Gonna try this in a bit, thanks for the heads up.
Is this real
This can't be fucking real
The WFC ended
Who the fuck owns a working DS in the year 2019
praise the lord. all that locked dlc is the main reason i never bought it.
People who take care of their consoles?
My Sega Master System still works and that thing is older than you are, probably.
I do.
If you don't charge it for more than a year, the battery is most likely unusable and you have to change it for a new one.
zoom zoom
>weeb profile picture
I have a working original grey DS. Also the 3DS plays ds games.
Tfw lost my DS when my backpack got stolen while traveling abroad
No you don't. DS batteries are sturdy as fuck and all the memes about finding it in a closet ten years after the fact and it still holding a chare are genuinely true
haha lol haha
Does it work with a 3DS?
That's been a thing for a while now.
Probably real, yeah.
You can get event pokemon using a similar method.
Why wouldn't it? I'm pretty sure it even works with emulators.
This isn't a playstation console. Nintendo products are made to last.
My DS phat doesn't work and it won't light up even after connecting it with a charger
Same thing with my original 3DS. The battery quality is very poor.
Wait, are you saying DQ9 just got DLC? An NDS game of like ten years of age?
>random console warring
No you retard. The game always had DLC and you could not access it anymore without action repaly because the servers were down, but now you can by using that IP address.
Wasn't this lost content until now?
Also does this work on a gateway card? Asking for a friend
>booted up new save after wiping one from a friend that overrode my older save years ago
>realize I need to progress to a certain part to unlock an NPC that allows me to get the NPC
>I am not that far in
No, but DQ9 had free DLC that you were able to download via DQVC, a Wifi service that was shut down years ago.
not very bright, are you lad?
>Wasn't this lost content until now?
You could get it via Action Replay before.
Can you play DS games on CFW 3DS yet?
Hey man (s) I didn't have a DSi, and didn't pay any attention to the DQ series until the 3DS remakes. Weirder things have happened like the Wii still getting games.
>Wifi service that was shut down years ago.
I hate when stuff like that happens, makes me feel like I missed out on something big if I ever decide to go back and replay older games. Pokemon events can suck a dick though.
You can do it for years now you absolute dolt.
my lite still works and its hinges remain un-broken.
>Just Dance 2020 still coming out for the Wii
Most surprising thing for me from this year's E3
my ds broke all the time when I was a kid but thanks to the warranty I got it repaired for free
and it still works now after I havent touched it for years
Can someone confirm this? I still have my DQIX cart here, will try later.
Will this work with Japanese dq9 that’s important
Mine does but I don't use it in lieu of the 3DS.
Only thing it would be good for is playing Guitar Hero: On Tour.
Is this only for a limited time?
>WFC ended
you fool, wiimmfi exists
I've never had this problem and I own two DSs and two 3DSs. They all work fine. I just played my DS last week after not touching it for like three years because I wanted to play Four Swords Anniversary Edition and it worked fine.
Are there any DS/3DS games that absolutely won't work with an emulator? I miss my old 3DS, I lost it before I moved, but I'd rather just emulate everything than spend the shekels
People who run these servers are truly mvps
I'm still happy someone is running a Demon's Souls server, especially since they added a feature where you can request a specific world tendency (by writing certain messages)