Smash Bros Ultimate is linked to homophobia

oh dear

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>super smash bros
why not super smash sisters

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Probably crying about Sugiyama and Hashino. I bet if you dig deep enough, you'd find bullshit about Rare that would make retardera users cry.

click the archive link, it's hilarious

almost everyone that called out the OP got banned

Huh. I was expecting Banjo drama because Jontron said rich blacks commit crimes.

opinions of mentally-ill internet-addicted losers are not worth drawing attention to.

Jontron did not develop Banjo Kazooie, whereas I think that trans rights DK64 puts Rare in the clear for now.

Dragon Quest has an evil Nazi composer and Persona 5 had stereotypical gays as comic relief. All gays should be taken very seriously.

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ahh I see
who gives a fuck

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User Banned (Permanent): Hostility towards another website over concerns surrounding the intelligence of that website's user base.

>Can we just enjoy a game these days?

Are they seriously citing YUSKE as an example of homophobia? He's fucking gay. That's his character arc. He gets real fucking hot and bothered by Yu and lashes out at Kanji because of it.

Nice to reaffirm that these people know literally nothing about the shit they're complaining about though.

Oh so you support violence against women? bigot

>inflammatory drive-by
>dismissing concerns surrounding homophobia

What a bunch of crybabies. How does ReshitEra still have a userbase, when saying literally anything might get you banned for life?

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Nigga even Resetera thinks that's stupid

it's the reaction that gets me, the banning

How can anyone be homophobic if no one has sex

I honestly can't believe these are functioning human beings

Holy fuck I thought resetera was just a meme

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This guy just quoted it and said nothing

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I remember seeing a thread there once of someone getting banned for "kinkshaming" because the OP of the thread was talking about fucking dogs.

I knew it. Those smash players are degenerates

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based Sakurai

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See, this thread would almost give me hope for their userbase if not for the mods banning everybody with a brain.

Wait what? There is nothing like that in Vanilla P4. Did they actually made him full gay in P4G?

Homophobia often stems from insecurity due to own lack of sex.

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I wonder why Yea Forums considers the site a bogeyman, when they solve their own problem by banning half their posters

>someone has an Etrian Odyssey avatar

OP of that post quit the site because of all the backlash. The forums are lamenting on how cishet white the userbase is and were talking about jumping ship to yet another forum for PoC Trans womyn only.

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I'm not joking when I say I genuinely think Resetera has more racism and lgbt+whatever-phobia than this place ever had in it's lifetime

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Well I guess he got his answer

Was the OP in the link really /our guy/ all along

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No one would be retarded enough to host a site like that where 40% of the userbase will off themselves in less than a year.

They're all pedos, user. PC culture is just overcompensation to hide your skeletons.

Someone remind me where the Sugiyama shit came from? I'm from Japan and the war crime shit has been known to us for decades and nobody gives a fuck. How did you Westeners even find out about it?

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It was cut out very last minute due to publisher concerns, but it was so last minute that the files were still recorded for the dub and can be found on the disk.

They actually think any parody is necessary, how cute.

The same thing happens on more popular sites like Reddit and Facebook. In fact, the mods of reddit are more fucked up far left pieces of shit.

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Holy fucking shit that site is full of mentally ill trannies.

>literal who reesetera nobody
Are we supposed to care?

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Dude people have basically always known about sugiyama, but like in japan most people over here don't really give a fuck or at most treat him like you do your weird uncle who makes kinda racist remarks out of nowhere.

You can easily use a free forum service. Just be anal about who can join and shit by using a demographic survey or something.

That is bullshit.

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you are supposed to laugh about them

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The Reddit mods are complete faggot shills but it’s worst subreddits are always due to circle-jerk communities.
Funny enough the zoomer subreddits are always pretty alright (see dank memes) since most kids and teenagers nowadays hate leftists and trannies.

What the fuck is an "inflammatory drive-by???" Am I supposed to just wait for some autist to respond to my comment???

Holy fuck do they always ban people that easily and frequently?

Why are people freaking out over it suddenly? If it's common knowledge in the West too why is it suddenly an issue?

Retards will dig for anything to demonize someone and make their e-peen grow.

No? You can find it on youtube with a single google search.

