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Other urls found in this thread:


Here's your real life Tifa bro

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Her chink face is more of a disappointment to me especially considering they hired a western main artist specifically to keep that sort of design creep at bay.

Ysah, Im cringing that this has unironically been Yea Forums for the past week

She doesn't look bad, desu.

Better than what we got

They're the reason she's popular.

>waaaa people have different opinion from mine so I make a thread because I am so asshurt

We haven't seen her Corneo mission outfit yet.
Maybe her boobs are just being compressed by her sports bra.

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They're the reason she's popular with incels*

Pretty much, yeah. Literal 14 year olds arguing about tit size.

Not everything revolves around your teenage fantasies. I jacked off to her many times as a kid and I don't give a flying fuck if she has big tits or not as long as the game is actually good.

kill yourself

Name ONE (1) thing wrong with being incel without resorting to virgin shaming.

>waaaa im assmad over different opinions and totally not the fact that this topic has taken up half of Yea Forums threads at any given time waa

is the ntr safe ?

Attached: tifa ntr.jpg (400x300, 31K)

>goes to Square Enix headquarters
>imparts helpful constructive criticism onto Nomura san
>gets corralled into a pig pen

How and why did this happen?

Self identified heterosexual white males resorting to celibacy because they are too socially inept to leave the house.

It's a tough market, with no longterm security and high risk consequences. I don't blame incels. The bitterness and aggression though is hard to empathize with

How to get guaranteed replies?

Try killing yourself tranny boy

Bitter jaded 20 year old white boys, do I need to say anything else?

>The bitterness and aggression though is hard to empathize with
Yeah there's that. Incels need to chill desu. I keep telling them to get a 2D waifu instead but they won't listen. They're completely *obsessed* with 3DPD. No wonder they go mad.

The game is bad because development was restarted 2 years ago. The game is going to be a disaster because it has 15s combat system which will get old really quickly. The game is a fucking abomination because you don't even leave midgar in the game, which is 1/10th of the content of the entire game. It will take a decade for you to play a game that you have already beaten and know the story of. Sad part is VII isn't even the best FF, not even top 5.

Enjoy paying 180 dollars over a decade for a shitty game.

Try playing a vidya for more than tatas retard


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No, it's the fucking ridiculous amount of hentai consumed by fucking retards in the pan of 20 years that led them to believe that tifa had somehow massive tits from the start when she doesn't

Nah, imply that Tifa fucked Johnny. Always get the blood flowing in more ways than one.

>it has 15s combat system
I don't think that's true.

- some mouthbreathing retard

Does anyone actually care about the gameplay?
Tits this tits that


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It's slightly updated but the principle is the same. Press X to keep attacking and select a skill once and a while. Even has the same dodge animation. It's trash.

it pretty much makes have wrong, subjective opinions about everything related to sex and woman
who cares about having or not having sex, its about attitude, you are like a literal kid that goes "waa waa tranny tranny" when you clearly have a shit opinion based on subjective view on everything

this but unironically though

And what was ATB like?

Nope you are playing for chestlet and you are going to like it. Fag.

I unironically agree. Old school Tifa (sad I have to say that) got me through some tough times. It's ironic that the same people constantly complaining about SOCIETY trap themselves in its fictional set of rules.

Love your waifu. I have a gf, and I still love mine LOOK WHAT THOSE NIPS DID TO MY WAIFU

I don't mind people discussing her chest. People always done that, even between AC and the game.
But these days you faggots gotten so extreme in your mentality that you actually seem to visualize her as complete DFC to justify your faked outrage. And her nose is too sharp, her jaw to square, her hair not long enough and a whole onslew of retardation i never seen before.
Why must you extaggerate and be so extreme? Where's the sincerity? Why is all the kids today "ironic" shitposters chasing reasons to be mad, even creating their own when none can be found?

Do you think this post wasnt unironic to begin with

no its not, people who already have played the demo keep saying its not like FFXV at all

The fundamental foundation of final fantasy games. Turned based ATB allowed for emergent story telling when you would gain a guest and they would leave later on. It's much more tactical and fun to play then playing a watered down, shitty "action" rpg game with no combos or anything just pressing fucking X all day.

FF7 is a special game and we love it for it's attitude and design and special futuristic atmosphere

what's the point of playing a remake of it when it looks nothing like people envisioned the original and it looks like advent children instead? other than "it's the remake of a popular game, PLEASE BE EXCITED"

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One thing you should learn about Yea Forums. Gameplay over titties up until the creator removes tits for the sake of making a statement. This is basically an attack on the userbase for essentially being heterosexual men, so it offends them enough to let a game fail regardless of gameplay.

It's a contradictory idea, since Yea Forums will not think a game is good based on tits, but it's just the way it is.

LOL. You know we can watch the videos too right?

Shitpost all you want shill, I'm never buying censored games.

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>tits arent watermelons
>welp there goes the remake boys, nothing like the original, 0/10

...are you actually for real? you cant be this stupid

This but unironically. If I wanted to play FF15 I'd play that piece of shit. I just hope I don't summon HIM

It's not like there's a lot to talk about a moviegame like FFVII, they're not games you play for the gameplay so that's what you get.

So exactly what is being censored

user...I watched the gameplay videos. It is almost identical to the design philosophies of 15. It's just been improved, not that it's saying much. Game will be shit, deal with it.

ok i guess rofl

>square games

>People unironically wanting to replay FF7.

Go back and play the old school version some time. It's not a good game, people only like it because muh nostalgia bullshit.

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As a tiddie enthusiast (with specialization in Anime Tiddies) I'm gonna say the n-word: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiples

character are defined by traits, tifa is sexy,
this tifa isn't sexy, like she cocktease cloud for half the game, remember how one of the first thing you can do is give her flower, remember when tifa goes like "have you slept well?" and one of the answer is "next to you who wouldn't?" imagine all these small details gone to appeal to puritan idiots

imagine if they remade star wars but darth vader was without his helmet, that would totaly be okay too right?

She's hot and really close to her original design.
me happy


Tifa was always shit-tier, the only thing that made her standout to shit-taste having fanboys was her big tits. So yes, when you take away the one thing people actually gave a fuck about Tifa for, they are going to be upset.

I'm just happy as an Aerisfag, because I'm being proven right once again. Tifa is garbage walking tits while Aeris is all-around perfect.

Honestly the only people who "care" about Tifa aside from her tits are SJW and shipperwhale fangirls and that's it.

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Her tits arent as massive so she lost all attractiveness.
Alright incel

Game is going sell 10 million +


>Go back and play the old school version
Was planning on it, because it's actually a good game.

Tifa's tits is an outrage. As a true mommyfag who wants to fuck his own mother, this is an ATTACK on sane fetishism!


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>Big titted character known for having big tits
>Remove big tits
What's left?

>Reduce her tits slightly from the original
>Increase her tits slightly from the original
According to your illness, that too is censorship, right?

t. has never played the original game

Nothing. All Tifa ever was was her ugly saggy tits.

