What do you think, Yea Forums?
What do you think, Yea Forums?
garbage generic pokeshit
Looks better black desu.
i dont know what it is but shes fuckin hot no matter what skin colour
being brown unironically makes her more interesting to look at
Yeah, black people shouldn't be water type trainers, they can't swim.
They should be fire or dark type.
Unironically looks worse
Looks good definitely better then the original
Ganguro one is better.
Lambda in smash when?
Some of the whit edits are OK but others are awful.
Looks good. I wish niggers would stop trying to invade white spaces. No one wants you here (or anywhere for that matter)
>Japanese game
>White space
But a burqa on her and call it Le Sweden Edition Xd
Okay, just be done with it and post the buttblasted trannie replies to that tweet
I need my fix
the amount of people that took this bait is worrying
All my yes, can't wait to do as close as you can to this to Shield.
This man isn't playing around LOL
I can see that
Just go on Twitter for yourself
I see alot of anons just saying she looks better with dark skin user
i didn't know that Lambda was so racist
Still cute, but I need the occasionally delicious brown in my life.
whats funny is the one with an anime avatar is clearly the bigger tranny
Its funny how people can't realize this is a taste of their own medicine and unironically bite into it.
>being fags
as a white man, white women are disgusting.
White fragility strikes once again
You're a disgusting piece of shit. Go to Twitter you fucking ape.
>Post muh twitter screencaps I'm literally addicted to outrage
Yea Forums(nel)
There's too many to share so here's the link to the thread: twitter.com
>user in twottwr handle
>tweet reads like a Yea Forums post
Why do people do this?
So when they make another white or Jap character black in fanart should we bitch like they do or what?
>Caring about race in Pokemon
Has Yea Forums stooped to a new low, or have anons always been this insecure?
>shilling your own twitter posts with screencaps for e-cred
How embarassing
What do you think, Yea Forums?
>unironically being a legit racist in 2019
small minds be small
>muh white skin
>muh black skin
The real issue with that design is how cluttered it is. Someone should clean that shit up a bit.
No reason not to. May as well continue this shitposting war of altering skin colours to provoke responses from eachother.
I sleep
Where's my ass shot
>not finding brown skin sexually attractive is racism
Oh you
Nintendo needs to fix this.
Always. Perceived superiority due to race is all some of these incels have. And it's not even something they had anything to do with, how pathetic.
>Retarded niggers don't realize it's parodying them
Also here's the real fix
Not me pal, I'm to lazy to whitewash vidya characters
you don't have to find it sexy faggo only gays think like this
Where's her used condom belt!!!?
I like both but brown is good too
Just go to Twitter. Why must you shit on Yea Forums with Twitter? Just go to Twitter, that's all you have to do. You have dive headfirst into tranny Twitter and you won't even have to rely on a screencap then. You'll have the whole threads at your disposal. What's stopping you? Just go to Twitter.
>I can't say nigger on Twitter
God I wish you could and this is exactly why I am a radical centrist who actually just wants freedom of fucking everything so you CAN STOP RUINING ALL THE GOOD IN THIS WORLD WITH YOUR FUCKING VOMITORY RECTALHEADED FUCKING GOOPY POOPY SPRAYS
There are like, tons of characters you can turn white to make them better and this fag picks the one that actually looks hot as hell. What a retard.
is that what I said faggot?
Literally every user is just saying it's better black and that is better
This right here is the fix
She's pretty based.
Then what's the point of having females in games?
truly best girl
>Anonymous in a non-anonymous platform
>twitter screencaps
>Check out my twitter, guys! Be sure to like and subscribe because I'm just like you, see??
>autistic children's games
>white space
sounds about right
i'm racist and all but i'd rape that bitch to death
what's the original look like?
shut up blackie chan
It's what you implied
Fix the fucking game first.
vuélate los sesos, español de mierda
Goddamn she's hot
It's probably the same people who see Yea Forums as the "edgy sikcrit club", I bet that person says "cringe" and "based" IRL.
she cute
No, he was probably referring to the posts above his where people were spewing the nigger word, silly boi.
For fun
Nah nigga he didn't
Go save the white race, turbo autist
>shilling someone else's twitter with screencaps
How embarrassing
Why would you even admit that
>White space
>Japanese game
You're literally a whitu piggu wishing you were Japanese.
