Girl joins the server

>girl joins the server

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Fun left the server


>White knight defence force is ready serve the ladies appeared on the serve

>russian joins the server

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Dude's got no game. You're supposed to just straight up tell bitches "suck my cock" if you want to be taken seriously.

That post was so cringe it restores my virginity

i think you'll find that the most effective method is to open their maintenance panel in the back of their foreheads and insert the code "553-9331" on the keypad there. it's a code that was left there for the purpose of debugging. it makes girls like you

> The Russian is my friend

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>gamer girl
>favorite game: wow/fortnite/zelda/mass effect
id rather 1000x times have a regular bitch who just wants to hug me while i'm playing single player shit

have sex.

have sneed



I'm a girl
Rate it Yea Forums

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tits or gtfo

absolute fucking trash, save for SH2 and CT.

We unironically had to bad girls from our group server since one guy in our group kept hitting on them and embarrassing himself. I remember some girl asked him for nudes and she ended up sending them to the whole school.

oh i hate this kind of episode
>admin gives her special treatment
>bans anyone who says anything remotely rude
>spills his spaghetti anytime she opens her mouth
>fucking proposes to her over the internet
>spergs out when she quietly leaves
>goes nuclear and blames everyone but himself

risk of rain is cool.

Yes, that's pretty girly user but you know the rules, tits of gtfo

c o p e

One of the most Yea Forums 3x3's I've seen. Get some opinions of your own.

yeah and how big is your cock girly?

I found your problem, you play on servers full of absolutely thirsty retards.


>playing single player shit around girls
Good luck

>someone got this salty over internet lingo
You Zoomers would be killing yourself during the desu era

>not just banning the one guy causing problems

a guy in my school was catfished by his friends, he made up with a plush bear and masturbated while kissing it (all on webcam), they recorded it and everyone on the school saw it

Oh yeah? Show me your favorite games.

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bros before hoes

>girl sick of being pushed towards the thot lyfe
>tries to hang out with guys because "less drama"
>picks up genericpopulargame and plays a bit
>attempts to integrate and join in with groups
>voice chat
>suddenly being treated like a special queen
>just as much drama as normal shitty thot lyfe
>dozens of basement virgins being passive aggressive towards her and her attention at all times
>can't ever get a normal drama free answer to questions
>group is literally split between people who like her for no reason and people who hate her for no reason
>eventually stops being able to self lubricate
>leaves server, blames neckbeard fa/tg/uys
>becomes a feminist SJW dried up lesbian
>visibly ages due to having to use body moisture to self lubricate again
the gamer girl life

i dont have to do jack shit cunt


>they got him so fast he couldn't even finish the post
mock them all you want, but that is pretty impressi

>banning a guy we knew for years and considered one of our best friends
>letting a stupid whore join our server to talk about how much she hates being orbited by guys she doesn’t like

Check it out, this faggot doesn't even play video games.

Can’t these girls just integrate back with the popular crowd though? I’ve seen tons of ugly girls with more popular girls in high school and beyond and it’s never been a big deal because of the cheerleader effect.

Stop inviting strangers to your server then. It’s not like anybody wants to join a server full of people who have known each other for a decade and be the odd one out

Here you go

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>itt Yea Forums revealing they suck shit at video games because they deal with women.

If you dont wanna deal with girl gamers, get good. Its only chill bros who care about the game at the top of any game.

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Cyka, do you want to play some games together?

All my friends are fucking normies who want to play only Uncharted or whatever piece of AIDS ridden chimpanzee shit is the flavour of the month these days.

have sex

>wife of player joins the server
>nobody acts like a thirsty retard

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>instantly jumps to 'stupid whores' when talking about any women at all
Hello mommy issues

It’s not me, it’s from some other guys in my group who’ve known the girls for longer. Don’t worry though, we don’t allow this favored anymore.

I am currently enjoying Risk of Rain 2 and Mordhau in my free time.

I do

>at gathering with friends
>one of them brings out smash and I play with them
>their girlfriends start watching saying how they live that game
>after three games the girls start to leave with the better looking guy leaving only me and the real boys

On one hand, it sucks knowing how bad I am with women but in the other hand Smash with friends is peak comfy


>girl joins server
>no one knows because there's no VOIP, just text chat, and she doesn't mention her genitals
>everyone has a good time

I love my mom, I’m speaking purely from experience.
>girl joins, starts drama and plays with a guys feelings until he gets depressed and suicidal
>another girl joins, annoy everyone by complaining about all her orbiters
>literally every other girl who joins detracts from the conversation by talking about guys

Based :)

>girl joins voicechat
>team suddenly became: 1 seething incel, 1 beta orbiter, 1 white knight, 1 guy lefts voice chat, 1 """funny""" guy
why are you incels like this?

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Sounds fun user.
I think I'm gonna finally play The Messenger. I've heard good things about it.

The sad thing is that this line would actually work coming from someone that attractive

>gamer girl
>mass effect

This attention whore should've tried using one of the many apps that change voice.
But women are too dumb for that I suppose.
Or could've played games that are more games than light social networks.
But then there would be no free attention from neckbeards just because she's a women

The older I become, the more I see how my grandfather was right. There's a reason women and men always had different interests. We ARE different. Trying to ignore it, and have women and men share the same space in hobbies is idiotic. Women will always try to make any group they're in into a social network, shitting up the community that previously existed with a focused goal of playing that game.
I'm never letting a girl in any group I mod, ever again.


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i don't get all the americans that hate russiabros i've never had an issue with them most of them are hilarious.