>real life Tifa

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>constantly complaining about SOCIETY trap themselves in its fictional set of rules
The whole incel thing always seemed artificial to me desu.
There's no arguing with them. I'm pretty sure most of them are trolls.
>It's impossible to get a gf if you have bad genetics.
>Alright then so you can't get a gf. So get a waifu instead and stop caring about it. What choice do you have?
They make having a waifu look sane. How crazy is that.
Anyway seems like "incel" is just an insult that means virgin now.

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This but unironically

>model is different in one game versus another
>m-muh censorship


I have, actually. Unlike you underage cucked Tifashitters who think she was ever important or good. She is easily the least important character of the entire cast and only purpose is to fully Cloud around like a femcuck until Aeris dies and he actually starts giving her attention. She was created for the sole-purpose of being a rebound for Cloud after Aeris dies. That's it.

>Literally uses an EDIT as the original comparison
kek, the levels you faggots sink to.
Now, you see, the above IS censorship as they were SHOWN as such before the change.
Meanwhile the bottom is literally the first shown example and the "original" is an edit.
Now if they hide her tummy and pits etc, you'd have a point since she's changed within the same game. But guess what sonny, not yet.

>ugly saggy tits
Cope, no tits

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Stop shilling your shitty jewish waifu faggot

A jew??

I guess I'll wait for mods on PC port.

You know what really angers me? It's how they CENSORED Barret. He looks NOTHING like the original, and his chest is now covered up. THIS WILL NOT STAND
Nobody cares about Jessie so her titplate is irrelevant.

Literally this
You faggots are so assblasted all the time by everything you dont know what actual censorship is anymore.

Yeah, moviegame, like the rest of the franchise sans the NES games and maybe 5.
90% of the "discussion" about this crap has been about Tifa's tits, don't kid yourself, nobody cares about FF's gameplay in any way or shape, not even Square itself, because this garbage never sold for its gameplay.

Tits sell themselves gaylord

>no tits

That's Tifa, though. Aeris always had tits and ass without being saggy and disgusting like your Johnny's used-goods waifu.

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i know right he looks better

0/10 why even bother replying
>Meanwhile the bottom is literally the first shown example and the "original" is an edit.
When you have to be this petty, you're basically admitting you have no argument.
Here you go, faggot.

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Hmm yes, then feel free to explain what made Yuffie, Sith, Red and Vincent more "important" to the plot, zoomey shitposter

Looks like tits all over for the final fantasy 7 remake. Its sad because i always considered it to the breast entry in the series. Oh well. I will always have my fond mammaries of playing it as a young man. This is an udder disgrace.

2/10 bait not even worth a real reply

Disgusting, awful taste

Funny thing that Tifa's breasts in the original game actually aren't that big outside a few cutscenes.

i like big tits but i liked her actual character more
she's still a big titty bitch in a miniskirt in any case

More like literal infants arguing about their food-source. Adults prefer DFC am I rite?

>Tifa: zero plot relevance
>the others you listed: more plot relevance than literally nothing and actually had their own fleshed out stories that didn't entirely revolve around wanting to fuck Cloud and being jealous he won't fuck her until Aeris dies

>ignoring the fact that the combat looks like combat ass
>ignoring the fact that because it's just pixels there was no need to censor her
>ignoring the fact it won't have the comical bits because muh realistic graphix
As always, OP is a faggot.

Except literally DoA was censored from one version of the game to another
A change in model is not censorship you absolute degenerate

>literally the first FF on the ps1
>barely any cutscenes
>implying materia isn't fun
>implying the cast isn't god tier
I know that if they had just remade the game, it would sell like crazy.

Wow...just WOW how can ppl let this slip by so easily....

Her big breasts were part of her character. If they cut that away and censor it its not a good remake. It doesn't show the character how they originally were presented. Not only that, they also changed her clothing, gave her spats and other things. That is not how the original is looking.
Since it is supposed to be a remake, that is valid criticism. If I'm a fan of the old Tifa I should expect to get the old Tifa from back then. Not a heavily changed one that barely looks like the original.

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>This is what muh tifa censorshipfags actually believe
Yeah okay, we're done here. No curing a retard.

and no

>cutscenes is the true interpretation of what the character actually looks like especially in sprite games
>"its just a few scenes guys"

this but unironically

If you don't play games for massive anime titties then you're a faggot

when tits are censored by covering them up with even bigger tits it's okay

Even if you don't like Tifa's new design at least there's going to be more fan art of her now.

Attached: tifa_by_wlop-dbpw0lu.jpg (1024x1024, 145K)

No they are saying it is like XV

Also Barret is just Hold square to win, you don't even need to use Cloud since Barret ATB fills faster and he deals more damage quicker than Cloud and you just hold for Barret


>There's a lot of Final Fantasy XV DNA on show here, but the team has still kept the game incredibly faithful to the PlayStation original.

>disgusting like your Johnny's used-goods waifu.
>Aeris literally fucked Zach
>only attracted to Cloud because he emulated Zach

Attached: 1554750552103.png (418x469, 151K)

>Tifa is the sole reason Cloud joined SOLDIER and why he was so embarrassed he had to hide himself in Niblehiem
>is the one who encourages him to join AVALANCHE
>is the one who helps repairs his mind and realize the truth of his past
>is the one who stands by him at the very end no matter what while the rest of the party were undecided

You are legitimately retarded or only saw Advent Children

Every response so far:
k lol

Do you really want to get btfo'd by gamergate again?

You don't have a "real reply", because there is none. Tifa was created to be Cloud's reabound, every other character has their own story that doens't revolve around Cloud except Tifa. She's not even a main character or a character in her own right, she's just Cloud's side-bitch orbiter.


all have their own stories and journeys

Tifa's story is just padding to Cloud's and begins and ends with him. She doesn't stand on her own and does nothing. Absolutely nothing for the overarching story.

Meanwhile Aeris saves the entire fucking planet.

Sure, the game might be SHIT, but if her tits was big, i'd buy 10 copies because that's the most important thing about video games these days. Porn addiction and overtiltilation is a part of our generations identity after all.

>character is built through dialogue and events unfolding


What an insightful answer, zoomer-kohai.

This but unironically.

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*tried to join SOLDIER before I get nitpicked

Adding black fabric in order to cover up skin is in fact censorship.
If this was Tifa's first appearance, you would have a point, but it's not.

You're not getting my money, shillcuck.

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Suprisingly, there's not that much new stuff, while that brown pokegirl got like several pages on the 34 sites already. And she's negative flat even.

I'm not for censorship. They absolutely did censor Tifa's tits, but my point is that she was always garbage and that's the only thing people cared about when it came to her.

She's a shit. Always has been, always will be and you Tifacucks deserve no less than getting cucked by censorship for trying to force your garbabe waifu so hard. Even the Japanese know it's true.

nice lips

That tends to tell me they don't pay attention to her actual character, just the fanart, and fap to the porn. Which fine, fap to the porn, I'm not going to shit on you for that.

No, they made Aerith ugly too

>every female character looks like a fucking tranny

Why did they make Jessie the cutest girl?

