It doesn't have to be at night

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is pandering to trannies
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077

Yet everyone here seems to forget all of this because they put in one meme actor whose last film was almost a decade ago (John Wick) and even then it was a mediocre flick at best.

Attached: Capture6897676.jpg (607x989, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I knew this game was gonna be shit the second they said it was open world.

god i wish that were me

user pray tell how is 5 years almost a decade

Keanu is gonna take me out of the game everytime I see him. I wish he had a small part.

Attached: 1371113409653.jpg (243x207, 9K)

What are the alternatives? A cinematic third person over the shoulder game? A game where you can do ANYTHING and enter into every building and CD PROJEKT HIRE THIS MAN? How would YOU make the game, OP?

Not OP, but I would make it not be open world trash, for a start.

i recognize that bulge!


>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city

I don't need to read more

Attached: 1493151241431.jpg (1337x1289, 238K)

This is the truth.
CDPR's hypocrisy is astounding, "hey let us pander to minorities by having big bad corporations (like we are) pander to minorities in our game and pretend it's a critique of corporatism!"

Why? What would (you) make it?

They're pandering to futa cock fetishists like me.

I would make another Deus Ex game, fuck this pen and paper shit

i just want to play games

that's a big fucking dong, man

Attached: 1555931991307.jpg (1167x887, 572K)

>pandering to trannies
>he thinks any of the trannies who are complaining look that hot

If trannies looked like that today I honestly wouldn't hate their guts

you will fall a-dick-ted to her, forever her sexpet...

Attached: anon in the cyberpunk arena.jpg (280x344, 78K)

Idk why you fags are hyped or surprised. Every single Witcher game is either shit or mediocre at best. It's the most overrated series of this console generation. The games have shit combat, shit mechanics, and shit overworlds. Now you want to trust this same company to make a totally different game? Enjoy your disappointment when this pile finally drops.

>person bitching about a bunch of shit they/other people assumed from a CGI reveal trailer ending up not being in the game
Knowing this was coming doesn't make it any less beautiful.

Attached: 1537986179362.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Attached: straight_sex.jpg (639x955, 73K)

Why did they put a dick bulge on there?

But it ctually has
But it is?
They are in the source material

So far everythingthat the autistic shitposters were thoriwng t CP2077 was baseless shit lmao

If trannies looked like that then they would actually get laid

Name one great game released in the last three years go

it's a tech drink that changes your downstairs bits. hence the name and mix it up slogan

An hub world game like all the good RPGs.

You can also get 3 mouths to give more bjs

Attached: D83uhX-WsAIVhl-.jpg (720x542, 72K)


Kill yourself retard.

>the autistic pasta faggot is back

Attached: 1529594940371.png (6154x1400, 3.97M)

i fkn despise open world but this doesnt look like its ubisoft open world.
luckily i am not that jaded yet. so i can easily give a chance and remain curious.

>corporations making commentary on how bad corporations are

depends honestly if it's cute I'll fuck the jesus out of it. If it looks like a dude in a wig then not interested.

Attached: 1548656817281.png (698x840, 660K)

this needs to include a clarifcation if it's today modern abombination trans. or crazy future trans where it actually changes body and doesn't make them look like corssdressers

when will this OP hoohaa themselves?

>it doesn’t have to be at night

Nightcucks still seething

Funny there are point in there now that were added since the beginning. Thought the implication was necessity.

I mean if they looked like the one in the poster yeah, regular trannies no ty

It's not pandering to trannys
cyberpunk is a dystopian hellhole where the sacrosanct of the body is completely disregarded
if anything it's a comment our societal path , and the corps that promote it for money by being "LE INCLUSIVE!!!:D"

this game won't be the wakeup call mentally ill sodomites will listen to, but it may help

Even if this very second I wanted to conform to their labels, I wouldn't know what to do or say to anyone

Attached: 1550459307220.png (362x928, 161K)

Sounds pretty good

Is trannyposting the next stage of sunposting?

Wait. You wanted it to be third person? Ew

It makes you think how far one can fall...

Attached: cyberpunk nightmare.jpg (280x344, 76K)

Watch it kid, we don not disrespect Mark Wahlberg in here! he is an acomplished actor and Speed and Point Break are some quintesential cyberpunks!

>it doesn't have to be my game
Stay on the shelf/digital market

>It's a woman's penis
Do they even listen to themselves?

I don't think you will have access to that


holy shit and you consider Witcher 3 a bad game. Nice bait

Do buying game makes people this pathetic and sad? I have never payed for my games and I literally cant give a shit about these stuffs since it is a free thing for me

Kill you're self

What’s your excuse?

Attached: 1555606157028.jpg (580x548, 34K)

>It's not pandering to trannys

Attached: Cyberpunk-Redesiuk.jpg (1157x1650, 1.32M)

OP is a seething tranny from Discord

Attached: 1560193184113.jpg (2048x2048, 540K)

>you are a cyberpunk fighting against corporations

fuck that i wanna be a slick dressing, cigarette-smoking bagman for some faceless corporate entity, contracted to do dirty work while living a double life in mid-upper society.

