Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2019 Day 3

The final day of Treehouse Live continues with in-depth coverage of indie titles coming to the Nintendo Switch, presented to you live from developers, producers, and your resident Treehousefus.

>NOW: Overcooked 2 DLC

(You) Missed:
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
>Hollow Knight Silksong

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Other urls found in this thread:

Audrey is the best treehouse girl I love her so much.

nth for a new Metroid & Mystery Dungeon

I just want a silksong release date

Theresa is CUTE!

>implying anything was lost by missing Dauntless

If you don't want to lay your head down in Audrey's lap while she strokes your hair and you nurse on her supple and swollen milkbags as she simultaneously uses her left hand to stroke you something is wrong with you

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She changed quick.

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shit taste

Is Overcooked 2 better than Overcooked 1?

>nintendo fanboys when banjo was the only redeemable part of their disaster direct

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>no Theresa
Is she kill? Also this playthrough looks like utter shit, no one's called each other a giant faggot or shouted at each other yet.


>Hornet pin

I miss her

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I just got here, did they show anything interesting thus far?

>Theresa is still a no-show

That’s a cute Luigi

She's literally gone bimbo at this point and completely ruined the look she had going for her

Based user.

>decided to wipe up something to eat and they are showeing overcooked
heh pretty fitting

Just wait for the next segment.

>yfw it's raining outside on the last Treehouse live
Blessed be me with maximum comfy.

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Cringe and Theresapilled


You missed Rice Loli's game.

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>left: soul
>right: soulless

Boosette is the official mascot of the Treehouse threads. Please look forward to her in Luigi's Mansion 3 later this year

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>mfw my ex would let me do this
i fucking miss her bros

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So are the girls in the OP, Booth babes or attendees?

So, without the shitposting, what Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin is about?
Sounds like a B-Grade Harvest Moon to me.

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She's always been that way though
This is from ages ago

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Isn't she one of the reasons why they started censoring games during the 3DS era? Fuck her if she was.

>ridiculous backlog
>a half dozen more games i want to play to be released just this year
>can't pick one to start with
>watch treehouse instead

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Time to play Yea Forumsbros

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Rune Factory with loli and rice

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Good taste, my friend

Sakuna, candence of Hyrule, and hollow knight silk song

you work in the rice fields, fight demons, and have dinner with your friends

It’s like farming sim muramasa

I'll miss you bros after this is over

Meet again next year ok?

This is my first time watching Treehouse and being in the threads. Is it always this comfy? If so I've been missing out.

Farming rice and beating up monsters.

Katie a cute

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I remember her. She has crazy eyes. Like she would stab you while you were sleeping.

have fun user

Rune Factory 5...

>he actually bought it

based audreychad

I thought it was 2/14/2020

If Luigi is Smithers who's his Burns

Welcome to the Backlog, enjoy your stay.

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It is. These are the comfiest video game threads.

If I'm not dead

>Candence of Hyrule look cute and play great
>of rice and ruin is cute and comfy as fuck
>Silksong is high speed aerobatic combat

Excuse me? Does Harvest Moon have fucking rice stats?

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3D is shit

I heard they showed Sakuna. Is that true?

>buying a ROM collection

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only time of the year when Yea Forums is nice to each other.

we used to have HARMONY too, but that's gone away for the most part

E gadd

i miss the CHAD, bros...

Every year.

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i dont know anything about this game but that looks fucking autistically complicated


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That's just Nintendo for you.
Nintendochads love video games and big breasted milkies.

Come join us. Start having fun, user.
Become #ludo.

Have previous indie treehouses always been this good lads? Because the games, commentary, and overall comfiness has been peak classy so far.

The only miss is when they showed Frameless.

>I skipped Rune Factory 5 announcement in February
feels retarded

I wouldn't plant anything in this soil.

ye, it was bretty gud.

virgin Luigi vs CHAD Gooigi

also *actual* video game threads which is not the norm here anymore

Thanks anons. I'll look back after they're done for today.

it's been for years, you've been missing out


She was, I think mostly involved with FE Fates.

