What are some of your favorite games to play with your best friends?

What are some of your favorite games to play with your best friends?

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Kingdom Hearts II

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why did you make two threads?

post yfw Liam threw everything away and became a literal who streamer that can't even break 10k views on most of his youtube channel all because he got his feelings hurt by pat

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Castle Crashers
Metal Slug
Gears Trilogy

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>can't even break 10k views on most of his youtube channel

neither can Woolie

Yeah but Woolie seems to do ok on twitch and they have the podcast. Liam has completely faded and matt I don't care since I blocked his channel from showing up in my recommended after he tried to recycle his shit opinions on RE2 Remake when he decided to review it 3 months too late

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>I blocked his channel from showing up in my recommended

Is liam the only best friend with an actual job?

Woolie signed on with Rooster Teeth and has other stuff going on.

>Channel is called "Rising Superstar"
>Hes a fucking cringy weeb with no followers


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when one of his vids appear in your recommended hover over it and there should be an option that says something like "I don't want to see this content" Haven't had a single Matt vid on my feed for months and it's great

do you futs listen to any other video game related podcasts? im looking for more.

lol holy fuck I've never seen this. He had a fucking breakdown and had to end his stream just from learning that Woolie and Pat are doing great. What a fucking manchild

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What was the context of this picture. I’m pretty sure it was E3 but I don’t remember

Yeah the Easy Allies podcast is good for catching up on all gaming news for the week and it's pretty cozy

It was gamescom. Pat made a joke about cumming on a cracked egg and if it would make a human/chicken abomination and him and woolie started to crack up while Liam and Matt both were pissing in their diapers out of rage

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>tfw Matt has the most successful solo channel

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>PSO2 finally comes to the west the year after SBFP breaks up

thanks user ill give it a try

>Pat makes a joke about cumming on an egg and turning it into a digimon
>Him and Woolie crack up while Matt and Liam just sit there watching the E3 stream half asleep

Smash. One of my friends is a tryhard cunt so beating his ass is fun.

how could someone be mad at that, thats fucking funny

ok so who's pat among them and why are those two in the middle so pissed off? i mean, it can't be about the joke, right?

Now you can see why Pat and Woolie still do stuff together. Honesyly I don't even remember this liam guy at all. how did Pat make him quit?

They weren't mad, that anons giving you a half truth

What went wrong?

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How is it even possible to be this much of a quivering pussy?

alright i'll bite. give the whole truth then m8

>it's a Yea Forums worships tranny defenders thread

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They aren't mad, they're half asleep
All for of those guys r regularly stay up til 5 am so getting up to watch a stream at noon is early for them
Pat (ginger) and Woolie (black guy) had just stayed up all night and were laughing at dumb shit while the other two were trying to not fall back asleep

you fags come across like you have to contantly remind yourself how gross trannies are because your kind sees it as an option

The truth is way more mundane then you all want to imagine

b-but Yea Forums told me Pat good, Liam bad!

I don't have any friends. Just random whores who come and go.

Listen I'm no huge fan of Simpsons McFartGas but you can't deny his produced videos are genuinely well done and plays towards what little strengths he has which earns him all those views.

Now take Woolie's content which has little to no editing and all of his ESL friends are unintelligible charisma black holes. Not to mention whenever he's criticized on this he throws a tantrum.

Then you have Pat which isn't he actually doing the best out of all of them with his legion of paypigs?

remember to sage and report eceleb threads

>his ESL friends are unintelligible charisma black holes.
>it's a Mihn rambles in broken english trying to explain how the stat boosting system in third birthday works literally half hour episode

>projecting this hard
Make sure to be a good goy and keep donating to Pat's twitch! He totally sees you as a friend!

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I wouldn't even call them going "great", just barely fine. Which makes the breakdown even more pathetic, mind you.

pat continues to be based, i thought woolie was on the same page but he is too dense

now THIS is projecting
keep replying dilate ten times in every thread to keep yourself from trooning out while everyone else laughs at them and moves on

They're all fucking insufferable at this point, none of them are even remotely based anymore.

Lets Fight A Boss is pretty good, a little cringy when they get into social justice related stuff, but not too bad

for me pat still remains somewhat above everyone. i just can't handle his half an hour waiting time before getting into his lets play. so far pat can take a joke without throwing a tantrum

This is Liam, right?

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Yeah, he's basically scraping by on what little fame he garnered from his time with the zaibatsu. Matt's doing successful, if kind of shitty, solo stuff. Pat is great on stream and terrible on YouTube. Woolie produces consistently good solo content but is too scared of being alone to strike out by himself and does these terrible LPs with "guest commentary" as a result, and sticks with Castle Superbeast because he's always been a good combo with Pat.

I'd like to see a Pat & Woolie YouTube channel and a Matt & Liam YouTube channel. It'd work. Both of them would work just fine.

>but is too scared of being alone to strike out by himself and does these terrible LPs with "guest commentary" as a result

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>did parasite eve with Pat on the SBFP channel
>it was a great LP
>did DMCV with Pat on woolie versus
>fucks himself over doing parasite eve 3 with this dumb bastard
He'll never make it

>Woolie VS The Wonderful 101 (Part 55)

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Why the fuck has Woolie not done Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 yet? Those were/are his best videos, just wish he didn't stop halfway through the episode to watch the anime when he can just catch up himself between episodes.

Pat made him quit because Pat will criticize and talk shit on anyone and anything and Liam is a massive pussy who can't handle anything negative. Listen to their argument about Mighty Number 9 when that came out and you'll hear Liam almost start to cry defending that sack of shit game. Liam claimed he left because of anxiety issues and needed a break, but was still streaming and doing stuff on his own channel and followed woolie and matt but blocked pat on twitter. He's just a faggot


Watching the video of them announcing the end of the channel was the funniest shit
>Woolie looking like he hadn't slept in days
>Matt on the verge of tears
>Pat sitting on his couch drinking red bull acting like nothing has changed and genuinely didn't care because he already was a successful streamer

The fact that Woolie is still dying on the "Annihilation was bad because I didn't understand it" hill is amazing