Where were you when Hugo Martin became the savior of the Doom franchise?

Where were you when Hugo Martin became the savior of the Doom franchise?

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this is the faggot that keeps adding cartoony elements to new doom. He said in an interview that he didn't want realistic gore in doom because "it would gross people out" and it wouldn't be kid's friendly.

How can a first person shooter be best anything on a console

Easy. It just has to be Doom.

Wasn't the original Doom already kinda goofy.

Ask the Gamecube.

this is the faggot who sincerely thinks that doom wasn't always a goofy ass cartoony game

you retards need to stop sucking bethesda's dick

NuDoom is bottom barrel garbage.

Hugo knows exactly what Doom should be. He knows Doom is about power fantasy and having fun. He knows that story should always come second in video games. And He knows that you want to rip and tear demon assholes.

I don't know why but it feels good to get excited about a guy named Hugo doing well.

>He said in an interview that he didn't want realistic gore in doom because "it would gross people out" and it wouldn't be kid's friendly.

I seriously doubt he said anything like that to be honest. mind you some of the UI changes and things like that are pretty shitty changes though, it really seems like console babies are the target audience of doom eternal.

>Doomguy grunts when damaged
>shitty hud/UI
>season pass for singleplayer
They'are getting too cocky

1ups and mobile tier HUD are a hard pass

How the fuck does an optional season pass impact that main game. Just don't use it.

rip and tear a subreddit, faggot

What the fuck does reddit have to do with any of this.

because redditors are the target audience of this game

how the fuck is doom any award winning? It's literally nothing special, just some nice eyecandy. It's reasonably fun, but holy fuck is it overrated.

if a little tertiary feature that exists as an optional crutch for shitters and a slightly tacky looking HUD are enough to put you off from a game then you may be a dumb joyless faggot who likely doesn't even enjoy playing games ;-)

>Creative director Hugo Martin added that "with demons, I can overcome someone's twitch skills with strategy and teamwork, and that was the spark" behind Battlemode. Bethesda and id wanted to double down on Doom's fundamentals in Battlemode and Doom Eternal as a whole, which lines up with what we heard from Stratton when we spoke to him about Doom's SnapMap level builder, which was also axed in the name of refocusing.


Have you seen the previous doom games?

>Doom’s 2016 reboot caught some flak for its multiplayer, and this is what the devs cite for their decision. “It didn’t have any of the components of Doom that people loved from the campaign,” says Stratton. “It didn’t have the slayer or demons in a meaningful way. It just kind of fell flat.” Creative director Hugo Martin adds that 2016’s multiplayer too often came down to “twitch skills vs twitch skills”.

>I get the logic, but personally my issues with Doom 2016’s multiplayer were more to do with its addition of preset weapon and perk loadouts clearly inspired by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare to a formula that predated that game. I felt this undermined the skill of controlling your gear through map knowledge, which offered a way to counteract twitch skills.



you're a fucking retard

>Doomguy grunts when damaged
Why do people keep bringing this up? Every mainline game aside from 2016 had him grunt when damaged. It's nothing new.

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>Doom was known for its deathmatch
>was known for its deathmatch

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What exactly is its competition?

Maybe one day we'll stop being surprised by people commenting on games that they have no idea about.

something about the way he smiles unsettles me

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They cut it out because Bethesda wants people to play Quake Champions instead if they fast-paced multiplayer. I mean, it's not going to get more people playing it, but still.



Are your parents related?

What's cartoony about classic doom?

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Doom was only multiplayer FPS game before Quake, Duke and Descent.

He's probably also correct, considering you had no proper response to that.

Dumb nintetoddler. You know shit about doom


I might be seething currently but you'll always be retarded ;-(

Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 is one thing.

turely the john romeroe of ou're time's

>monkey bars, wall climbing

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>want to 100% a game
>do it
>they add season pass and new achievements
>have to spend money to 100% it now

Why the fuck are you making this a console war thing.

Which game won best Switch game then?

Now theres 2 of them, stay mad brothers

Its first person beatem up.

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It does one thing and does that thing extremely well. In a world where people get overambitious and fall on their face (or just don't try at all), this is really all a lot of people could ask for.

Doom is where the concept of deathmatches in fps originated, you dope.

it shows what their design philosophy will be with the game, not a fan of it.

Because they designed Doom eternal with nintentoddlers in mind: 1ups, coins, big glowy pickups so switch shitters can see them, colorful hud and more

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>actually complaining about achievements
Just use SAM then, you little bitch.