Oh yeah. That looked alright. Have fun with it.

>Hehe I'm not like other gamer girls! :3

they have an effect on males that breaks down cohesion and unity and makes them become competitive and boastful, trying to assert dominance
which is retarded online because you simply cannot do that shit, not unless you've got some underlying fag authority like being an admin or something
but naturally you get forced to make concessions and rise above this shit rather than taking the quicker, simpler and more instantly effective solution as banning women

>id rather 1000x times have a regular bitch who just wants to hug me while i'm playing single player shit
It's nice.

Voice changers don't sound believable in the slightest and you shouldn't need to actively hide your identity to prevent neckbeards from being neckbeards
"Why won't this dumb nigger just use white paint lmao"
I can't believe you fucking made me whiteknight on Yea Forums

From my experience this doesn't happen. You must play on some really dogshit servers instead of the chill ones.


Have sex

bend over sweaty

>that reddit mod that who got super pissed over finding out some twitch whore has an asian husband
What was they're name again?

There actual girls (females) on Yea Forums ?
Off all places?

Yes, I like it here. I think of you guys as my friends.

Just friends though, nothing more.

>That cuck who donated lots of money to a twitch slut who later find out she had a bf and got mad af
What was his name again?
I forgot

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

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That’s funny it took mine

Why the fuck do you keep posting these threads user when you can just kill yourself instead?

That was Amouranth and it might have been this faggot

Tits or gtfo bitch

>hes used to chat being mean

Play games

>girl joins server
>everyone in the server is a ">3dpd" kinda guy
>everything goes as usual until she ousts herself as a cunt and gets thrown out
I'm proud of my lads

Good taste, but it looks like the taste of the majority of Yea Forums. Are you being honest?

based and redpilled

That's 80% of people playing online video games though, the rest either barely plays at all or sucks.

get help

Yeah. I thought Yea Forums hated video games

this is pretty accurate. who /leavethechannel/ here?

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Nah, it is always someone mad that the game they want won't come to their favourite platform.

I just mute the girl and keep playing, it's not that hard.

You get points for Risk of Rain, though.

>American server
>Makes you agree to a draconian MOTD before you can play

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you mean comfy

Based user.
Why Yea Forumsutists are such chads?

>I'm a girl
fuck off

Why would she treat him so badly on stream?

Blow it out your ass

You got it, pham

Oy goy do not question.

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No it wouldent

I want to sit next to you and play with your p*ssy while you play Animal Crossing

I'm more of, leave the channel and bring a few people with me. That or just keep killing the grill if it's a shooter or something

>sjws hate anti-boycott laws b/c israel's anti-palestine shit
>/pol/ hates anti-boycott laws b/c muh j00s
horseshoe theory.....

why did you censor pussy

please don't say dumb shit like this again

based user getting driven insane by all the zoom zoom onions snoy cringe


Unironically based and redpilled

>tfw healthy mix of boys and girls, people know each other's gender but all realized that there's more things in common than different

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You sound like an angry muppet

my friends, even the ones with girlfriends sperg out and try to impress or be funny if a girl shows up. at least I have one friend who actually tells them to fuck up or lets them know if they're being shit at the game or whatever

Why the fuck does a girl have to change her voice because you can't stop being a dumbfuck autist around her?

Do you guys kick a girl gamer from your circle of friends if she was pretending to be a guy for years?

men inherently change attitudes around women and vice versa. it's the basis of all intersexual social interaction
you'd know this if you weren't socially retarded

no that's the kind you unironically marry

Do you think with enough exposure to girl gamers boy gamers can overcome their existing biases and become tolerant or is this impossible and people like are all lying? Just seems kind of silly two genders playing a game in peace is a biological impossibility when conditioning seems like a simpler answer.

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it's impossible
you just gotta find that one nice girl that btfo's all other girls so you don't care about other girls anymore
only problem is, then you start to disregard females and they get wet over that shit so they'll go out of their way to get your attention

women are poison


we're not the ones that think they're women when we're men lmao btfo rekt roasted how can trannies ever recover???

I think he was trying to

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The only thing I know is that living with women made me hate them.
So much that my biggest fetish is degradation because I still want to fuck women, but I hate them so much for ruining everything I love.
I want to fuck them, but I definitely don't want them to feel pleasure. I just want to use their bodies and then stuff their mouth with something to make them shut up.


i got something similar, but i want them to go from resisting and not enjoying it, to being mindbroken slaves for my dick afterwards

So you're saying women throw themselves at the type of mgtow "vol"cels who ignore or even despise women? That doesn't sound right. Also why are you going off about dating


chuck off, Yea Forums.

>So you're saying women throw themselves at the type of mgtow "vol"cels who ignore or even despise women?
no, they're spergs who rage at women. i'm talking about simply treating them like there's absolutely nothing special about them and only giving them attention when it's in your interest

>Also why are you going off about dating
because it was relevant?

real talk, i work in a machine shop and we got some of our first females on the floor, went from 0 to 3 over a few months. Now guys who have been cursing, beating there heads against the wall for 25 years to keep production rolling have to "mind their manners" around these twenty somethings. It's fucking ridiculous.

It's like your lonely dicks are immune to the poison that's corrupted your brains. I hope you find love and stop hating girls so much.

i hope you join the 40% of your kind


Kill yourself

Yes and it doesn't matter.

