Reminder if you wear these you will never be able to properly appreciate videogames

Reminder if you wear these you will never be able to properly appreciate videogames

Attached: genius_g505_glasses_amber_frame_g505.jpg (1200x1200, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Implying wearing glasses still has a stigma attached to it
How does it feel to be an idiot?

reminder that wearing glasses makes you smarter.

I wear a similar one but rimless and got told by /fa/ that i look like a skinny virgin that works on ITwhich is completely true

What kind of glasses does Yea Forums wear?


>thinking video games are a purely visual medium.

For those of us that need glasses, we're better off with them than without them. So, fuck you buddy.

>still nearsighted

Wear contacts you retarded virgins

>wasting that much money and time

>bro just pointlessly put up with discomfort

>touch eyeball

until you lose them and then youre fucked
also your eyes get worse the more you wear glasses

>Losing glasses

Attached: 211241231.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

>mfw my genetic code has poor eyesight
Even if I get Laser eye surgery, it's still gonna be there lurking.

Attached: 1558036090486.jpg (500x347, 46K)

Lmao those are my frames

>losing glasses
I've worn my glasses for longer than I haven't. Not once have I ever lost a pair of glasses. Sometimes I've had them damaged due to an accident, but never lost them. If you lose a pair of prescription glasses, chances are you're a retard of some sort.

>also your eyes get worse the more you wear glasses
this is straight-up just a smoothbrain myth

Fuck contacts. Glasses or LASIK. Contacts are just a dumb stopgap.

lasik damages they eye. It doesn't fix the actual problem only indirectly corrects it and will give you even worse vision as you get older

Lose them? That's why I have a rubber band behind my head user.

Wearing something to improve vision hurts vision. HURP DE|rp

How do you lose your glasses?

Shut up Velma

Bruh just stab your eyeballs lol

Reminder to clean your fucking glasses.

>Yea Forums is scared to touch their eyeball
Bunch of zoomer cowards.

It offers no advantage over glasses why would I?

No, I just like my glasses.

>no advantage
objectively incorrect. If you play sports or do anything physical it is superior to have contacts then either taking the glasses off or wearing some gay sports glasses. Additionally, you don't have to worry about them falling off or getting smudged.

>If you play sports or do anything physical
Shouldn't you be grabbing some random guy's ass on ?
>you don't have to worry about them falling off or getting smudged
Please take care of your things user.

becuz girls won touch my ppwith glasses

They're blurry and not as clear retard.
I wear contacts when I'm outside bullying kids like you but when I'm doing my coder shit I gotta have my glasses on.
Dumb spic.

>he doesn't look more attractive with glasses on
poor guy

>games will always be filtered through my flawed perception

Attached: 1515003765159.jpg (392x383, 13K)

>not wearing glasses

Attached: DI06ah7UQAAoljL.jpg (674x1200, 108K)

I would fuck Jakey.

>He doesn't have a $1000 pair of Ray Bans
stay poor lol

get lasik you virgins, there's nothing like seeing perfectly without corrective lenses. no limited field of view/ugly look of glasses and no hassle of contacts

Glasses don't look ugly.

im on my computer like 90% of my life
surprised i haven't had to wear onw

>Just get surgery every 20 years when your vision is slightly off
no thanks. Girls have asked me to put the the glasses back on in bed because of how good I look.

you guys at least have photochromic lenses, right?

>also your eyes get worse the more you wear glasses
This a myth. Yes people with glasses generally will require increasingly stronger prescriptions over the years, but the treatment is not the cause

>wearing photochromic lenses
i hope for your sake that you're still in middle school

oh no...

Top tier frames coming trough.

Attached: no bottom.jpg (540x300, 12K)

I'd rather get surgery every 20 years than put stupid glasses on and off every time I sleep or shower, be limited in physical activities, not be able to wear sunglasses/goggles, having a large portion of my view be blurry, paying for frames/lenses my whole life, and the countless other problems they bring. not to mention that despite your fantasy, you do look worse with them on

>not wanting a +1 int bonus in real life

That shit was almost 4 times as expensive as regular ones with antireflective coating, fuck no.

>thrust this piece of plasting into your eye dude
Yeah I think I'll pass.

>lens that small
why? scared of being called a soiboi if you have lens which cover more space?

>every time I sleep or shower
so, twice per day.

>not be able to wear sunglasses/goggles
except you can get prescription both of those

>having a large portion of my view be blurry
side effects from surgery makes that a threat

you literally only have that the first few times you put them in


Attached: 1552132614640.png (479x272, 142K)

>Just got ReLEx Smile surgery done last Monday after having worn glasses for past 15 years.

Eyes still recovering but can already say that it was the best decision of my life.

I do. Best decision in my life desu.

Oh, you can't afford prescription sunglasses?
I just wear contacts when swimming anyway. Wait why the fuck do you need goggles if you don't have contacts? Lol. Are you not used to swimming? I only started wearing goggles once I needed contacts because they look so clowny.

also if anything it's my GF's fantasy. She's the one that prefers I keep them on.

>also if anything it's my GF's fantasy.

>have amblyopia in right eye, glasses dont help
>Cant fully appreciate vidya even with the help of facial funhouse glass fixtures

Attached: 1549138179378.jpg (370x699, 34K)

It's actually true for glasses that have the UV blocking coating. Turns out your corneas need a certain amount of UV to keep their shape. People who spend too much time indoors or with glasses/sunglasses will develop myopia.

>$160 for a full year supply
>good brands are unnoticeable in your eyes
>once you're good at popping them in an out cleaning is a breeze
>instead of horn rimmed bright blue meme glasses you can get different eye color

>People who spend too much time indoors
stop attacking me personally