*sigh* this had a good run

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It's not over yet. It might return one day. Until then, Deathloop sounds cool.

I like to play as Emily Kaldwin and kill all the men and knock out the female guards and when I knock out the females I place their bodies on a soft surface like a sofa or a bed and I like to pretend Emily Kaldwin gropes the female guards a little bit also haha

so did Arkane
>creative director quits
>studio relegated to online shovelware

>Implying Deathloop isn't gonna be sweet

Not everything has to continue indefinitely, user. It's the glory of these sorts of games to remain as unchanging pillars of solid design and gameplay.
In 20 years maybe Dishonored will be looked back with the sort of reverence Thief Gold and the Metal Age is now. Same thing with Prey 2017 and System Shock 2.
I'm happy with 1 and 2. They're great games and I enjoyed my time with them. If Arkane does something new then I'm looking forward to it.

Attached: bonedad.jpg (400x400, 51K)

I refuse to play 2 because I don't want my memories and impressions of the first to be tarnished

It's gonna be impossible to discuss Deathloop because of muh niggers

Unless you really loved the Outsider or the Hount Pits Pub, and considered them essential to the enjoyment of the game, 2 is a great sequel. It's just the in-between-missions sections that are lousy.

One good game and two bad games isn't a good run.

At least the Prey remake had muh asians and they get a free pass, but yeah the blacks in Deathloop aren't gonna save it this time.

Austin, TX should be bombed.

All three games are great, faggot.
>Inb4 he's a story fag.

story is dumb and bad but the level design is really great, conceptually, mechanically, and aesthetically

>*sigh* this had a good run
please tell me they didnt

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Keep it that way.
They neuter the post-mission hub and shamelessly rehash the plague, except it's not interesting or creepy and has no gameplay application.

Haha imagine you were that female guard haha

>has no gameplay application.
Yes it does, faggot.

>bloodfly nests increase with chaos
>bloodflies can be used to kill enemies
>bonecharms sometimes have bloodfly-based effects

I couldn't give a shit about the ethnicity of the playable characters, I care that they are making a fucking online game.

The story is fucking horrendous and DOTO unironically ruined the fun of the Outsider to the point of no return. Design and art wise the two sequels are amongst the best I have ever played. PREY2017 is still better.

They somehow fucked up the audio in 2 so badly that it's almost unplayable. Directional audio is maybe the most important aspect of a stealth game and it plainly doesn't work and they never attempted to fix it.

It was only good for 1 game, the rest felt like annualized rehashed sequels.

the game would have been better if they didn't consult Anita to help them pander to the cunt crowd. Like I can see and feel what their original vision was.

It would have been much better if it
>only Emily, Corvo is killed by Delilah after she takes his powers
>replace the entire first mission with a prison break that has a time-lapse sequence so the world can change and the story can have brevity and depth
>we actually got to see Wyman as a character since the MC has an actual personality now
>more focus on the empire as a whole and the atrocities being committed by the new regime and how it all affects the people, that way you can have a compelling, believable world and pander to real world politics without being so obvious about it. You're still the empress, after all
>DON'T TALK ABOUT THE OUTSIDER!!! he's supposed to be mysterious, all-knowing and omnipotent not emotional and angry
>give Emily Corvo's mask, it's readjustable and would have looked much better on her instead of that turtleneck collar over the mouth shit
>make choices relevant to the outcome of the game in ways that change more than a few things, like having the ability to disarm or even dissolve the Abbey of the Everyman

Dishonoured was always shit
Get owned and play a real stealth game

>>DON'T TALK ABOUT THE OUTSIDER!!! he's supposed to be mysterious, all-knowing and omnipotent not emotional and angry
This seriously pissed me the fuck out.

>bloodfly nests increase with chaos
>bloodflies can be used to kill enemies
>bonecharms sometimes have bloodfly-based effects
No gameplay application that anybody will ever use ir care about. Also it has the most irritating enemy type in the series by a mile.

Whereas in Dishonored the plague had a variety of real gameplay application. Using rats to dispose of bodies being the most obvious.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is called moving the goalposts.

>replace the entire first mission
The first mission is like something out of a bargain bin PS1 game. I don't know how pretentious video game writers produced something that bad.