>Post yfw when you pirate it on PC and mod it to get back old school Tifa

It's like Square is telling me not to give them money.

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>>barely any cutscenes
You gotta be kidding me.
The entire game without its prerended cutscenes could fit in ONE disc instead of three, and this is without considering the numerous in game cutscenes too.
>>implying materia isn't fun
>>implying the cast isn't god tier
They're both trash.
>it would sell like crazy.
Mainline FF sells on its name regardless of anything, stop trying to pretend your baby shit is anything but casual movietrash

You're so wrong i can't even bother to deconstruct everything about your post that is wrong. Have this last (you) on the house.

Looks like we're dealing with an Aeris-fag here. If you were a Yuffie-fag, we could maybe get along

So if I change a character's outfit, it is censorship. Good to know

>"its part of the character"
>lol its her sole character trait

Aeris never fucked Zack and she never made Cloud sit outside and sent him away so she could "catch up" with Johnny like Tifa did. Not only is your waifu have a garbage personality, no relevance and ugly saggy tits (that don't exist anymore kek), but she was a fucking slut too.

delusional and thanks for confirming that Tifa is not a character at all, just a plot device for Cloud's story unlike the entire rest of the cast

I like her new threads, but am perplexed why her gloves aren't red anymore. They kinda stood out to her colour scheme after all so it's a weird oversight/change

All the people that are ok with her current remake design are just playing dumb.

Here you go

Attached: IMG_20190613_192723323.jpg (1192x670, 95K)

>The entire game without its prerended cutscenes could fit in ONE disc instead of three
Do you want to know how I know you haven't beat the game?

She leads the party while Cloud is mindfucked for a while before Cid takes over

Tifa's sole reason for accompnying Cloud is because she knows his mind is messed up from how he recalls the Nibelheim incident but she's her own character you retard. She wants revenge on Sephiroth, gets jealous when Aerith flirts with Cloud, is reserved and caring being the mother of the group.

You nerds can argue all you want. Meanwhile i'll be banging Tifa and even apply kneesocks and longer armbands.

Attached: Tif2.jpg (581x1032, 112K)


She had no character. The only reason she got memed was because of her tits. You retards pretending people liked her for other things are hilarious and are just proven wrong every single day that people complain about her tits.

Sounds like you heard about that one scene and your incel cuckold fetish seems to be triggered kek

>for a PS4 exclusive

They're doing that to save color bits on her color palette.

She had character. Big character. HUGE character. So much character I couldn't fit my hands around them.

What's Barret's character again? Angry black man? Should have just changed his skin color

post more

No, you're wrong and you have garbage taste and you can sit here and seethe about Tifa's tits because that's the only thing anyone cares about when it comes to her and even that is gone. Enjoy your titless shitty waifu. I'll be over here laughing at you forever and enjoying my always perfect waifu Aeris.

Stay seething that I have good taste and my waifu always wins. Enjoy your billion Tifa tit threads of people complaining about how shit she is now and realizing she always was.

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Kys faggot, this has nothing to do with tifa thread go wank to your disgusting jewish whore with saggy tits somewhere else

link to uncensored version pls senpai

You know the dress will be longer, have no cleavage window, and cover more skin.

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>my waifu always wins
user.....Aeris dies

Is this a doll?

Are these big enough?

Attached: Tif3.jpg (581x1032, 64K)

Have sex.

>she has no character and revolves completely around Cloud and is a shit

I know.

t. cuck

Maybe they change as she equips different weapons

I'm tempted to post more just because of how mad this has made you.

>Permanent panty shot
Sure, I don't like her small boobs either, but having her panties be seen all the time is cringe. Panty shots are meant to be rare and quick, not something that you see all the time. That's why it's called panty "shot".

Looks like a doll user

And? She's still better than Tifa. Always has been, always will be. Now Tifa doesn't even have tits anymore. The one thing people liked her for. This is what you get for having shit taste. Aeris will remain perfect and young. While Tifa just gets worse as time goes by. In-universe and otherwise.

There is of course more to Tifa than just that. But its part of her character nonetheless. If I can't have a remake with Tifa that looks the closest to the original then I don't want it at all.
A remake has to be as close to the original as possible. It fails to be a remake in that case, by censoring and changing parts of the game and it definitely doesn't offer me the characters how they originally were meant to look like.

More more more

How expensive is a Tifa doll?
Can I borrow her?

Your waifu is shit, and dead

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>Taking some quick edit that fucking literal
It's to show that the panties exist now, that's all.
I bet you're one of those fucking morons thought the editing out of the black under her shirt was an attempt to edit out the abs too, you moron, you absolute fucking buffoon

What, you didn't think i'd degrade myself to actual 3dpd?
Pretty cheap, costume, shipping, customization, internal heating skeleton and doll included, put me at about 1100 dollars. She's also the same height/bust as Tifa's official measurements

Attached: Tif5.jpg (1032x581, 160K)

Based user, I'm glad there are more of us.

I'll explain retard.
Her backstory fleshes geopolitics of Gaia. Through her character player learns more facts about Shinra being at war with Wutai for a very long time and and that it had massive effects on the latter. You see how cruel the company is to those who try to actively oppose them. You also see the result of war in Yuffie's character - a lost child trying all the means to rebuild her home (although more in a comic relief way, but when you look at her motivations it really is sad).
Fleshes the story of experiments that lead to creation of sephiroth. Through his perspective you see who Hojo was and what he was trying to acomplish together with Lucrecia. You also learn more about the Turks and their role to protect Shinra officials.
Spy in the group, in the end he turns out to be the most caring person and a genuine protector of the weak (Reeve). I'm really upset Reeve wasn't properly fleshed out in OG but I hope it will change. Due to existance of Cait's character you see how cunning Shinra is and how they desparately try to get in the way - and with a plot twits of him becoming the good guy in the end.
You learn about other sentient species of Gaia and that the planet has many other cultures other than humans and the cetra. He fleshes out the story of his tribe, although I do agree there should be more to it.
Literally a girl next door trope and her story revilves solely about Cloud and there REALLY isn't more about her, sadly. All we know that at some point she becomes concerned about the planet and decides to help Barret and Avalanche but HOW and WHY we DON'T know. her other motivations aren't shown in the OG becuase there was nothing to her story other than Cloud. Sad.

Absolutely fucking based.
Where'd you get her?

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There is more to Tifa than tits, but not much and it's all shit. Every other character has more personality and story than her. That's why everyone hyper-focused on her tits, there was nothing else that was special at all about her.

Meanwhile Aeris was loved for both her personality and her looks. And it can't be denied how important she was to the story and Cloud's journey.

That's the difference. Cloud is important to Tifa's story, but she's not important to his or the overall story.

Aeris is a huge factor in Cloud's story and the main story from beginning to end. Even the official sypnosis says as much and it's always been true.


Led by an illusion from the past that he wants to erase, he meets HER.


The flower girl offered a yellow flower.


The meaning of the flower is…. “REUNION."