Did they have anything to show about it?

I'll buy Candance and Mana if they get Physical releases

>they literally named it "Cadence of Hyrule, crypt of the necrodancer featuring the legend of Zelda"
the absolutely madmen

how good was cadence? Dauntless is that monster hunter ripoff right?

just recently restored my clean sysnand cause i got tired of pirating

>i fear no man
>but that thing
>it scares me

Yes. See rice stats directly above you.

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Based and not happeningpilled

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Post pics of the red haired nintendo girl

>yfw there are anons here now who won't make it to next year's treehouse

it's been an honor being comfy with you all

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Cadence looks super fun and it apparently features the worlds of multiple Zelda games and you can unlock other ones by playing. It's really big.

Gonna buy it.

>he doesn't qtl-map his rice to develop the perfect master race variety.

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Is it possible someone can stream an older E3, like the 2016 one where it was all Breath of the Wild and we could just watch that together?

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just rf4 switch

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I'll be there for you

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holy FUCK shut up

Did Sony even have its one direct yet? I heard they were going to do one.


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I might not even make it to the end of this one. Got a headache all of a sudden.

I know Mana gets one in August and costs 40 bucks in the SE store

Nope. Devs only said they create “ world you’ll want to live in”

you know it isn't the same user

What this guy said. Plus, it's damn well done and brimming with personality. If it's having fun with you, why not respond with a fun gesture, too? (Unless you're in a hot part of a demo, in which case is understandable)

I truly wonder if it's the same Luigi mascot in those dabbing pictures.


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Not comfy image, please delete.

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This game looks like the kind of thing that would make people shout at each other and start fighting


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>tfw my name is Luigi

oh crap I still need to finish Bayo 1 and Mario Rabbids


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>Mfw it rained yesterday while they showed astral chain

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How much longer is this boring cooking shit going to go on?


Holy shit are they still talking about overcooked

>those hard nipples

So? It could be EVERYONE

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man user you missed out on one of the biggest freak out of RF's fans. like, several day straight of comfy RF celebration

Holy shit what a trainwreck

Ah, that's a shame. Need info on the girls.

If I can make it, I'll post this image.
Yes, these are always comfy threads. One of my favorite parts of E3.

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Sure thing user, sure thing

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i can see nips on more than one person

>Got a headache all of a sudden

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I really like that luigi is so fed up with ghosts that he's just slamming them around in a fit of rage in the new one

Can I play Overcooked 2 solo?

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Any idea how long today's treehouse will be?

Wait isn't that the one who advocated for child pornography and shit? why would somebody like that be censorious

21 minutes

Any pic where you can make out Audrey's nipples?

Just watched Cadence of Hyrule treehouse segment
It looks better than Link's ReAwakening

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I can't believe I found time for vidya this morning between Treehouse and work. Holy fuck

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the art style ruins Dauntless for me

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>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
>Panzer Dragoon
>The definitive version of DQ11
>Luigi's Mansion 3

Sobble looks so fucking shit

Been sick all week, good knowing you guys.


It's not only luigi who's fucking pissed

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I think you can but the fun in these games is in the 4 player couch co-op

>Treehouse day 3
>Getting wisdom teeth removed later

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I don't know why

Tfw playing Cadence in bed comfy. while watching the Treehouse.

Usually goes till 4-5

if it's like Overcooked 1, yeah. But why would you do that?

They have done 2
They were pretty shit

Reddit image detected.
Highly uncomfy, delete to stop decrease of quality.

Of course!

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Turbovirgin here, does erect nipples actually indicate arousal in women or is it just because of cold temperature/random fluctuations

looks like the lady on the right REALLY likes pokemon

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I will listen to Cadence of Hyrule soundtrack on YouTube as soon as it goes up. No interest in the game though.

Didn't Overcooked 2 get released like 2 years ago?

