Do it faggot

Do it faggot.

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In the first half, you're meant to be killed to seal a monster by the girl you just rescued at the start of the game, but she can't bring herself to do it. You go inside of the giant monster like an invasive bacteria and defeat it from the inside.
In the second half, you go on a suicide mission to defeat a man who could end life if he is left alone. After the fight, you disappear because the space you fought in disappears. In the credits, you return safely after a long time, bringing tears to the girl who was waiting for your return for so long.


do not trust that bitch, she is the final boss

Cortana? Halo?

You kill the entire world to protect them. They then tell you "you hurt me worst of all"

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It was all a test to see if you were independent.

The black girl, the other black girl and the AI are all your daughters. Your partner is MtF.


Talos Principle

Weather update: it's raining.


Prey? (The new one)


It all was a fucking fish's dream


You fight God.

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Risk of Rain

Push buttons, put in plugs. Praised for intelligence.

You are a cat.


Das it mane.
Hard mode : Rescuing resetera and jannies from the apocalypse.

the clown is the real villain but he dies before the final battle

Nigga if that's just Road to Gehenna I will reach through this screen and slap you

Your brother was everyone all along

Poltergeist Prank: Spectral Sleuth

No, John, you are the demons, but only because you spoke to God.

You die killing satan, the world goes to shit and everyone ascends to the afterlife.

Good job, you earned :

Crazy Bitch stole your loli sister; it up to you and the masochist lady you hang out with to get her back, mister

You and your friends save the universe, which ends up being an MMO played by higher beings. The CEO decides to delete your entire reality and ends up being killed, too... but somehow everyone else survives bEcAuSe fRiEnDsHiP or something equally as lame.

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pokemon XY

Sunglasses and infectious viruses.

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Banjo Kazooie.

It's not the bringer of the apocalypse, it's a bomb.


you confused xy with sun and moon

There was a really good reason you were sent to rot in jail and you only escaped because one of the jailers went nuts with homesickness.


sm final boss is kukui

An otaku kills everyone around while a sexy russian-accent girl toys with him.

Don't open it.

I'll take the GEP gun


No More Heroes?

Welcome back, hero. Now, get out.

Your gf is dead

Fallout 1

Your best friend resurrects his fiancée, your sister. This is an exceptionally bad idea that leads to the end of the world.

You know it.

Your love interest did a very bad thing, but you forgive her. Sadly, your grandmother isn't too keen on you dating her so she goes apeshit. She gets eaten by a little girl, but gets better, then you kill her.

Real life.

No stalker, you are the strelok

It's a spaceship. A spaceship run by a dumb bird that can't make up its own mind. You've been messing around in reactor core runoff this entire time.

Dead Space 1

Drakengard, ending B.

We will rule the world, together!
Hell yeah, dad!

Bravely default

There’s more than one of her.


the nazi is right and an alien invasion is indeed happening

I'm thinking of a 3ds title actually

You were the fucking cat the whole time.


you can decide to destroy the world to save your lesbian gf or kill her and everybody lives

>Drakengard, ending B.
My nigga.

Devil Digital Saga 2?

Pokemon sun & moon

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You got it.

Yo check it like, you go out and Hunt Monster.

Doing things that other people ask you nicely to is not always the best option.

is the sequel worth it? I haven't seen one character i know in the footage.

The robots were people. Oh my God, I was wrong, it was Earth all along! Welp, better go kill God who was my soul all this time.

Everyone's already dead and are just memory data being streamed in robot shells. The servers hosting the data were destroyed months ago but you're still conscious because there's something about this planet. Only the alien that orchestrated it all get her real body back, how odd...

It's a space elevator, not a tree. Oh my God, I was wrong, it was Earth all along! 2: Electric Boogaloo. Better go cheer up God before his unchecked chronic depression and suicidal tendencies kill us all.

Shit, I forgot Metal Gear happened.


I didn’t play it yet but looks terrible


God was right in telling your mom to kill you, as you get possessed by a demon and kill your mother and father. You lock yourself in a chest and die.