その利那、ふたりを取り囲む黒い影 — 《運命の番人》。

The black shadow that surrounds the pair is— "the guardian of fate”

Give it up, Tifacucks. Your waifu has never been good or relevant and you're only hurting yourselves more by still holding on.

Attached: remakestory.png (692x847, 546K)

This. If you see them all the time, they grow boring. Same with tits, ass, everything. That's what older MEN mean by "more is less" because they've seen so much less there's no tiltilation or anything new to unwrap with bare tits and panties all over the place.

Imagine if Yabuki brought back To Love Ru and made Lala flat as a board

Tifa's story is literally tied to Cloud's. Are you fucking retarded? Did you play the fucking game?

No, she's perfect and always was. Everyone loves her new design, calling her perfect and beautiful. Meanwhile Yea Forums is full of threads saying how garbage your waifu looks. Everyone knows Nomura and SE clearly took more care and time to keep Aeris beautiful. The only one who gives a fuck about shitty Tifa is you underage retards in the West. Even Japan called you out.

>I did not played second disc The Post

Sigh. Tifa was way more important to Cloud. Also, I think you did not played Crisis Core.

>If you see them all the time, they grow boring
Only if you're gay.

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I'm really only interested in Yuffie out of 7's cast and I want to see how much they redesign with her, should be little to nothing as her design is pretty inoffensive and not to suggestive. Might button up her pants though.

Attached: Yuffie official.png (337x566, 165K)

That's exactly how I felt about blowing off 2B's skirt.

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>it's actually a doll
I think he was just teasing you

Aha, in what way does this refute my point? Its still changed from the original, making it a bad remake by default.
I'm not much into Tifa anyway but I understand her importance to many.

She's dead user. Now you get to see her die again, and Cloud return to himself which involves Tifa and the whole point of his arc.

God damn fucking morons. Just play the game, then come back here and bitch. You sound like you played Kingdom Hearts and fell in love with a lie. I was happy when Aeris died. Her personality was fucking annoying

>tifacucks have brain damage and lack basic comprehension

I knew, but it's still funny to actually see you put it on full-display for everyone.

Tifa's story completely revolves around Cloud's, not the other way around. She's a side character in his story, she doesn't have her own. Every other charater has their own story and it doesn't completely revolve around Cloud. No one cares about Tifa, not even SE that's why she was just created to be Cloud'd rebound and they gave her big milkers so people would forgive the fact that she didn't have a fleshed out or relevant palce in the story.

>ask for a more realistic FFVII
>get a more realistic FFVII
Literally what is the problem? Are you also upset that Cloud's hair isn't made of massive spikes anymore? Better visual fidelity means you don't have to exaggerate proportions. This is a faithful version of what the original graphics were meant to represent.

shenzhen yiyi technology at alibaba. Took about 8-9 days before it was at the door. Granted, it's not just Tifa, but all vidya chars i want to bang. Arkham Harley, Chunners, a couple of anime girls like Yoko and Hestia etc etc.
Also works VERY well with VR porn.

Attached: Saint VR Kanojo.jpg (774x1032, 193K)

>Tifa was important
>Crisis Core

My fucking sides. Tifashitters are the worst.

I wish the designers delete that stupid thing from her arm, it looks so retarded and weird.

Made in China right?

Well Cloud is the main character. Are you retarded? All other characters beside Cloud are side characters. How do you dismiss the importance of the Childhood Friend? Unless you're a dumb fag that never played the game

The thigh high socks aren't faithful.

You HOLD down square to attack with Cloud according to Max

Awhh that's very considerate of you to let your doll believe she's fucking Chad in VR.

>ask for a more realistic FFVII
Nobody asked for a realistic remake. They just wanted a remake. Who the fuck wants realism in a video game?

No one cares Tifafuck, Aeris is loved by all fans and her new design is praised and SE is clearly putting more care into her than they ever will for Tifa. That's why Aeris is in all of the trailers and is a main focus and with Cloud for all the marketing. Because she's an actual main character and Cloud meeting her is the pivotal moment/turning point of the ENTIRE story. That's why it's in the official synopsis as such.

that sounds like something Andrew Ryan would say, without the God part

Kek, well played

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A very popular aesthetic choice in japan, where i think the game is being made

Why is your first thought getting cucked?

Do it.

>Because she's an actual main character and Cloud meeting her is the pivotal moment/turning point of the ENTIRE story
>dies not even halfway through the game

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It fits Tifa after all, since that bit with her and Johnny.



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Don't bother with them mate. The truth will never get to their thick skulls, just let them drool over Tifa and give it a rest.

>Literally a girl next door trope and her story revilves solely about Cloud and there REALLY isn't more about her, sadly. All we know that at some point she becomes concerned about the planet and decides to help Barret and Avalanche but HOW and WHY we DON'T know. her other motivations aren't shown in the OG becuase there was nothing to her story other than Cloud. Sad.


(I know that this is bait but I just don't fucking belive that this retard ignores whole Nibelheim and Mideel arc along with Mako Incident)

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Maybe I spend too much time here.

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We're well aware of how badly that scene hurt you

>Cloud is the main character

Debatable seeing as Aeris almost has more plot relevance than he does, as does Sepiroth, but just for the sake of argument you still can't use it to defend Tifa because every other "side character" has their own story and journey that doesn't completely revolve around Cloud.

You clearly have brain damage and know nothing about storytelling if you think that's how it works. That just because Tifa completely revolves around the main character that somehow make her important. She's only important if she is important to the main character and the overall story. She's not. He has his own story completely separate from her and she important people to his story are Zack, Sepiroth, and Aeris.

Aeris has her own story and journey separate from Cloud's, and while their relationship is important she doesn't revolve around him. He revolves around her more than she doe around him. You see? Are you starting to understand Tifacuck?

I really just hate her new outfit. hopefully PC mods fix it

Oof! 3D render or what?

>implying American made sex dolls won't be higher quality than chink slit shit

how long until Tifa, Aeris, and Yuffie's models are ripped?

I want to see HD details on their assholes. See every single hair.

No it's not debatable at all. Cloud is literally the MC, you know, the one you can't switch out of the party? The main character? The one you follow through the whole story, learning his past and his secrets? From his perspective?

Did you play the game? Can you answer that question or did you watch some Youtuber's summary and call it good enough kek

Yep, it's all true. Die mad about it. That's why Aeris is in all the trailers and is a main focus and the official synopsis of the ENTIRE story focuses on her meeting with Cloud. Tifa will never be relevant and SE has clearly showed how little of a fuck they give about her by botching her design and taking away the one thing she had going for her.

Meanwhile they made sure Aeris was beautiful and perfect and promptly listened to fans who loved her. You will get no such treatment for Tifa, stay cucked.

Just remember, Aeris always wins.

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is tifa's lack of tits a gay psy op?

You and me both know that in maybe 5 years or so, everyone will look back and love Tifa again. This is just the reveal "shock" from E3 that happens every fucking year causing mass shitposting over everything for a week

>when you die you win
Interesting. You should follow that line of thinking and kys

Only incels and feminist/trannies care. Everyone else literally will just play the game and mostly enjoy it and all of this fucking yelling and crying will amount to exactly nothing other than incels and trannies becoming even more mentally ill than they were before.