Are you me

>play on a TF2 dodgeball server
>regular joins server
>avatar is suddenly cropped furry porn
>didn't know he was a furry
>his boyfriend joins
>they're both furries
>they uwu and murr at each other over voice all game
>no one seems to care
>i don't care
>i'm also a furry
Feels good man

If by 'mind your manners' you mean not using sexist language or some shit like that, what's so hard about that? This reminds me of a weak anti-workplace racial integration argument which was essentially, "Working with darkies is bad for productivity because I'm going to have to learn not to be racist," like lol.

That's hot.

>Russian guy buddies up with me in Bad Company 2 even though I'm a loner without a mic
>Have lots of fun together
The ruskies are alright in my books.

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6/6, you have awesome taste. I really want to try The Amazing Mirror sometime.

Women liking SH2 seems to enrage Yea Forums like nothing else, I don't get it.

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Hey me. Do you play deep rock galactic too?

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objectively pretty good, but definitely /girl/. Weird how that is. The exception to /girl/ is Crash 3, I've never met a girl that's cared about Crash. My gf likes most of those games.


why do they always have some weird hat and an ugly beard
if you spend all your time on the internet you should know by now

I'm dying

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wtf how am i in 2 places at once

That's their own fault. Men are simply retarded.

pretty good and also pretty girlish

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tits or gtfo hoe

I grew up with a ps1 instead of a n64. Crash and Spyro were fun. I remember trying to play silent Hill at a young age only to get scared and turn off the console. I didn't play it until I was older.


>player joins match and makes some sick plays
>everyone is completely silent
>nobody knew it was a chick until someone checked the steam profile comments on the 4th page
>3 dudes immediately get on the mic to start hitting on her
>one sounds like hes in his 50s and another one sounds like a 16 year old r*dditor making cringy jokes all the time.
>chat went from empty to "uWu" spam
>later everyone wants to kick her off the server
>"everyone that votes NO is a white knight beta"
>in the end all of the lads are shooting the shit with eachother after breaking the ice
It's so strange witnessing this lads. Were women made to be abused?

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We should play risk of rain 2 some time me.

No, males are just abusive.

Pretty much this.

eat shit, faggot freak

I don't understand modern slang.
Are white knights considered to be incels?
Or incels are people who pick on gamer girls?

>Castlevania SotN
>Majora's mask
Pretty good shit user

>nobody knew until someone checked page 4 of comments
sounds like a real creep desu, why not just play vidya instead of looking through strangers profiles

source on that article?

we should meet up and fuck haha just kidding that would be crazy haha

>girl joins the server

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based and/or cringe

>Girl joins server
>She braps through team speak
>We win the round with moral at 200%

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Radfems are right 100% of the time.


Yeah... haha... good one. Wouldnt want to fuck while we play risk of rain 2 together or anything. haha.

White knights are men that will jump at any chance to defend a woman in any issue or argument, regardless of her actual arguments or if she's in the right or not. It's usually assume most white knights do thaf to get be seen as good guys and possibly get dates or sexual favors.

Incels means "Involuntary Celibates" and it refers to virgins that usually hate women due to not being able to have sex.

surprisingly not really
if the line is so cringey even a woman hates it, it doesn't matter how attractive you are

russiabros are fucking awesome. I've played years with them on shady russian servers (I'm no russ myself) and had ton's of fun with them.

>wife of guild/server owner joins chat
>someone becomes a martyr for calling her a cunt when shes acting like a cunt

fucking kek.
based Tom.

Tbh it could have been some salty guy trying to figure out if she was cheating with alt account. I do that shit sometimes too

Get a fucking room

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lives on tumblr/10

>Bing bing wahoo

Good taste. I though I was only one here. Can you tell me about Risk of Rain.

This, for some reason Russiabros are always BASED and REDPILLED as fuck.

Are you for real...

I kinda want free games from betas online. What's a good male to female voice changer.

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copypasta moves fast

White Knights are anybody who act empathetic toward women and reject false or unfounded defamation. Because the only reason to ever care about a woman is if you are horny, I guess.


When girls join any of my servers I get them to send me nudes by promising special privileges then I dump them all in the server for the boys to enjoy before kicking the now humiliated dumb slut back to whatever hole she crawled out from under.

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>omg it's so hard being a woman on the internet
I never got this certain line that I hear from feminists. The internet is anonymous unless you make a conscious choice to reveal things about you. When it comes to voice chat you still aren't forced at gunpoint to talk.

>implying women can form their own opinion on things

Paper Mario isn't bing bing wahoo

It's the little things.

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>that one girl on vc who has the forced high-pitched uwu voice
But don't hit on me you silly boys teehee~~ (^_^)

Tits or GTFO

i hope you're a qt trap haha that would be wild haha imagine bending you over and filling up your boypussy while we play risk of rain 2 isn't that just the weirdest idea haha

You're so close to grasping their point, how the fuck do you not understand the problem here


Just take some trap voice lessons user.

You're not forced to react to their femaleness.

you actual retard

>Because the only reason to ever care about a woman is if you are horny, I guess.

That's actually true for the fucked up animals called men.

Okay me, you're getting a bit carried away. But you sound like a good time.

Holy shit. Like holy shit.

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discord trannies showed up

No one's forced to use voice changers you retard. Literally just mute them if autists fawning over you 24/7 is such an ordeal. Or you know, fucking ignore them.

Based slut shaming user
Women are only good for fucking, and taking care of the house.
Both are two really important things already, but for some reason dumb whores want everything to be about them

Anons I have to go to work at Costco at 6pm today and it's almost 4 right now. I just got on as a front end assistant but I got a super bad sore throat, if we miss any shifts in our 90 day peiod, chances are we are let go. Sorry for blogposting.

