Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: Tears in the rain.jpg (2000x1200, 952K)

participate in coitus

Because SE gets their market data from shitty Twitter posts.

nuTifa looks like shit too

Because every woman on Earth is fat now

Cause gamers look like that

fat women got jealous of healthy people being represented and not them, so they started crying on the media and all the dumb ass liberals sided with them

Wait, that fat fuck is in an actual game?

Retarded? Or just pretending?

Attached: meowth_tries_shadow_puppets.jpg (640x480, 25K)

Be honest, who would you rather have help you in a fight:
Tiny sticc girl or giant hamburger woman?

It is also tiresome

Tiny sick no contest. At least she can probably move around.

cause instead of euthanizing twitter blue corps parakeets they listen and pander to their sperging

tifa's legs too big

Eh if you put it like that i agree with you

Did Blizzard make Roadhog trans?

Wow its true im outraged! Let's do something gamers

Definitely the one that seems like she can do anything remotely athletic.

the girl on the right is a powerlifter

Women's rights was a mistake.

Every watch Olympic women's weightlifting?
The one's who do well generally look like this.

Attached: 498987860.jpg (610x343, 119K)

more like giving rights to mentally ill people was a mistake

because you didnt mail enough envelopes filled with nondescript white powder to publishers and dev team leaders.

Attached: beat women.png (875x672, 552K)

One is in an RPG and the other is in an obviously silly jokey game..

where does it say she is the protag?

The fatty is pretty cute, whats the problem OP? Left girl too revealing for you faggot?