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>Aeris always wins.
except for in part 3 where she will be a corpse at the bottom of a lake and cloud and tifa will have sex in an open field

Yeah I know. Tifashitters don't even understand the basics of storytelling. Their brain has been diseased and deformed by ugly cowmilk from Tifa's deflated tits.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting lad.

Girl from the same town Cloud is from. Very popular like every other girl her age, likes martial arts, cucks Cloud. Such personality, much wow. Cries her mom died, like every other child would dueing such event.
Yet again her part in this again revolves ALL around Cloud, we learn absolutely NOTHING about her other than she saw what really happened in Nibelheim and that she was lying to Cloud about it all throughout the first disc.

And that's basically all about Tifa. Just Cloud and what else? Tits (which are almost gone now).

>Everyone else literally will just play the game
How many people played and LOVED FF15 again?

They would but it would also be way more expensive. But at least workers get paid decent wages and they'll spend it in the US, etc.
American companies might consider that whole business to be too risky though.

And whos gonna stop him

folks, let's be real here
jessie = elena >= yuffie > tifa > scarlet > marlene > priscilla > aeris

it'll remain this way even in the new game

Attached: yuffie for sure definitely.jpg (794x1000, 187K)

>responding to yourself
These threads kek I never thought I'd encounter someone this dumb on Yea Forums

I should have known better

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>My internet REE chambers are real life
Most people who played it were okay with it because most people are normalfags who are okay with anything.

And I repeat: Only incels and trannies care about vidya tiddy shit and their REEing on the internet results in nothing more than them being more depressed, angry and low IQ than they were before.

Attached: automobiletheft.png (1344x524, 33K)

All your seething isn't going to fix Tifa's tits. SE doesn't care about her. Never did, never will. They rushed to change Aeris and everyone loves her design. Aeris always coming out on top despite you trying to force your ugly cowtit waifu for years. karma is a bitch.

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>we learn absolutely NOTHING about her other than she saw what really happened in Nibelheim and that she was lying to Cloud about it all throughout the first disc
Which I'm assuming you didn't get passed kek

You sound awfully mad, bucko.

Ah, the "Snowflake's choice" selection

Put the arrows the other way and you'll get true patrician taste, because now you present the philistine way with yourself

So you come onto a video game board known for complaining about things they care about and grew up with, and criticize them for that? Smart, almost smart as your strawman argument

>Aeris always coming out on top
*sinks to the bottom*

Attached: file.png (475x333, 171K)

See you in the 10 billionth Tifa thread seething about how ugly and garbage she is now. I love reminding you she always was.

Even Japanese Tifacucks are seething. My sides!

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>Any sort of criticism is whining
You're far worse than them.

And all of your sad, obsessed love will never bring her back to life. When this piece of shit is released, I'll make sure to post her death scenes daily. Though what, we'll get to that in a decade? ahhahahah fuck Squeenix

Wow you have such great counterarguments, I'm left speechless. Tifacuck.

Oh no......

Attached: 1526235734835684579.png (1262x882, 763K)

Cope harder.

I played FF7 multiple times since 1999, and think that this is Tifa’s best design to date. Females don’t always have to have stupid proportions and dress like AV models. Have sex, Yea Forums.

I can't hear you over the sound of Tifa's tits deflating. All that sour milk

All that sour milk mad your brain rotten kek

I like to remind you shitters that Nomura is the same guy who made a movie just to let everyone know that Aeris is still alive inside of Cloud. You are delusional if you think he's going to throw you Tifacucks a bone and her botched design is already proof.

Aeris winning all day every day.

Attached: memetic legacy.gif (432x288, 408K)

I've been here since 2006. I didn't "come here and criticize" someone. I literally wash here before all of this stupid SJW bullshit consumed everything and basically, fuck you doublenigger and ur a faget

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I like cute girls, user
cute girls with personality
aeris is cute, sure, but that's it

>Tifacucks think Nomura is going to give their waifu anything
>already fucked up her design, she looks like a PS3 character with zero tits


Aeris is the true waifu of SE and Nomura. This is our game. Go home, losers. Get cucked by Tifa again.

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What are you talking about, Tifa looks the same! Doesn't look ugly as fuck at all and I'm sure the people pretending to like her remake have played the original game.

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FF7 is still bad even without Tifa's massive knockers. They just served as a distraction from the shitty, plot-hole-ridden story and garbage characters.

All this remake needed to do was prove it and show how insufferable its fanboys are. And whaddya know, here we are.

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>cute girls with personality
Seems your bar for personality is very low.


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I never said priscilla had personality
but she has more personality than aeris

This looks like an early ps3 game wtf?

>I'm too tired to laugh at Tifa


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What's a good game to you then?



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>Tifa is unimportant to the plot

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Lmao, characterfags are even more retarded than shipfags. I used to hate such threads but now I enjoy them more than anything else from the fiasco the Remake is going to be.

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Can anyone explain to me why there is a group of people so hellbent on policing the culture on this board?


Yeah man just enjoy product and don't complain.

Get censored faggot, play a game for the game and play a hentai for the hentai.
On a real note, DoA censorship and ff7 remake are not even close to the same thing

Timed exclusive

>when asked about if Tifa and Cloud had a romantic relationship after VII, Nomura responded "I have no idea"


Tifacucks are going to get shit on the entire time and this is only the beginning. Based Nomura.

>tfw Nomura kills Tifa instead of Aeris


Attached: 1557449962538.gif (540x270, 2.33M)

But that's not how you spell Tifa. She is as bland as her new design.

>don't pay attention to her actual character

>original was meant to represent
It's called Final Fantasy, Cloud is literally a spiky haired big-sword wielding anime boy. No one asked for realism.

Also, literally all her original official artworks and depictions are stylized pseudo-anime style, not ugly roastie 3DPD style that doesn't go for fantasy. See You didn't play the original, you're either a zoomer or a tranny that likes seeing yourself in a game.

>Tifa literally saves Cloud from the Lifestream
>Fights a Weapon and kicks ass while he goes all Hot Wheels
What did she do that was so important again? Besides be a vehicle for the plot to move forward i.e. being the last Cetra? Oh yeah she "loves" Cloud because he acts like Zack kek

>On a real note, DoA censorship and ff7 remake are not even close to the same thing

yep it just looks like the same thing and covers the same spots

OP eternally BTFO

Attached: Maximum_Lel.jpg (682x600, 225K)

They hate big natural tits because they cannot compete with anything that beautiful. EVER

Then the plot would be pointless dickhead, again did you play the game?

How are these not big? You geeks need to chill

Attached: 0eHAbgr.jpg (2616x1898, 1M)

Name 5 girls with designs like hers.
It's her old simple design that basically is a bland generic template. Like Lara with tanktop and shorts instead of skirt.

>Nomura kills Tifa instead of Aeris
and throw advent children into the trash?

Cloud cared more for Aerith than he ever has for Tifa.