>Women are only good for fucking, and taking care of the house.

This is how men see women, there's no hint of sanity in their masculine brains.

Ignore then, mute them. Those people can not be helped. Or just laugh at them. Like I do with average Yea Forums poster.

Wouldn't it be funny if burgahboy farted into a boat?

>Ampharos joins the server

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So why did you invite her to your house to play games if it causes problems?

user, I know you are trying to sound edgy, but you really need to try harder enough. A lot of men here have you beat.

He wanted to fuck her.

>pretend to be a girl online
>some guy falls for it
>end up liking each other
>break the news to him 2 years later after too much guilt
>meet up irl and have gay sex instead

wait what just happened

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So they don't actually want solutions like muting people or just not talking, they just want to bitch and moan because surprise surprise you can't control other peoples' actions? Get used to people doing things you don't like because it's just something that happens.

Something closely related to this is how when a poor woman was victimised on the internet, then suddenly she represents ALL women and we gotta band together and hold hands for this tortured soul. But if another woman says something like "idk I don't think women have it that bad" or anything against the feminist doctrine she's just trying to get male attention or has internalized misogyny and she doesn't represent the other females all getting cyber-raped daily.

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>been playing on the same server for 8 years
>nobody knows I'm a girl

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He wanted that boi pussy pretty badly after all that user.

>russian is friendly as fuck and cooperates with the team

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Dilate, tranny.

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shit never gets old, why is this thread not spammed with glorious cringe like this?

>men getting butthurt/clingy whenever they hear a woman's voice is "just something that happens"
wew, some solution.


>having a chill game night on a friday with your bros
>one of them wants to bring his gf
>"yeah she's really into smash/pokemon/zelda"
>everyone's basically silent and awkward while she's there, can't relax or fuck around at all like we usually do
>still continue to invite her because they're all autistic fucks who never meets real girls

>things that didn't happen
whatever faggot

I feel bad we broke up like a year after, it was a cute story

Literally happened. in WoW a few years ago

Yes, it literally is. Grow thicker skin. Partake in coitus.

There is no solution user, men are controlled by their cocks. Women have no reason to hide themselves over a fundimental flaw in nature while trying to relax and play a game, their lives are ruined by male cocks on a societal level anyway.


>girl joins server
>quietly ban her because im an admin but no one knows

Russians have been cool with me. It's all the faggots from China and Central and South America that are insufferable.

The French are assholes too.

Why is it men imploding when they catch a whiff of digital pussy does not equal being a hypersensitive baby, but women going "can't you chill out?" is?
Seems like the onus of getting triggerd lies within the people who first get hysteric, the instigators, which in this situation are men such as yourself.

Heh, who voiced this.

Probably from dealing with brain damaged gopniks in dota.

because pol sjw faggotry took over. these used to be called beta threads. now, it's just retards either pretend outrage screeching or really outraged screeching at each other.

As fun and whacky drunk russians are most of the time theyre fucking awful at the game but im speaking from dota perspective

still love rusbros though

It's funny that even exists because it is 100% unconstitutional and any rationale Supreme Court would strike it down without a moment's hesitation as it is a literal attempt by a government to curb freedom of speech.

It's okay user. You'll find another who wants that qt boi butt.

>russian joins server
>cool guy, very mellow
>sperg lord starts screaming

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>all the cucks in the server start orbiting her and tipping their fedoras
castrate yourself if you do this

we should be girlfriends

Have you considered playing with people with any spine at all

Men are not rational.

So not gamers?

p-p-p-please could feet?

whats really socially retarded is to treat a member of the opposite sex like theyre special. quit putting pussy on a pedestal and treat girls wanting to join your group like one of the guys and theyll appreciate you for it.


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Cute jellybeans

>Whiteknighting on the internet
>No women will even see this post

Fucking casual, also you haven't even beaten those games if you are a real (non trap) girl. You just say you like them without actually finishing them

If you don't play PC games you are just a normie

>8 Player Smash 4 featuring pastel lolita cosplayer
>Everyone tries to protect her
>Shoryuken shoryuken shoryuken
>Down to 1v1, at high percent after destroying the royal guard
>Shoryuken the shit out of her Kirby and win
>She stops playing
Nothing against her, I just wanted to beat her posse.

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No it wouldn't.

I've never experienced anything like this and I'm nearing 30. Then again, if I ever got a "vibe" off of a guy, I just stopped talking to them. No time for dealing with potential autists that can't stop dropping spaghetti or teehee silly bois types.

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Dont go overboard and become an sjw dyke

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You should have banned all the men and kept her for your harem.

Do you have a penis?

nice pussy

Same here.

It's fucking true, anyone with a brain knows this and exploits it.

>>girl joins the server
Asakawa Yuu, a 40+ years old woman is a better player than 99,9% of you, Yea Forums scum.

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This, user.
I only date girls who have penises.

did you faggots not grow up having female friends who'd come over and play video games with you?

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Yes, if you stretch it far enough then yes, being low test creep ogling and whiteknighting every pair of tits is tickling the same senses as f.e. being an overprotective caveman. Learn to walk the middle way and stop using biology as a shield retard. You are no better than the thot fucking everything with a pulse because "muh genetics and finding a perfect mate" while using birth control.

Accept what you are and become a better version of yourself. Stop using weak excuses as a shield.


>that one eastern european guy that you used to play day z with


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>having any friends at any time

The whole thing with everyone online always hitting on women or thinking you are one just because you are being friendly and chatty made me just go complete silent when playing online. It's tiresome to be so lonely online.