Must be cold in there

I just realized. They might play Bloodstained here, no?
Or is that game too big for this scene?

This is DLC

Cold defo

Holy shit user me too.

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Looks like fucking Fortnite

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King Boo was pissed in the last game so he's fucking 200% mad now

But you can't play online, right? Or it was resolved?

Botw was awful, I wouldn't want to relive the stream

Enjoy the rest of the stream for me anons.

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I don't really think she was because she's very open about sexuality to the point that she thinks it should specifically be taught to young children and stuff plus she was an escort.

She's probably responsible for putting stupid memes in the localizations though.

Theyre 'attendees'

new DLC
yoka leelo next

both. Kind of how your ballsack gets tight up to your body when you're cold, but it also does the same thing before you nut

Jesus christ, what's that thing on the left? It's like baby's first 3D model.

What did they say was next?


Someone I know just got them removed as well. Those dentists are up to something.


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we're in the shit together lad
i'm just hoping it's not as bad as getting my tonsils out that hurt like a motherfucker

If dauntless can be shown here I am sure bloodstained can

Yooka Laylee was so disappointing they should give the sequel to backers for free

And those are?


>yooka-laylee next

>expecting people who attend video game conventions to have social skills
I know I'd drop every bit of pasta if Luigi came up to me while I'm playing a game.

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>not maximum soul

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I'm with my 3DS.

The segments have been shorter than average today, don't you think?

somebody explain to how me the fuck we can't hit boo/king boo with physical shit but they can wear the crown with that ridiculous big pink diamond?

>Eggman punching Amy right in the face

Truly those Olympic games are autistic as fuck.

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Cute Nintendo reps

Why can't they step off all this indie shit that's either been released or nobody cares about and play more LM3, Astral Chain, DxM, HKSS, etc

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Yes but why wouldn't you play the game with your closest friends and have a great time?

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People think she was fired for her personal views but she was fired for moonlighting as an escort, Nintendo is very restrictive with what their PR personnel can do, look at that guy that was fired for going on a podcast without the proper go-ahead

If I could only get her to wrap that huge gaping mouth of hers around my dick.

I thought A Hat in Time was coming to the Switch.

Cadence of Hyrule is out, downloading right now
I like cute games made by cute people

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I had that many years ago. It wasnt that bad, I've had much worse pain

I get it, you have shit taste

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That's my "Fuck you I liked it" game

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Theyre indies + there's a fuck ton of them.

Technically yes but I didn't get too far until I started playing with someone else. It's also way more fun to be screaming at people you care about to cook food and wash dishes and shit.

It happens in men too, you know. Male nipples are the same as female ones except male mammary glands are inactive.

That's why you have helmets. Unless you know what you are doing, your face should always be covered up.

I still haven't gotten that webm of Eggman skateboarding


the same way ghost can moves stuffs user. telekinesis or some shit

We'll try, cya user.

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why does americans change their haircolor to blonde and expect it to look good?

Never ended up playing Yooka-Laylee but it's still on my backlog. There's a lot of vitriol here about it though, what happened? Is it shit? I figured since it had the original devs it would at least be a pretty decent successor to Banjo

How long is dragons dogma? I want to finish that before I play necrodancer.

Oh, I wasn't gonna do that. I was totally going to invite 3 good friends over and have a great time. I was just..curious.

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Got mine out forever ago. It was a weird experience. The stuff they gave me didn't knock me out all the way, and they gave me the max that they could. Like I was half awake and could hear them talking to me

gonna be a long wait

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Very euphoric. I have to give him props for the Splatoon hat though

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I hope they announce a new banjo when his dlc drops.
Sick of characters with dead franchises.

>Luigi goes nuclear
I dig it.


I'm not a loser who posts pepe, so no.

>the face on that sega guy
Holy fucking kek

Too much of a game gets awful.
I remember last year when we had like 4-5 smash segments.

