Dying Light 2

Thoughts on Dying Light 2? I'm not hearing much discussion on this game.



Attached: Dying Light 2.png (820x462, 493K)

that's the problem

What do you mean?

It looks interesting! Though I think because they haven't showed us much more than a mildly new trailer, there isn't much to discuss.

They seem to be adding more fluid and natural movement, as well as a more interesting setting in this sequel. That's got me interested.

However our protagonist has a stupid name, and from what I've seen, there's not much new info

I dont see why they shove the story so hard, the fun of DL1 was the combat and parkour with a friend just fucking around doing stupid shit

i wanted a release for this year so bad.

not happening champ

well at least we have a confirmed date now. im really looking forward to the game, loved the first

I hope there's less emphasize on guns like it shoulda been, I'll just be glad to dropkick zombies into and off more things.
And no fucking meathead giganigga zombies, those were fucking boring.

Because the gameplay doesn’t need much improvement, but the writing and story definitely did.

the same thoughts I had on the first 5 minutes before breaking up my crowbar cause reasons
>it will be another groceries simulator with zombies

enjoy your story

Attached: Chris Avellone soylent.png (463x840, 352K)

Maybe if they fucking showed some new gameplay.

shit fucking protagonist killed the hype

looks like an improvement over the first game I guess

>first game is great
>second game is more of the same with a bit more great shit
it'll probably be great, not much else to discuss though.

What's there to discuss, there's literally nothing more to it. Same shit aka zombie apocalypse but now with small society where political groups struggle for domination. It's been done over and over and over. Boring as shit. Gameplay wise I don't really think anyone has ever given two shits about it.

Is The Following canon? Also, RIP Jade. I'd have race mixed with her

That Yea Forums is a board for drama and not game discussion I guess.

i hope hard difficulty isnt explicitly for new game + this time
>start on hard
>have to break 4 wrenches to kill a zombie
>unlock all the parkour zombie murder skills
>hard is now too easy

You should try the Nightmare mode.

So what kind of factions have been introduced so far? Like I want to remove those police state fuckers from every district at least to keep the anarchy levels high.

I want more gameplay showing him moving around the city that isn't just fast clips of movement. Part of what I enjoyed in the first was looking down from the roofs in areas and seeing all the zombies shuffling around down below. Based on those two vids you posted this one seems more focused on the human combat with the zombies being the background enemy.

the onions meme is so fucking stale

Attached: Frohman.png (603x610, 860K)

>MC from DL1 is the new sentient volatile after the following
>escapes into some high populated city
Hope we see more of him