Resetera is already pretty much that, everyone else gets banned for failing to catch up with their olympics level mental gymnastics.

Funny how these guys hate fascists but they’re policing speech to a level where even Reddit would call it into question

>People call out the OP for being a Yea Forums troll
>They get banned

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What is wrong with people, collapse of society when, i can't believe an actual human being sits and makes a thread like that, and even more someone else reads every single reply and bans for the most pointless shit possible

The site being quoted is home to a massively reactionary userbase. As you can see even in that thread most people are saying "nobody cares" and getting banned for it.

The Beat seems pretty based

meta as fuck

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Honestly if the mods want a safe space why don't they just go all the way? The bans they give are always 3 days to a week. They should just permanently ban all dissent and make their walled garden they so desire.

Does this look like Smash Ultimate is homophopic? Retards.

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People are under the impression that the rest of the world thinks the LGBT movement isn’t a mental illness so when they find out that conservative societies don’t approve of their disorder they get mad.

As for why it’s happening now, it usually just coincides with big releases or dlc like this one. It’ll probably happen again when DQ11 gets released on switch.

i used to unironically use that profile pic

For the same reason "White liberal" became a slur in Asia. The far left has been going extremely retarded in the last few years and the worse part is that this people seem to set the tone for the rest of the "white liberals" of the left that will agree with them instead of challenging their retarded views for fear of being called racist, nazis, transmophobic whatever.

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It's funny because any other day these freaks would actually buy that Banjo narrative.

That's gay.

They desperately need to find things to do to distract them from the pain of their dilations

>super smash sisters

the more funny thing is era users hate resetera

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Jontron was in Yooka Layle

Damn that is really fucking gay.

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Now that you've said that I'm actually tempted ay.
I'll call it TransEra, and then after 6 months i'll get someone to accuse me of raping trans womyn and saying nigger at least once in my life.

The shitstorm would be glorious.

Imagine how they'll react when a character that freely calls people fags gets in.

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>I bet if you dig deep enough, you'd find bullshit about Rare that would make retardera users cry.
I don't think you'd have to look that hard. Classic Rare were cheeky cunts.

>tfw the only time we'll have peace in DQ again is if it goes dark ages.

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Is this what qualifies as harassment or hostility? Legitimate criticism? I’ve seen people in this thread straight up agree with OP but say he’s attacking the issue in a less optimal way and they get banned too.

>people tell everyone to stop reaching and just enjoy the game
>banned for inflammatory drive-by
First spongebob and now smash, how fucked up can resetera get

You have to remember trannies are entirely powerless socially, this is possibly the only thing they have some control over in their lives.

>a brand new episode of people deliberately searching for things to get mad at
the retard making the thread was ridiculed even on resetera, stop making this stupid posts please.

Homophobia actually stems from fear of being around people with AIDS. HIV/AIDS riddled faggots are the majority of the lgbt crowd. Also most fags were abused by an older fag when they were young, and they carry on this behavior and prey on children without thought of morality.
It’s a completely degenerate lifestyle, and you’re a fag for defending it.

Yeah, that's why every white country gets more transgender-friendly with every passing year.

What happened with spongebob

This is why the DQ Heroes are the best newcomers right now, i've never seen so many people getting this mad about four Goku looking motherfuckers.

What the fuck does drive-by posting mean?

One of the most outspoken people against Persona 5 is named Phantom Thief and uses the new girl as his icon. Are we sure Resetera isn't just one huge roleplay forum where everyone is so into the act they don't realize everyone else is too?

For DQ it's just the same 3 people bringing it up. One the OP of that post is self banned.

Not him but makes me wonder what will happen when they face an actual problem in their lives, what will happen if a month they can't afford the electricity bill or food, are they literally going to burst into flames?


That sounds horrifying

>40% of the dlc is homophobic
It's a fucking japanese game, the whole game is homophobic.

>ResetEra users hate ResetEra just as much as Yea Forums users hate Yea Forums.

We're truly two sides to the same dogshit coin.

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It’s called “Super Bash Sisters” dumbfuck

No need to dig deep, one of the most known NPCs from Tooie is a stereotypical gay sailor and his drag queen boyfriend. Including loads of euphemisms and wig-adjusting.