>mfw you can't drink your own titty milk

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I had one removed were the root was slightly curved and the dentist didn't notice on the X-Ray. They gave me a shot of anesthetics as usual before starting to pull it of, the curved root made it so it was unbearable painful. I nearly passed out because of the pain, after two more shots.

Should had stopped midway and done a surgery instead. Hopefully you won't suffer as much.

>Only americans dye their hair

This shitposting is getting ridiculous

Hey K8

the crown stays on his head through sheer anger alone

Well yeah, but regarding her views I don't think she was responsible for a lot of the censorship that was going on. Maybe in her perverted mind she would point stuff out and other people would think they needed to censor it or something.

for sure

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The actual game is just a husk compared to BK.
The controversy was e-drama shit, ignore it.

They got the same music guy and the same character designer guy
But not the same level design guys
And it shows

That upside down gooigi has a face


I hope they bring that Link's Awakening display to the nintendo store.


lol, ok bitch

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Ah yeah I was just making a comment

Sure bro-non.

The story is incredibly short but if you dick around it'll probably take you 30 hours. Could be a lot less.
BBI will double that time though and you definitely want to run through it twice because there are changes.

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Yooka time baby


there's no black people in this game right

>Golisopod on the right
YES, I don’t have to worry about my favorite mon being back

I want Infinite Space remake on Switch. It's like proper ME3

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Had mine removed a few weeks ago. I was terrified so I put it off for years. Just know that you will fall asleep then wake up and it will all be over.


thanks doc

is it that good?

the completionist review made it sound cool but I wouldn't spend my money on it

I want to get Hollow Knight and FFVII but I already have a backlog of games to finish

What do

That's because anyone who's seen Smash 4 has already seen Ultimate.

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Because indie games devs are one of the few third party devs to actually support the Switch. Also, all this advertising for them makes them more likely to make more games for the Switch in return.

You should see our walks.

>first game was banjo kazooie but not as good
>second game is tropical freeze but not as good


What do you think? Will it be as bad?
This just screams "Oh god, the game bombed. Quick, let's reuse the assets for something completely different"

>barrel cannons
That's my rare


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Oh, wow
This looks generic as fuck
Rare died, get over it!

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>go on podcast to talk shit about Nintendo's Japanese games
>voice clips you did in Star Fox Zero get removed
>Star Fox gets canceled
Don't fuck with Miyamoto.

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imagine working for a company with less personality than playtonic

What's the music?

Is it not the soundtrack for one of their games?


>keeps explaining why its called the impossible lair
this dude either sucks or is nervous as hell

Neat. I still need to beat the first one. kickstarted it so I feel bad for not beating it.

just BEE yourself

You just KNOW that someone out there has topless audrey pics saved on their phone or whatever

Wish he'd leak them

he sounds pretty nervous desu

Will Queen Phoebe be hot? Beegirls are great.

This new Yooka Laylee game does look good. It just looks objectively worse to Donkey Kong in like every way.
Does it have any unique movement ability or gimmick or something to set it apart? Even the roll is like straight out of Donkey Kong.

It has got the overworld gimmick, granted. And that might be cool. But does the platforming seriously have zero unique qualities to it?

Well. If it's ever on sale and I am tired of Donkey Kong at the moment, I might get it.
That said. I bet these developers are happy that Retro didn't announce a new Donkey Kong this E3.
What the fuck have Retro been doing this last half of the decade??

What a SOULLESS game.

Fear has bug yeas. Modern dentistry is very advanced. You don't feel anything no matter what the do. It's looks comical when they hit your teeth and you don't feel any pain. Only impact.

I fucking LOVE games that let you challenge the final boss right from the beginning. Cool of Yooka-Laylee doing the same thing

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It's fun.

The music sounds great but the rest is completely soulless.

I felt kind of bad for him. He was on the Treehouse stream a couple of times, and when he was fired he melted down because it was his dream job. But still, dumb call on his part to go on that podcast in the first place.

This'll be a fun game for speedrunning.