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here you go, nudoom2019 is an adventure beatem up game for console niggers

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>Bethesda’s Pete Hines said that some design decisions for Doom 2016 were made with the Switch in mind so that it was scalable and not be too far out of line with what the Switch could handle.



If Doomguy gets in because of this, worth it.

And? Your point? It still ended up as one of the best games released in 2016.

kys smashfag. Go make your smash thread you disgusting sweaty manchild

>Him grunting as a negative.

Fuck off you zoomer secondary faggot. Go play the originals. I bet you're pissed that you can see his face too.

daily reminder that Romero supports trans rights and has become a fully fleshed out SJW

Are you upset because NuDoom is a huge success and you're simply taking your anger out on everyone in this thread to cope with that fact.

>here you go, nudoom2019 is an adventure beatem up game for console niggers

couldn't have said it better myself. fuck I wish it didn't look like shit.

Lots of things like proper ragdolls, gore etc. were behind other games. It could have been even better, but it was held back by nintentoddlers.

>supports trans rights
Nice, he's even more based.

he literally has the doomguy grin

Who cares. He has next to nothing to do with Doom at this point.

Why do you post like this? Makes you look like a fag.

Now you're blaming the consumers because ID has a steady relationship with Nintendo? Are you just pissy because they moved on from PC?


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Look at the salt on this guy

>thing i dont like is reddit
projection much

have sex incel :)

This is just one big bait thread. Nothing but lies, people replying to themselves, and faggots playing along with bait. You're all faggots.

Not an argument.

>axing snapmap
The only interesting thing about the multiplayer and they remove it.

>Doomguy grunts when damaged
This is a good thing.

You mean besides the whole goofy ass premise that stemmed from an injoke at id, the general look of the enemies, and just the gameplay in general? How about the fact that the first game ends with EVIL DEMONS FROM HELL getting revenge on Doomguy by killing his pet rabbit of all things?

I'm sure you'll try and argue "ummm but it was really gritty and gory for its day" because some soccermoms and politicians looking for things to complain about were in an uproar about violent games during that timeframe, with Doom being one of them. Even though 6 year old me had zero trouble playing that shit back in the day, while on the other hand there were literal children's cartoons that scared me at that age.

Doom was actually trying to step away from arcade shit. Alpha versions of doom had score, like wolfenstein, but they cut it out to make it more realistic. Doom never had glowy items, coins, or 1ups.

>Doom was actually trying to step away from arcade shit

Yeah, the keyword being was, but then they fired Tom Hall. ;)

If you don't wanna hear grunts then don't get hit bitch, keep moving

>tfw he might be in Smash soon too
It feels long overdue. Happy birthyear you guy.

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Why in the hell doesn't this have classic MP? Seriously maybe cull one dash, keep double jump and modify some of the SP maps and it would be fine. Honestly really fucking pissed right now, and I was hoping for a 2 or 4 player co-op arena mode...no way that's happening now.

based hugo martin
cringe low t poster

It makes me so happy to see that Doom got the revival it needed.

>grunting when damaged

>that goofy ass nigga's giant smile on the right
>not cartoony

Because it sounds like the quake guy, and the sounds he makes are shit tier like burtal dooms voice.

Underage posters leave

>pet rabbit

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What's with the confusion? They killed Daisy, now Doomguy's pissed.

They remind me more of the grunts made in Doom 3.

Coop in general would have been nice. Original doom made it fun by with different and harsher monster layout.

What is sad is that I'm sure no one will keep the MP going in Doom 5. I haven't seen an asymmetrical MP game have a long life span.

>tfw played Doom co-op with my friend when I was younger
>we just zerg rushed the enemies in Thy Flesh Consumed until we did enough chip damage with pistols to defeat them
>doomguy corpses scattered all over the map
I want it back

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Hell no man, things like battlemode are supposed to be a change of pace allowing you to do something different from classic game modes. With the mobility and guns in this game I can't see it not being successful in MP. You say they don't last long but when's the last time you've seen one with this level of gunplay? Mix that in with traversal/agility that isn't fucking choppy just straight to the point to allow you to do what you want to. Easiest MP to craft and they just fucking skipped it...so disappointed.

You never played Doom at all have you.

You definitely haven't.

>Doom 3
>classic doom

Tell that to those asymmetrical games that came out that only are popular with streamers, and dropped in a month.

It is possible to potentially make an interesting mode that's asymmetrical, but you'd have to make it so both sides are equally fun. Most of the times, full games of this nature last a month, and majority for streamers.


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