>More options to kill than to stealth
>Killing gives you the "bad" ending because the bodies attract rats which spread the plague
>Knocking out guards and leaving them in the freezing streets won't kill them for some reason
>Shooting people in the head with a crossbow won't kill them because it's a special bolt
>The child whose locked up in the tower somehow knows you went around killing people instead of knocking them out\ghosting

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Aside from the fact that you could just run to the objective, there was nothing wrong with the first mission.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm still waiting for Dark Messiah 2.

It has no gameplay application because none of the things you mentioned have any application in gameplay. 2 are mechanics and the other is so uncommon that it might as well not be possible.

>gameplay mechanics don't have gameplay applications
I'm going to stop giving you (you)'s at this point.

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>Mission starts
>Go to the throne room and sit down
>Enemies burst in and immediately take over your entire empire after a short monologue
>They drag you away alive and put you, unrestrained, in a room and lock the door
>All the people who just took over your entire empire in 5 seconds are now gone and there are just a few guards doing patrols
>You wake up and leave the room instantly
Great writing.

HIGH CHAOS MAKES X TYPE ENEMY SPAWN MORE is not a fucking gameplay mechanic you dolt.

>He doesn't want to play a 1 v 1 Dishonored powers shooter

>It's another baby crying that the chaos system provides with fun replayability that affects levels to a meaningful degree because MUH BAD ENDING ;_______;

the bloodflies pissed me the fuck off. Like it's quite clear that a lot of time, effort, and talent went in to that feature only for it to literally fall by the wayside as a piss poor attempt to recreate the omen that the rats in Dunwall were.

Yeah, there's lore to them. Yeah, they're a seasonal pest that spreads disease and kills people and the Duke is neglecting them so more nests are appearing than usual, but none of the characters seem to really give a shit. Like even Corvo acknowledges throwing rocks at their nests for fun as a kid and aside from that one part in the first mission where you have to sneak and fiddle around in the dilapidated and infested apartment building, you never see NPCs showing any kind of concern about them.

The rats were a beast. They were a byproduct of the plague, a central plot point established at the beginning of the game that's ravaging the town. Rats are literally everywhere and swarms routinely kill and eat people. They have this reverence that the bloodflies don't have, in that lorewise just one bite is enough to contract the plague and die. Bloodflies are nowhere near as imposing as the rats were! Yet their functionality and implementation are so well-done and polished..

It felt incomplete. Like content had been cut for whatever reason and they were more focused on polish rather than substance.

I don't give a shit about the bad ending nor does that dissuade me from playing in a way that will l result in me get the bad ending since I mixed and matched my gameplay with both stealth and killing
My gripe is with how the whole system works in the first place

Dishonored was medicore as fuck though

>play with powers
>easy as fuck

>play without powers
>bland as fuck because the only interesting mechanics revolve around powers, also still easy

I liked it. It doesn't need to be realistic, it just needs to provide replay ability. I liked the world reacting to you in a supernatural way. The more evil you were, the more evil the world was back.

>Prey remake

friendly reminder there are two arkane studios
austin, which made dishonored one and prey
and arkane france, which fucked up dishonored 2 and is making deathloop
keep your expectations for that game very tempered. we dont know what arkane austin is doing

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And I would welcome that, no doubt
But the criteria is so weird and arbitrary
>More chaos is because of more bodies
>What about these bodies?
>They don't count

Dishonored 2 was great, though. I bet you're one of those memers who sperged out about SJWs.

You're severely misinformed.
Arkane Lyons made Dishonored 1, 2 and Death of the Outsider and is working on Deathloop
Arkane Austin only worked on Nu-Prey

wait, really? I remember watching a documentary about dishonored and how harvey smith had to move to france for a while to help work on the game, away from austin where he normally lived.

just wasn't as compelling as the first game in just about all aspects

Dishonored 2 was an improvement over the first one in all aspects save for performance and story.

It didn't though, 2 and DotO were terrible

I love how nobody ever backs this up with anything. And when they do, it's always nonsense like "I didn't like the story" or "it ran like crap on my Dota 2 machine".

Dishonored's main selling point has always been the open-ended level design and DH2 leaves you even more freedom.

that ending song was actually pretty good

this games legacy is that its theif meets dark messiah and it does it quite well.

>And when they do, it's always nonsense like "I didn't like the story"
You're a literal retard

Thanks for proving my point.

