The great sperg out

These are the profoundly mentally fucking retarded verminous subhumans that are autistically screeching at
Cyperpunk 2077

>Schizo degenerate trannies sperging out over a tranny advertisement
>Darkies and nig loving fucktards chimping out over black NPC gangs getting purged in the behind close-doors gameplay. Pic related
>Cuntwhores who play filthy casual games like candy fucking crush are sperging out over the cover of CP 2077 because CDPR chose a male instead of muh strong wahman
>Nips and weebfags sperging out over who knows what but they're retardedly calling the game muh xenophobic

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait to kill cyberniggers

Congratulations OP, you gave attentionwhores attention and even went as far as making this thread for free.

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Don't forget Cyberkikes

Amusing how trans people are sperging and leading witch hunts against their own circles because of this game, calling out one another transphobes cis white males and traitors for having different opinions, soon the LGBT will destroy itself, its a matter of time

>soon the LGBT will destroy itself, its a matter of time
if only

The real test here is to see if CDPR gives in to these faggots. It's all a shit test, and an important one. If they stick to their guns they earn real fans respect. If they bow to tranigg pressure it let's you know they're weak and the game probably will be mediocre.

Aren't these people miserable being this angry all the time?

Are you?

wtf I was gonna wait until closet to release, but now I gotta go buy it


And idiots in Yea Forums are sperging just as much about those trannie's stupid opinions in twitter, which is the same shit. Both sides are annoying as fuck.

>soon the LGBT will destroy itself, its a matter of time
Yeah, its called aids lol

>Not calling them Cyggers.

Why do videogames have to be about politics and hbtq

They are so angry that they have to shittalk against Keanu, it' s delicious.

you have to go out of your way to dig this shit up and it's on fucking TWITTER
these threads are clearly the work of some fucking retarded and autistic bunch of people with some sort of agenda and need to be banned, noboy gives a shit what some mentally ill kids who don't even play the game say on Twitter

Tell that to hebes

Why do so many trannies think they are the ultimate authority when it comes to cyberpunk?

this steams the /pol/ack

>white supremacist fantasy


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I just want to add that the Animals gang are people that mod themselves to look like anthropomorphic animals so basically they are furries.

Maybe they'll go like, 40% of the way

>we want the walmart jesse pinkman audience

yeah I knew it came to this after seeing the new protagonist and trailer. yawn. I thought I was gonna get some cool cyberpunk shit but it's just some power fantasy straight from your local drug dealer.

>"progressives" eating themselves
nothing new to be honest. they always end up fighting each other for not being able to pass all their self-imposed purity tests.

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Oh no, black gangs. I've never heard of those before. This NEVER happens in real life

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>you have to go out of your way to dig this shit up
No, dipshit. You don't have to do shit to know that there are subhumans autistically screeching about this game because almost every anti-SJW gaming channels are reporting about this chimp out.

>wolfenstein lets you axe white men in the neck and watch them bleed out: amazing, progressive, brave
>cyberpunk lets you shoot black men: shocking, homophobic, tansphobic, racist

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Didn't Wolfenstein get called anti-white on Yea Forums though?

Based Shaneequa, you were too good for them

Mothafucka oga boga wan sum crack? Nah negrumps i mean software crack. SHIEEET LET'S HACK DIS SHIT

Im male and i certainly found some girly males very attractive to the point my dick was rock hard. Im not homo or bisexual but if a girly guy would wear those programmer socks and wig there would be no survivors as i would tear that ass apart.

sounds fun

You suffer from peak straightness

yeah no, who do you think is funding the development of this game

>These are the profoundly mentally fucking retarded verminous subhumans that are autistically screeching at
>Cyperpunk 2077
that's one twitter user

there should be a permaban for shitty threads like this or at least an automatic letter sent to the IP address somehow of the poster that just says

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I actually laughed

Top making these threads, OP. Just go to twitter yourself if you're so eager to join the conversation.

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That's just how everything is these days. I think people call it "culture war."

I'm worried that Yea Forums is making me hate transgender people. Only a fool would take anything posted here seriously.

Yeah but other than some fags from /pol/ it was mostly for the "white ass fascist pigs" line and the constant "white Americans did nothing to stop this" narrative. No one cared about them getting murdered in any of the previous wolfensteins and the only ones who did here are retarded

What if you make a black character tho?

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>Black people arent allowed to associate with animals or voodoo or juice


So what? No one gives a shit about Yea Forums but it's been repeatedly shown devs sometimes listen to these screeching retards

you literally have to go out of your way to go to twitter

>make black character
>shoot only crackers
>upload video on Yea Forums
>harvest replies

Isnt the guy who created Cyberpunk the tabletop black? And isnt one of the heads at CD projekt a big black guy ?

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Sounds like a based video. Have Martin Luther King in the background as well

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There's already tensions brewing between TERF's and trannies. Civil War in 10 years probably.

all you ever do in GTA SA is kill blacks.
Where's the outrage?

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Those were the days...

People were too busy being upset at a removed mini game at the time