>Your gf dies
>You die
>Your son lives
>he cries for you.

>You know what?, maybe it's time, i can't fight the entire Nazi army on my own
>Maybe it's time to pass the torch and rest, i accept my death with a smile and i hope the best for the future
>Thank you everyone....
>"fuck no, you get your jewish head back here, im putting you in a new body and im making you kill nazi's for me you colossal faggot"

terrorists car bomb a chinese military parade

Your daughter gets in the giant robot, despite you telling her not to, and then you fight. Everything works out better than expected.

Napoleon is alive and your missing dad is in cahoots with him, also fondue.



Man gets cucked so hard, he attempts to destroy the entire space-time continuum, and it's all up to a ragtag bunch of misfits to save the day.

You were brainwashed to kill your boss, but a WW2 veteran brainwash you to intead kill the guys behind the first brainwashing. It's left unsaid if you did the first mission.

The Binding of Isaac

At the end of the villain’s story, some lady resets the universe.

Slavs experiment with the fabric of reality.

Yeah, it's a pretty bare-bones story so I figured it'd be an easy one to get.

The fat guy did it

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It was all a dream but dreams are real

You're in a simulation with a bunch of people in a coma at the end of the game.

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For no good reason, the bad guy for the last 25 years worth of the series is now the good guy and the new bad guy is a character that did not exist the most recent game and was pulled out of someone's ass. The story has now completely changed to "the bad guy was doing bad things but it only seemed that way but he was really doing was good. He was really the hero the whole time."

You have to kill the kid to become the squid.



Is this a JoJo reference

isn't that a friday for those Чики Бpикиs

Star ocean 3 till the end of time

Escapism is bad. Got it?

Skyward Sword

*teleports across moat*

The protagonist makes a deal with the player to gain enough power to avenge his father, but mindwipes you in the process.

It was Ryder and Smoke who tried to hit Sweet because they wanted in on the crack market, which he refused

You save the villain’s soul and he ascends to heaven with this waifu
Meanwhile you go on to fight the various pieces of god’s dead body and quest across the world for the honor of god’s daughter who is a tree and also your boss

Too easy.

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you dance and become the ruler of demonkind

Pre sotfs dark souls 2?

Your nation accidentally genocided itself trying to genocide an other. You try to come to terms with it.


She who leads you is not human.

Impressive. Yes.

you're a kid now
you're a squid now


Turns out you're a dog, also you fucked up big time, and because of said fuckup your family went to shit and your owner's brother became genocidal, so you retcon yourself out of existence so everyone can get a happy ending.



Game one ends with one of the heroes staying behind so the others might live. Game two has one of the heroines go mad with power and try to tear apart reality to save him.

You're telling stories to other characters, but one of them is not who he claims to be.

You're an alien centaur.

Your MomDad isn't ypur real patent.

It was a Mayan prophecy.

It was all an AI and you are just a wayward pawn.

Tutorial area villagers and guards gang up on the final boss because of a mistake and vanquish him in less than a minute.

The first half of the game is a simulation. The second half removes the ui because you're no longer in the simulation.


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FF Tactics

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Um, Persona 2


Just a constant stream of the shittiest plot twists possible.

>It's all vanilla spray painted regardless

Xenoblade X

Post yfw However, I am not the archangel Tyreal

your such a faggot lol.
XenoKino 1, X, 2.

No one is gonna guess this shit.
>your best bud lied to you but it doesn't matter because you die in the end without even knowing the truth

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Meme effect 3

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the detective is the mastermind

Might and Magic: Kickers Quest

Ahem, you forgot to add "Advance".
Don't insult the original FFT like this

Dog ending of Silent Hill 2?

Local insect kills the sun

A seamstress wants to get together with her long-time shopkeeper friend but can't because she's shy. Also, her parents are dead. This storyline has been going on for years now.

The purple deus ex mcguffin wins over all the other colors the 4th time around.

Ace Attorney 5?


You delete yourself from history.