Alright I could understand the first game copying Banjo since that's the whole point, but this actually looks like a copy of Tropical Freeze.

looks more like mighty number 9 more than donkey kong

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That guy deserved to get fired for shitting on Xenoblade fans.

Look at what has become of he Xenoblade series and MonolithSoft. He can eat shit and be unemployed.

Yes. Story especially. Hard SF shit out of nowhere. Inspired by Childhood's End

Hey bros, how is The Last Remnant? WOuld you recommend picking it up?

I don't think so

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Okay lads rate the segments so far.
Cadence - 8/10 actually good game, chill and fun commentary,
beat the boss.
Dauntless - 4/10 largely meh, monhun clone, those fucking frames.
Sakuna - 9/10 maximum comfy, very soulful, wholesome nip devs that just love lolis and rice farming.
Silksong - 7.5/10 looks great too, three qts on stage, but too short, and the player practiced the boss a lot before showcasing it.
Overcooked - 7/10 it's overcooked, pure chaos always.

Oh fuck and it's a raid too, meaning you can get one without it being a Wimpod. I'm still on the fence about getting the game but I'm happy for you fellow golisobro. Was an instant favorite as soon as I saw the design.

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idk why everyone hates it
I think the game looks decent and more interesting than the first one.

We barely need them, she posts a steady supply of slutty workout pics on Instagram

it's fine because they give you a general. Local anesthetic procedures are worse imo

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They've been fucking up Prime 4 and porting Tropical Freeze

Mario is showing that thot

The one on the left looks like she just got out of prison

Hmm, I wonder why.

I actually don't like the music selection, is too tame and only makes me want to fall asleep, for something as a platformer where you're supposed to be in constant movement.

also wasn't he the guy in charge of indie relationship? idk much about what he did but nintendo x indie has been so much better since the switch

This. A proper remake with some more cutscenes and dialogue, more detailed space ships. I would buy a swith just for this alone.

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> the player practiced the boss a lot before showcasing it.
how is this a bad thing

I didn't play it but a friend of mine bought it, and didn't like it. His main complaint was that literally everything was RNG based.

Pretty much better looking SaGa game. A little complicated but fun.

Yeah it looks like an overall improvement.

this is way 2 spooky 4 me

>player practiced the boss a lot before showcasing it.
How the fuck is that a bad thing? Did you want her getting her shit kicked in to where they didn't complete it?

>mini adventuring game

That's a funny way to say generic platform

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Man, this looks EXACTLY like a DKC game.

Good thing I adore that series.

Keep talking shit and you'll get a proper bollocking, mate

wait, what did he say exactly? shitting on weeb games? i never got deep into that whole thing

Underutilized concept, really. But this really just looks like a Unity student project. It just doesn't have anything particularly unique. Are the characters even that fun or are they just reskin BK?

>make a spiritiual successor to an old 3d platformer
>completely fuck up the execution
I doubt they've played any 2d spinoff of a 3d game. It wouldn't be so bad if it was clear this was an actual spin-off/one-off game. But this is the actual second game in the series.

>He keeps fucking up the jump


Good luck. I hear that you usually get knocked out for it, but I was completely awake for mine. It's a really weird experience feeling the knife go in.


No. She worked in marketing, she never had anything to do with localizations.

user, they're not a big company like retro, they an indie dev. Additionally, how many old school platformers are made these days.

When I had mine taken out it wasn't too bad. The drugs were good stuff, knocked me out well in advance. Wasn't even that sore afterwards and no one expected me to talk much, so it was a good excuse to just be lazy for a few days doing nothing.

Only on PC. The game is convoluted as fuck, and there are a lot of stats that are hidden that influence your characters growth and other progression areas. I would only play it if you can mod it to make it more approachable

The Last Remnant is basically a 3D SaGa game, so if you're familiar with the SaGa series, give it a try.

Shut the fuck up, Boco.

Hey Boco :)
You comfy?

>pagie get in the cagie

Please! It's just a block jump!