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this is some amazing wraparound humor

Thank you BASED screenshot poster

Wow man. Resetera really is just as terrible as in the memes. They are just as bad as /pol/ but on the other side.

This was the first thing I thought about.
Zoomers don't even know basic shit about Banjo

They're mad THQNordic is doing a BFBB remake since they did an AMA on cripplechan that one time.

Because if you go to a discussion forum, you obviously support the views of every single person using it.

THQ Nordic is publishing it.

"lmao go have fun loser"

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The only reason they aren't buying it is because the Nintendo fanbase in Transera is bigger than the Trannie fanbase and white neutered cucks that enables them.

They did the same shit with every other fanbase even before leaving neogaf.

>four Goku looking motherfuckers

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ResetEra really hates anime but they're not allowed make fun of loli avatars, it's strange

Define transgender-friendly, because giving away even more rope for a bunch of dead-ends to hang themselves with strictly for virtue signaling purposes ain't it.

I think they changed the reason, i recall the word "kinkshaming" in there

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Actually you’re both wrong. Homophobia stems from being a gay faggot who’s an anomaly to basic biology and evolution. There’s no reason to be afraid though, the only way homosexuality spreads is through liberal white culture, and liberal whites do nothing but mix with other races so they’ll be an extinct group of people soon.


The other 60% is transphobia. And that's okay.

Who is cripple Chan?

that is indeed funny, although I'd say that they hate themselves way more than we do, and I think they also hate more demographics than we do.

What the fuck does "Drive-by posting" mean? Are people posting from their '64 Impalas as they roll through Compton or something?

Atechan, which is apparently pedophile central according to resetera

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If we boycotted everything and everybody that had connections to offensive things, life would come to screaming halt.

I remember someone on resetera argued that we should all leave each other alone and let everyone have their own space and then they claimed gaming is Era's safe space. Are these people that far gone in escapism?

>"vfags send their regards!"
>*user was banned for transphobia*


I think it's like those people that come in the middle of Yea Forums threads and just post generic shit like "kys faggot" and nothing else.

they probably also have a FE homophobia thread

it's happens after every good Nintendo E3

Why do they keep calling them phobias? I got a bit of arachnophobia, if I see a spider I’ll at least flinch. But if I see a tranny dilating in front of me I won’t hesitate to throw something at it without hesitation.

That is because the new fad in the extreme left is to humanize pedophiles. And for some reason the retards in cuckera think that pedophiles and lolicons are the same thing.

Not feeding into your bullshit outrage train, you fucking Jew.

Average transgender has more children than you will ever have, chincel.

Transgender rights include:
>being recognized as correct gender on all official documents
>protection from discrimination on the basis of being transgender
>the right to use the damn toilet sounds trivial, but imagine someone sharting at you madly for using the "wrong" toilet, reporting you to your boss as a pervert etc.
>being able to serve in military
>being able to compete in sports
All of those are being progressively more recognized in first world countries.

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Doesn’t FE pander to faggots though?

>for some reason

if they phrase it as if you're afraid of them, then that gives them some sort of power over you. of course, if you're not "transphobic", then they still have power over you because of their oppressed social status

That site is weird with their bans.

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>Inflammatory drive-by

What the fuck?

And after the ban ends they'll go back to give more visits to that shit hole

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>>being able to compete in sports
That is pretty motherfucking retarded.

I think there was an MMA fight where a trans woman fought against a regular woman and beat the living shit out of her so fucking hard it send her to the hospital with fractures all over her skull.

I wish you were wrong about the trans thing but you’re completely right. The issue has always been the actual incels, not the guys who post here but the desperate faggots willing to settle for a literal man just to not be alone.

Oh wait, so Yea Forums there is a boogeyman just like discord trannies, /pol/ and resetera here?


not enough

>but imagine someone sharting at you madly for using the "wrong" toilet, reporting you to your boss as a pervert etc.
Depends, am I mentally ill and invading bathrooms I don't belong to and then throwing a fit over it?

They have the right to go to a mental institution, that should be enough

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Not you too, you retarded user. Pedos and lolicons are no the same.

Yes, but 4+Yea Forums is even bigger boogeyman, it's treated like a deepweb site.