>SJW go into a fit of rage everytime someone draws a sexy anime character in a popular release
>someone makes fun of them
loving every laugh
what's wrong with saying based irl?
Whitewashing isn't parody.
The funny part is that shit like OP is no more racist than the "fixes" for fictional characters you'll find on tumblr
Go suck off Bergamot already Rosemary
What pushes someone to become this retarded? Drinking bleach at childhood?
Because I'm off from work today and am in the mood for shitposting
Help yourself to some sex anytime
embarrassing kek
>Black people: *exist*
>White people: Is this white genocide?
based and dare i say it redpilled holy fuck my dick
I wish there was a brown version too though
>Twitter meme formats
I agree with your sentiment, but please stop being this much of a fucking faggot, thank you.
Now what do we do when they do the same thing but with blacks?
seething tranny
I think the people taking this seriously and trying to get the account reported are retards who are falling for incredibly obvious bait
have sex
Respond seriously to obvious bait? Only you can tell us, user.
All bets were off as soon as one user linked his twitter hoping to get brownie points for being an obvious troll faggot.
The trannies are fucking pissed holy SHIT
Your mother is a tranny
she looks like she fucks white guys
Aromage decks are the way to go
Way to embarrass yourself retard
You know you're welcome here right. Go back to resetera newfaggot
And incels still aren't having any sex.
>That Jake Paul picture
This made me laugh to hard, He's a disrespectful cunt
Stop complaining about black characters, you are just as bad as SJWs, what don't you get about artistic freedom?
>You know you're welcome here right
aww, that's so sweet
Cope more please.
Waste of a fix. Anime girls don't really need to be white or pale, they aren't fuck in real.
What if I think white people and black people shouldn't be diluting the Japanese gene pool?
Just finished episode 3 yesterday and what a fucking ride that was.
I called you an autist.
People have been making fun of turbospergs like you for years on here, faggot, cope.
Ok thats pretty hot
Black people aren't real either. Whats your point?
then you're in the minority and this image does not apply to you obviously
Very cute
They still send you /pol/ faggots into blind rages despite the closest thing you get to being near black people is posting crime statistics.
looks much better and is actually accurate because black people can't swim
I will now buy your game.
>tumblr blackwash bad
>electionfag from /r/t_d whitewash good
Well yeah, Statistics are just Jewish propaganda to make people think the crimes commit by them are actually being committed by this mythical "black" "people"
I can't tell if people really are just this insecure or obvious trolling.
This is Yea Forums on Trump.
I want to fuck that gyaru
You can't blackwash, user. That's just called a mud bath which is just what rich white girls do to make themselves feel ghetto.
I am glad you people are loosing the culture war.
Seething tranny actually took the time to quote all those people. LOL
>yeah I pay attention to politics
>"who's your representatives in your state?"
>lol i don't know i just care about when the LIBS are messing with my video games
Despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit 999% of crime.
oh, it's one of THESE posts
>White people sperging out so hard they had to impose an abortion ban on state with fuckhigh infant mortality rates for women of all races
>Winning culture war
Black people are definitely real user, my neighbor is a friendly darkie.
user, they make up enough of the population and spread out enough that it would be hard not to see them.
>have perfectly mixed brown latin gf
>she's too overweight to be nessa
I'm going to fuck nessa in my mind though
hurr durr wurr le whoom'st boom'st zoom'st doom'st yoom'st poom'st qoom'st cringe bringe splinge binge onions seething tranny janny sex have seething cope dope rope incel dilate faggot swaggot swagfag fagfag concession copecession boomzoom dab whirr wojak wojak wojak bojak lojak nojak slugjak brugjak hugjak pugjak nigger nagger niggly tiggly spliggly wiggly wblblblblblblblblbl cringe snoy nintendie xboner
literally every single tranny is a social outcast incel
>Black people are definitely real user, my neighbor is a friendly darkie.
Prove it. None of this Bigfoot blurry camera shit either. I'm going to need triple notary from witnesses or else I'm just going to presume you're making this up to continue the narrative of black people existing.
>tfw trannies are just incels who accepted their fate as gamma males
Black people don't exist, user. Just sleep safely in your suburban basement.
keep going this is hilarious
Go tf back to lebbit, you hypocritical electioniggers
This is literally the same as redesigning the persona 5 character because she was showing to much legs.