I proved nothing you fucknut, come back when you have an actual response instead of dismissing a post assuming there's no backing it up

>criticize critics for the lack of reasoning
>several posts in, nothing along those lines was provided
Again, thank you.

lmao what a retard

I thought Dishonored 2 looked interesting because of the new engine and gameplay mechanics, but yeah the story sucks dick because Dishonored 1 laid some potential foundations with the characters and the second game just put them to waste.

Aww, and now he resorts to samefagging. Poor sod.

I don't think that Dishonored got woke or fell to shit, but enough people think it did that it ruined the franchise. Such a fucking shame. I get why everyone accuses of /pol/ of ruining this board, they didn't, but even if this woke shit goes away video games are still fucked because you won't be able to have a cool black dude or punk chick in a game without everyone shitting on it.
I don't even blame SJWs anymore, I blame normies. They're the ones who ruin everything they touch. SJWism would have done jack shit if normalfags hadn't turned gaming into a fucking mainstream hobby. Now games are just a vehicle for social issues. Everything's gone down the shitter and the only solution is to just burn down the whole fucking industry.

lmao what a retard

The game launched with massive performance problems (evident by how the quickly the devs had to patched it), DotO is fucking awful, anyone attempting to defend it would have to be brainless. Duad's DLC was half the price at almost double the content, content that wasn't largely ripped from the main game at that.

(1) Videogames use narrative to create a fully immersive experience for the player. To help the player work out what they need to do next. To tell a story. A video game’s narrative is important because it helps the player feel more involved and more immersed in the game. It gives everything in the game meaning and helps the player understand what they need to do. The advantage of video games is that, unlike with other types of narrative, the player is part of the story. The player lives the entire experience, and shares the successes and setbacks of characters.
In video games, stories are usually told in two ways: through videos and through animations. The stories are supported by the dialogue and the player’s actions. It is all of these elements that make up the narrative in video games. Just like films, books, songs and comics, video games are a way of telling stories.
Different vidya genres have different "thresholds" that they need to hit when it comes to stories. A story in a hack n' slash isn't as important as it may be in an RPG or point and click adventure. Dishonored is an immersive sim. Pretty sure I don't have to tell you that an immersive sim bases itself in immersion, player choice and how the gameplay affects those. No one would play a game with Dishonored's powers set in the UE4 default development map. Games, some more than others, need an engaging setting and group of characters to make the player care.

Oh, and to add onto DotO being shit, they add more (shitty) ways to do non-lethal while having it do absolutely nothing to the game's world. All of this on top of ruining the Outsider. Seriously, the mysterious being that's passing out boons for an unforeseeable, unimaginable plan that's spread across thousands of years was just some random kid? One that had the same fashion styled as modern times at that?

(2) If it was a brand new IP, people would've probably loved D2. The problem starts comparing it with D1, and just how well made that universe was. I can go into detail on this if you want, or if you care at all, about how it was more than just "good enough for what it was". It's the direct contrast between that and its sequel, plus the sequel's actual gameplay problems, on which I can also go into detail if you please, plus the main director of the first game not working on the sequel and instead doing the better game PREY, plus whatever politics affected the game, which while small compared to everything else it still adds up, plus what Arkane did with the "extended media", plus DotO and what it meant for both D2 and the future of the franchise. They simply shoot themselves in the foot, dragging the IP to The Last Jedi levels of awful as soon as the sequel, and they deserve everything that may happen to them in the future.

>DotO is fucking awful
Opinion discarded due to shit taste bordering on the offensive, please stay away from the internet in the future.

It didn't just hit Dishonored.

>Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
>series known for relatively open levels
>accused of SJWism by Yea Forums
>came with Denuvo
>shitposted into oblivion
>impossible to discuss now

>an actual immersive sim after god knows how long
>accused of SJWism by Yea Forums
>came with Denuvo
>shitposted into oblivion
>impossible to discuss on Yea Forums now

>DotO is fucking awful, anyone attempting to defend it would have to be brainless
You're a retard. DotO was great.
>Duad's DLC was half the price at almost double the content
That just means that DLC was even better. But Death of the Outsider was also excellent.

I'd like to see your gameplay criticisms in regards to Dishonored 2. I agree the story is worse, but the gameplay is better.

Don't forget Wolfenstein, Undertale, hell even old games beloved by Yea Forums like Mass Effect and Metal Gear are getting this treatment.