I despise you user, your shitty opinion was annoying as fuck on all the outer worlds threads.

Get a fucking job you annoying faggot. This is all you do multiple times every fucking day, posting your shitty copypasta over and over in every thread. And then all these retarded faggots bandwagon along replying
>oh no no no no
>cancelled pre order
>Open world trash
This happens like clock work everyday, you all need to get a fucking life.

Is there even a game that has trannies that hasn't offended them? This, Andromeda and that kickstarter game which had actual trannies kickstart bux themselves into it have all offended them.
And then they wonder why they don't get that representation they want.

>game is made by Ubisoft now
>nothing else changes
>hard drop
Game looks like generic open world meme, only thins that can save it now are some good quests, but a fucking Keanu following me all game and only I can see him? How long will that shit last it's novelty? Come the fuck on.
I like him alright but this shit is just dumb.
It's going to be Watch_Dogs all over again.

Attached: 1538844313082.jpg (400x400, 16K)

outer worlds is going to be shit regardless of whether it's open world

>"I can't say any specific numbers right now, but currently the pre-order numbers are way higher than they ever were for The Witcher 3" said Marcin Iwinski, joint-CEO of CD Projekt

Wtf bros... I thought the game was going to flop because of their transphopic tweets...?

nobody pre-ordered tw3, it was a surprise

hard to imagine why

Attached: mfw preorders.jpg (974x2200, 236K)

I knew this was the inevitable response, this is how fanboys make themselves feel good. The fact is at the end of the day, the only thing holding up the witcher series is the story, even then its mediocre at best. Video games should be about game play and all of what I listed does circles around the witcher series.
The Witcher is shit, and will always be shit. The fact you can't accept that Cyberpunk 2077 will follow in suit shows how incapable you are of being able to recognize what a good game is. You've most likely fallen into the hype around this game without truly understanding why you're hyped over it, but anyone that tells you otherwise must be playing some joke on you. Your attachment to these games is superficial. I could guarantee that you could not actually put to words why you "like" Cyperpunk 2077 or even the Witcher series.


>corporate product saying that corporations are bad
I want to fucking die

*triggered* "Transphobia in Cyberpunk"

ubishit makes better witcher games anyway


Girls can have penises

>it's okay when obshitdian does it

Attached: 1560425470436.jpg (900x900, 1.13M)

Outer Worlds lets you side with the corporations, though.

nice spin

Todd's yikes is what makes it better

Pathetic fanboy

Thanks doc

Wasn't Witcher 3's open world actually really good? I'll give this a chance desu

Dunno, didn't play it.

>Wasn't Witcher 3's open world actually really good?

Attached: bs.jpg (608x770, 67K)

>commentary on corporations
I kinda like it (the commentary.) Notice how every other corporation on social media has the rainbow flag now. OP's pic is only the next logical step, followed by literal gay porn in advertisements.

No, the ad is the logical outcome of inclusiveness. It's not saying campaigning on inclusiveness is always bad, just that in the future where things are more soulless, corporations shallowly pander with the new normal. It's like sexy white hetero women holding a bud light with their tits out, but the future where trans is normal. Skeptism is alright, but to drop all appreciation of being a marketable demographic than an outright pariah is to be retarded with cynicism.

get the PC version and mod it then

Attached: _v_ mods Cyberpunk 2077.webm (480x360, 2.1M)

Third person is hotgarbage, and so are class based systems.

I find it ironic that Kotaku posts that headline with their rainbow logo in view. They are essentially what CDPR is making commentary on.

We get it. You're determined to be unhappy about this game. You can let go of the obsession.

>you will never round up the discord trannies and the /pol/ incels and force to have sex with each other at gunpoint
Why live?

The irony in the picture.

That's been our postmodern normal. Before there was rebellion against an establishment, but rebellion became the establishment, it became what was marketed. Cyberpunk shallowly sells what was once meaningful.


clickbait niggers should be beaten to death for their butchering of the english language

based retardera insanity

but the rate would be of 1:100 though.

How the fuck is every single person mad at this game. This is hilarious.

But Yea Forums in general cries wolf about "censorship" and "doxxing".

Friendly reminder that this single image cause resetera to have a 25 page thread and start a boycott campaign against CDPR and cyberpunk

Then /pol/acks can have a go at each other.
That or they get the bullet.

Hnnng I didn't know i had this fetish

Reminder that this is the tier of fag engaging in the Cyberpunk 2077 targeted hate campaign.

Attached: image.jpg (2048x2048, 1.88M)

Do you think people like this suffered too much and became like this, or not enough?

>implying Yea Forums isn't a bunch of clickbait niggers

Not enough, people like this are supposed to suffer until they've fucking died from it. The game looks kino.

Attached: image.jpg (240x240, 49K)

Not enough.
All of this is what happens when you basically erase resource scarcity for a couple of generations.

I'm not calling it a girl but sure

Thanks for reminding me of Jade Cocoon 2 fucker

they're not pandering at all, did you read the dev's response? them having a transexual person on the cover was because the corporations were commercializing and objectifying everything they could. it was a statement that the corporations in the game will objectify anyone for profit