/pol/ and SJWs prove that they are the different side of the same coin once again
fixed her!
cope harder
>those replies
The tumblr to twitter migration is real. Nothing pisses me off more than people being wilfully obtuse so they can pretend to be offended and win the argument.
don't fucking reply to me you nonce
Cringe. I see no difference. You're all cringe.
Literally to white
This. Get on with the times retards, transphobia is whats cool now.
>shill someone else's meme for free
aren't you doing that right now?
Excuse me but my family is middle class. I get to sleep under the stairs.
how the fuck are cosplayers so fucking fast
like I get how artists are fast, but don't cosplayers need a bunch of custom shit that takes like weeks to get
Oh nevermind
>no no i was only be ironically racist! get it i was joking!!!
I'd fuck that Hermione
*replies to you*
Nuttin Personnel
>NPC calling someone else an NPC
Judging by the eyes the artist's intention is clearly to make her an albino black girl.
Why you so quick to judge Yea Forums? Do albinos not deserve representation too?
I thought these fake weebs like 'delicious chocolate' girls though
She does a lot of cosplay and said she threw something together from materials she already had.
Boomers gonna boom
niggers are disgusting
low t
Zoom zoom lil zoomey
>people being wilfully obtuse so they can pretend to be offended and win the argument.
>muh vidya titties! oppressive censorship, gamers rise up
The pale skin accentuates her caucasoid features even more
This. Reminder that if you're offended by character design you look like the person who did this :
A spic baiting white SJW. What a world.
N-N-NO!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING RACISTBROS, WHITE FACIAL FEATURES! WHITE PERSON PAINTED BLACK! NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is that a dude?
>that souless skin
>Nothing pisses me off more than people being wilfully obtuse so they can pretend to be offended and win the argument.
Then why are you on Yea Forums?
Uggh imagine the smell...
Where's the one with stitches?
Your typical 4channeler ironic weeb master baiter mememaster troll Twitter screencap thread
Epic for the win
>twitterfag with anime avatar
Cringe. Fuck off, faggot.
Humans should be bred like dogs so all the mixed race girls don't look ugly.
>character at the beach all day is pale white
Breaks my immersion, don't be a scenario writer.
>I-I-I was only pretending to be retarded, guys!
Every time
Next you'll say Lenora is white and Brock is Arab
indians look like THAT?
>ANOTHER twitter screencap thread
>it's obviously somebody who posts on Yea Forums(nel)
>making it this obvious in the first place
>user probably made a throwaway account to make it SEEM like it's not him
Absolutely disgusting.
While the design is without a doubt improved, he's very retarded if he thinks NintendoAmerica makes pokemon.
Big oof, chief. Not a good look. Yikes.
Hey man, I'm programmed to be a hypocrite.
insanely better. i love edits like these
>east african
this can't be happening bros.../pol/ told me they were ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no thats just resetrannies
Not as good as dark skin but way better than the horrible bleached edits
>Thin nose
>Feminine jawline
>Non apeish skull shape
>No curly/nappy hair
Niggers are literally living in denial if they think Nessa was designed after a blackie
Funny how all the wewuzkangz niggers are so afraid to admit they’re fapping to a caucasoid brown girl
damn I love soi latte
american blacks are getting worse honestly. 10 years ago I didn't give a shit about skin color but we are being forced to take notice because the shit flinging apes really care about muh skin tribes all of the sudden
this is tremendously based, is there more?
Trolled xd
Can we turn this into a bad Nessa redesigns thread?
This panel alone is comedy gold.
I don't mind whitewashing, but you need to make a lot more to make a white Nessa work.
Literally every other aspect of her design is made to contrast and enhance her skin color, from the blue makeup that together with her whites create a striking, noticeable shape that really enhances the effect of her aqua green of her irises to the plethora of whites and light blues of her outfit that would not be as noticeable if she was pale-skinned.
>Lanky nigger
>Not ugly
Sorry about your shit taste.
This man is objectively correct
>tiny nose
>bug eyes
>fleeting jaw bones
>he thinks thin noses and """"feminine jawlines""" are inherent to whites
/pol/ must have really fried your brain
White is right
Worst burqa ever.