I used to come to Yea Forums because it was the only place that people would give their honest opinions on games, but now it's all falseflagging and complaining about games people haven't played. The more I spend on here the harder it gets to believe my own judgment on videogames.

>Outsider was a chaotic neutral god in the first game who the Abbey of the Everyman believed to be an interdimensional, many-winged dragon. Evidence in-game lightly suggests that his true form is that of a massive ocean leviathan (Sodden appearance, whale bones carry his power, Granny Rags screams "Bones of the great leviathan, protect me!" when attacked).
>Has questionable motives. don' know if he's just doing it all for shits and giggles or if he actually has a master plan
>2 made him into some fucking nobody who was killed and got wizard powers for no reason.
>Death of the outsider killed him off, meaning no way for us to see him again in possible sequels
Was there ever a greater waste of a character?

Wolfenstein the New Order was fun for what it was, but New Colossus was kind of shit. There wasn't enough content there to justify a AAA price tag.
I agree with you on Undertale though. It's a fun bullet hell with good music and characters. It just gets unjust hate around here because of its trash fanbase.

I prefer him as human, I'm a sucker for the theme of humanity being responsible for all the evil in the world and our own misfortune and all that, and I think it fits into the series rather well.
I think they knew the series was going to end so they tried to answer as many questions as possible, even ones that shouldn't have been answered at all. Common mistake.

>Dishonored is an immersive sim.
No, it's not. Besides, the term is pretentious as hell.
>bases itself in immersion, player choice and how the gameplay affects those
All of which is far more pronounced in DH2. By that logic it would have been far better receieved, but it wasn't. This is strengthening the theory that the criticism may not actually be about the game itself and more about secondary issues like the one mentioned.

Even in an immersive sim, story works merely as a frame. It provides the player with a context to his actions he performs in the game. I thought Delilah waltzing into the throne room and taking over was retarded for several reasons, but it didn't matter that much because it left you with a clear goal to work towards.

Apart from this kind of framing, there's the in-game narrative - meaning what you do in the game. The stuff that actually matters. You as the player are faced with an obstacle and you have several ways to tackle it. Do you break into the guard house by stealing the key? Smashing the windows? Sneaking through the sewers? Possessing a guard and letting him open the door? Depending on your playstyle, this kind of narrative changes drastically. Since Dishonored 2 gives you more options to the tackle the same obstacle, it should by definition be the better game. And yet the overall sentiment is the opposite.

I agree with all the points, but the downgrade of his VA hurt even more than the lore changes. D1's Outsider voice was the best in a pretty great cast of voice actors, and to lose him for the sequel is the worst.

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Shit, what's Arkane Austin up to then?

idk the big hate with 2 since i vastly prefer it over 1, guess i'm not big on the dirty setting of the first one and the colour scheme.

Starting with the more subjective stuff, the gameplay is far less "floaty" than D1, likely because of changing the engine. Fairly noticeable if playing both back to back, D2 just doesn't feel as fast. Then there's vaulting and ducking under stuff.
Then there's the non-lethal oprions. In D1, the limitations non-lethal brought to the table meant you had to actually think things through. Dishonored was a story about how power corrupts. Daud was corrupted because of the Outsider's Mark. The Lord Regent was corrupted because of the power he could have with the Empress dead. The Loyalists were corrupted because of seeing that exact power in their reach. The Outsider, and thus the devs, give you this huge arrange of powers and tell you to complete these objectives however you want. It's up to the player whether they'll corrupt Corvo and take the easy way through the game or not.
D2 makes away with this, and instead of trying to find a middle ground between the limited options of 1 and improving that, they go all in and just create an exact copy of every movement in 1, but now it exists as a Non-Lethal™ option!
At first this may seem great but it breaks the game the same way modern Deus Ex do it, in that there's now no reason to go lethal unless you simply feel like it. You can jump from a high ass bulding and fall on top of a guard, simply knocking him unconscious. You can knock someone unconscious IN OPEN COMBAT. There's no penalty for being discovered in a stealth game. It gets worse if you add powers into the mix.

>Duad's DLC was half the price at almost double the content
Yeah literally unfinished content, shit was so apparent

>No, it's not. Besides, the term is pretentious as hell.
You don't get to decide what is and isn't a genre because you don't like it. Not even that user, but to say this isn't the same genre as Thief/Deus Ex/System Shock/Arx Fatalis/BioShock/Ultima Underworld is ignoring the facts of the games.