The giant evil bug boss was actually a bear in a mech suit the whole time.


A rain that is not light

Your brother is leaking orange juice out of his ass

My computer is dead and I’m phoneposting so I have no face but this is probably my single favorite cinematic of all time and that line still fucks me up to this day.

You're magic and so is the villain.

you know when you forget your front door is locked so you accidentally unlock it?
this but nukes

The Boss is your direct enemy for like 90% of the game, she even makes it totally clear that she won't hesitate to kill snake next time they meet and that he should do the same to her

when the swords touch the planet explodes



You try to avoid fights everytime but you will get ambushed anyway.
You will try to not empty your powers early, but you gonna fail.
You will get stuck in some puzzles.
You will be robbed.
But most important thing is: you won't get out of the first room.

hollow knight

Eternal Darkness

you were isekai'd to fulfill a hero role without any knowledge or consent behind it and your best friend admits to manipulating your memories to serve his endgame before sending you back to the void where you came from


villain denies you, you end up save scumming to defeat him

People hail your brother as a god, but he gets betrayed by the people he has been watching over for the past century. Also his son is hiding amongst them and tries to kill him while also inheriting the will of all other humans.

Yes and yes.

The cackling wizard betrays you. Your paladin companion doesn’t hesitate in saying he told you so.

you kill all of the bad people and then go to jail

Haven't beaten it yet, but PMD?

but you trust her at the beginning.

You're a hybrid of the alien antagonists and humans.
pic unrelated

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no idea what, sounds great though.

max payne?

A selfless man sacrifices everything for his daughter.

A selfish boy sacrifices everything for his sister.

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everyone you know and yourself included aren't real people
it was all just fiction

Do you why you lost your memories before entering in this virtual Free For All Deathmatch were if you die in the game, you die for real?

Because you were a NPC all along.

The best you can do is save your last human friend by bitchslapping another NPC obssessed with Total War and Budda to put an end to the madness at the cost of you own life.

As it turns out, you were the villain the whole time, and you kill yourself to save a girl who never even gave you one handjob.

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Quack 4

Not Singularity.


a nuclear bomb kills everybody

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The debt wasn't real.


Ghost Trick

modern warfare

Devil Trigger

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Hotline Miami 2

This is Soma.

Ghost Trick?

Nier Gestalt/Replicant

Bingo Bongo.

Your son is the legendary hero. Your mom is still alive, but she gets killed right in front of you as soon as you find her.

You tried to do the right thing.

Everything you know is a lie. It was all fake memories planted in you so you were motivated to save the world.

Your favorite instructor FUCKING DIES right behind you. You try to run way, but then everyone starts to FUCKING DIE AGAIN. You come back to fight, and even though you won the fight, all your friends and your robot girlfriend FUCKING DIE and you don't even have time to mourn their deaths. You get a happy ending though.

Your client is actually guilty.

A big ass blue dragon tries his hardest to cockblock you, even if it doesn't make sense.

It was all a dream.

The world ends. Or it doesn't. It's all up to your interpretation.

the sopranos

try again user


hollow knight? the vessels are kinda related? fuck idk

Not was I was thinking of, not familiar with the story of Quake.
Here's another hint; rip Earth.


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Hollow Knight

You are the chosen one.
Haha oops, just kidding. You're a clone!
Oh fuck, the real chosen one is working with the bad guys!
Oh shit, you kill the real chosen one and take his place.
Sensei was the big bad all along.

You get your fucking car back.

landed it

Pray to win

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No, It's a two game series on the PC.

Might and Magic I forget which fucking one but it set the stage for HoMM4.

the evil within ?


code vein


After the opening cutscene, the first person to help you out is the final boss

You run errands for the final boss
You kill some old friends
Final boss decides to kill you after you finish all your errands
Your son kills final boss for revenge

Tales of Abyss?


>You're in a simulation with a bunch of people in a coma
2 cancerous tropes in one! amazing!