Okay okay. I meant to say that she at least needed to die at least once to show off the new death mechanic of the game.

Queen Phoebee

Attached: phoebee.jpg (373x398, 49K)

He's a pro

Oh my bad, I haven't listened to the entire OST. I was just talking about the track with the violin that was playing at the moment.

eh, this game look good, play rather smooth. just that it doesnt offer anything new

I agreee with your ratings, though I'd put Silksong a bit higher

Who are they trying to appeal to with another generic 2d platformer?

you can if you work hard

Lets meet again next year user.
Hopefully it will be just as or even more comfy than the year before

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I'm gonna miss you guys.
E3 went by too fast.

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_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___!

Comfy enou--

Yes sir...

>A weeb game
I'd tell you, but you got a terminal case of newfag based on the fact you don't know what weeaboo is, so I'm going tell you to lurk the fuck moar first newfag.

What free to use engine is this?
All these games look the same

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God, I loved 3D DS games
They always felt like PS1/64 games

People either love it or hate it.
I personally think it's worth a roll because if you do end up enjoying it it'll likely become one of your favourites.
It also has an amazing soundtrack

Im struggling to see why I should play this over DKC TF, and I didn't like TF that much.

Rareware fans. This is just Donkey Kong Country.

>Astral Chain
Wait a minute, you just wanted us to name all the cool shit so you didn't have to watch it yourself!

Rare nostalgiafags and Jontron followers

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>Coulda made a full game about either of them
I doubt that

Cannibalism gives you mad cow disease eventually, with your brain starting to rot.
Is this true if you consume yourself too? Or is it restricted to the consumption of others?

This. I see nothing wrong with it but everything this game is trying to do has already been done way better. I'd rather just play those platformers instead. Kinda the same situation as the first Yooka-Laylee really.

If it was the exact same mechanics and levels but it was banjo intead youd all be screaming

>told myself I wasn't going to buy more Switch games until I cleared my huge Wii-U backlog
>Treehouse is making me buy or preorder more Switch games

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>They've been fucking up Prime 4
You are misinformed


wtf i thought the bat was a boy?

Until you're one of the unfortunate few who get general and go into a coma and get permanent brain damage. General is risky business

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I dont get the hate for this, it looks like a fun children's game. If I had little kids they'd love it. If I had little kids and a healthy, kind wife. A little house. A fulfilling job. I'd sit down with the senpai and play a game like this, us all laughing and encouraging each other, my wife lovingly watching how much the kids love playing with daddy. It'd be g-... sorry, I'm sorry, just give me a minute. I-it'd be great. Nice game. Looks real nice.

You've never tried eating your own cum?

It doesn't look too bad honestly. I like the concept of "The final level is always unlocked, the reason you play the rest of the game is to get good enough to beat it". Feels like Toki Tori or BOTW.
Anyone else feel like they need a new look though? I mean, now that Banjo-Kazooie is back in the collective consciousness, being a "Banjo-Kazooie stand-in" feels kinda redundant.

Did Playtonic ever acknowledge the issues YL had?

>indie showcase
>no CrossCode
missed opportunity

Yeah. It's impressive despite all those limitations of DS.
>game was success
Maybe someday

>tfw born without wisdom teeth

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eh shes ugly but porn when anyways

You are super misinformed

So Laylee is basically like Jetpack-Diddy from DKC Returns.

So this is just DKC Returns/TF where Yooka is DK and Laylee is Diddy with the jetpack.

I've been reeing nonstop at Gamefreak for the last few days. Did I miss anything gud? Animal Crossing and Astral Chain are my titles.

Looks like an Antz character

>the game's only fun with cheats

When the fuck is it coming out?

You guys remember the Donky Kong Country style Banjo Kazooie guys?

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If you don't have a disease, it won't magically appear once you cut off a part of yourself.

It uses Unity

Didn't Jontron get kicked off the game?

How ironic they're showcasing the modern Banjo & Kazooie which nobody cares about while everyone is gushing about them being in Smash.