She doesn't even have white hair, which is a staple if you want to make a pretty brownie.
>everyone who is brown has to be a nigger
The dumbest part of this is that the game takes place in totally not England, which is flooded with these shits far more than blacks. Why does everyone assume she's supposed to be black of all things? This would be like whites assuming every anime character is white tier.
Your posting in the wrong thread, user. This is a "3D=2D, white good brown bad" thread.
Give me the ebony pussy or riot.
>racial accuracy on anime drawings
>All the people outraged they can't see the clear fucking satire
How fucking retarded is your average Twitter user?
For the same reason that the trailer for the next Watch_Dogs features plenty of niggers but no pakis despite taking place in London:
The general population isn't supposed to know about them, or actually doesn't know.
i saw this same pic post like 7 different times yesterday lol
>that filename
fucking yikes dude
>he doesn't realize africa is the most genetically diverse continent
uh...that's gonna be a yikes from me!!
The point kinda holds but comparing to fanart is retarded. Try also comparing artwork of the characters that are known to be Japanese and see how many pass that test and how similar they look to the ones known to be western.
its being spammed by one guy trying to change the narrative and failing lol
I also like the white hair/dark skin combo but it's not an absolute requirement. Maybe if Nessa didn't have the light blue highlights in her hair it'd work, but those are part of her color identity, breaking up the monotony of dark of her hair in a recognizable pattern pleasing to the eye.
It can work, but it'd need a fair bit more than a simple color switch.
I guess big shaq doesn't exist then. Dumb /pol/tato.
Man, imagine being a wh*te person in 2019. Can't wait for them to go extinct. They won't have sex so it's inevitable
>Someone with a rainbow in their handle responds negatively
What’s funnier is all the niggers saying it’s racist to claim she is Indian but it isn’t racist to say she’s black
GF never saying anything about her race
Apparently headcannons are facts now.
They don’t even realize their own hypocrisy and racism but they wonder why nobody likes their kind
So you got banned after the last thread went into autosage, and then you immediately jump to a phone?
>not tanned
What a shitty map.
>Somalis and Nords are the same race
Black hair contrasts well with pale skin and not at all with dark skin. If contrasts was all that mattered then her original look wouldn't work either.
>makes her white
>Becomes as flat as a table
What did he mean by this?
Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
Dont show Yea Forums pictures of Ethiopians it will fry their brains
genetic diversity doesn't mean they're all going to look different. This argument instantly falls apart since you have to throw different races into the mix.
>South Africa has a notable white population
>North Africans are Middle Eastern
>East Africans are basically mutts
It's not like everyone there is pure negroid yet is "genetically diverse" You guys at like everyone there is a negroid when spouting this meme all the time, and even despite that genetic "diversity" they almost all look the same. Genetic diversity does not correlate to aesthetic differences, because whites in one western European country will have far more racial aesthetic differences than the entirety of Sub Saharan Africa, if not the entire continent.
You can find a lot of reasons not to like niggers.
>They don’t even realize their own hypocrisy and racism
Why the fuck do people post 3dpd?
Nessa is just a Team Aqua member. Literally same tan, same color outfits, even the same makeup as Shelley.
Replied to the wrong person, illiterate nigger? Because your post reply makes no sense.
Now I want a Ganguro Fairy Gym Leader
oh because blackies have soul from all the soul food they eat?
ugh what a racist
unrelated but Tomino (the creator of Gundam) loves his Indian women
>he thinks caucasian means white
Normalfag invasion has been going on for more than half a decade. How long was your coma?
I don't know how you deducted that from my post. Is this a strawman?
>loves his indian women
>Blonde hair
Is the shitposting on Yea Forums actually getting worse, or are we just getting older? I remember being on Yea Forums back when Costanza and Jimmies were the main things being spammed on here, but I feel like the new "based and cringe" spam is more tiresome.
>west african bantu's
Yup, you're retarded.
They can't help themselves; they are wholly incapable of enjoying 2D for what it is and MUST insert 3DPD in an attempt to feel better.
here Yea Forums, I fixed your slut
The former.
There are no black people claiming shes anything. It's just /pol/fags trying their hardest to say she isnt black and has white features when in truth no one really gives a fuck.
In other words; literally "cope".