You thought you were you, but you really weren't, but you sorta were.

got it

You should've just eaten your lunch

You dont get to fuck your dragon lover

Virtue's Last Reward?

You realize the only reason you even exist is because everyone wanted to fuck some old guy.

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Pokemon sm


Your old coworkers and bosses were just lying to protect your daughter until you could kill the person putting her in danger.




Red Dead Redemption.

Way too many of the same waifu show up and you die as they attempt what seemed to be autoerotic asphyxiation but it did feel weird as they kept saying they were trying to make your cum stop.

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You were somebody else the whole time

Tales of the abyss

Your best friend gets robot AIDS and you kill the fuckhead who's been harassing you the past decade.

>Man, being God is a drag. Guess I'll kill myself.

A guy you vaguely know decides to hire you. Your last job kind of went to shit and - your colleagues just didn't seem the same anymore. Still you felt kind of pressured into the whole thing by this guy.

Bioshock Infinite



see post above yours

The only option is suicide

Bioshit Wait A Minute That Card


Far cry 4

There's no fucking level on the moon.

Far Cry 4


The main character is a villain all along.
You are not the main character.

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Don't open that shit or you will blow up.

You were technically the bad guy all along, but you did nothing wrong.

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you save the planet and complete the mission but you and your friends die

Literal whore goes on a murder roadtrip with four beta orbiters so she can challenge her best friend to a dance battle

It was a virtual reality. Or maybe it wasn't.

Dead space 2

You were tricked by the big bad to free his loved one, you then proceed to kill his loved one to sever his immortality.
Game ends after that cliffhanger, it got replaced by much more popular games in future with the same name.

The bad guy was your dad, but he's actually good in this game, but at the end he turns bad and gets sent back in time to the start of the first game.


MC is a coward so he goes back in time and kills his gf to make his past self better

Literally everything was the fault of some psychotic child and you're just the poor shitter dealing with it...they never get what's coming to them and laugh their asses off at you from the afterlife.

Looks like you've been Ghost Tricked

>red dead redemption


Your girlfriend goes back to living alone on the moon, the previous game's big bad is redeemed when he returns and leads you to a bigger bad. You get the gang back together in the epilogue and can get a better ending where you reunite with the girl.

You're an alien, that explains why you look so weird. But you're not just any alien, but a alien price that landed on earth as a baby. Your brother who killed your parents is reveals himself and tries to kill you. But don't worry, you escape and find ypur mom and hug her.


Fire Emblem Awakening

Gods and demons are running rampant and you're going to kill them all, you died but it's ok because a wind god has your back and he want to kill every god too and also wants to you shape the universe in your own vision

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silent hill 2


It's fucking Mass Effect 3 except the buttons are different.


you had one job and that was to save the last remaining specimen of a parasitic race that you yourself completly genocided but then one of the bad guys decides to steal it to help his boss reverse engineer the powers of this nearly extinct species
you wind up completely wrecking these guys' shit too. picked the wrong person to fuck with honestly.

Nope. Hint: their reveal isn't the real twist to the story .

The man you've been fighting with the whole time was the direct cause of every issue in the world, but neither of you know until the end since he locked away his memories...

... all because he made a little girl cry



Mortgage simulator by nintendo

Not what I was going for, image is a hint (probably too easy with that).


Local lesbian ruins everything


I meant the different game, but you know, MGS2 fits even better

your mom gets vored by demons


You kill your wife



Munch's Oddysee

Some gay shit about cells then you fight a sexy meat lady.

>*impales self with boyfriend*

The aliens are cheating lying dickheads.

life is tumblr




You defeat the final boss. It wasn’t actually the final boss. It was just testing if you were worthy to fight the true final boss. After defeating the true final boss, your companion takes your place in the world as you ascend to godhood.

Local prince ruins everything

Life is Strange with the correct ending. You know what I'm talking about.

uh, super metroid?

I think the co-op campaing spoiler would attract more people into the game than the main plot one.


You kill your mentor, but you are not his murderer.