That statement was just common sense. What the fuck

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That’s not even true though. I despise /pol/ but there’s much more diversity of thought there.

The last sentence really fucking isn't.

>Dragon Quest is a fucking cultural icon in Japan.
>Retardera expects them to sweep the franchise under the rug just because meanie Sugiyama is a big smelly doodooface.

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These people should play XI, Sylvando is based.


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You don't have the first clue what you're talking about here man, you probably don't even fap to loli porn, so I'm not gonna argue the same shit I do for hours on end for someone that has nothing to gain.

For Cuckera if someone EVER in the history of Yea Forums said something was common sense then it means it was actually nazism.

>This thread is a disappointment and we hope that going forward members will be more decent to each other so that moderation will not be necessary.

Gamers.... do better.

Resetera may issue bans for everything, but at least threads like this show that they're full of dissenters.
/pol/ is an echo chamber.

How the hell is ResetEra still so big?
Forums have always been a terrible platform for communication.

Super Smash Sistahs: *Snap* *Snap* Edition

I think they define it as any one-note response that "doesn't contribute to discussion". Conveniently it ends up being a good excuse to ban anyone who does anything less than encouragingly engage ridiculous posts like the one in the OP, because if you do more than just tell them to fuck off then they ban you for homo/transphobia.

Clearly everything is political except for when it doesn't support the argument. Didn't you get the transgender memo?

What I want to know is how did Era make such a big stink that Square Enix Japan had to make a comment about Sugiyama? How do they always have this much fucking influence? Deny it all you want but they ALWAYS get a comment for whatever company they're mad at. Always.

Also, you were never banned from sports, you were just banned from cheating at women's sports, you troglodytes.

That kind of pandering only got prominent during Fates, and even then the pandering fanned out to sleeping with the psycho of the army, losing one/two child units because of it, and giving the thirsty lesbian only two men to have a relationship with rather than all the child unit men.
If making pretty boys/girls to jerk off to is pandering, hell, Dynasty Warriors is the gayest game ever.

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Incredibly vocal minority

blue Twitter checkmark = influence

>being recognized as correct gender on all official documents

This is stupid for medical reasons. Doctors need to know your biological sex.

>protection from discrimination on the basis of being transgender

Most work places have rules about that, if not state laws that already enforce that.

>the right to use the damn toilet

If you put some effort into your transition, then sure, if not, then get lost creep. If this is your identity, then put some goddamn effort into it.

>being able to compete in sports

Marginalizes biological women by letting transwomen, who have the biological strengths of a man compete

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Not really, there are a few gays in but like 1 or 2 per game, retardera is mad Byleth can't S rank every man.

I wonder if these people realize that being worried about shit like this is a huge waste of time when there are much larger issues and problems afoot

>/pol/ is an echo chamber.
You really don't seem to use /pol/ at all. First and foremost most people that use /pol/ don't take it seriously and just like to shitpost about something because it is counter culture. And when you do see a serious discussion going on you will see people from all over the spectrum discussing, you will see beans, burgers, bongs, leaf, etc etc and rarely you will see discussion there going "you are a beaner/burger/etcetc you have no idea what you are talking about" despite what people want you to believe that /pol/ is a white nationalist heaven is one of the boards with flags on each post that don't give a flying shit from where you are posting your shit.

I know you mean this ironically but seriously. They always get a comment from a company within a week. How are they doin this?

PR. It's all PR. Make noise and companies will be obliged to reply, which is what you retards failed to understand years ago while you thought yourselves to be above it.

Most likely is leftover influence from the Neogaf era and that some gaming sites are eager to earn liberal brownie points by agreeing with the most far left site possible on issues of trannies and other degenerates as such.

the tranny fag op actually requested a ban for himself after that threat because it could not handle the bantz

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>Average transgender has more children than you will ever have,
more children to molest and groom maybe.
at least an incel will never come in contact with a child.

I heard NeoGAF is pretty center nowadays after the great purge, can anybody confirm if true?

After watching that gif of that trannie crying because someone was mean to trannies on Yea Forums all I want to say is.