I really like how each of these posts are followed by plenty that "somehow" wasn't good enough for this image. Hmm
And yes, EOP, the number before the "names" is the post number in that thread.

Enjoy your censored game bro; you'll have to wait like 7 years to play the full thing but at least you're loyal, right?

america needs to be nuked, fuck all you burgers

Oh boy, another le epic JOKER wanting to watch the world burn by the death of his hobby.
Probably the same cuck that enters any hot seller title and scream what a blunder of the century it was.

Why are you so mad Yea Forums?


Come at me bro.

She basically saves the Planet with holy powers and guiding the Lifestream, are you mentally challenged??? And if not for her protection Tifa and Cloud would die in the Lifestream current.

I don't get it. Tifa looked perfect in pretty much every incarnation all throughout diffferent games and movies. They didn't have to censor what's under her top when it comes to her iconic original design. And it happened around the same time Dead or Alive was censored the same way. Realism is cancer.

Attached: 1544429050242.jpg (882x588, 86K)

she's clearly wearing a bra
pop that bra off and then her tits will be free

fix yo shit, let me enjoy some fucking big titties and fat arses for gods sake

I'm just shitting on that stupid cunt, but I do need to play the game again.



Attached: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg (500x500, 24K)

free those titties from the sports bra

>source: just trust me bro

Is "redesign" the new"localization"?


Yea Forums has turned into Resetera. They'll defend literally anything, even whiteknight for this uncanny goblina remake.

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she looks terrible holy shit

>pop that bra off and then her tits will be free

Her tits are just as big guys we just can't see them and never will but they are there

Okay, if you want people to think you're not trolling you should at least fucking try

do you not know how bras work
I already know the answer user

see? this contradicts her original stylized look and doesn't work in a 'muh realism' type of game

Here you go youtube.com/watch?v=g_SgvAb8W9M

Where are my Aerith bros

I mean, with mods we will

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We're too pussy whipped right now, I'm sorry. Hopefully one day we destroy the current media.

I didn't know she was used goods wtf

You know all the troubles can be traced back to you?

they're getting therapy on their lithp

>assmad that people have differing opinions than his differing opinion

Yeah, and what does it even prove to you retard?

she dies ahahaha

Ah so you're strawmannning me as an incel to deflect from how wrong you are. Smart

You can criticize, but you in the end are doing nothing of worth and still are consuming media.

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dutch actually

Imagine being OP and unironically defending this cuckery.

guys I found a website called aerisdies.com, is that true?

That was you btw

That was you btw

Aerith actually suicided without even telling Cloud out of egotistical bitch tedencies (as expected of a "flower girl")
Sure, her greater good concept was swell (entering the lifestream to fuck up the alien virus), but the way she went about it fucked cloud up so hard he blamed himself for her planned suicide.

I agree OP. All fantasy females should wear a burqa or niqab from now on.

Inshallah brother.

no I'm saying you're too retarded to know how a bra works

Uhh the brain of a literal child?
Incels have the mental capacity of somebody who has the essential 4 years of schooling

How did that even happen? What the fuck kek

She is perfect.....

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Go fight the others, characterfag.

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you'd better do it fast, i'm preparing this nuke as we speak

So why didn't anyone whine about Barret's redesign? How his chest was covered up?
I thought you said it was okay when it was EQUAL treatment instead of semi nude dudes and nun outfits for the girls.

No boobs no buy. Seethe more tranny

I think it's just desperate weebs in-denial that the most well known titty monster in vidya is now a vietnamese ladyboy. They still want to like the remake so they lie to themselves.

Attached: Boing.gif (320x224, 1.92M)

And you're too stupid to realize you'll never see those tits outside of that "bra"

This is a fucking video game we're talking about btw, I don't need bra physics I want big Tifa titties not tranny happy hour. Oh good! The homosexuals can cosplay now, I'm so happy.

Nah, they're guud bois too busy puffing weed, but the eternal anglo? They all work together as a hivemind of evil.

Aerith saved the planet and cured the plague from beyond the grave. Even in death she is the most useful character.

Because no one noticed faggot.

user are you ok

Pretty much, Sony is literally dictating the content of third party titles. If they don't redisign "problematic" content they won't see a PS release. Son(y)ggers once again ruining everything.

They can't admit Barret's redesign is better because they'd be doubling back on more clothing being censorship.
These same people will tell you handing the CGI to another in house company isn't outsourcing and that Tifa's tit jiggle on the Highwin wasn't fanservice.
They're mentally ill manchildren that only ever seen porn of a character pretending they're huge fans of her

It was my question to you, moron. I'm not native speaker. But why do you think Cloud's taken Zack personality, you said that in your previous posts, idiot? When Cloud never fucking acted like Zack during OG. He was cold, distant and pretentious. Care to answer?

those tits

Attached: 1549621565553.png (1920x800, 751K)

Delete this incel

im saying im dutch my lad

Shant fall for your tricks anglo

god nu-tifa looks like some fanmade shit with some tumblr undertones

She truly is, especially in close ups...

Attached: Screenshot_20190613-214956~2.png (951x1488, 1.57M)

How can anyone defend this shit literally looks like a a WOKE twitter edit

Not a fan of her face to be honest.


fucking have sex


Play the fucking game Rajeet I don't have the patience right now.

If you tell someone you are gonna commit suicide they would only try and stop you.

Feelin fine. I'm not the one defending shitty design choices saying IT'S JUST A BRA GUISE

Leave roastie

Go cry in the corner, americuck.

>Yeah respect the art form

No jiggle = no buy

Cloud is just a racist, sexist, xenophobe bigot.
Her body, her choice.

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It not censorship guys its localliz-I mean a redesign

FF7fags deserve nothing less. Based Squeenix making a sjw version of Tifa to punish them for being casuals who don't play the good jrpgs.

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Kek maybe you should just play the game if you care so much dipshit

Did I hit a nerve?

Attached: 409.png (600x753, 604K)

When they come for yours, I won't weep for you. Of course you're too much of a pussy to even state what your favorite games are, so there's that


>biggest tits in the game
>"waaah they're so small"
seethe more weebcuck

Attached: __cirno_and_daiyousei_hidd….gif (510x510, 690K)

I'm trying to decipher your post

You really are mad, holy shit hahah, sad americuck, I pity you and your lack of brain.

There are actual cheaply made $5 hentai games that have a better looking Tifa. And a lot of fanmade designs and render that put this gookshit to shame.



That was your post kek

The point is why would they change the size? This is a rhetorical question

>No bewbs and covered up because they wanna avoid getting M rated
>This games are T rated
>Soul calibur V
>Tekken 7
>Street Fighter V
Uhm .

Attached: IvySC6.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Seriously even I have bigger boobs than her and I'm a guy.


Based factsposter killing all the bandwaggoner zoomers once again

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we arr rook rike Tifa since the originar game-u

They also changed the model from having twelve polygons to a couple thousand and are forcing you to buy a completely new console as opposed to just being able to play it on your PlayStation but I don't see you raging about that.

Tell me about the Zoomers, why do they hate big tits and beautiful women without tattoos?