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somebody wasn't around for all the shit ITT. i assure you, user, it's accurate.

based cat

Supreme court is full of neocons and leftist kikes from both sides so good luck with that

I really get annoyed when women bitch about being oppressed and not having any power when it only takes one of them to ruin a guild, company, server, etc.

The only reason they can ruin a guild in the first place is because of thirsty losers who enable them.

I know and those people deserve to burn but that still proves how easily they can turn people into faggots.

Play EVE Online, there're no girls in EVE Online

>Tee-hee chad is so funny ironically saying cringey pick up lines :)
Sorry but you can't do wrong if you're attractive and confident

God I love this picture so fucking much

Attached: 1473288480805.jpg (751x630, 97K)

There's no men either! Just rows and columns and numbers.

Based and redpilled.


Attached: IMG_20190524_161727.jpg (680x605, 47K)

tits and gtfo


>disgusted with parroted buzzword spam
>sounds like a puppet

It's meta and it's nice even if unintentional.

Oh wow dumb blue collar can't swear as much as he used to, who cares

It's always the same solution, act like a muslim girl so the stupid cockdemons don't get dicktriggered.

It's another gay fucking tranny enters the FC

Attached: 1459800346940.gif (220x294, 523K)

They are like that, no one turns them.

Shut the fuck up faggot

>tfw can't find a FC
>a lot of people seem overly friendly in a fake way
>can't find one I feel comfortable joining
I can't deal with this game

Nothing unconstitutional has stood the test of time so far in this nation's history. Even segregation died out eventually. It's not a matter of chance. It's simply a matter of time.

leftists support BDS though, israel is a conservative shithole

So what exactly you expect others to do?
>don't orbit girl = bad
>be nice to girl = bad
>not engaging with girl at all = bad
>make jokes = bad
The problem is that in your mind everyone will only act in function of the girl, so you see everything others do as related to that.

Guess what though?
I'd call any other player on their bullshit
I'd be normally nice with any other good player
I'd be not talking with some fags
And I'd still keep making jokes to guys


You're an idiot. Being attractive is the number one thing to get people to accept you. You can be a fuck up, you can be an abuser, a molester, a fucking rapist and murderer, but as long as you're hot it doesn't matter. You can get away with anything. Why do you think women have zero accountability for their actions?

>That or just keep killing the grill if it's a shooter or something
This is just how the autists used to "flirt" in school

>gf is into vidya
>mfw i watch all those desperate whiteknights orbiting her hoping for a bit of attention
>mfw i shit talk her on purpose just to trigger some of them and we both laugh at their reaction

Attached: 1457658583332.jpg (395x401, 59K)

the GIRL has arrived
>animorphs from man to ram
>butts heads with everyone for supremacy of girl's attention
>also blame the girl for causing the infighting, somehow

>Why do you think women have zero accountability for their actions?

Look at these replies and tell me males have actual minds.

Attacking a girl over and over is also trying to get her attention. She can't play and is forced to think about you.

A girl.... AND a gamer? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

Attached: 1559887849453.gif (480x270, 1.33M)

>Yea Forumseddit joins the server
newfags were a mistake

Attached: file.png (3298x1730, 3.18M)

I pretend to be a girl online just for such reactions.

Attached: 1337419712944.png (300x455, 16K)

pretending to be a girl in online games is a gateway drug to becoming a tranny

Attached: 1557635193927.gif (306x235, 1.96M)

surprisingly good taste but sorry you know the rules

>tfw far too autiatic to ever hope to get a gf the normal way
>instead over the course to 4 years, i mentally fucked with a fat mexian sjw roasite until she became a tradwife
>she's gone full /pol/ack and has lost most of the fat
>we listen to 40k audiobooks on the weekends, and named our roomba schlomo
>because mentally repairing a broken spic was eaiser then just talking to women normally
T.race traitor


>all those replies
ha ha :)

unironically based and fucking redpilled

"I haz credentials" tier


Its too late for me to go looking for my sides.

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Got the source of that buddy?

Attached: nice.jpg (416x600, 34K)

what did he mean by this

this is based ad fuck

>just fapped
>came everywhere
>been sitting at my desk browsing Yea Forums Orzing with no motivation to clean myself up.

Welp, I'll be off...

Attached: magane nyan paw.gif (525x360, 270K)

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do milk

>girl on ingame voice chat
>constantly trying to be "one of the guys"
>inserting herself into every situation, every conversation
>high pitched squeaky voice ruptures your eardrums
>always trying to be cute
>always trying to be funny

>people crowd around and brigade her anyway
>game grinds to a halt if she dies, half the server chews you out, the other half stumble over each other to try to get her back to where she was/give her back any dropped items
the best community i ever saw banned girls who got on mic or made themselves obvious for the sake of the community along with teenagers

Attached: 1556465610787.gif (341x256, 2.99M)

Why are you shitposting at work and did you wanna do vocals today?

me zoom zoom

Have you fed your GF eggs lately, Yea Forums?

I don't even have a job user.
Nice try.

Attached: 1557555454966.png (427x495, 290K)

Oh then your not my lady.

Get off Yea Forums and stop binge drinking on the weekends. Nothing is wrong with being a christmas cake is the bread is still good.