No, we would've said "We waited 17 years for this?"

link's awakening

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Cadence and Sakuna look gud


No shit huh? That's kinda fun that Kate had a part. Now if only Ryan could voice the shop keeper

nigga, i said a "weeb game" in the pov of that dude. i bought ce of xenoblade 2 u idiot
like i give a fuck if you tell me about it or not, i can just easily google shit if i want but people just want to make conversation here in the thread

>tfw born with all 4 and they fit into my jaw perfectly because I'm not an infidel

you get mad cow by eating brains user

Feels good

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Theresa makes my willy hard

So needlessly convoluted gameplay systems and deliberately hiding information from the player?

bow wow

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It certainly did.
See you next year catposter

>Scuttled my Wii U backlog to make room for other stuff
>STILL have a massive backlog of games that are dozens of hours long
>Treehouse causing me to write a eulogy for my wallet already
Jesus fuck, I need to focus on a game or two. Try to lock in Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Etrian Odyssey Nexus for now.


Tons of different 2d games are made with unity like Cuphead, they are just lazy.

I cant afford everything

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No, a little kid wants to play fortnight user.
Giving him this would make him sad.

astral chain on gamespoot stream


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>I dont get the hate for this, it looks like a fun children's game.
that's sort of the point.
They're cloning a game but missed the entire point of why people love the originals.
But then you people who dismiss every sterile modern platformer as
>i-its just a children's game, stop being critical!
I don't understand when public opinion shifted to modern games not having to be good just "good enough".

>Bird Wizzrobes are back

Ya gotta be 18 to post here.

Calm down newfag, the fact you used it at all proves you're one
Now lurk moar so you can unlearn that stupid shit.

Leave Luigi alone.

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port is still in progress so either end of 2019 or early next year
now if only HK had a release date

What will happen to this set? It better not be destroyed


will there be a bowwow amiibo? I heard someone mention it yesterday

This game looks like shit

The wagies in pagies, are wagies too. They are the lagiest wagies in the pagie crew

This looks like Tropical Freeze Minus like 40% of the soul and quality. Not bad but it feel like they where left reeling after trying to make a good 3d platformer and went back to 2d.


You too user.

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It was just a DS game so the spaceships models were quite simple block like. Still an amazing game though if only they could make an actual 3D remake in which you can walk around your own spaceships and on some of the planets/starports. That would be so awesome.

Let's hope so.

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>cheating on stream

Fucking hell. Lurking quietly at work and almost laughed out loud to this

>You cheated not only the game but yourself


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Maybe stored away in some Nintendo warehouse like at the end of Indiana Jones.

>have a very important demo to show
>don't bother to actuall playtest it


Who was that Polygon employee who was actually smithers in this gif

The game bugged?
Playtonic, please.

wow the game looks so realistic!

jesus christ they were not ready to present this game


>the game's too hard and doesn't hold my hand, so it's shit!
Git gud

>make demo build to show off
>not playtested enough to pick up a key
You had one job

This looks fun and all, but PLEASE don't make it as braindead simple as the Banjo game on the GBA...

Good grief hurry up.
So the repitile and bat are fucking, right?

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Will Luigi's Mansion 3 be more like the 1st or 2nd one?

But secret of mana is my favorite game

This is exactly what I thought of too.

thought brits were supposed to be the keepers of the glorious english language?

>two bugs already during a showcase of the game
That's pretty goddamn embarrassing.

>They are having to use walk through wall cheats
So is their game not coded right or are they just incompetent ?

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They probably just trash them. Like the BOTW, Odyssey, and Smash stuff from previous years

Fucking Gary

All of them?

Wait, are they advertising a puzzle game and they have to no-clip through the puzzles?
And then explain how to unlock the level and what happens when you unlock it?
Are these guys retarded?

david wise did the music? what?

>nothing works

How are they feeling now? I imagine that this is them on the inside right about now.