See, this is how you kill your userbase slowly but surely. Just ban anybody who dares to voice themselves and the mods don't personally like it. It doesn't even have to be turbo racist or any incel tier shit or anything, just say OP is overreacting and bam, banned. What a fucking joke.

seething for all eternity

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No, the owner just stopped fomenting extremism when the userbase turned it against him. But yeah, I guess staff not actively shutting down anything right to far left could be considered center these days.

>Doctors need to know your biological sex.
They have documents describing all the necessary data. You know, medical history.
Sex is not blood type, you don't need to know it in an emergency.
>Most work places have rules about that, if not state laws that already enforce that.
Yes, in United States. There are plenty of countries that still need to recognize this right.
They are progressively realizing that, but it's not done yet.
>If you put some effort into your transition
By that logic, you should be kicked out of toilets because your lack of chin means you don't look like a man. It's your fault because you didn't put effort into not mouthbreathing.
>who have the biological strengths of a man
Pure bullshit
Hormones affect strength very heavily, otherwise bodybuilders and weightlifters wouldn't take roids

Grade SSS trolling


Based Nintendo making faggots seething every time

This retroactive witch-hunt is just silly. There is literally on camera evidence that Hillary Clinton once stated she was against gay marriage some time during the 90s. We almost all were homophobic. Were the internet more common place then, hundreds of people would be without a job.

I can confirm but don't go back. He changed only after all this shit happened. He's a snake and will easily revert back once it suits him.

>"you are a beaner/burger/etcetc you have no idea what you are talking about"
Funny, because recently a thread from /g/ where I explained things was moved to /pol/.
As soon as I made a post in the moved thread on /pol/, I got like 5 replies that implied my opinion is worthless because I'm a polish Jew. And I'm not even a Jew.

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The only reason the tranny didn't got the support of Cuckera was because the target of the aggression was far larger than they have ever tackled before. That is how they eat all other fanbases and discussion of games by winning an inch and then normalizing that narrative. This time the share amount of Nintendo fans on the site didn't allowed for the strategy to work.

I'm not as delusional as him, but user, you were in a moved thread. Everyone knows those are for shitposting.

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sword gohan called me a nigger

>Sex is not blood type
But sex is whether you can carry a child or not, or you are in a high risk category for certain complications exclusive to a specific gender.
Grow up princess.
>by that logic
logical fallasy, you are pointing at an unrelated, extreme hypothetical and saying that its essentially the same thing. Thats like saying moot killed a jew, he is literally hitler.
>hormones affect strength
over a long period of time. It's not a case of pop a testosterone pill and boom suddenly able to bench press 400lbs. If you lived 30 years with testosterone in your system and then 6 months into HRT you decide to compete in the olympics guess what ur body is still performing at the expected level of a male, making it unfair competition to the other women around you who havent tasted a drop of testosterone in their lives outside of the obvious innuendo.

I'm not the guy you were replying to but you sure as hell are fucking retarded user.

Oh fuck off and leave my Yuri alone. Fujoshits need to fuck off and make NaruSasu fan art.

>First reply: "Oh, fuck off."

Sasuga, resetera~san

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ResetEra would die overnight if the whipping boys would stop coming back from their bans because they're that desperate to be "part of the discussion." There are suck-ups that literally have mod endorsement to bait wrongthink so the community can weed out and ban dissidents, especially juniors so it can be permanent. Literally just say "why are gamers such bigots" and report anyone who denies it. Lime was the biggest offendor of this back on NeoGAF. There's ZERO potential for healthy dialogue on a platform where an extreme fringe minority has seized authority. Just stop going. You're not gonna change their minds, you're not gonna own them, you're not gonna score that Pyrrhic victory where you dismantle their standpoint with the post that gets you banned and live on in screencap infamy, you're just another body keeping the place running and reinforcing its image as the place to be.

Are you one?

So how much longer will it take for one of the power-tripping era mods to get busted for kiddy-diddling or whatever like neogaf?

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>/pol/ isn't an echo chamber where people go by flags
>except when it is
>b-but that's a special case
If you were him, it would be a clear case of goalpost movement. It still technically is.

Get lost then. I’m a brown guy and I’ve never once cared if I’m represented in a game, and unlike you I make up a third of the worlds population.

Man I'm glad I've never used forum sites, those places seem so cancerous

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Isn't this game out in like 2 months? Two late to bitch now.