I'm so depressed

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iirc it's some girl who has her own subreddit and patreon
her images started flooding here last year or the year before I don't remember

>tranoid on mic on my server
>people start making fun of them in chat/voice
>start getting complaints about trolls
>technically its everyone else whos breaking the rules about not shitting up chat/stirring drama
>tell the tranoid i'm just going to ban you anyway because its easier to just get rid of you than everyone who has a problem with you
>"what the fuck"

Attached: 1519366669924.jpg (680x655, 50K)

I'm the guy that starts saying shit like MARRY ME MY QUEEN and shit like that just to make everyone uncomfortable
Don't really care if you find it annoying its funny as fuck to me

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>Play game
>Join clan only to do clan only activities
>Don't post in the clan chat at all unless absolutely needed while everyone else is getting way to involved in each others lives
>Cant turn off the notification so I see sniplets every time I open the chat to just to get rid of the annoying red dot
>Some girl joins
>Everyone fawns over her
>Ignore it all
>Now there is a red exclamation mark instead of a dot
>The girl mentioned me and keeps doing it
>Keeps trying to get my attention
>Ignore her for a while before talking to her to explain that I don't fucking care and just want to play the game
>The clan flips shit at me
>Ignore them
>Kicked from the clan the next day

For fucks sake people. I don't fucking care about you or your lives. If content was not gated I wouldn't even fucking join.

Semi based, but ultimately bluepilled.

you made the right call






















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You people must be from a distant timeline that merged into this one because my experiences have been different. The kind of servers I settled into were way more laid back. The type where no one gives a shit about women or accents or anything and people aren't unironically flirting. Just playing the game, shooting the shit, and laughing.
I think it's that you guys, sounding like average men, naturally lump in with servers with low amounts of exposure to other types of people and as a result react really awkwardly when you meet someone who sounds black or sounds female which is why you have all these peculiar greentexts.

Attached: The GDS.jpg (1024x768, 212K)

I have had the exact same experience.
south/central americans are notorious for their shitty connections and language barriers. I swear 60% of the time I queue for ranked games on overwatch (dont ask) its a French guy that plays like shit and annoying as fuck to listen to on mic "Errrrrrrrr.... he-hello gaise... aughhh-arrrre you reati toooo uhhhhh... win deh gaem?" is it me or does it sound like they are perpetually drunk or on opioids?

>me and gf poke fun at eachother 24/7 in voice chat on a discord server we're in
>whiteknight gets mad at me and tries to defend her while we lose our shit

Attached: tomato me faggot.png (867x806, 572K)

that sounds cute user, do you help her dilate?

>Girl joins the server
>Total silence
>"I love you"

Attached: mlady.png (787x591, 289K)

yeah i slurp up the pus

You... are a gamer?

Be still, my beating heart.

This is pretty onions and cringe

this was awesome (based)

>Mexican joins the server
absolutely asco

i love the Yea Forums logic of "everyone is male until proven guilty" like for the tens of thousands of dumbass players with names like "sniperfox1985" only the ones who got on mike and sounded really girly were female. surely.

Used to play Monster Hunter with a girlfriend, my mate and his girlfriend. Not once did we pounce on skill difference being gender related, we only laughed at how bad my mate and his gf were all the time.


oh lawd


I am so glad I got over this in high school. It hurts to think about these cringey moments but god if I didn't do it so early I would be just like these fucks. Thank god I found someone too. Much easier life.

Attached: t.jpg (400x400, 12K)

That's almost all of them user. I can hear guys having normal conversations and the moment they hear a female all attention goes to her. It's like these faggots never talked or seen a female before with the way they act



Decent taste, but you know what you are.

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I remember an encounter when i still fell for the overwatch meme where 2 girls were fighting over who can play mercy. I ended up feeling really bad for the one who was playing her since the other one was really abusive. I've never witnessed some1 going so hard on anyone in vidya ever.
That was the day I learned that only creature more cruel to women than men were other women.

The second guy you quoted is an Yea Forums poster, he's probably utterly beyond autistic, that's the only scenario it'll be possible, where everyone's a 10 year old in the mind and not normalfag pieces of shit at the same time.

As retarded as your story is and even how you type I just hate you fag You are absolutely right. Women are way more mean to other women. Bitches always go for the jugular.

just search keanu reeves israel, first source.


Desu it's worse when one or two dudes act try to be "above it all" by acting like a fucking retard. Memories of TF2 of a girl miking up and then some dude goes
>I-i-i-i-i-is that a g-g-g-g-irl
in mocking fashion. Just play the fucking game.


I was playing with a female friend and her friends since high school and got pretty used to them. I used to turn down my low brow humor when they were around, but now I don't filter anything and treat wamen in vidya like anyone else. Except I add them a bit more easily than guys. And now a 19 year old Resievil fangirl wants my D

Thanks for agreeing and I hope you get glassed nigger

Your welcome now eat my ass faggot and get aids and die.

>"""girl""" joins the server
>loud whispery voice
>immediately laughed out of the server

Attached: 1555883280290.jpg (1200x1200, 175K)

kind of cringe bro

The fuck is this?

Only if you promise to love me while I do em schizo

The only girls that aren't gamers are the ones that are already married. The rest are lying whores that will say anything to get that ring on their finger.

I will always love you. Right into the grave.

Is there a voice changer that will actually make me sound like a guy?
I really want to play games with people so I'm not as lonely but it's really scary for some reason.

on the off chance you're a woman, don't use voice chat. it's easy.

Id like to try voice chat as a way to help me speak better offline since I'm too shy to have any friends offline.
Kind of like training myself.


No you don't. You want attention, which is why you're drawing attention to the fact that you're a roastie right now.