Why? Deathloop is by Lyon.

>D2 changed the outsider
>Doto retconned daud from kod&bw
Why are you destroying your male characters, arkane?

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Even its creator came out and said the term is pretentious in retrospect, so there's that.

Then there's the voiced protagonists. Corvo worked as a silent protagonist in D1. From the get go you get that he's an established character in the universe, we know his name, his face and his past. We get to choose what he says yet we never hear his voice. There was no need for it.
If you're gonna create a voiced protagonist, you better give them something important to say. Do you remember a single important thing either Corvo or Emily say through the entire game? Let me summarize it for you
>*player get near a building
>Corvo/Emily: Huh, it's that building I need to get into...
Repeat throughout the entire game. In this kind of cases, where a voiced protagonist does quite literally nothing but state the obvious time and time again, achieves the exact contrary of what the devs intended and it takes you right outta the experience. To add to this it makes the Chaos system fail miserably when in the span of 10 minutes Emily goes from sounding uninterested to sounding like a cold blooded psychopath. It's badly made.

D2 felt about as fast to me and I replayed D1 right before starting the second one.
As for the non-lethal stuff, you want to not be found for the sake of not being found, so you can have that "Ghost" part checked at the end of each level.
You wrote a lot but didn't really provide a lot of criticisms of substance. It really feels like you just hate D2 because of story shit.

None of this is gameplay

>the gameplay is far less "floaty" than D1
That's a good thing. Movement should have weight to it.
>they go all in and just create an exact copy of every movement in 1, but now it exists as a Non-Lethal™ option!
I, too, hate having choice in my games that are big on choice. Choking someone out still took longer, so there was still more of a risk to going nonlethal.
>There's no penalty for being discovered in a stealth game
Dishonored is not a stealth game. Stealth is merely one of the aspects Dishonored offers as an option.

>No, it's not.
Yes it is.
>Besides, the term is pretentious as hell.
The "term" has been used for 20 years.
>All of which is far more pronounced in DH2
Is it? Tell me how your choices affect D2, and I'll tell you how D1 does it either the exact same way, or better on some regards.
>By that logic it would have been far better receieved, but it wasn't. This is strengthening the theory that the criticism may not actually be about the game itself and more about secondary issues like the one mentioned.
Normal people don't care about what Yea Forums says. If D2 wasn't as well received in general, there are reason for it beyond "muh SJWs!". Reasons that have been mentioned in most threads in the last few months at the very least.
>Even in an immersive sim, story works merely as a frame. It provides the player with a context to his actions he performs in the game. I thought Delilah waltzing into the throne room and taking over was retarded for several reasons, but it didn't matter that much because it left you with a clear goal to work towards.
That's where players differ. Your "but it didn't matter that much because..." can affect another person's enjoyment of the game, because the central reason you're doing anything at all, the reason the game even exists, is . A midget dressed like a clown breaking into your home and shooting your wife with a shotgun then leaving sets a clear goal of revenge, doesn't mean it's not retarded.
>then there's the in-game narrative - meaning what you do in the game.
And again, there's the reason why you do what you do and where you're doing it. I couldn't stop thinking how retarded the entire intro of the game was while escaping the castle, I couldn't stop thinking how uninterested in what was going on and the place I was in while searching for Hypatia. Being able to enter a room through five different places is useless if you don't give a damn about what's inside said room.

>You wrote a lot but didn't really provide a lot of criticisms of substance.
Yeah, seconding this. Most of it comes off as incoherent rambling.

the designs are cool so it's fine, plus the game wasn't made by Americans

>Your "but it didn't matter that much because..." can affect another person's enjoyment of the game
That person outs himself as a retard then. You play a game for the active part. If story is your main concern, watch a movie.
>Being able to enter a room through five different places is useless
In that case, you really should be watching a movie.

Different user but the gameplay really does feel different, like 2 is more grounded. Maybe it's because I forced myself to play with Emily, but I hated D2's movement.