>and even despite that genetic "diversity" they almost all look the same
>Genetic diversity does not correlate to aesthetic differences
how can one man be this retarded?
Let's look at the facts about this Twitter user:
>is interested in a game literally made for small children
>is triggered by people of different skin colours
>has a profile picture of japanese paedophilic cartoons
Even one of these facts makes you a loser. All three combined confirms you will almost certainly never have sex with a real life woman.
Here's a list
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
It's actually getting worse. I just got silenced for 10 minutes for announcing a sage amidst a wall of twitter tranny screencaps on the frontpage. Tell me there isn't something fucked up there.
>What do you think, Yea Forums?
This is more proof that you're not allowed to DRAW attractive dark skin characters.
based phoneposter yet again making up shit only he has instigated
have sex
>There are no black people claiming shes anything.
Lmao, are you blind? This shit is happening even ITT. Not that dumb pajeet hypocrite, but you're fucking stupid if you actually believe this.
>All this talk about fixing her design
>Not a single one that has fixed her fucking retarded shoes
you know what would show those /pol/niggers? more black women webms
>all these idiots with shit taste who don't want to fill Nessa's chocolate vagina with their coconut cream
Her track is ballin
based retard can't accept the fact that caucasian doesn't mean european
Ahh yes, because native non-white africans are all surely known for their various eye, skin, and hair colors. How could I ever have missed it?
Black girls were made to be bleached.
>All three combined confirms you will almost certainly never have sex with a real life woman
Who fucking cares?
Greater meme diversity than Costanza and Jimmies for sure.
Those aren't black anons.
>believing anything ITT when there's an autistic phoneposter dodging bans and spamming bait
yikes bro, you should maybe lurk a little bit more
No one said it did, you stupid fucker.
>announcing a sage
fucking retard
wrong image
>ITT: Everyone thinks they're a cartoon character
Kill yourself.
Thanks I hate it
typical inferior white supremacist
>saying polite sage is something I should be punished for
Why? I never understood that. I'm actively trying to be a good poster and I get softbanned while literal trannyspam just chills out on the frontpage. What? I'm not complaining about rules being enforced, I'm just wondering who has time to pick on me for saying "sage" while letting all this fucking poopy goopy stay?
stfu you inbred inferior cracker, you are going extinct white genocide
eww nigger
That's some delicious looking curry cunny!
I guess? I think he's a little too dark to pull it off, but your theory does add up to make it likely.
actually hot
>he can't tell the difference between east and west africans
based blind cumskin
doesn't have to be 3dpd, user
He's literally advocating for white genocide, you're sperging out over the wrong post.
I'm sorry I'm improving your genes. On the bright side, they were going to be single mothers anyways, might as well make their kids better. Maybe if black guys weren't turning into fags for each other, they'd actually do something.
>He says, as he posts 3D animations
Sorry user, it's inoperable.
Based. Gib more brown girls
That twitter thread was fun and the hypocrisy from some of the people was astounding.
>Posts masked whores
I believe you when you say there's a noticable difference, but try a natural comparison if you want to show an example.
Either way, both are niggers.
I hope Nintendo continues to make cute brown girls. It makes all of you racist retards seethe uncontrollably it's amazing. You are the vocal minority and you always will be, faggots.
How did they do it? No matter the original or any of the edits i've seen, Neesa is fucking adorable
ah the obligatory "info"graphs to put the final nail into the coffin
thanks video gaming concerned /pol/nigger
>cute brown girls
Sure, keep them coming. Just lay off the niggers.
doesn't have to be 3dcg, user
This literally wouldn't bother me if brown girl threads on /vp/ would happen normally instead of getting derailed by 3DPD garbage
>yet they wouldn't touch your ugly ass with a 10 foot /pol/
meanwhile, here's white women
Is your image supposed to disprove anything that I said?
>both inherently brown
>black hair
>black eyes
I also never said west africans and east africans are 100% genetically similar you dumb nigger. The dumb map you posted includes west african countries in the caucasoin (Green) portion of the map and they (west africans) aren't causasian. You're a fucking illiterate dumb fuck, which doesn't surprise me. The other guy was right, you're an actual retard for posting that map and not understanding it at all. No more (you)'s for you.
what's her name
What the fuck is wrong with white people?