I don't know how good modern voice changers are but if you don't mind being a bit attention grubby you can always go full on robo and sound like Kylo Ren. Just don't make it too distorted. Also make your avatar and name masculine. I'd tell you to just own it but fuck man dealing with psycho gamer losers is awful.
Or you can just bluff and say you're a dude and honestly it shuts most people down immediately. Worth trying that out though before going through the voice changer hassle.

Attached: 1544355893420.jpg (1304x733, 84K)

>girls joins server
>immediately start flirting with her
>i'm also a girl

suck this cock



>S ranking a V mission
Is that supposed to be hard

>haha j-just pretending to wear knee high socks and shave my legs and post pictures of my ass on r9k h-hahaa

>Played MMOs for ~15 years now
>Every guild had at least a couple of girls
>Current guild leader is a girl as well
I honestly refuse to believe that spergs that go "OH MY GOD IT'S A GIRL" are a vast majority of gamers.

I usually ask and when she says, I "jokingly" ask her to send me a pic of her feet. It's always "lol wtf". Hasn't worked so far but 1 day.

>player joins match and makes some sick plays
>it was a chick
nice try my well roasted friend

>Is there a voice changer that will actually make me sound like a guy?

>tfw you have a group of vidya pals
>eventually one of them brings a girl in
>half the guys metaphorically suck in their guts and no longer bring good banter
>girl gets bent out of shape over the pre existing banter the lads would have
>group collapses due to bending over backwards for the newcomer girl
every time

I never had this problem of beta orbiters, but then again I always avoid weebs and that saves you a lot of headaches in general.
The weirdest thing was joining VC in a server, and the guys telling me "there is another girl in our group, ya know" and giving me her contact. They expected us to become friends, I guess?

hey, as long as you take advantage of the situation. if you get together with the boys regularly, play a couple rounds and then socialize. if not, then playing smash all night could be the correct choice

That's like: Hey, Deshawn is black too, so I guess both of you have something in common and can be friends!

what's it called?

>I'm a girl
>Stardew Valley
It shows

gets me every time

>There are girls in this thread right now

Attached: 1523120006968.png (439x439, 238K)

A quick google search shows that Voxal is free for the home user and popular so you'll get lots of tutorials and support.
Since it works on Skype/Discord and all those shit, it would most probably work in VC games too.

No there aren't. Newfags and reddit tourists keep falling for the LARP. A new sucker born every minute, as the saying goes.

Attached: 908491.jpg (512x446, 62K)

That's exactly what a girl would say.
I'm onto you.

We can't be sure until tits are posted

Attached: i-want-to-believe.jpg (200x249, 9K)

why does retarded shit like this make me laugh so hard

>YFW this image was probably posted by a dumb thot trying to earn hard catch points


Thanks user. I tried Clownfish a while ago but it didn't work, hope this does.


based and hacker pilled

He's right, Yea Forums


jesus christ you guys are blue pilled
"oh look a women, change everything!"
"shut up you mysgonist"

Attached: 1455719636329.jpg (3072x2052, 2.16M)

Would hire.

Attached: 1555600980878.jpg (250x250, 6K)

if i post a shitty bait pic, you are more likely to watch this video.

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>Average SS13 CV


This wouldn't be a half bad resume for some quirky video game related job that hires people that wear pink hair and pierciunhdf

Pretty based taste. You're cute. Will you be my gf?


Attached: 12b84f8e2b60ea3c0a611df5ec144522.jpg (714x714, 62K)


hey same user here ;) post your discord cutie and I'll be yur e boyfriend :)

This is pretty cringy, especially since all she had to say was that she was Japanese and I'd have hired her.

This is next level cringe

How much do I have to pay for a femanon to be my girlfriend

about tree fiddy

But at the end of the day you still are fucking a fat Mexican.

Unironically correct

c-can I get an e gf please

Why even use a voice changer? Just be yourself and make money off Patreon.

This is honestly what I'd expect out of a graphic designer, desu. It'd be instatrashed if it were any other position though, even HR.

that's why you don't voice chat. you can find other girls in places like MMOs like XIV, but otherwise its best to be assumed male in most psuedo-anonymous interactions

zomg a gril

gotta give her some credit for not friending him, getting the game and then blocking him

That's very inaccurate, gamer girls are the unpopular ones who couldn't compete with the alpha females or play their game. So they leave the standard path to hang out on the gamer zone, where they get insane amount of attention and let themselves go to become fatties, because beta gamer girls are so thirsty they accept any trash.
Every time that I dated a regular girl with regular tastes she were more mentally balanced and comfortably feminine.

>Pretend to be a girl
>Guy confesses his love to me
Feels weird.

Attached: 1478397220594.jpg (2774x1993, 714K)

I met an old German guy in dayz back in arma 2 days, he told me stories from the old country while we walked around until some guy started shooting us

A+ Taste

Attached: 937.gif (500x281, 278K)

>Actually a girl
>Guy confesses his love to me
Feels weird.


why do girls like animal crossing so much
my friend's ex obsessed over it and stardew and other games where there's no stress or conflict, i think it has something to do with depression

tfw no gf


Basically every girl I know played Crash and/or Spyro growing up. Even if it was just on thier brothers console and never really got into games.

wtf i love israel now

>Be girl
>Join server
>Never hop on mic
>All the guys talk about girls
>What girls they want to fuck
>Who their waifus are
>If they're going to jerk their cocks, when, how often (jokingly I think)
>Talking about their boners
>Talking about their cum (ironically/jokingly I think)
>Jokes about their nuts

It was fascinating and secretly kind of hot

Attached: 1538088889369.jpg (653x533, 32K)




> have gender neutral name, that’s almost exclusively female in America
> get assumed to be a girl quite often
> I also type like a girl apperently
> suddenly able to be much better at conversation, open and not my usual neurotic autistic self
> occasionally get in too deep
> have made dozens of guys (and even a few lesbians) cum just by messages
> feel profound sense of shame
> also sadness because it’s a something i’ll never know as my real self
> wizarddom is on the horizon

I would have made a excellent girl. And it’s too early in history for trans stuff to actually be viable. So alas, i’ll cry and shitpost until I die.