Here's your new Tifa, bro.

Attached: -------.jpg (580x358, 33K)

And this was yours. Any normal person who played the game would get mad at such idiotic statement of americuck who lacks the comprehension of story and what's going on in the OG.

I've wanted a remake for decades, I just knew it would be like this after the way FF13 went. They can't kill the original, but they can ruin whatever expectation was left for these dumb nips

stylized characters over ugly realism all day every day. Fuck this tranny tifa. Notmytifa.

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holy shit those low poly stockings dont even look like they are from the same game

>Zack dies in front of Cloud
>Cloud is in a near zombie like state from being pumped full of Materia
>takes on the personality of the guy he looked up to
Obviously he doens't know who Aeris is you fucking street shitter, but the way he acted was pure Zack. Play Crisis Core or just youtube the cutscenes you ESL faggot fuck

Are you saying someone who is the only way to save all life across the planet shouldn't be free to decide if she has to leave the mortal plane?
Have SJWs crept so deep under your skin that you'd rather everything get horribly corrupted and eaten rather than letting a girl decide to save the planet with her life?

You faggots are trying too hard being too extremist over it. Fuck off if you can't behave like a normal person.

And now they're yelling at each other for some reason

>Fuck off if you can't behave like a normal person

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Cringe, yet redpilled. Fuck the dilating discord faggots who want us to think that this is Tifa.

Normal is boring

Nomura seems to think it is.
Does his opinion not matter now?


>playy CC
found the fucking zoom zoom americuck. Cloud had Zack mannerisms of perfect Soldier but not fucking personality. I've explained it two times already. Zack was overal cheerful, enthusiastic, hopeful for the future kind of guy. Cloud was cold, off putting and distant fag who didn't care much about others until later in the game.
Do some comprehension enabling activities mate, giga americuck.

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No, he is not a true gamer.

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>Cloud was cold, off putting and distant fag who didn't care much about others until later in the game
And why was that user? Maybe he had been getting HOJO'D for God knows how long? Maybe he didn't really understand what had happened to him? Maybe he was emulating what he THOUGHT was Zack's personality or what he thought a Soldier would be like? Maybe he reverted to an element of his childhood self before he failed to get into SOLDIER?

Maybe you're also a late term abortion, but we'll leave that for later

>implying no one cried when capcom changed Dante into an edgy teen faggot

I don't get it. They just made her top even smaller than before and "colored" its bottom and upper parts in black to balance her design.
You may not like it but it's not censorship.

Attached: tifa.png (1211x673, 702K)

Tifa has always been the most overrated and entry-level rpg girl. I'm glad she got the DOA treatment.

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>Implying that wasn't a completely different story.
She had canon bust measurements you absolute sperg, they didn't change everything about her and say "Fuck you" to the fans.
This persecution complex you have deriving from your own ignorance is getting insane

Who would be underrated then? Maybe she got so much praise because the design was on point. My dick certainly thought so

Those mental gymnastics of yours, lmao. You specifically said earlier Cloud took Zack's personality which I showed you that it's not true. And now you try to work around your own statement with silly questions. Low Iq brainlet americuck. Shut up and admit you lost the argument.

what they are doing is a crime, free them right now

It's not mental gymnastics if I'm explaining what I meant.
>Shut up and admit you lost the argument.
This is you losing if you have to say that kek

Mmh delicious effects of gravity

You pulled random questions out of your ass and expect me to explain for the third time how wrong you are? Fuck me, aren't you autistic americuck.

If they just 1.5x those suckers they could have avoided 90% of the complaining

she doesn't look more or less chink than any other modern FF character you schizo fuck
she looks exactly like a younger AC tifa should look

I can't believe that people who so afraid and bitter towards women that they can't handle anything beyond 2D anime babes actually exist. What would your family think about you if they saw this shit? Good grief man.

they're still massive though
incels are just crying because she's wearing a sports bra (which was canon in the original game btw)

Does that mean you're finally done sounding like a complete ass that never played the game?

Shaming tactics are smart if you have nothing valuable to say

What is the ame of the fallacy in which one part purposely misinterprets what the other said?

is there a reason for decreasing them?

I don't know let's consult the image

Attached: 1493993226750.jpg (1600x1131, 733K)

You just described yourself, my autistic americuck friend.

>because she's wearing a sports bra
The sports bra she has on is not a compression sports bra. Compression sports bras don't wrap under your breasts lifting them up like they do in the video.

>which was canon
The original game and original artwork don't show a sports bra as being visible last I recalled.

At this point I'm just wondering why not a single one of you people can answer the question "Have you played this game?"

So why are we pretending she was gonna have full FMV size tits? Anyone with half a brain knew they'd be smaller. Is it really this fun to act like this is a shocking truth?

They didn't actually play this game, they probably watched some cunt talk about it on youtube

Please. You'd be shamed beyond belief if you said shit like "ugly roastie 3DPD" offline and you know it.

Tell me - in a remake where you've got a new episodic structure, a new battle system, many many potential directions and expansions to the original story and side content and more - what value to the developers is "yes but these still VERY much anime inspired female characters designs are still too realistic. I simply cannot fap over this"? Your input is nothing but a waste of time. Go look at some Tifa hentai if you're that keen.

Is it fun to act superior to everyone 421 posts later?

I did and I believe you did too but your tiny brain misunderstood everything about Cloud's character so badly. But I forgive you, I already explained to you and i hope you will finally process the information in some years from now

>where you've got a new episodic structure, a new battle system, many many potential directions and expansions to the original story and side content and more
>new battle system
It looks like FF15

Oh. Destroyed.

Why you're describing that nasty shit like it's meant to be an improvement? It's "nobody asked for this - the game".

I've done more to explain Cloud's character than you have. If you took me 100% literally like all ESL speakers do, then yeah I could see where your shit skin brain is having some difficulty there.

Notice how they all have broken English or screams about America.
It's Slavs, spics and SEAs who never played the original due their countries being too poor for consoles.

im sorry what part of biggest tits out of anyone in the game is misconstruing?

Unironically. Trying to shame people saying things like "what would your family think" or "you wouldn't say that out in public" are possibly the most retarded ways to argue a point. They shrunk her tits, are you denying this happened? Because you have to resort to shaming tactics to avoid that

>biggest tits out of anyone in the game
Why do people keep saying this? So they shrink her tits but as long as they're bigger than the other characters it doens't mean anything?

How about your dick shrinks? You'd still have more a cock than women

and it's perfectly acceptable to be cynical about those changes, those things are actually worth discussing because it's actually related to the video game part of the video game.

I know it's a big hilarious meme that Yea Forums likes to get mad over nothing but fucking Christ.

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Getting tired of you little fucks shitposting just for the sake of it. We had the same forced "drama" with nu-lara until you cunts got tired of being le ebin shitstirrers and moved on to the next hot shitpost object, leaving only fans who praised Lara but rightfully shat on gameplay.

They hate us cause they ain't us

I'm a boomer, played the game on release. Tifa should look white or at least cuter than that,but worst of all is the clothing.
They should've just done what Trials of Mana is doing, make good looking characters that are faithful to the awesome original artwork.