Holy fuck you're worse than pathetic HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Don't you people ever get tired of muh race baiting? Every day, every waking hours you people are at it.
>How did they do it?
No competition. Overwatch could've been that competition but they fell off.
nesse is a mommy!
Just give her tanlines.
Cope more.
>waaaaaaaah I entered a thread about a cute brown girl and now I feel insecure
>how could this happen to meeeeee?????
It's all so tiresome user. I can't like black bitches because it makes /vpol/ seeth and I can't like white bitches because it makes sjws seeth
I'm sorry could you say that again?
I'm the daddy!
>literally doesn't even refute user
Aren't /pol/fags yellow fever guys too? Then again /pol/fags typically aren't even white
Aren't most sjws completely white suburban kids? Most Trannies are ahve white parents as well
Black people can be different shades of brown. I'm not quite sure what do you mean by this. Do you go outside?
It's some of the best bait there is.
No, i mean, they somehow made a character design that looks amazing NO MATTER WHAT. It's like finding the secret to life or something. Sombra looks very cute, but pale'd she'd look less cute. No character yet has looked good when "changed" except Neesa that looks cute no matter what. White, black, blonde hair, black hair, makeup, no makeup etc
/pol/fags aren't one person. Nor is any board really, but one as large as /pol/ definitely isn't.
It's the stalest most dead horse on the internet for the last half decade. Literally "No effort" baiting
Go to bed, Bobcat
>Subhuman retard comes to Yea Forums to shill his awful twitter by posting bait to the lowest common denominator
>350+ posts
Yea Forums is dead
It's funny because blacked is the actual "fantasy" from blackcels and cucks, in reality no one likes niggers.
I wonder how many of those links dont say what they're pretending they say.
>Black people can be different shades of brown
At some point they don't qualify as black anymore while still being brown. That's when you've hit peak brown.
>All brown people are negroids by default
Maybe you’re the one who should go outside, genius
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
I'm still assuming this is pushed by a single person, maybe one or two others who are equally simple. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's not even crossing any lines since calling someone a nigger on Yea Forums is casual as shit.
>inb4 nigger
The best bait is the bait that gets the most replies with greatest certainty. Since Race makes up a large part of most people's identity whether they think about it or not, it baits a very large crowd.
>Dating app infograph
Nobody cares faggot, dating apps are only used by unattractive degenerates.
>I wonder if something I didn't bother to check is what I think it is... yeah I'm sure it is what I think it is!
user he's saying that a person can be from African decent and still not be pitch black like Yea Forums thinks every black person is
Dunno man, I missed that duke nukem forever got released.
cope, niggercel
Bad because it's connected to frogposting.
Good because it shits on jannies, trannies and niggers, or whoever you want to shit on.
I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, could you say that one more time?
Another thing I remember is that Yea Forums used to be way less obsessed with Twitter in the past, while these days it feels like Yea Forums revolves around Twitter.
>No, i mean, they somehow made a character design that looks amazing NO MATTER WHAT.
Zero competition, Nessa would have been considered average 12+ years ago when a majority of females were drawn as attractive as possible.
Only fix that matters
Thats not what I'm implying but okay. The truth is we don't know the actual ethnicity of the character. Why bitch at me for making assumption then you anti-black retards do the same? It's gamefreak's call and because of that shitposting about it is litterally autistic. She's not african american, she's not indian, or any other race. She's a dark skinned character from a fictional world.
>pitch black like Yea Forums thinks every black person
You're Yea Forums too, user.
goosh goosh
So are you saying that women prefer unattractive white guys to black men, or that even the most unattractive degenerate women still don't want black guys? I'm open to any answer here.
>black women?? yuck!
>i prefer white and asian queens!!
>The white race is dying and niggers are fucking all the white women #whitegenocide
>Niggers aren't fucking white women and instead are fucking other whites #Jewsarestillincontroltho
>Dating apps
True but it's not surprising since 99.50% of all blacks are super dark like is usually depicted. It's just a mindset formed by what most people end up seeing. Outliers are not really much of an argument for anything.
Again wrong. Lara, Tifa, Cammy, Chunners just to name the bigger names has nice fanart where they get brown skin. And sure, they still look good. But not Neesa good.
That said, these girls also have more features, unlike Nesa which basically is a white paper to draw and change on.