>Girl joins the group
>Other members passive aggressively bicker over her and ask her for pics in DM and shit
>I never get involved because I'm secure and don't fall over myself at the chance of female interaction
>At the end of everything she expresses interest in me and sends me nudes when I didn't do anything
>One guy in the group found out she was talking to me, went nuclear about ""everybody"" liking me better than him and quit the next day
gamers are faggots desu

why not just be gay? tons of people like effeminate boys

>have made dozens of guys cum just by messages

You're gay.

>was in tf2 game when this exact same thing happened
and no, because heavy is a really good class to play as.

Attached: 1552960067428.jpg (560x578, 79K)

>me and my best friend aren't friends anymore because he flipped shit anytime i mentioned the girl that joined
good times

Attached: 1557975588731.jpg (549x525, 65K)

What the best MMO to pretend to be a girl in for free shit? FFXIV seems tough because fucking everyone's an obnoxious catgirl.


I would say Runescape but it's been like a decade for me. If classic is all oldfags and bots it might be way harder than it used to be

Reminder: Trannies are NOT women.

But I’m not gay, I only feel sexual anything when I completly disassociate from myself. I have such low self worth I can’t even imagine myself having enjoyable sex.

Oh well. I only get horny about once a month anyway. So it’s not a big deal.

What are you, autistic? I hate this
>i'm just too shy to even exist!

cringe and blue pilled

>be autism
>communicate exclusively through memes and shitposting
>girl joins voice
>don't know what to do so keep memeing
>end up becoming her favorite
>girl is now my friend

She's fat though

Attached: 1558737012474.png (231x442, 115K)

Men are all thirsty as a biological necessity, were designed that way in order to maximise the chances of us reproducing

I waifud a girl in a coop game for over 2 years before meeting a girl who played as her and we became friends. Now she is married to some other guy. I never liked her or fantasized about her sexually or bought her anything. She is like sister I never had to me. It is weird. Probably the only genuine female friend I've ever had.

>She's fat though
Long as she's cute and not a full on hamplanet chubby chicks are my shit

Attached: 1557718208843.jpg (1280x1106, 267K)

oof that's a big yikes from me homie

Spics ruins games 100x more than a Russian could ever hope to

Attached: 1560080445441.jpg (480x640, 234K)

She's full hamplanet, not gonna lie. Voice is top tier though, if I could get her to do a sexy reading of literally anything I could bust THE nut and die happy.

Attached: THAT NUT.webm (480x204, 2.56M)

>I enter server
>no one notices or cares
>I leave server

Attached: 1472860069099.png (600x979, 191K)

I always just pretend to be a dude/ never correct anyone's use of pronouns.

>random girl joins me and my buddies COD:Z game
>keeps getting killed so she can spam "can't some nice cute boy help me"
> tell her "git gud scrub" and she rq.
...I miss my bros

Pretty good.

>Игopы Чoтвик on enemy team

Attached: 1535865696225.jpg (1200x675, 72K)

Good taste

this can't be right I remember that kid said something different

amazon wishlist?

3 4


Attached: 54ce4f9a4d20898ebdfcef56e380c9a3.jpg (300x300, 12K)

give her the D

>girls joins the server
>no one fawns over her
>when she attention whores the bros tell her to fuck off

Attached: 1540794016263.png (319x338, 152K)

am i an incel

Depends. Is your third eye open yet?

Listen little baby, you're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that aint what I'm about.

You're perfect the way you are. You hear me, sugar? Perfect. You deserve everything and anything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>MFW thinking about you hurting

Attached: bbgirl.png (207x199, 28K)

Nope but I have a steam wishlist, I can draw you something in exchange :)

based vocaroo spammer

how can we talk?

Attention seeking tranny ks

This is fucking GOLD
I love you user
You are the hero we need


probably comes from team based competitive games like Dota or CS

My gf literally likes watching me play singleplayer games.

j-just kidding

Attached: 1h9v7o.jpg (800x419, 41K)


Getting a girl friend is all well and good but how do I get a friend?

I have no idea

a group of discord/namefags from /vg/ who destroyed several generals
speedonvhs adamantium jimmy hazmat etc

join a small discord server relative to your interests but unironically
make a few friends and leave
rinse and repeat

this is not OC

The people that use discord seem like the kind of people I wouldn't get along with.

I will thank you :^)


literally this

Wow, you are painfully, balls-to-the-wall, crazy-level retarded. And you're just running with it, buckling down on the idiocy and just charging full speed, wearing your ignorance like a helmet.

girls dont come to Yea Forums

imagine using steamchat in the year 2019

Maybe? there are some nice people though, you just gotta look. kinda like how you actually make friends in real except you don't ever have to actually talk to eachother or meet face to face


Kevin, it's time to find a different outlet. Move on from the SCP game. Make new friends.

dumb anime, can't even eat a burgers

[spoilers] girls likes to shitpost too [/spoilers]