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>reeing at a dense ass tree
your own fault. should've enjoyed the comfy treehouse for 3 days then reee later. anyway
>Astral chain was excellent, and seeing the dev styling on bosses was fun
>Animal crossing didnt show much more, just the co-op and the 1st hour of gameplay. looking solid tho
>Daemon x machina was hype. bullying the enemies was the highlight
>Luigi went into a movie set and duke it out with a gojira knock-off
>cadence of hyrule is cute and solid
>of rice and ruin is comfy and cunny. 10/10
>Silksong is looking fast and smooth. didnt watch much cause i want to explore the world myself

hollow knight

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>Demitrius gets an S+
he's come so far

Trial and error RPG gameplay is artificial difficulty for NEETs with to much time on their hands.

It's looking to be a middleground.

You have to 100% the game to find out


It's a mix of the best parts of both

And Kirkhope

I have this kind of reaction around egg-bearers.

wasn't it some dude playing the sex chat from yakuza or something that would cover his eyes during the sex bits

The key necessary to solve it wasn't programmed correctly. They literally couldn't pick it up.

Can you link artbook? Or it's in /ic/ artbook thread?

Hollow knight use Unity too, and look how great it is

Grant Kirkhope, too.


I wish I could buy this stuff from Nintendo. I'd easily spend tons of money on this.

thread going so fast nobody will notice im 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard

Right. Hopefully soon. Considering they're only 3 people working on it though who the fuck knows.

i think on some level, despite the bugs, the devs here now their game is trash.

This game legit looks fun.

>it's another "just get kirkhope and wise on the soundtrack and wow our game is amazing" episode

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No one willingly gets humiliated, you know some suit was like "you two get out there and show it" and they said "but sir it's not ready" and he said "sounds like you're ready to LOSE YOUR FUCKING JOBS YOU TWATS" and they caved and hoped for the best

Someone post the thread(s) that were around for the Silksong bit, I missed em.

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thanks user, those look cute as fuck

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>says there's lots of hairstyles
I wanna see the female styles reeee

>Fire Emblem doesn't look like trash in motion
>Mario Marker 2 with multiplayer.

>one bug

>this shit is still going on

next game please

>got too caught up making altered versions of every level that they forgot to add a pick up key mechanic

Fucking lmao
And right after that area the guy in the middle says "so you've been working in this game right after the first one?"


>20 levels
>they showed literally 1/4 game already

Can't hide from my eyes, user

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stuffed into a warehouse in case they need it
or just give them away to employee, really
have a relative works for sega, and he bring home tons of convention props

>those !metroid doors
looks so out of place

We Returns/Tropical Freeze Now!

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2d yooka looks a lot better than the actual game

>Don't fans reaction after Sony's E3 showing

Did they show anything about AC?

This is the last segment

>game looks buggy and far from finished (which I guess it is)
>still pretty promising

Maybe I'm just too soft on Playtonic, but I might pick this up.

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I thought they said 48

On the first day


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wtf is rad?

Wtf is RAD

That elevator section went on way too long. literally just walking back and forth collecting shit with the same 2 enemies coming back 6 times

I like Kirkhope but banjo was a one game wonder. (well, series)
I'm not a fan of the remix in smash either.

What did they say was next?

cute pigtails girl

So are we going to see Hero Smash gameplay or what?

which game was that i missed the name ?

that was it for the nintendo booth

no problem
cute indeed

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It's okay. I'm sure you're a very generous lover. Make sure to work on your eating game.

I've played Rad and it's unironically some of the best shit Double Fine has done in a while. It's legitimately a fun rouge like. Would recommend.

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>those little Zelda figures



you're RAD, anonymous!

They should consider doing a sort of E3 auction for all the devs/publishers to auction off this stuff they'll never touch again and have donations to charity or something.

You guys are rad.


i'm ashamed to admit i played the phone port of that game

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I hope it's about skating and surfing in 1980s LA suburbs

We can whine a lot about 2015, but his Federation Force gameplay was great.