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You die from a horrible illness

sin & punishment star successor


The main bad guy is the space station
Your rival comes back to help after you save him
Protect Earth

Advanced dumb dumb.

Your superior officer manipulated you into kickstarting the end of the world.

Animal Crossing New Leaf?

Fire Emblem 8

Dragon's Dogma

Night in the Woods?



Wind Pushing Simulator 2012

Origami and flowers are totally symbolic/menacing right guys?

This game's ending would've been banned in Louisiana.

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Oh man that's a good one, def would work. My original post was a bit vague so I'll rephrase.
>You're trying to do what's best for your daughter but fucking everything up in the process.

You get blueballed out of fighting the actual villain of the game in favor of the same boss fight against the same character they had already done in 3 other games.

Dragon's Dogma?

Valkyrie Profile


Yes, could also apply to any AC game except maybe the new one.

Oh noes! The nice rich guy was working for the Illuminati, except he double-crossed them to cause a cyber-zombie apocalypse because you gotta have a retarded twist at the end

You died in a car crach before the game even started


Rocks fall, everyone dies.

You are a kid AND a squid at the same time

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You try to find your brother's killer, only to find out you were the one who set it up

I want to know which game it is now.

This has to be a Zelda game



>It's an abortion

You try to save the world while some asshole inside of your head tries to destroy the world, so both of you go to space to genocide a race of yous.

The Last of Us? No, that can't be it...

A fucking space tick is slowly destroying the world while some rich retards worship it. You have to fix everything while also not making things worse.

In the end you just fucking make things worse though

surprised no one guessed this yet

Heavy rain?

habeeb it

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The medieval fantasy world is actually post-apocalyptic earth.

your party dies in the prologue. it's not a jrpg

Not the game I was thinking of, but actually works, so you're correct.

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Equality between peoples is an impossible goal and trying to pursue it will always result in authoritarian regimes enacting genocide

Easy mode hint: TIGER FANG

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Fuck Kessler and fuck SP for killing off Cole. Even with just electricity he felt more versatile and mobile than Deslin. Even if I still enjoyed Second Son

i guess animal crossing? jewnooki.

Silent Hill remake
It was pretty good
Freedom Force?

Bioshock: infinite shitty retcons?

Bravely Deafult?

There you go!

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The man you were sent to kill breaks you out of jail in the end. Then you team up with him to escape the jungle. All your friends betray you, and you finally die by putting your hands on a car battery.

Monster hunter

age of decadence

>You were playing as a doctor instead of a boss

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She was the daughter-clone of the princess from the first game.

Dead Space?

Parasite Eve

Etrian Odyssey

the villain gets away with murder while you are busy defeating the ancient evil

God is not dead and is actually working with the main villain to kill magic and save the world.

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You have no idea what lies beyond the stars. All you know is you've got to find it, and you've got a friend to back you up

Beat me to it. MH lore is actually interesting.





NieR Replicant/Geshtalt

People really want to fuck squid kid don't they?
Like why the fuck would people photoshop this?


Which one?
Yes, that is it.

everything for the last 3+ games doesn't matter, the very story your playing doesn't matter. The last 10 minutes are the only important part

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Far from what I have in mind

The Mass Effect 3 script by Karpishin that Bioware rejected and went with some hack's version instead.


Chrono Trigger?

No but now that I think about it that probably works too

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Persona 4?

Shin Megami Tensei 4.

Surprised no one's guessed yet

Come on, nobody?

Horizon: Zero Dawn?

Ass Effect

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Meant for Bingo

silent hill 2 pretty sure

You solve mysteries by shooting children and one adult but fuck off


Shit I was actually planning on playing that game, fucken spoiled


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You were the black guy all along
The black guy was actually the computer
The computer is best waifu

You save the world from a giant ass reality warping space parasite that was feeding on the planet, only to be killed by some comic relief character some years later

Cowboy Bebop


try a fantasy game

It was all the machinations of a deity, and possibly a talk show

The antagonist who controlled a God in the hopes of killing your great great grandfather but failed for heavenly reasons but succeeded in having your father killed, tried having you murdered but failed and you kill him at end turns out to be your great great great great great great great great great great great uncle who was the true heir to the throne until he was betrayed by his brother for heavenly reasons, got his love killed and was cursed to be a punching bag forever.


