae; we're coming up on 10 billion people on this mudball, more connected and interdependent than ever, how are we going to survive as a species. THAT'S the core problem/question.

God just imagine being stuck in the EU.

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All major players except for maybe Japan were ZOG, it's the very definition of a ZOG war

haha wow

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Nah, I'm pretty sure there aren't gonna be any more wars in my lifetime, considering I don't live in a third world country like the USA.


shut the fuck up about politics and post more funny VIDEO GAME BAD comics

>he doesn't know
Best sharpen that butter knife son.

Where do you think we are?

>he doesn't know what's going to happen in the Israel/Palestine conflict by the end of the century and how it will change the entire world forever
Ignorance is bliss, I suppose

A shekel for a good goy

On a board that hates video games, so I know you motherfuckers have video games shitposts.