This was a major debate back in the day. The early 2000s were an odd time

This was a major debate back in the day. The early 2000s were an odd time.
Who won in the end?

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As trash as they've been at least Halo has games being made instead of sitting on a .jpeg of a logo for years

>This was a major debate back in the day
lol no it wasnt. it was halo vs half life

before ironic self aware humor was popular, everyone was legitimate retarded and took years to notice it
now everyone is too aware and still retarded in some ways

A freind of mine works for Best Buy inc, and when we were talkin online on night he had just recieved the sales figures for that month. According to that stores figures, Halo OUTSOLD Prime by about 200 copies 8100 to halo and 7900 to prime.

When i heard this I asked if he was joking, he said no. It was then i realized the awful truth about nintendo and its kid friendly system. While little billy and susy getting a large amount of games they might be interested in playing cause thats how nintendo decided to market the cube, its long time followers were basically given the finger and sent packing. Sure nintendo throws us a bone here and there and makes promises about this and that but look at the raw facts.

Nintendo has dumped all its followers and what they wanted in favor of little billy and his seasame street. For every Prime there has been a dozen luigi's manshion's. Nintendo has done little to appeal to the adult gamer if anything. WHen the new study came out that proved that males age 18-24 made up most of the sales revenue in the gaming industry nintendo has claimed to shift gears and try to market to them.

Tells you where their real interest is, the
money not the gamer.

and halo vs killzone. It was Halo vs everything because Halo was the game to beat back then

Halo is shit now (just kidding it was never good), metroid prime 4 may or may not be shit so I guess prime is the victor for now

>locking on on a first person shooter
Lmaoooo babbies need their hamds held afterall

These games are nothing alike though aside from the fact that they both feature armoured protagonists with a first person perspective

>Halo was the game to beat back then
it will be the game to beat in 2020

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People cared more about the consoles than the actual games, if you think console wars are bad now, they ain't got shit on the pure faggotry of the early to mid 00's,

first, metroid prime isn't an FPS series. Second, you shouldn't call anyone else babies in the context of going against Halo

And aliens in space with a sci-fi theme. The reason why it started is because they both released about a year apart so people began comparing them. Metroid Prime had much better graphics and art direction that Combat Evolved which is funny to think about today as Nintendo’s hardware is consistently so far behind the competition now that it wouldn’t even be a contest.

Halo CE is 18 years old this year.


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You’re 100% correct. I feel like console wars have faded away, more or less. Back in the day people were fucking insane over that shit.

Halo still gets games.

>There's only (discover)
hope, cant believe the new MW is more popular now, 343 needs to step up its marketing campaign

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prime is just as old, what's your point? When people call halo baby's first FPS they're not referring to its age, they're referring to the fact that it's one of the slowest, aim assist heavy FPS games still available. Prime devs realized FPS on console was a joke after working on turok, so they shifted focus from shooting onto other fields like level design.

So does Metroid

>Samus vs Master Chief
>doesn't post the GOAT

Both are good

MW2 stole a huge amount of halo's fanbase when it came out


shit games, samus returns was better than any of 343's halo games as a low budget remake

>Baby zoomers still using this pic
Its a dead meme and you fucking killed it, god I miss the old days were posting this was funny.

halo being a baby mode FPS will never die, keep seething. literally the fortnite of last gen

new timesplitters never ever

The one with games still being released.

It was actually Halo vs EVERY SINGLE FPS EVER MADE.
Halo really upset the balance, FPS back then was sacred to the PC nerds and held to a high standard, Halo was like an avalanche of shit that buried the genre.

How come THQ don't want me man? All they had to do is announce TS4 or TSHD collection at E3.

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Both of them?

new halo game shittier every time every few years forever.

because exclusives have faded away

hd set would have done nicely.



Halo, easily

If the debate is Microsoft's flagship franchise vs a Nintendo C-list franchise, then Metroid has to win by default since it's a featherweight contending in a heavyweight bout.

But beyond that, Halo's sold comfortably more even after Modern Warfare threw it the way of disco, even if it did negatively affect the FPS genre for a good long decade.
Metroid still has an entire genre named after it, basically the IPA of indie development, if just because adventure platformer and all that other stuff never really caught on. Then again, Nintendo basically treats it as a "stop bothering us we're fucking making Metroid games, here's a JPEG of a 4 go away"
Halo has the edge in numbers, Metroid has the edge in terms of prestige.

But really, like others like have said, the real debate was what Halo had done to the FPS genre. Yeah, there was stuff like Goldeneye and Medal of Honor on Gen 5 stuff but Halo was a watershed development in terms of a shift towards consoles and simplified, slowed down gameplay.
Characters move slower, everything has to be balanced around only carrying two weapons and having your health regenerate a few seconds after taking damage. We were trapped underneath that for so long that once "old school homages" started popping up doing the bare minimum of having a full arsenal and medkit/armor pickups you basically got free bonus points for game design.

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PC gets proper ports/multiplats now so there's no use in fighting for second place. Seems odd people fought over this shit in gen 6 considering how hard the ps2 dominated in both sales and quality

>the mental gymnastics in this whole post

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C-list is pushing it a bit, don’t you think?

nobody gave a shit about metroid

Metroid Prime is still fun to play even after all these years.
Halo is just tedious to me now. So Metroid wins.

kys the controls for metroid prime are outdated as fuck

not really, A is mario, pokemon, animal crossing. B is zelda, splatoon, donkey kong

the advent of gyro makes every single fps on consoles prior to this gen outdated so that point is moot. Actually I would say Prime is less dated due to aiming and general fps mechanics not being its main focus

They're not that bad. Halo does have the better controls, but everything else about MP is still better IMO.