>if I slightly change my phrase and keep posting smug images, surely they'll stop complaining

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Not according to those ff7 doujins I've read

The only thing I kind of admire in americuck nation is how persistent in beliefs you are all. Even if you are completely wrong you still insist you are the smart guy even though you made complete ass of yourself through and through. For the last time: Cloud DID NOT take Zack's personality during OG. He believed he was the hero of Nibelheim incident, the perfect soldier he always wanted to become and he completely erased the existance of Zack from his mind. Read it at least ten times to understand fully.

Thank God you arrived, arbiter of this board, we will now proceed to post under your decrees.

I'm sorry, what?

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I'm calling you a fucking weirdo, that's all there is to it. "They shrunk her tits", they actually look like tits now rather than sharp triangles but fine. What's your point. How has this actually ruined the game? You know, in a way that actually affects the game.

someone needs to translate this

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If you faggots actually did that the quality of the board would actually rise.

>literally takes his sword and emulates his mannerisms
>Cloud DID NOT take Zack's personality
Oh no but you're definitely right. They weren't friends or anything. Definitely not


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And I'm telling you WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RIGHT NOW? Call me a weirdo all day long, I'm right and you're wrong. Design is part of the video game, friendo.

The basic gnist is that the redesign let's them skip tits physics as she's now far more agile.

Jokes on you guys, I love Jewish girls

>complaining about quality on Yea Forums
Is it your first day? I know you don't get upvoted for acting superior but I'm sure mom is proud

>Nobody asked for a realistic remake. They just wanted a remake. Who the fuck wants realism in a video game?
And if they made it like you ask in "comical, cartoony, anime optics", people would complain:
>What's the point? This is basically modded 1997 FFVII! Why should anyone pay for this shitty lazy cashgrab!?
So tell my why should SE listen to you and not the complainers of the alternative universe where SE went with your idea?

True talent is conveying the facial downgrade too.

So your appreciation for design goes as far as "how big are their tits though". Get a grip "friendo".

Too bad for them, in the universe where they listened to me and pretty much all fans, they made a fuckload of money

It's this disgusting zoomer mentality that killed Yea Forums. Why do you think /jp/, Yea Forums and so on gatekeep little faggots like you out? And incidentally is far better boards? But you don't care about that, you're just another brick in the wall trying to kill the site off for good for your petty zoomer amusement since you'll always have reddit to use.

Secret of Mana 3 remake looks unironically better.

The original design, yes, as this is a remake right? Not a re-imagining? Though I guess it is at this point. What a waste. It'll be fun shitting on this

You know that personality and mannerisms are two separate things, right???
I never said they were not friends, how did you even think of that you brainlet. Cloud was mako poisoned so badly, he self inserted himself into the place of Zack (thus the mannerisms NOT the personality you brainlet) during Nibelheim incident, thinking he was the solely Soldier who was sent there with Sephiroth.
jesus fuck you are so stupid, how is that even possible.

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I almost hate the "good ol days" faggots like you more than the zoomers. Instead of defending things you used to care about you bitch at everyone with a criticism.

>using AC Tifa as a reference

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You're the fucking moron that keeps thinking I'm saying Cloud was being a 100% carbon copy of Zack.

No retard, SE would lose many of the normalfag buyers and wouldn't get even 1/10th of what they'll get for the game as it is now. SE doesn't give a shit about your niche shit.

The Japs in the top panel comment that remake Tifa is sexy. The last text box is the suit and glasses guy coming in to interject, going into deep detail over her changes and tit physics, kneesocks, etc. Tifa in the last panel is supposed to look shocked and weirded out, the slant in the jacket at the end apologizes for him.

Because third world niggers like you will actively find on topic threads to kill with your inane shitposting, when you're not making off topic faggotry yourself. Go on, make another epic bait thread. It's the only thing your ruined brain can do anymore.

>SE doesn't give a shit about your niche shit

So I'm third world and a zoomer? What else you got in that buzzword pocket of yours?

Because that's what you are saying when you say that Cloud took Zack's PERSONALITY. Personality is a group of unique traits of behaviour and all kind of feelings/experienced emotions that makes us all separate. When you say Cloud took Zack's personality you imply that he become Zack (of course excelt the physical look). And that's not true, you giga moron.

It's a classic, but niche still compared to contemporary games like Zelda and Mario, even sonic. They tried to hit mainstream with ffxv but..
It's a problem when there's a new cast every game, and the spinoffs, barely anyone played unlike Mario spinoffs

Again your ESL is keeping you understanding. You took me literally, like I meant a carbon copy. I literally didn't you fucking moron. Mannerisms GASP could be labeled as part of a personality

They tried to hit mainstream with 15 by making it a casual piece of shit

I didn't take you literally man, I know what I feel and I feel what I know. You realized you are wrong but can't admit it, so you try to turn it into language barrier misunderstanding.

I am talking about artstyle.

But I'm not wrong. He took on what he thought was his personality. That's mannerisms and everything else you listed. They were friends, and he also had the ideal of what a SOLDIER is, so he combined the two. You started this you dumb fuck, because you couldn't read what I said and literally admitted that you are ESL

I'd rather say pumping in money and hype for a movie-like AAA action game than casualization but you get the gnist

When will you two start sucking each others cocks?

It was the PS1. If you grew up with it, it's not "niche" they could have just updated the fucking game with a nice new RPG look and it would have been fine. I'm not talking a reskin, just make a fucking RPG with updated graphics. Why is that so hard?

Squeenix just wants to sell mobile games for cheap cash because they are soulless hacks at this point

>"i'd change literally everyone else in the world instead of myself"

i was going to ask the same question lmao

I'm done talking with that moron, so you can take my place.

Just another day of horseshoes

You're the cancer that's killing Yea Forums.

I didn't mind any of it until I saw the skirt. What the fuck did they do?

this just in, according to Yea Forums having the biggest tits in the world isn't big

She'd be pr qt if she halved her forehead

I swear a lot of you people don't play the games you talk about and just repeat bits and pieces you see on the internet for some reason

I love new Tifa!

Attached: the only thing I miss are the red gloves.jpg (1200x1200, 189K)

FF7 outsold OoT

It's been fun Raj, I'll take that as my victory. Really though, one of the biggest ESL fags like you have is that you can't understand that words aren't literal in the English language. You have the meaning of personality you've been obsessing over, claiming I'm wrong because I didn't' write a fucking novel after the word "personality"

Hope that taught you a valuable lesson?

Scroll down buttercunt, I already said I need to replay the game. I was purposely being a cunt to the Aeris fag

no one cares, normalfag

Nice rack, that’s what I like. If they need to mess with Tifa they should put her in an outfit like this and throw her into a cage with a trampoline floor

But Link is far more recognizable and has far more games that's basically money printers, while the FF7 spinoffs, even AC was in comparison weak sales and no interests at all besides AC.
Granted, the spinoffs were generally mediocre games and minimal typical FF gameplay games which didn't help