>Glow, nigger, glow
I'm laughing that there are pajeets and bleachniggers are so easy to get assblasted by low tier bait made by Count
"Anime girls are white" junkula pepes
>/pol/tards start realizing they're losing arguments
>they start posting statistics and graphs based on scientific racism
>they're keep posting them all the while thinking they're superior to everyone with darker skin than them
Why are you jealous of white people if you think are ugly and/or stupid? Aren't you happy to settle down with a fellow nigger?
Pretty sure the citizens of Kekistani hates white women for leading them down that path to begin with.
>Reaction images with no evidence.
>they still look good. But not Neesa good
Nessa doesn't look that good at all. Every pokemon game has had one or more girls on her level or better.
>All these angry blackcels blaming their boogeyman board /pol/ and saying the most vile shit about white people and indians
I didn’t know Yea Forums was plagued with hypocritical niggers
you have to admit though, the janny memes are 100% justified, they have been doing so much stupid shit around here
I was banned before for posting SFW Rouge in A DAMN SONIC THREAD
>Statistics of things that don't matter
Nobody gives a shit wh*toid incel.
It's clear bait and I can respect that. I like her dark skinned better but with all this rampant blackwashing of non black characters, why SHOULDN'T we allow people to whitewash if for no other reason than to troll smug intolerant SJWs into a hypocritical meltdown
What about that old ass dating site where you have to be at least a 9/10 woman, or a rich successful man to be allowed membership?
Not really user, even on TV and movies you see alot of various shades of blacks. From OJ to Idris Elba and from Diahann Carroll to Jennifer Hudson
They're not very good statistics user. Even telling you this you'll just go on about your days brainwashed and thinking your right and superior to everyone.
>if you think are ugly and/or stupid?
why would anyone be jealous of an ugly race that'll vanish in 50 years?
>graphs based on scientific racism
>scientific racism
>no brown gf
Kek be prepared for what's to come user, and don't stop thinking.
Exactly, why do you want white women so much?
>losing culture war
Sometimes I wish these threads never got any replies.
Dark skin is superior for white skin on females.
You can prefer white girls, even hate black girls, but dark skin is objectively better.
Dark skin contrasts with cum, when you cum on dark skin it's better.
>Reaction images with no evidence.
>I posted a graph so that means it accurate and truthful
>Have sex
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
>scientific racism
You kinda backed yourself into a corner with that one
>Not really user, even on TV and movies you see alot of various shades of blacks
Sure, really dark to kind of dark, to dark but not as dark as the others. Most blacks are dark skinned unless they're race mixed. I don't know how you're even trying to deny this right now. Whites can get tans, but most people don't associate tans with whites for obvious reasons.
Black girls were made to get bleached
>text text text text text text text text
This but minus Asians and unironically
>Twitter screencap thread
Only sometimes?
and sometimes i wished i could wipe humanity out and start over clean
So all the angry anti Asian posters are jealous ugly niggresses?
It all makes sense now
So why don't you prove the statistics wrong, then?
Evidence of what, tranny?
Grow up and stop believing in a magical man in the sky who tells you to stop touching your dick.
That's asking more of a individualist than "have sex" is asking of a Yea Forumsirgin.
Not really and effective insult because it's too long and not a meme.
>Jesus Christ
I'm not listening to a DEAD MAN
Made it worse.
>hating niggers makes someone a tranny
Absolute fucking cope.
>really dark to kind of dark
No it varies alot more than that user you can see alot of black actors don't have the same skin tones and it's all natural. Whites with tans don't come close to alot of the skin tones other races do without heavy makeup or skin damage and wrinkles
>white women
That's where you're wrong.
You don't have to say ugly next to any word for niggers, they're all hideous so it needs no mention.
This is hilarious
>Grow up
First of all:
Have children
Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have.
Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation.
Have a life free of hedonism.
Do that first
>Asians have the least partner violence by a landslide
>"""""White""""" people try to claim they're soulless
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really gets me thinking
>all these assblasted niggers ITT
why do white women age like milk?
Can these "journos" ever refrain from soi face when taking photos?
yikety yike yike yikes. here we see a cucked, soulless man.
And your image proves the /r9k/ robots hatred for white women wrong.. How?
Even on 8ch they blame white women for everything.
