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Why did she paint only her upper lip? Is she poor?

It's called fashion

The pages flipping sfx was kino.

Well, she has a POOR sense of it then.

no way in hell that's a woman

the game is shit.

>get cool magazine
>can't wait to read it
>cute girl asks to see it
>spaghetti streaming out as I mumble yes
>the world ends
>never got to read the magazine

how so friend, please elaborate

why does she look like a jojo character

it's extremely ugly. that alone makes the game lose 5 points

it's weird, i noticed how neat the sfx was too.
even the hat tapping at terminals stood out to me.

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how far into the game is the obelisk?

>save world
>get to fuck teacher
>she gets possessed by aradia mid-sex
what do?

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Why aren't there more Chaos chicks?
Only Hikari is the pretty one and she is a tranny.

probably half-way, I think?

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bitch never gave me my magazine back

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I dumped all my upgrade stats into physical and just punched my way up to the Moire Sisters but never got past them. In my defense it was my first SMT game.

Imagine being this uncultured, Nocturne's art direction and aesthetics are top tier.

when the backgrounds fade to white while reasons are presented I get a boner

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So did Aradia actually have anything to do with the nameless reason of did the Demifiend basically sponsor himself?

Ah, the Yosuga gang has returned. Doing Neutral in SMTIV and feel like I got pranked. Gotta do all those challenge quests before getting to the new stuff, goddammit. At least I have my (in progress) super Lachesis.

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