
Attached: 1349151168828.png (601x582, 167K)

Because only fat as fuck women want me

I do!

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because I'm married

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Sex is gross
Kissing is gross
Girls are gross

Because furries don't exist

Because I'd rather be lonely than be with someone I'm not attracted to.

Why do you keep asking me this?

That artstyle is absolute garbage.

I was wondering about that.
So I did some research on the Internet about this and turns out I have "low SMV".

Because I rarely get out of the house. Why do you care so much anyway, faggot?

I already do. Always use her in Gacha. Pic related.

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Haven't put in the effort to get another one after my last gf

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I'm boring. I have no interests or hobbies. I just work and post here. I don't even play video games.


I did last year when I was a poorfag Now I have a better job, a sports car (that needs a bit more paying off) and 26k in investments/savings. Idk man I like money, there’s just no time for games anymore.

I have zero interest in talking to people

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I do

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you are garbage

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My backyard is only so big, I don't have room for any more.

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So is this game good or is it just a meme?

Fuck off normalfag

Because I have no job, no money, and I don't do much. I don't go anywhere to be in a position to meet anyone, let alone women. I'm gonna work on getting myself to a place where I'm happy and can sustain my own existence. Then I can look into finding a gf or something.

Because I'm a psychological basket case and have a conjugal relationship with my privacy.