MC ends up dying in a jail cell because Russians dropped a nuke.

Your group actually created the villain group when you were children but forgot about it when tragedy accurred and the initial villain is a childhood friend that was in the original group and wants revenge for said tragedy

2 is Call of Juarez Gunslinger?

It has similar gameplay to a Zelda game.

Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den.

You were actually the generic mook and not the hero


ring ring miami


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You actually really liked girls with dicks so you kill yourself before she becomes the 40%.
No, this isn't bait. It's a real game.

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A powerful enemy forces most of the main characters (heroes and villains) to ally. Once the enemy is dealt with, they all go back to backstabbing each other.




A noodle-limbed guy finds a weird pink monster that fell out of the sky and has a bizarre hallucination that tells you to lead it to a threatening tower to find its mother.

sorry, man. play it anyway, it's really good game, this spoiler is not so important


My dreams

20th Century Boys isn't a video game, user

You either sacrifice your partner to save this world or send him back to his original world while dooming this one, though after that if you play again there is another ending where you can save everyone.


That probably works too from what I heard but I never played it

Purse Owner 2 Innocent Sin?

Kid Icarus Uprising

Chrono Trigger.
Man fuck Dalton

God, this was such an amazing DLC

>Which one?
Oh, those were all different games?
I thought it was a single very weird game.
The first one still sounds the most interesting one, with a hero going crazy to try to save someone else.

Persona 2?


You draw on a mega boomer's forehead, sending him spiraling to his death. It's then revealed said boomer's macguffin was a fake.

You opened Pandora's Box. Go fuck yourself.


Ding ding ding, correct.

>Fuck you white nazi!

you went from having some quick surgery to having to fight aliens all because a cripple told you to



Oh, I will. I don’t know how I haven’t played it yet. I remember seeing it in a list of upcoming PC games back in like 2012 and thought it looked great, then have just been putting it off. The siren song of FOMA lures me away.

you and your friends die


You thought you were playing a wrpg, but then you were playing a jrpg

It's a typicall slasher movie plot, but it's just a prank, bro, but it actually isn't

Ace Combat Zero

FUCK I've been meaning to read that for years and now I'm spoiled

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Wrong, it's a RTS


The world was artifically created after the original one was fucked up

Correct. Dalton is the only thing I hate about Chrono Cross and the DS remake of Chrono Trigger. Having the main cast be killed by him is a slap in the fucking face.


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God of War?

You blow up a giant space station then it crashes into Earth.

Yes. You all have good taste.

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Friendship (and Satan) help you kill (kind of) God.

You end up killing diablo
fuck you op I do what I want

Dark Souls: Cthulhu Version


c&c tiberium wars

Custom Robo

Yasu is the culprit

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>The first one still sounds the most interesting one, with a hero going crazy to try to save someone else.
Pretty sure it's Freedom Force and it's sequel.

Thats been like the 6th time nier is spoiled in this thread.
And every time is a weirder description that still fits the game

Has to be Mother1/Earthbound Beginnings...?

A shota and an old man make you beat up a bunch of skeletons

Women aren't interested in you, it's just manipulation.

Your family is a bunch of fucking drunks because some dude 1000s years ago couldn't deal with his women getting killed

Persona 2 innocent sin, never thought about how the twist is so similar to

A bald man betrays Russians and now you must murder him in Transylvania

Persona 5?

I thought that too but the go fuck yourself throws me off.

You get sent to jail because your homie fucked up

Genocide, expect for one since it's so cute*

*can be used for experiments later

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Until Dawn?


You kill the evil robot that hates humans and lives in a tornado.

Could work, but not the one I had in mind

the game was rigged from the start not new vegas

The rookie was the perp all along aka

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Your son is the villain and you have to kill him or nuke the Commonwealth.