They've given up by default.
Being white makes you a tranny since wh*te "men" have the lowest T levels.
>muh magical man in the sky
Grow up and have sex.
I'm fixing this thread.
These edits are fun and all but it's depressing to think of all the self-righteous gaming journo articles about racism they'll generate.
>not dark
The funniest part is that you're posting an African american at me as if it's some kind of argument. Most african americans actually have white ancestry. So not only is she still pretty dark (but not pure black dark) she is still pretty dark skinned. You haven't done anything to this point to prove me wrong. If anything every post you make just proves me right.
It's not really an insult, it's literally like a brick wall hitting these retards
The people posting "Have sex" are either brainless retards or complete degenerates who will never reproduce and have a family, this is why nobody on this board can ever say anything back to something like that
pls do
>Ever innocent
We used to permaban you on sight once.
Because they don't take proper care of themselves.
unironically from tanning
You're confusing whites with kikes even when trying to attack a strawman, just stick to calling everyone nazis.
W-W-WWHITE WOMAN PAINTED BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only way to make niggers attractive is to make them anime lmao
I have done all of the things I listed in
your move
I cry for the days when wojak was just used to express sadness.
I recently came out as blacksexual to my parents.
It was really hard but it was time to do it.
I was glad to discover they were so supportive and insisted I have a race confirmation party.
They got all the black girls in the neighborhood to come around to eat, dance and play Mario Party.
It was one of the best parts of my adult life.
My sister even made a speech for me, saying how proud she is of me finally having the courage to let the world know.
I feel much free-er now, I no longer feel like it's something to repress or hide.
>Noo, stop being the slave of jews!
>Instead be the slaves of a religion from a jew!
That girl in the yellow dress is CUTE
Stop lying on the internet, tranny.
>your move
Unlike you I'm not stupid enough to believe in some magical man in the sky, sorry.
>it's literally like a brick wall hitting these retards
It won't hit them as long as society doesn't punish them, and since society likes these kinds of people they don't get punished. The need for them to have children isn't there, when you can just import thirdworlders instead. Mindless consumerism creates a better "economy" as well, meaning that society rightfully rewards them for being thoughtless retards.
Minorities and sjws hate to admit it, but white girls
*whispers* are just better
Is that the comic when he chokes a crazy obsessed bitch?
for me it's Sheva
yes, because god forbid I post something related to videogames on this board
nevermind the countless people posting shit like the stuff listed in
what dis?
user that's a boy
>The funniest part is that you're posting an African american at me as if it's some kind of argument.
Why would I not? We are arguing about blacks entirely also she isn't dark compared to many blacks or other races. A white can even get a tan to look darker than her easily also I keep showing how all blacks aren't the same shade of black which is my argument you haven't refuted yet. He's a British born black if that is what you want
Why couldn't this just be another cute character edit? Why did it have to go to shit?
What exactly is wrong with you? You don't even enjoy anything anymore, the only emotion you're capable of feeling is the fleeting satistfaction from a cheap (you), with the hopes that you made someone as mad as you.
Goes for all 3DPD.
>Every day, every waking hours you people are at it.
Is it just me, or did Yea Forums used to not be like this? I feel like there's way more arguing about identity politics on Yea Forums these days, compared to what I remember Yea Forums being like in the past.
All the replies going on about how "this is just satire" are retarded. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Yes he is satirising those types of "I fixed it" posts but he is also making his own because he's pulling a completely different element to create the post. That's a bad explanation so what I mean is, he made a "I fixed it" post where the "fix" is black->white. It doesn't matter if you do it in a joking manner, you still made that post. A pure satire would have not used black->white as the subject but used a more stereotypical one, like something that is clearly a parody of the people who make these. By using an original subject you have just made your own "I fixed it" post, it's no longer just a satire
And here's an Ethiopian for extra GBP
Actually true, i know plenty of thai and flip women beaten up by their middle aged white impotent husbands all the time.
I agree. You don't fuck with perfection.
>thread full of off-topic 3DPD spam
>the videogame character is what he found a problem with
>It won't hit them as long as society doesn't punish them
It always hits every single female once she reaches 30 and the wall, then reality hits these people like a Kamaz truck full of bricks
you're a cringe racist faggot fuck off
But this is based too