2 is shit
they didnt fix any of the games glaring flaws and ruined the lore
Also its subjective but gothic steampunk London was much more atmospheric than not-Sicily

>Tell me how your choices affect D2

>large door blocking your way
>you can get the combination
>you can try to solve the puzzle yourself
>you can avoid the door altogether by making a large detour

>meanwhile, Dishonored
>there's a safe
>get the combination or you're fucked

DH2 shits on that aspect of DH1, it's not even funny anymore. Depending on which choice you make, the impact on gameplay is fucking SEVERE. And yet you still get dumbfucks like drooling around how limited DH2 is.

It all seems like a copout since they would rather have Not London and the plague instead of Not North Africa and mosquitoes because hurr niggers.


>That person outs himself as a retard then.
Given that, as you yourself have said, most people dislike D2, it seems you're the one outting yourself as a retard.
>You play a game for the active part. If story is your main concern, watch a movie.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I, as most people, play a game for both. As said, the amount of care put into a story changes depending on the game you're playing, but it's always there for the vast majority of people, and that's a fact. Wanting to enjoy a story isn't the same as putting it over everything else, seems like you're projecting a little bit. It's simply that if I want to play D2 but better, I'll replay D1 and its DLCs
>In that case, you really should be watching a movie.
You keep saying that, yet you know nothing about my personal life nor if I even like watching movies to begin with. Why the obsession?

Good thing I enjoy games for gameplay

It kinda didn't. They could've tried and fixed D2 after the fact but then they made DotO

who gives a fuck about some sidequest you mongol
they have not done any anything to fix gameplay
>game is still braindead easy both as stealth and as a shooter
>enemies still never look up
in fact they just made it worse by removing the only threatning enemies
>music box overseers
>dogs that sniff you out
>elite overseers that can parry your attacks
fucking trash

>Given that, as you yourself have said, most people dislike D2, it seems you're the one outting yourself as a retard.
Start eating shit, millions of flies can't be wrong. Or play Fortnite for that matter.
>I, as most people
>Wanting to enjoy a story isn't the same as putting it over everything else, seems like you're projecting a little bit.
Explain how? I'm only asking to watch you squirm since it's obvious you don't know what the term means.
>you know nothing about my personal life
You stated several times that a minor aspect not related to gameplay at all affected your enjoyment of the game. There are several conclusions to this, one being that you're a storyfag above all else. Another one being you're simply not that bright, but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Emphasis on the "was". I'm only working off the shit you're telling me. If that image clashes with the one you have of yourself, maybe it's time to re-evaluate yourself and get rid of the cognitive dissonance.
>Why the obsession?
lol this guy. Forgot your "cringe", hombre.

>he thought Dishonored was hard

As someone who lives there I don't disagree.

>who gives a fuck about some sidequest you mongol
Not an argument. The entire segment changes drastically depending on which path you took. Gameplay is more than just combat, something you knuckle-dragging retard need to learn.

i dont usually save wojaks but I googled this one just for you

Attached: 15564602140290.jpg (638x1000, 92K)

arkane is over
time to move on

>I googled this one
>Yea Forums filename
lmao stupid nigger

They fucked up as soon as they fired the Outsider’s voice actor

>D2, use a door as an example
>D1, use a safe
lmao what a retard

I used a safe because Dishonored doesn't even offer the same kind of challenge.

Therefore, not an argument. You lose.

20iq redditor

Attached: 240092E3-80A5-4D3C-ABBF-E3047DC70FE8.jpg (1080x2220, 1.13M)

>comparing a late-game freeform quest to the tutorial of D1
user, that's a really stupid argument.

>no everyone else is wrong when it doesn't fit what I like! F-fortnite!
>Wanting to enjoy a story isn't the same as putting it over everything else, seems like you're projecting a little bit.
>Explain how?
You're not seriously asking that. What, wanting an OST to not be trash means you gotta put it over every thing else a game does? No, you're asking for it to be serviceable at the very least, especially with another game before it from which devs can start drawing from.
>You stated several times that a minor aspect
Not that minor when it comes to Dishonored specifically
>not related to gameplay at all
Guess what? Camera angles isn't everything when it comes to your so beloved movies, just like raw gameplay isn't everything in most videogames.
>There are several conclusions to this, one being that you're a storyfag above all else.
Storyfagging ≠ wanting a standard not written by a 10yo
>Another one being you're simply not that bright, but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Emphasis on the "was".
Classy, great way to tell me you're being disingenuous during a discussion. I guess this is Yea Forums after all. There's one.
>I'm only working off the shit you're telling me. If that image clashes with the one you have of yourself, maybe it's time to re-evaluate yourself and get rid of the cognitive dissonance.
Fairly sure I know myself better than you do. Thanks though, there's 2
>lol this guy. Forgot your "cringe", hombre.
dude cringe lmfao. There's 3. If you really gotta fall back to personal insults when you have no response, you've already lost. Last (You) you'll get.