Mass Effect series
Dragon Age series
Bioshock Infinite

Due to money is accepted with divine agents you buy the way to instantly kill the final boss with just a few words.

Technically Kaine is a hermaphrodite, so she wouldn't become part of the 40%.

>that short story where she jacks off under the moon was really goddamn weird

Your great great great great great grandson traveled back in time to take over the world and possessed a high school girl you were trying to save the whole time

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Zero Time Dilemma

your relative fucks everything up calls you up to fix everything

Weakened zombie BTFOs demonic legion’s elf bitchboy and becomes the leader of all undead.

you win the race.


Kill them bitches
Kill them all
Kill yourself
Save the world

stardew valley!

You beat the shit out of a fallen angel, only for the power of love to actually make him pull a Sasuke and say "Yeah, sorry." Then you loose the power to see your friends for a bit.

Scoobie-doo 4: The gang watches japanese TV

You killed your and your sister's molestor, but are now stuck between realities

Star craft 2?

Metroid 2

not what i had in my but it works

You beat the bad guy and go back in time and nothing actually happened until you tell people what happened.

Raidou 1

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The entire fucking plot that you stopped was done by the remnants of the retards that nuked their own country.

Close, Broodwar

Persona 4?

Darkest Dungeon



you were a boomer all along


he fucked everything up by dying?

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Fallout 4

persona 4

The protagonist didn't keep a mindless promise he made to a mentally challenged person 6 years beforehand, so everything goes south on that secluded place.



7th Saga

Prey 2017

yeah if i remember correctly at the stupid end there all have peace and stuff

Right you are. Lets try one of a bit harder
>You go out on a quest with your childhood friend to save your village. Turns out it was doomed because some kid that should have been dead wasnt dead. He barged in with a pair of siblings and an asshole

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ding ding

we already had super metroid keep up.
Or Metroid2/Samus Returns/AM2R in this case I guess.

What do the numbers mean, Mason


That was me guessing the other spoiler but yes....that's the idea

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To The Moon

you are a robot, and you must fight the meat

"kill them bitches" is actually an important plot point

Yay you got it! I thought no one would at this point. I fucking love Prey, man.

You've covered wars, you know

That game mechanic that's been affecting you every time you restart? Yeah, turns out it applies to EVERYONE.

Golden Sun

Here's a hard one. You get run around a shed for 5 minutes and then cry yourself to sleep before being banned for "communication abuse".

your crush goes on a jungian trip

Majoras mask

>Your client is actually guilty.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, but I won't tell the case(s)for the people who might want to enjoy this series.

Most wanted


>Kaine jerking it under moonlight
bitch i want those details, sounds hot.

Your companion is a hallucination and you have to choose to either kill yourself or your master

>you must fight the meat
Just this statement could apply to Dead Space.

They knew


mark of the ninja

Both wrong.

Mark of the Ninja.

You're dying of a strange disease that is turning your body into machine parts. A Rogue AI hires you to do hacking jobs for her in exchange for medicine that slows down the spread of the disease. Near the end of the game when you are about to die you build a brain interface helmet and upload your consciousness into the AI. Eventually you discover that reality is just a computer simulation, and you must hack your way out of it into the real world

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Justice For All, case 4. Matt Enguarde.

Animal Crossing

The main villain was dead the whole time. The only winning move is not to play.

Your companion is a villain from the first game who betrays you and becomes god all because hes the biggest waifufag in existence.

the protaginist becomes a braindead retard that's forgotten every single accomplishment and rule of the previouse eight games because publisher meddling wanted a game newbies could get into, therefore prompting the character to ask about literally everything in a deadpan manner, up to and included why he needs to eat food


Axiom Verge?

One of those Zachtronic games that isn't TIS-100

Either Spec Ops: The Line or Afro Samurai


Whatever the Ultima game that "What's a paladin?" originated from was

The mayor either does or does not kick you the fuck out of his town.


an autistic bastard son of a local lord searches for a sword but never finds it


They are lying to you