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The nigress isn't ugly so Yea Forums will shut up

>/v loves dishonored 2 now

o boy! can we all pretend to like death of the outsider now?


What even is the gameplay of Deathloop? All I saw was that garbage pre-rendered trailer.

i played all the games in the past few days because of the Steam sale. I'll give my opinions while the memories are still fresh.

>Gameplay wise:
>First Dishonored is the best
>Atmosphere is comfy
>Powers can make things too simple
>Dark vision for exemple, a wallhack in a stealth game shouldn't cost so little mana
>also FUCK tallboys
>Daud's blink is wonky
>Dishonored 2 was good but not great
>The sound is seriously fucked, especially Corvo's voice during cutscenes
>Many times I got spotted under impossible circumstances like standing still behind a wall or under a tall window
>Black market makes the game even easier than it already is
>The Clockwork Mansion was a pain in the ass but its level design is the best I've seen in recent years
>I really dislike that it got rid of the Steampunk aesthetic for most of the game. When I think of Dishonored I don't think of dusty south italian streets
>At least we got two playable characters
>DOTO is the weakest
>Just more of the same
>I don't remember much of it tbhqwy

>First game had a very barebones plot for the most part, but the betrayal + flooded district really caught me off guard
>Daud's DLCs have an arguably better storyline than the rest of the franchise
>D2 feels like wasted potential. I thought Jindosh's mansion was gonna be the new flooded district for me, a turning point in the lore, but it was all over as soon as it started
>Delilah isn't menacing
>Overall, not great, not terrible
>DOTO though, FUCK that
>I was happy to see Daud back and then immediately regretted watching a single cutscene. They fucking ruined his redemption arc
>And also the Outsider. Who thought it was a good idea to kill the most mysterious and powerful character in the franchise? Even if you don't literally kill him, the character and its mythos is essentially murdered as soon as you ""free"" him to become the puny little human he apparently was all along. Fuck that game

an overall good experience, would play again

Attached: 1557714837793.gif (190x200, 1.16M)

>I used a non correspondent example because it suits my views!
lmao what a retard

zoom zoom

Immersive action shooter, kind of like their other games.
And then there’s the Groundhog Day mechanic or however it will work. Something about assassinating different targets around the map and exploring

All video games would only be composed of stick figures and hitboxes if such mentality was prevalent.

I loved 2 much more than the first one, there I said it.

based. Replay D1 using The Heart on NPCs or watch Zevik's playthrough, you'd be surprised how much more there is to D1's story

You played Prey nibba? If not, give it a go

Way ahead of you. Death of the Outsider is great and the bank level is literally the best level in Dishonored history.

It's gonna be a shooter that lets you have Dishonored style abilities. Probably MP 1 v 1. Sounds fun.

Isn't it a mobile game ?

Attached: 1560266469527.jpg (447x589, 48K)

That's what the trademark filing said, but I am 99,99999% sure it's at least partially bullshit. There's no way it's a mobile-only game. It will definitely be playable on PC + Consoles.

Most likely, it's a trademark for a companion app style thing for your phone.

It was so easy I got bored with it


Rumors are it will release for next gen consoles

Only if you're a /pol/tard. Otherwise I can expect a cool, action game.

We post in a /pol/tard infested board, my man. I'm actually excited for the idea of a 1 v 1 reverse-Battle Royale game by Arkane, I hope that is what it is

>a cool, action game
nice english nigger

Groundhog day where it's two people against each other.

Guy is "This is fucking crazy, you're all crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm pulling the plug."
Everyone else is Cannon fodder

The first Dishonored is probably one of my favorite games I've ever played, nabbing all the stealth achievements was really fun and it's the only game I've actually tried to get achievements for.

Depends on whether or not Harvey Smith's involved

Harvey Smith is a great designer. I hope he's responsible and expect him to be. At the same time, he's no longer the director, it seems.